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高考复习专题之形容词和副词考点一 :形容词和副词的基本意义 考点二 :能对同根词和近义词进行辨析考点三 :形容词作定语时的位置一般情况下,形容词作定语放在被修饰词之前,但在下列情况下,形容词要放在被修饰词之后1 修饰由some- , any- , every- , no-和-body, -thing , -one 等构成的复合不定代词时。 There is nobody absent today . 今天没人缺席. Is there anything wrong with your car ? 你的汽车出什么毛病了吗?2 成对的形容词可以后置 She has many pencils , blue and red . 她有许多铅笔,有蓝的有红的 There was a huge room , simple and beautiful .有一个大房间,简朴而又美丽3 当“形容词+介词/不定式”构成的短语作后置定语时 The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer .老师问了我一个难得无法回答的问题。题组训练 根据提示完成句子(1) I have _ (一些重要的事情) to tell you .(2) People in the village , _ (老的和少的) , men and women , are fond of singing and dancing .考点四:多个形容词作定语时的排序 常见的顺序为:限定词(these/those)+数词(two/three)+描绘行形容词(beautiful/nice)+大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词(large、long、high、round)+新旧(new)+颜色(White)+国籍(Chinese)+材料(wooden)+用途(writing)+被修饰词 歌诀:限定描述大长高,形状年龄与新老; 颜色国籍出材料,用途类别往后靠。 记住歌诀是有必要的,但同时还应多阅读,多体会,增强语感。如: A light blue silk skirt 一条浅蓝色丝裙 The first two paragraphs 最前两段 Some beautiful little red flowers 一些美丽的小红花 题组训练 根据提示完成句子(1) The _ house belongs to me . (white , wooden, little)(2) This _ girl is Lauras friend . (Spanish , little , pretty )考点五:表语形容词 常见的有 afraid , alone , awake , asleep, alive , ashamed , sorry ,sure , certain , likely 等通常作表语,和补足语,有的还可以做后置定语,但不能做前置定语。如: She was the only person awake that night .她是那晚唯一醒着的人。 To my surprise , the driver is still alive .令我惊讶的是,那个司机还活着。考点六:形容词作状语 表伴随或结果,用来补充说明主语的情况或特征。如: He returned home , safe and sound .他回到了家,安然无恙. He is standing there , full of fear . 他站在了那里,充满了恐惧。考点七:副词作状语,修饰形容词、副词、动词或整个句子。一般放在形容词和副词之前,动词之后;作评注性状语时,副词置于句首,修饰全句。如: Fortunately , he was not drowned.幸运的是,他没有被淹死。 Obviously , your answer was wrong .显然,你的答案是错误的。 Strangely enough , they won the game . 真奇怪,他们赢得了这场比赛。考点八:形容词和副词的比较级 单音节或双音节的形容词或副词的比较级一般在其后加er ; 多音节的形容词或副词的比较级一般在其前加more (一)平级比较 1 as +. + as 如 He can run as fast as a horse . He is as old as Lily . He is as good a worker as Tom . 否定形式 He is not as/so tall as Lily . 2 as +形容词+as +数量词= 数量词+形容词 如 The building is as tall as 100meters . = The building is 100meters tall . 注意:有些看似是同等程度的比较结构,但实际上它们是一些固定的习惯用语,常见的有: as long as 只要 ; as soon as 一.就.; as well as 既。又; as good as与.几乎一样;几乎;简直 as far as sb be concerned 就某人而言 (二) 比较级 基本结构:比较级+than 1 比较级常见的修饰语有:rather , much , even , far , still , a lot , by far ,a great deal , a little ,any 等 。 如 : The students work even harder than before . 2 “ the +比较级., the +比较级.” 表示“越.越.” The more tickets you sell , the more money you will get . 3 “比较级+and +比较级” 表示“越来越.” Our country is becoming stronger and stronger . 我们的国家变的越来越强大了。 4 “the +比较级 +of the two +复数名词”表示“两个.中比较.的”. The taller of the two boys is my brother . 5 用介词by 表示相差的程度.如: She is taller than I by three inches . 她比我高三英寸=She is three inches taller than I . 注意 比较的对象应该相同,但同时还不能相互包含。 The climate here is warmer than that of Shanghai .这里的气候比上海暖和。 China is larger than any other country in Asia . 中国比亚洲任何别的国家都要大。 考点九:形容词和副词的最高级 ;单音节或双音节的形容词或副词的比较级一般在其后加est ; 多音节的形容词或副词的比较级一般在其前加most;形容词最高级前一定要加定冠词the,副词最高级前的定冠词可以省略。 1 最高级的修饰语常见的有: 序数词, by far ,nearly , almost , not really , by no means 等 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China .黄河是中国第二长河 2 否定词+比较级=最高级 He has never spent a more worrying day . 他度过了最担心的一天。考点十:倍数的表达法 表示倍数的几个常见句型 1 .倍数+as +原级+as . 2 .倍数+比较级+than. 3 .倍数+the +性质名词(size/weight/height/depth/length)+of . 4 The +名词+be +.倍数+that/those of .如 这个房子是那所房子的三倍大 The house is three times as big as that one . = The house is twice bigger than that one . = The house is three times the size of that one . = The size of the house is three times that of that one .题组训练 句型转换 The road is 4 times as long as that one . = The road is 4 times _ _ of that one .= The road is 3 times _ _ that one . = The length of this road is 4 times _ of that one .考点十一:most 作为最高级和普通副词 The problem is the most difficult one of all . 这个问题是所有问题中最难的。 (最高级) It was a most difficult problem . 这是一个很难得问题。(most=very)考点十二:一些特殊的形容词和副词 1 有些词后虽以ly 结尾,但是它们是形容词,而非副词。常见的有: friendly友好的 ,lovely可爱的 , orderly有序的,brotherly兄弟般的,deadly致命的,彻底的,silly傻的, sickly不健康的,不健全的,likely 可能的 lively , 精力充沛的,lonely孤独的,偏僻的 2 hard/ hardly hard作形容词时,意思是“艰苦的;艰难的;困难的;努力的”如 It is a hard time . 作副词表示“努力”,如: work /study hard 努力工作/学习 。 hardly 只能作副词 , 意思是“几乎不”如 He hardly studied .他几乎不学习。 3 修饰人口(population)、数量(quantity)、数目(number)只能用large或small ; 修饰价格(price)只能用 high或low


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