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M7 Unit 11. ambition n雄心,野心,抱负adj.有抱负的,有野心的实现抱负有做的抱负(1)他一直未能实现学艺术的梦想。He never _ to study art.(2)根深叶才茂,志壮干劲高。A deeprooted tree is leafy; an _ man is vigorous. (3)作为一名女新闻工作者,她渴望取得成就。She is _ as a female journalist.2. suitable adj. 适合的adj.不适合的n制服 v适合适合做某事适合某人(1)良好的学校环境正适合学生学习。A good school surrounding_for students_(2)学生们适合在校穿校服。Students_school uniform at school.(3)中学生不宜带手机进教室。Middle school students_mobile phone into classroom.(4)他适合去农村工作。He_in the countryside.3. beneficial adj.(helpful,useful ) 有益的,有利的 有益于,使受益得益,受惠 对有利为了的利益做很有作用/好处 (1)我希望你的假期会对你有益。I hope your holiday will be _.(2)早睡早起有益健康。(一句多译)_(3)Both sides have _ (获益)the talks.(4)The development of highway _(对我们有益)(5)He is showing off _(为他前途的利益)4in other words thats to say 换句话说总而言之与某人交谈与某人吵架信守诺言用上述词组完成下面的小段落。Joe doesnt like being kept waiting,(1) _,he always(2) _and does something on time.In addition,hes outgoing and easygoing. When free,hed like to (3) _face to face,and never(4) _.(5) _,all of his friends like him as he can get on well with everyone around him.5. adapt vi.& vt. 适应,使适应,使适合;改编或改写(稿本)等适应某物 (to 是介词)使适应(to 是介词)根据将改编成根据改编完成下列句子。(1)These styles _(可以加以更改) to suit individual tastes.(2)You must learn to _(适应你的新数学老师的教学方法)(3)This novel _(已改编成电影) from the French original(原著)6. annoy sb. 使恼怒,使生气某事令人心烦/愤怒/生气对某人恼怒/生气因某事生气/恼怒(1)他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。His mother was_for being so rude to their neighbors.(2)他用这种不礼貌的态度对待老朋友,我们都感到气愤。We were_at his impolite treatment of his old friends.(3)她居然连谢谢都没说,我真的有些生气。It really_that she didnt even say thank you.7. make fun of 取笑,嘲笑play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人for fun 开玩笑地,不是认真地 have fun 玩得开心what fun 多么开心,多么有趣(1)We _(不能取笑汤姆) who is not as smart as us. (2)Nobody likes _(被嘲笑)(3)_ (多有趣啊) it is to jump into rivers or lakes in the hot summer.(4)Dont be so serious.I just did it _(开玩笑)一、单项填空( )1. Nobody wants to_ especially in public.A. make fun of B. be made fun of C. making fun of D. made fun of ( )2. Mr President, do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials? To tell you the truth , 1 hope they can do whatever_ their interests.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. needs( )3. I went there yesterday_ to see my uncle.A. special B. especially C. specially D. especial ( )4. My friend, David, was not used _ by air, so he felt unwell.A. to traveling B. to travel C. traveling D. travel ( )5. I m sorry, but I didnt mean_ out your secret.But you know, letting out ones secret means_ one s feelings.A. to let; to hurt B. letting; hurting C. to let; hurting D. letting; to hurt ( )6. The small factories_ from the fall of the prices.A. benefited B. benefited C. benefited to D. benefited in ( )7. You should try to _ new circumstances as quickly as you canA. fit B. suit C. adapt D. adapt to( )8. When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we were all _.A. out of the breath B. short of the breath C. out of breath D. short of breaths ( )9. I was very_ to find that the cinema was not accessible to the elderly or people in wheelchairs.A. annoyed B. annoying C. annoy D. annoyance ( )10. Once or twice he has had difficulty making decision on his own, but_ he is an independent man.A. in all B. in word C. all in all D. word in word( )11. Youd better resign yourself_.A. to wait B. wait C. to waiting D. waiting( )12. I wondered what difficulty he had _ the plan?A. to carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. with carrying out( )13. He has been absent _ class for quite a long time.A. in B. for C. with D. from( )14.Id also like to _ you on your good work in these two years.A. congratulate B. celebrate C. wish D. hope( )15. Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didnt _.A. get it B. make it C. arrive it D. do it动词不定式不定式在句子中充当不同成分一,主语To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time. (L29)It is difficult to know what the future holds. (L13)单个不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数若不定式太长,往往用it作形式主语,不定式置后.To see is to believe.It is difficult for him to travel alone.It is brave of him to travel alone.二,表语My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software. (24)Your task is to clean the classroom.注意:不定式做表语与表将来时的区别不定式做表语说明主语的内容将来时(be to do sth.)表按计划安排将发生的动作The government is to rebuild the city next year.三,宾语I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. (L5)A big company has decided to buy it from me. (L26)Then I started to get weaker and weaker. (L9)1. 后接不定式作宾语的动词:want, hope, plan, manage, refuse, decide, pretend, agree, afford, attempt, tend, expect, fail, learn等2. 既可以接不定式也可以接V-ing形式作宾语的动词:start, begin, go on, like, love, hate, prefer, remember, forget, stop, try, mean, regret3. it 作形式宾语 (think/ consider/ feel/ find/ make it n./ adj. for sb. to do sth.)I think it necessary for you to talk to him again.四宾补My disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically. (L33)1. 结构 动+宾语+(to) do2. 后接to do作宾补的动词:ask, tell, warn, allow, permit, force, want, persuade, wish等3. 后接(to) do 作宾补的动词感官动词:五看 watch, look at, see, observe, notice 二听 hear, listen to 一感觉 feel 三使make, have, let一帮助helpI saw the boy fall from the tree.His parents made him stay at home the whole afternoon.注意:(1). 用被动语态时,to不能省略The boy was seen to fall from the tree.He was made to stay at home the whole afternoon by his parents.(2). 不定式动词在介词but,except,besides 后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词 do的某种形式,那么,这些介词后的不定式不带to,否则要带to。She could do nothing but cryWhat do you like to do besides swim?I have no choice but to wait. 五,定语I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. (L27)If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this. (L34)Give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. (L37)I have something to say.We have no time to waste.常用句型:the+序数词/形容词或副词最高级/next/only/right+名词+to doHe is always the first student to come to the classroom.注意:(1)作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词,且不能省略。She is looking for a room to live inThere is nothing to worry aboutPlease give me a knife to cut with(2)当作定语的不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式既可以用主动语态,也可用被动语态,但意义有所不同。试比较:Have you anything to send?Have you anything to be sent?六,状语I was too weak to go to school.(L16)I have to work hard to live a normal life. (L34)作状语表示目的或结果不定式作状语常用结构in order to / so as to , too.to, enough to , only to , so as toThey harried to school, only to find nobody there.He spoke so slowly as to make himself understood.七,动词不定式的其他形式1. 否定式:在to do 前加not/never He pretended not to see me.2. 完成式(to have done)表动作发生在谓语动作之前She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record. (P1)1). 可接to have done的动词:seem, appear, happen, proved, pretend等She seems not to have prepared for the exam.2). 可接to have done 的形容词:happy, sad, disappointed, satisfied, likely, surprised 等She is happy to have adapted to her new school.3). 用to have done的句式:主语+be said/ reported/ thoughtto have doneThe prisoners is said to have escaped.1. 进行式 (to be doing)表示动作与谓语动作同时发生The boy pretended to be sleeping when his father came in.八. “疑问词+不定式”的结构,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语I dont know where to find him.What to do next is still unknown.九. 独立结构To be honest, I dont agree with you.类似的结:to be frank, to tell the truth,to begin with(首先), to be brief(简言之), to make a long story short(长话短说), to be exact(精确地说), to conclude(总而言之), to be sure(诚然、固然)。To tell you the truth, I hate him. 说老实话,我恨他。To be frank, I dont agree with what you said. 坦率地说,我不同意你说的To conclude, you are the last man I want to see in the world.练习 1. The doctor thought would be good for you to have a holiday.A.this B. that C.one D. it2. Simon made a big bamboo box_he little sick bird till it could fly.A.keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 3. The ability an idea is as important as the idea itself. A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed 4. When I returned, mother happened_.A. to be cooking B. cooking C. to be cooked D. having cooked5. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented6. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle.A. ride; ride B. riding ; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride ; riding7. Paul doesnt have to be made _ . He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning8. We agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met9. The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating10. The poor man with his two children _ in the street corner.A. was seen beg B. were seen begging C. was seen begging D. were seen beg11. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying12. Mary was reading a novel, when Tom came in, she stopped _ if she should do something for him.A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. asked13. We can do anything we can _ you catch up with the others.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped14. I have no choice but _ your advice.A. accept B. to accept C. accepting D. accepted15. The water is not fit _.A. to drink B. to be drunk C. drunk D. drinking16. I havent got a seat _.A. to sit B. to sit on C. for sitting D. for sitting on17. - Where is George? He said he would meet me here at three oclock. - He seems _ with Mr. Brown in the office.A. to talk B. to be talking C. to have talked D. Talking18. There seemed to be nothing else to do but _ a doctor.A. to call on B. call for C. send for D. to send19. To know what is good and _ are two different things.A. knowing what is wrong B. do what is right C. to do what is right D. doing what is right20. - Have you any letters _, sir? - No, thanks.A. to type B. to be typed C. to be typing D. typed21. The houses _ are for the teachers and the construction work will start soon.A.built B. to be built C. to built D. being built22. Thirteen people were reported _ in the coal mine accident.A. to have been killed B. having been killed C. having killed D. to be killed23. His speech is well known and it is said _ into several languages.A. to translate B. to be translated C. to have translated D. to have been translated24. Our professor has just come back form abroad. He seems _ his trip very much.A. to enjoy B. to have enjoyed C. to be enjoying D. to have been enjoying25. Little Tom should love _ to the theater this evening.A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking26. There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _.A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which27. We must do whatever we can _ those who are in trouble.A. to help B. help C. helping D. do help28. The question _ next week has something to do with our daily life.A. to be discussed B. to be discussing C. discussed D. being discussed 29. It is careless _ the same mistake in your composition.A. for you to make B. for you making C. of you to make D. of you making30. He said that he hadnt written the composition and that he had nothing _.A. to write B. to write to C. to write about D. write


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