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初中英语集合名词更多知识点关注微信公众平台:菁优英语英语中的集合名词是经常考查的一个考点,它主要涉及集合名词的可数性、单复数意义、主谓一致、恰当的修饰语等。为了便于理解和记忆,我们将一些常考的集合名词分为以下几类,并分别简述其有关用法特点:第一类 形式为单数,但意义可以用为单数或复数 这类集合名词包括family (家庭),team (队),class (班),audience (听众), party,personnel,profession, population,staff,school,team,tribe(部落,部民), union,university等,其用法特点为:若视为整体,表示单数意义;若考虑其个体成员,表示复数意义。比较并体会:His family is large. 他的家是个大家庭。His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他。This class consists of 45 pupils. 这个班由45个学生组成。This class are reading English now. 这个班的学生在读英语。The staff isare hardworkingThe audience were moved to tears第二类 形式为单数,但意义永远为复数 这类集合名词包括cattle(牛,牲畜),people(人),police(警察), clergy,faculty(教职工), herd,mankind,military,militia(民团、民兵),poultry(家禽),swine (猪),vermin,womankind等,其用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。如:People will laugh at you. 人们会笑你的。The police are looking for him. 警察在找他。Many cattle were killed for this. 就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。The policemilitary have surrounded the building【注】people作民族讲时有复数形式。如: There are 56 peoples in China【注】表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形)。如:five head of cattle 5头牛,fifty (head of ) cattle 50头牛第三类 形式为复数,意义也为复数 这类集合名词包括goods(货物), clothes(衣服)等,其用法特点是:只有复数形式(当然也表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语也用复数),但通常不与数词连用。如:Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season. 衣服在雨季不易干。Such clothes are very expensive. 那样的衣服很贵。If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer. 如果货物质量不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。第四类 形式为单数,意义也为单数 这类集合名词包括baggage / luggage(行李), clothing(衣服), furniture(家具), machinery(机器), poetry(诗), scenery(风景), jewelry(珠宝), equipment(设备)等, 其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词),没有复数形式。如:Our clothing protects us from against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。Have you checked all your baggage? 你所有的行李都托运了吗?The thief stole all her jewelry. 小偷把她所有的首饰都偷走了。The hospital has no decent equipment. 这家医院没有像样的设备。【注】machinery, poetry, jewelry, scenery等相应的个体可数名词是 machine, poem, jewel, scene等。如:a poem / a piece of poetry 一首诗many machines / much machinery / many pieces of machinery 许多机器第五类、某些有生命的集合名词,本身无复数形式,其后可跟单复数谓语动词。常见的此类集合名词有:aristocracy,bourgeoisie(资产阶级),church,elite(精英),gentry,intelligentsia(知识分子),laity(外行),livestock, majority,minority,proletariat(无产阶级),offspring,public,swarm,youth等。如:The youth today is are better off than we used to beHer offspring is are like her in every respectThe intelligentsia are hailing Ranson as their spokesman【注】youth除了作集合名词以外,还可以作可数和不可数名词。如:Youth is the time for action;age is the time for reposeSome youths dont like jazz除上面提到的四类集合名词外,以下几个集合名词也应重点注意(因为它们也是常考考点):1. hair(头发,毛发)指全部头发或毛发时,为集合名词(不可数);指几根头发或毛发时,为个体名词(可数)。如:My hair has grown very long. 我的头发已长得很长了。The police found two hairs there. 警察在那儿找到了两根头发。2. mankind(人类)是一个不可数的集合名词,不用复数形式,也不连用冠词。如:This is an invention that benefits mankind. 这是一项造福人类的发明。Mankind has its own problems. 人类有自己的问题。【注】mankind 表示“人(类)”时,虽不可数,但有时却可以表示复数意义,尤其是当其表语是复数时。如:Mankind are intelligent animals. 人是理智的动物。3. fruit(水果)作为集合名词,它通常是不可数的。如:He doesnt eat much fruit. 他不大吃水果。He is growing fruit in the country. 他在乡下种水果。但是,当要表示种类时,它可视为可数名词,即a fruit 指一种水果,fruits 指多种水果。比较:Some fruits have thick skins. 有些水果皮很厚。The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。真 题1(2015黑龙江)How many teachers are there in your school?_ them _ over one hundredA.The number of;is B.The number of;areC.A number of;are2(2015宜宾)Three million _ a large numberYou can make it _A.are;small B.is;smaller C.is;small D.are;smaller3(2014黔西南州)_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachersA.A number of;women B.A number of;womanC.The number of;women D.The number of;woman4(2014黔南州)Which class won the basketball match?_ didA.Class Third B.Class Three C.Third Class D.Three Class答 案1第一题【分析】你的学校有多少个老师?他们的数量是一百多【解答】答案:Athe number of“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数;a number of“大量的;许多的”根据over one hundred可知,要用“的数量”,谓语动词用单数is,故选A2第二题【分析】三百万是一个很大的数字你可以让它缩小一点【解答】答案:B通常来说,一段时间,一笔钱,一段路程,我们会把它看成一个整体,作为单数来处理,所以谓语动词用is;根据前一句三百万是一个很大的数字,让它缩小一点,因此需要运用比较级故选:B3第三题【分析】我们学校的教师数大约是200,四分之一是女老师【解答】答案:Ca number of很多,大量;the number of的数目根据句意可知第一个空说的是学校里老师的数目,故排除A和B;女老师是woman teacher,当时复数形式的时候,两个词都变复数故选C4第四题【分析】根据句意:哪一个班级赢得了篮球比赛?三班赢了【解答】答案:B在英语中,三班译为Class Three,根据句意,故选择:B


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