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外研社六年级英语教案八教学目标熟练掌握laugh cup understand mistake middle 等单词的读法和写法掌握Main sentence patterns 时的用法教学重点熟练掌握重要单词的读法和拼写以及重要短语掌握过去时的用法熟练掌握特殊句型教学难点一般过去时的掌握把握 could couldnt的用法课时安排 4个课时新课讲解【温 故】一、根据括号的提示,完成下列句子。1、Yang Liwei is a famous (飞行员)2、I am going to shopping (中心)with my mother.3、Yaoming is a (著名的) basketball player.4、She likes sing very much ,she wants to (成为) a singer.5、His parents love his (儿子)6、The boy can do everything without any help,so his family (为感到自豪)him .7、Its too late,they must (花费)half an hour fishing all work。8、Shenzhou V (飞入) space with Yang Liwei, in October 2003.9、We stayed three (小时) at home on Sunday.10、This (饭店,餐馆)is comfortable,I often eat in it with my friendship。二、选择正确的单词,用适当形式填空。take spend cost pay 1、This new computer me too much money.2、It him an hour to finish his homework.3、My mother three hundreds yuan for her new cloth.4、Yang Liwei twenty-one hours in space.5、It us too much time to go home yesterday.6、The story book me fifty yuan.7、His sister whole day drawing on weekends.8、I two yuan for this pen.三、按要求写单词。one(序数词) third(基数词) five(序数词) twentieth(基数词) two(序数词) sixth(基数词) four(序数词) twenty-two(序数词) eleventh(基数词)six(序数词) eight(序数词) nine (序数词)eleven(序数词) seven( 序数词) twelve(序数词)四、默写十到100的基数词(进率为十)。五、回顾并完成短文。My father ,Yang Liwei, is 168cm tall. He is a (飞行员)and now he is very (出名的).In October 2003, she (go) to Jiuquan Space Centre. He (fly)into space in (space). He (spend) about twenty-one (hour)in space My mother and I (see) my father (在上) TV .He (make) a video. Then he (come)back to China and he flew to Beijing. That day ,I went to the airport .My mother went too. We saw my father .We are very happy. He was happy, too.We (eat) in the restaurant. Then we went home .It (be)great day.六、按要求完成句子。1) (30与20的和是多少)That comes to fifty.2) Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 83555723.3) (现在几点了)Its half past nine. 4) do you usually get up ? six thirty-five.5) do you live? I live at No.48 Renmin Road.6) (你多少岁了) Im twelve. 7) (价格多少)? It costs 50 yuan.8) How (manymuch) cars have you got? I have got 6 cars.9) How many birds can you see in the tree? I can see 3.10) floor do you live on? I live on the fifth floor.11) (对不起,打扰一下!你能告诉我去超市的路吗) Yes, go down this street, then turn left at the third crossing. 七、用be动词的正确形式填空。(1) There some ducks in the river.(2) There will a bigger supermarket near my home.(3) I want to buy some books ,but there too much money .(4) There an English book and five pens on the desk.(5) there much time to do it by myself?(6) There two tall trees in front of my home, but they are cut down now.(7) There some boys and a teacher in the classroom.(8) There enough food,you must buy some food from supermarket.(9) there some red and big apples on the tree?(10) There a building last year.【知 新】Words and Phraseborn child as later drew letter herself mode world learnhappen horse blind deaf heartalk speak live studyfactory hospital park house library museum office farm post office squarepolice station train station sports stadium supermarketstore school classroom house waiting-roomliving-room sitting-room bedroom kitchen officegarden department store bathroom bankgo all over world be born in try (tried) hard first word tell story wrote a book about herselfright away try your best studylearn hardput into put on put away put down at the beginning of at the end of at the weekend in front of in the front of in the middle of next to at the gate of on the floor on the ( ) floor on the ground floor at home at school over there in the sunSentences:特殊疑问词what 什么where 哪里when 什么时候=what timewho 谁whose 谁的why 为什么which 哪一个how 怎样What is his name? When was he born? Where was he born? What happened to him? What did he learn to do? Why is he famous?Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. As a small child, she became blind and deaf .She couldnt see and she couldnt hear. Later, Helen Keller had a teacher .The teacher drew letters in Helens hand .Helen learned to speak.Later she learned to read .She could also write.She wrote a book about herself .She went to all over the world.And she lived to be 87.Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me .反身代词 人称 单数 复数第一人称 myself ourselves第二人称 yourself yourselveshimself第三人称 herself themselves itselfhow long, how often, how soon的辨析 how long指多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问?如:How long ago was it? 这是多久前的事了? how often指每隔多久,主要用来对频率副词或状语(如once a week等)提问?如:How often does he come here? Once a month. 他(每隔)多久来一次?每月一次? how soon指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问?如:How soon can you come? 你多快能赶来?speak, say, talk, tell的区别这四个动词都有“说”的意思.speak的意思是“讲话;演讲”,着重指说话的动作,指开口说或连续不断地说,多用作不及物动词;用作及物动词时,其宾语是语言名称?如:He can speak Japanese. 他会说日语? say的意思是“说;讲”,一般用作及物动词,着重指说话的内容?它的宾语可以是名词?代词或直接引语等?如:She says, “Dont draw on the wall!”她说:“别在墙上画画!” talk的意思是“说;讲;谈话”,与speak意义比较接近,但不如speak正式,着重强调两人之间的相互谈话,也可指单方面的谈话?如:She is talking with John in English.她正在和约翰用英语交谈? tell意为“告诉;讲述;吩咐”,多指以口头方式将某事告诉某人,常接双宾语?除了story, news, truth, joke, lie(谎言)等直接宾语外,还可以接人等间接宾语?如:She is telling the children a story.她正在给孩子们讲故事?festivals : New Years Day, Spring Festival, Womens Day, April foolish Day, May Day, Mothers Day, Childrens Day, Fathers Day, Partys Day, Armys Day, Mid-autumn Festival, Teachers Day , National Day, Thanks Giving Day, Christmas Day.New Years Day: 1st January.Spring Festival: Its the Chinese New Year. Its the first day of the Chinese year. Its a very special festival for all Chinese people. It is usually at the end of January or the beginning of February /in late January or early February. The children can get “lucky money”.Womens Day: Its on 8th March.April Foolish Day: on 1st April, on this day, people can play jokes to their friends.May Day: 1st May, laborers day.Mothers Day: on the second Sunday of May.Childrens Day: on June 1st.Fathers Day: on the third Sunday in June.Partys birthday: in China, its on 1st July.Armys Day: in China, its on 1st August.Mid-autumn Festival: on 15th August of Chinese lunar calendar. In China , people eat special cakes calls moon cakes and watch the full moon.Teachers Day: on 10th September.National Day: in China, its at the beginning of October.Thanks Giving Day: the last Thursday in November, its American festival.Christmas Day: December 25th. 活学巧练1、根据括号内的提示,完成练习。When were you (出生)?I was born in 2002.There are many (小孩子)in the park“A” is a (字母)She was a teacher when she was thirty years old, (后来),she became a writer.Look ! she is (画画) carefully.Spring is coming , we can see all kinds of follows (到处).She can do everything by (她自己).2、用人称代词的正确形式填空。When I was a kid,I can wash clothes by He saw in the mirror(镜子).Lucy said to ,“where am I ?”He is (我们的) English teacher,he teach English.I want to the supermarket .Do you cook by ?3、选择最佳答案。how long how often how soon1) can they come back?About half an hour2) do you go to swimming in summer?Once a week.3) does it take from your home to school?It usually takes twenty minutes.4) will the airplane take off ?It will take off at7 oclock this morning.5) must they finish their work?On the last day this weekend.6) does it take him to work it out?Its about ten minutes ,he thinks it is very difficult.7) do you visit your parents?I visit them every week.

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