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【句型、词组精讲】Words and Expressions1. Excuse, me. / Im sorry. 这两个句子是会话时常用客套语。1)Excuse me. 表示“劳驾”,“请问”,“请原谅”,“对不起”,“打扰一下”等意思,多用于句首,主要用于在请求别人帮忙时用。如:Excuse me, is this watch yours? Excuse me. How can I get to the station? 2)Im sorry. 或Sorry. 一般用于听到别人的不幸或做了对不起别人的事情表示遗憾或向其道歉,或不能够给对方提供信息或帮助时的场合。如: Im sorry Im late. Im sorry to hear your mother is ill. Sorry, I cant go with you. Sorry, I wont do that again. 2. its / its 1)its是it is的缩写形式,意思是“那是”。2) its是it的物主代词,具有形容词的性质,作定语,意思是“它的”。如:This is a bird. Its name is Polly. 这是一只鸟,它的名字叫波莉。Its a cat. Can you spell its name? 那是一只猫,你能拼出它的名字吗?3. listen/ hear 1)listen意为“听”,强调听的动作,当后接听的对象时要加to。如:Listen! Who is talking? 听!谁在讲话?Were listening to the teacher. 我们正在听老师讲课。2)hear意为“听到”,强调听的结果。如:Im listening to the teacher, but I cant hear him. 我正在听老师讲课,但我听不见他讲的话。4. notat all/ Not at all 1) notat all意为“根本不,一点也不”,not放在助动词之后。如:He doesnt study hard at all. 他学习一点也不认真。2) Not at all. 意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,回答对方的感谢、道歉时用语。如:“Thank you very much.” “Not at all.” “非常感谢。”“不用谢。”5. speak/ say / tell/ talk 这四个词都有“说”之意。1)speak强调说话的能力和方式,后常接说的某种语言。如:Do you speak English? 你讲英语?2)say强调说的内容。如:What is he saying? 他在说什么?3)tell意为“告诉”,后常接双宾语或复合宾语。如:Let me tell you a story. 让我给你们讲个故事吧。 The teacher often tells us to study hard. 老师经常叫我们努力学习。4)talk为不及物动词,构成短语talk with, talk to, talk about等。如:What are they talking about? 他们正在谈论什么?6. old/ age old(指年龄),表示“岁的”意思,常和how 一起构成疑问句。如:How old are you? 你多大?age是“年龄”的意思,通常和what一起构成特殊疑问句。如:What age is he? 或Whats his age? 他多大了?Old people aged people 介词+名词归纳1in+语言:表示用什么语言或用什么语言说(或写)。如:Whats this in English? He is writing a letter to his father in Chinese. 2in pairs意为“成双地”,“成对地”,“两人一组”。如:Please ask and answer in pairs. 3in the wall 表示在墙里面。如:There is a hole in the wall. 如果表示在墙的表面或墙上,用on the wall。如:She put a map of China on the wall. 4at work意为“在工作”,work前不加the。类似这样的词组还有at home(在家),at school(上学),at table(就餐)等。5by+交通工具:表示“乘”。如:by bike= on the bikeby train= on the train, by boat= on the boat by plane / air = on the plane, by ship/sea= on the ship by car = in the car, by bus =in the bus等。但:步行则用on foot来表达。6on ones way表示“在去的途中”。如:He found a dog walking in the street on his way home. on ones way to school 在某人上学的途中on ones way back 在某人返回的途中7on duty表示“值日”。如:Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日?I am on duty. 我值日。动词+介词&副词结构1动词+介词结构。这类词组无论其宾语是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如:look after= take care of 照看,照料 look like 看上去像look at 看be worried about 对担忧come from =be from 来自 get to 到达 work on 从事,操作 turn on(off)打开,(关掉) come into 进入2动词+副词结构这类词组后接宾语时,宾语如果是名词既可放在动词与副词之间,也可放在副词之后;如果是人称代词,多放在动词和副词之间。如:hand up 举起手来 put on 穿上;挂上(贴上) take off 脱掉 put away 把放好;把收起来There be和to have句型这两个句型都表示“有”的意思。There be表示“存在”的关系,to have侧重“所属关系”。如:There are forty students in our class. We have a happy family. 使用There be和to have句型时还应注意以下几点:1There be句型中的就近一致原则。即be的形式与靠近它的主语一致。如:There is a table and two chairs in the room. There are four chairs and a table in the room. 2就There be句型中的主语提问时,往往把there这个引导词省掉。如:There is a book on the desk. (就划线部分提问)Whats on the desk? 3当表示某物属于另一物中不可分割的一部分时,往往用to have句型。如:桌子有四条腿。The table has four legs. 4美国英语常用have got表示“有”。如:They have got an English-Chinese dictionary.二考试热点1人称代词和物主代词的运用2疑问词的正确运用。3be与主语的数的一致性4介词的常见用法5人称代词的主格和宾格6现在进行时和一般现在时。主要题型有用所给词的适当形式填空、交际运用。7交际运用三重、难点突破1代词的正确运用,疑问词的运用及be的使用。在运用代词时,我们应从所替代名词的数、性别着手,并根据它在句中的位置来确定是主格还是宾格,是用名词性物主代词还是形容词性物主代词具体来说,在主语的位置用主格;在动词、介词或副词后作宾语时,要用宾格而形容词性物主代词后面要带名词2疑问词的使用则要根据疑问词能作什么成分,是问时间、地点,颜色,人还是物等以及其答语来做出选择3be的使用要看主语是单数名词、不可数名词、还是复数名词来确定。主要题型有用所给词的适当形式填空、交际运用。4正确区分可数名词和不可数名词十分重要。不可数名词作主语时,谓语要用单数,而可数名词又有单复数之分。一般地,many、a fewfew只修饰可数名词,much、a littlelittle只修饰不可数名词,而some、any、a lot of、lots“两者均可修饰。5现在进行时的使用关键在于其构成和依其常用的时态标志词,如look、listen,now等来判断一般现在时的难点在其疑问、否定的变化和当主语为单数第三人称时其谓语动词的变化。现在以work为例来看看一般现在时的句式变化规律。He works every dayHe doesnt work every dayDoes he work every day?即一般变化规律(注意:谓语动词为行为动词或连系动词时;be型不在此例)主语+谓语十其他否定,主语+dontdoesnt+谓语动词原形+其他疑问:DoDoes主语+谓语动词原形+其他?总之,这两种时态的正确使用关键在于用法和常用时间状语。四典型例题【考题导析】例1 语音题:选出划线部分的读音与其他三个划线部分读音不同的单词。 (1)A. lake B. cat C. take D. cake (2)A. bed B. desk C. she D. let (3)A. fish B. fine C. nice D.time (4)A. box B. hot C. shop D. home分析:此题考查元音字母在重读开音节、闭音节中的读音。关键之处是学生对重读开音节、闭音节要了解。(1)小题的A、B、C、D中只有B是闭音节,a发 音,其余都是开音节,a发ei音。(2)小题C为开音节,e发i:音,其余都是闭音节,e发e音。(3)小题A为闭音节,i发i音,其余都是开音节,i发ai音。(4)小题D为开音节,o发 音,其余都是闭音节,。发 音。 例2 选择填空 A. _ pencil-box is this, Patrick? B. Its _. A. Whose, mine B. Whos, mine C. Whose, my D. Whos my 分析:此题考查疑问词的正确使用及两种物主代词的用法。首先要分清Whose 与Whos的读音相同,但含义不同。Whose“谁的”Who“是谁”“谁是”根据题意,询问“铅笔盒是谁的?”那么答案从A和C中选择。而形容词性的物主代词要用于名词之前,名词性物主代词相当于一个形容词性的物主代词和名词,故此题答案为A。 例3 I found the bottle in _ room. A. Sara and Kate B. Saras and Kates C. Saras and Kate D. Sara and Kates分析:此题考查名词所有格。英语中表示所属,在人名后加上s,但两人共有一物,只在最后一人名后加s。故此题答案为D。例4 Jack and Tom are _. A. good friends B .good friend C. a good friend D. good a friend 分析:此题考查名词的数与be动词的一致性。Jack和Tom是两人,谓语是are, 故朋友“friend”一词应加s,所以答案为A。例5 1)Whos that? _. A. Im Tom speaking B. My name is Tom C. Tom speak D. This is Tom speaking2)_? This is Mr. Smith speaking now. A. Who are you B. Whos that C. Who are you calling D. What do you want to say分析:此两题考查英语打电话的交际用语。打电话中问对方是谁,要说“Whos that?”,不能说“Who are you?”。而回答“我是”要说This is, 不能说I am。故答案为1) D 2) B。 例6 Lily, its Lindas birthday tomorrow. Oh yes. I will buy _ a big birthday cake. A. him B. you C. her D. it分析:此题考查人称代词的正确使用。根据语境分析,准备给Linda买蛋糕,由于Linda是女孩的名字,故要用“她”一词来代替,而用于动词后的人称代词要用宾格,所以正确答案为C。 例7 Is this cake for_? A. I B. my C. me D. mine分析:此题同样考查人称代词用于介词之后应用宾格这一用法,所以C答案为正确的。例8 Listen! Someone_ in the next room. A. cry B. is crying C. are crying D. crying分析:此题有一关键词listen,提示此处应用现在进行时态填空。而Someone作主语时,谓语用单数形式,故答案为B。 例9 How many _ do you want? A. glasses of milk B. glass of milks C. glasses of milks D. milks分析:此题有两处应该注意:一是不可数名词无复数形式;二是How many与可数名词的复数形式搭配。所以此题正确答案为A。 例10 There _ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk. A. is a B. are some C. has a D. have some分析:英语中“有”可以用there be结构和have/has,但两者用法不同。there be表示存在有,即“某地有”;而have/ has表示所有,即“某人(物)有”。此题的on the desk表明某地有,C、D则不能选。而根据there be句型中主谓一致、就近的原则,pencil-box没有用复数形式。故答案选A。例11 Thatscoat. Its A. yours,Toms B. your, Tom,x C your,Tom D. yours,Tom分析:此题考查代词和名词所有格的用法。名词性物主代词相当于一个形容词性物主代词加上一个名词,故由第一空可排除A、D两项,又由句竟“它是汤姆的上衣”知,应选B解后反思 根据句意和所处位置来确定代词是解题的关键。例12 一This is a photo of when they were young 一OK,how happy they both looked Amy father and mother B. my mother and fathers Cmy mothers and fathers D. my fathers and my mother分析:此题考查名词的所有格,A、D不合所有格用法,故可以排除。又由题意可知这张相片是共有的,故选B解后反思 英语中名词表示所属,在人名后加s,如两人共有一物,则在最后一人名后加s,若为两人各自所有的,则在两人名后分别加s例13 - Where my money?I cant find it. Look! some money under your chair A. There has B. There are C There is D lts分析: 此题显然考查there be句型。there be句型中be的数要采取就近原则,即be的效由离它最近的主语来决定,本题主语some money是不可数名词,故谓语要用单数,所以选C,解后反思 在there be句型中不会出现have的各种形式。例14 Can I get you a drink? Thats very nice of you. Ive already got_. A. it B. one C. that D. this分析:此题考查这四个指示代词的用法。当被替代的名词前有修饰语时,要用one或ones。当替代不可数名词时不能用one,只用that。而it替代同类事物中的同一件事物。this是近指,往往替代即将要说的,且that,this,it前均不带修饰语,故此题选B。例15 Im thirstyI want to buy A. two bottles of oranges B. two bottles of orange C. two bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of orange分析:此题考查不可敷名词的计量表达法。oranges是橘子之意,显然与thirsty不符,故A、C可排除,D也不行,选B。解后反思 orange是多义词,当“橘汁”讲时,是不可数名词,当“橘子”讲是可数名词不可数名词的量化常用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”结构,当数量超过一时,量词应用复数,如本题B例16 Look! The boys happily in the river A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. are swimming分析:此题考查谓语的时态。由look这一关键词可知,此处应用现在进行时,故答案为D解后反思 谓语动词的时态是由时间状语、暗示词或上下文来确定的,它的数由主语决定。所以,做这种题,要纵观全局。例17 Kate has lost keys,so she asks for helpA. her,mine B. hers,me C。hers,I D. her,me分析:此题考查代词的用法。由前空所处位置知该空应填形容词性物主代词,而后句意为“她向寻求帮助”即asks sb. for help。故后空应填代词宾格。故选D,解后反思 作宾语的代词要用宾格,而作定语的代词要用形容词性物主代词。【正误例析】1那个男孩是谁?误:Whose that boy? 正:Whos that boy? 析:whose和whos虽然发音一样,但在句子中的功能却大不相同。前者表示“谁的”,作定语用,后者表示“是谁”,是系表结构。(有时whos也可作主谓结构)。如:Whose book is this? Whos that girl over there? Whos talking in the next room? 2这条裤子是我的。误:This trouser is mine. 正:This pair of trousers is mine. & The trousers are mine. 析:某物如果是由两个对称的部分组成的,该物应用复数形式。如shoes, glasses, compasses(圆规)等。如果表示“一条,一双,一副”等时,往往用a(this, that)pair of+该物。这一结构作主语时谓语动词用单数。如果前面与物主代词或名词所有格连用作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:That pair of glasses is hers. My shoes are black. 3请把你的自行车借给我。误:Please borrow your bike to me. 正:Please lend your bike to me. & Please lend me your bike. 析:lend sth. to sb. / lend sb. sth.意为“把某物借给某人”,即从物主那儿借出去。borrow sth. from sb.意为“从某人那儿借来某物”。五强化训练I单词拼写A)按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。1. family(复数) _ 2. my(名词性物主代词)_3. swim(现在分词)_ 4. meet(同音词)_5. short(反义词)_ 6. study(第三人称单数)_7. friend (形容词) _ 8. question(同义词)_9. they(宾格)_ 10. boys(所有格形式)_B)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词11. The bottle is e_. I want a full one. 12. In the classroom there are many pictures on the t _desk. 13. May I borrow your dictionary? Of c_. Here you are. 14. He likes t_ by train, because its cheap and safe. 15. Tom is at the door of the classroom. But it is l_. He cant open it. C)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16. Li Ning can speak_(English). 17. There are three _ (knife) on the table. 18. Were doing _ (we) homework at home. 19. The school gate is _ (close) now. 20. You can eat_ (difference) kinds of food in that restaurant. II选择填空21. _ girl has _ apple. _ apple is big and red. A. An, an, The B. The, an, The C. A, a, An D. The, an, An 22. These are _ cups. _ are over there. A. our, Yours B. yours, Mine C. his, Our D. Their, Your 23. I often go to school_. What about you? I often _ to school. A. by bus, ride a bike B. by a bus, ride a bike C. by a bus, by a bike D. by bus, ride bike 24. This is Lucys pen. Please _. A. give her to it B. give her it C. give it to her D. give it her 25. _ that? I think _ Han Mei. A. Whos, its B. Whose, its C. Whos, its D. Whose, its 26. I have two pens. One is blue, _ is black. A. other B. others C. the other D. another 27. Your English is very good. _. A. Yes, youre right B. Thank you C. Thats right D. No, its not good 28. Your coat is here. Please _. A. put on them B. put them on C. put on it D. put it on 29. _ do you like about Beijing? The people, and the food. A. How B. Where C. Which D. What 30. _ she _ a computer? A. Is, have B. Is, has C. Does, has D. Does, have 31. Lets go and _. A. play football B. play the football C. play a football D. to play football 32. Nice to meet you. _. A. Nice to see you. B. Hello, how are you? C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Thank you very much. 33. Whats wrong _ your bike? Its broken. A. with B. on C. for D. about 34. Its seven oclock. Kate _ supper now. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having 35. Who is the woman in the car? She is _ mother. A. Kates and Marys B. Kate and Marys C. Kate and Mary D. Kates and Mary 36. You like _ basketball. Would you like _ a new one? A. play, buying B. to play, buy C. to play, buying D. playing, to buy 37. _ ? Id like a pair of shoes. Please show me the white pair. A. Can I help you B. What do you do C. What are you doing D. Will you please help me 38. Very nice _ to you. A. talk B. talking C. talks D. to talk 39. What does he _ at the meeting? A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak 40. _? Its five oclock. A. What day is it, please B. Whats the name, please C. Whats the time, please D. Whats this, please III动词应用41. My father _ (get) up at 5:30 every morning. 42. Its time_ (have) classes. Lets go. 43. _ (not be) late for school again. 44. Would you like something _(eat)? 45. I can help you _ (carry) the heavy box. 46. Look! They _ (play) games over there. 47. What _ Wang Fang _ (do)? She is a teacher. 48. What about _ (watch) TV now? 49. There _ (be) an English book and two Chinese books on the desk. 50. How long _ it _ (take) you to get to your home? IV句型转换。51. She does her homework in the evening. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ her homework in the evening?52. There is some milk in the bottle. (改为否定句) There _ _ milk in the bottle. 53. Do they work in a factory? (改为现在进行时) _ they _ in a factory? 54. She often goes to school by bike. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she often go to school? 55. You cant take off your coat. (改为祈使句) _ _ your coat off. 56. Whats your father, Lucy? (改为同义句) What _ your father _, Lucy? 57. The girl behind the house is my sister. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the girl behind the house? 58. Id like an apple.(用an orange改为选择疑问句) _ you like an apple _ an orange? 59. There are some trees near the school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ near the school? 60. Why dont you get up at six in the morning? (改为同义句) _ _ get up at six in the morning? V补全对话A: What are you doing? B: Im looking for my pen. But I _61_ find it. A: You can borrow mine. B: Thanks a lot. But I must _62_ one in the shop. A: _63_ shop? B: The one over there. Could you go with_64_? A: Certainly. B: _65_ can I do for you? A: I want a pen, please. B: OK. _66_ you _67_. A: Thank you. _68_ _69_ is it? B: Its four yuan. Is that_70_? A: Yes. Thank you. Good-bye!B: Bye. VI完形填空。 Mike and Jack are monks(和尚). Mike is short and fat. Jack is tall and thin. They _71_ brothers but they live _72_ same room. Every morning they go out _73_ food. One day, they go out for food very _74_ . They are on a road to a village. There arent any men on the road. They are walking _75_. Suddenly(突然)they stop. There is a comb(梳子)on the road_76_ them. Both of them are running up to it. “I find it first. Its _77_ comb, ” one of them is saying. “No, I find it before you,” _78_ is saying. “Its not yours.” Mike and Jack are sitting _79_ the road. They are quarreling(争吵)about the comb. Morning is up and then comes the afternoon. Theyre still quarreling. A little boy comes up to them and says, “Youre monks. Monks have no hair. Whats the use of the comb _80_ you?” 71.A. dont have B. are going to have C. have not D. arent 72.A. in B. in the C. the D. on 73.A. to B. with C. in D. for 74.A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest 75.A. to B. along C. on D. out 76.A. near B. after C. behind D. in front of 77.A. you B. mine C. my D. yours78.A. other B. the other C. others D. another 79. A. in B. on C. at D. with 80. A. for B. about C. on D. with 强化训练答案:I.1.families 2.mine 3.swimming 4.meat 5.tall/long 6.studies 7.friendly 8.problem 9.them 10.boys 11.empty 12.teachers 13.course 14.traveling 15.locked 16.English 17.knives 18.our 19.closed 20.different II2125 BAACA 2630CBDDD 3135 ACADB 3640DABACIII41.gets 42.to have 43.Dont be 44.to eat 45.carry /to carry 46.are playing 47.does, do 48.watching 49.is 50.does, take IV. 51.Does, do 52.isnt any/ is no 53.Are, working 54.How does 55.Dont take 56.does, do 57.Who is 58.Would, or 59.What is 60.Why not V. 61.cant 62.buy 63.Which 64.me 65.What 66.Here 67.are 68.How 69.much 70.all VI. 7175 DBDAC 7680 DCBBAJUNIOR BOOK II (上)一知识网络【重点内容概要】1形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的基本用法以及比较级和最高级的规则变化和不规则变化。2理解和运用一般讲来时be going to的用法。3提建议的表达方法及答语。4表示需要和询问对方和向对方提出建议。5一般过去时及其一般疑问句的回答。6反义疑问句。7介词in, on, at的用法。8There be结构的一般过去时态。9一般讲来时will的用法。10感叹句。11邀请和应答;打电话;谈论天气、季节;请求许可。【句型、词组精讲】1. May I have a piece of paper, please? 请问,能给我一张纸吗?May I? 是表示请求对方许可的句型,多用于较正式的场合。这个句型的肯定回答:(1) Yes, please (2) Certainly. (3) Of course. (4) Sure. (5) Thats OK/all right. (6) Yes, you may /can. 等。否定回答是:(1) No, you can t. (2) Certainly not. (3) Of course not. 也可婉转地回答:Im sorry, but 或: Im afraid not. 如:ay I borrow your bike ,please ? 我可以借你的自行车吗?Certainly! Here you are. (Sorry .Im using it. )当然可以!给你。(对不起,我正用着。)2. Dont you usually come to school by bike? 难道你通常不是骑自行车上学吗?这是否定疑问句,常用来表示责怪、惊奇、建议等,可译成“难道不吗?”回答时若事实是肯定的用Yes (不),若事实是否定的则用No(是),注意不要受汉语的干扰。如:Arent you a student? 难道你不是个学生吗?Yes, I am. (No, Im not.) 不,我是。(是的,我不是。)3. And the air today is nice and clean. 今天的空气很清新。Nice and 在英语中是个固定结构,意为“很”、“十分”,相当于very 或quite, 其后接形容词或副词,用于加强语气。如:The child is nice and strong .这孩子很强壮。4. few/a few/little/a little few ,a few 用于代替或修饰可数名词;little, a little 用于代替或修饰不可数名词。a few 和a little 的意思是肯定的,表示“一些;有一点儿”;few 和little 的意思是否定的,表示“很少、几乎没有”。5. Why not? 为什么不呢?“Why not+动词原形?”虽然形式上是否定的,但它所表达的含义是肯定的,常用来表示一种建议,语气比较委婉、客气。此句型可看作是“Why dont you?”的省略式。如:Why not have a swim now? (=Why dont you have a swim now?)为什么现在不游泳呢?6. Its time for class. 该上课了。“Its time for” 和“Its time to” 这两个句型都表示“该了”或“是的时候了”。for 后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式, to 后接动词。如:Its time for (to have )lunch .该吃午饭了.7. What about a quarter past two? 两点一刻怎么样?What about? (=How about?)意为“(你认为) 怎么样?“常用于征求意见、询问情况或提出建议。后接名词、代词或动名词。8. Shall we go to the park? 我们去公园去吗?Shall I (we) ? 表示建议征求对方意见,意为“我(们) 好吗?肯定回答多用:(1)Good idea. (2) All right. (3) OK. (4) Yes, please. 等。否定回答多用:(1)No, thanks. (2) No, please dont. (3) No, I dont think等。如:Shall I open the window? 我打开窗户好吗?No, thanks. (All right.) 不用,谢谢。(好吧。)9. Lets make it a little earlier. 让我们早一点吧!(1)Lets是提建议的一种句式,意思是“让我们”,Lets 后接动词原形。肯定回答用Ok! 或All right !等;否定回答则用No, lets.(2)Make it 是习惯用语,it 在这里表示“规定时间”。如:Lets make it half past six. 让我们定在六点半吧。10. in front of/in the front of in front of 意为“在(物体之外的)前边”,而in the front of 意为“在(物体本身的)前部。“表示“在某人前面”要用in front of sb .11. They must keep their hands behind their backs .The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.他们必须把手一直放在背后。班上的其它学生一直闭着眼睛。“keep +宾语+宾补”意为“使保持某种状态”。其形式有:(1) keep +宾补+形容词;(2) keep +宾语+动词ing 形式;(3) keep +宾语+介词短语;(4) keep +宾语副词。如:He kept me waiting for an hour .他让我等了一个小时。12. The eraser goes from one student to anotherfirst one way, then another. 橡皮从一个学生手里传到另一个学生手里先从这边传过去,然后再从那边传过来。(1) fromto从到:,通常与基数词或表示时间、地点的名词以及抽象名词连用。They go to school from Monday to Friday. 他们从这星期一到星期五去上学。 (2) oneanother一个另一个,一个又一个(总数是三个以上)(3) firstthen先后13. find


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