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江苏省常州市 2014高考英语阅读理解、完形填空训练(43)含答案完形填空(1)Loving Kindness Is Twice BlessedI felt gloomy (沮丧的) the other day. The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didnt feel so 1 . As I was sitting at my desk, I 2 it was the birthday of a dear long-time friend a single, middle-aged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loves her 3 . Knowing that she doesnt have family in town, I 4 to give her a call. Sure enough, she was on B-shift, 5 to work late into the evening, and wouldnt have 6 of a birthday this year. As always, 7 , she sounded cheerful and was happy that I 8 . After I hung up, I couldnt 9 the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day. 10 feeling a little gloomy myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed I couldnt shake the thought. I 11 gave in, and that evening set off to the hospital with a card, a cheese cake, and some balloons. My friends grateful smile and joyful surprise 12 me Id done the right thing and were a generous 13 for the little effort it had taken. When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a 14 friend on her birthday, but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared. Making her day had 15 my own! Isnt that the way it is 16 we take the time and make the 17 to do something for someone else? Its like the little saying, “Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives, and him who 18 .”Cheering up people on their birthdays isnt the only thing we can do to make their day. Life constantly presents us with 19 to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to 20 . And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too.1. A. specialB. positiveC. nervousD. proud2. A. explainedB. complained C. rememberedD. informed3. A. familyB. trainingC. workD. school4. A. decidedB. continuedC. agreed D. refused5. A. surprisedB. disappointedC. boredD. prepared6. A. muchB. manyC. littleD. few7. A. though B. besidesC. thereforeD. otherwise8. A. admittedB. calledC. succeededD. apologized9. A. experienceB. imagineC. shakeD. understand10. A. Almost B. EvenC. NeverD. Still11. A. luckilyB. finallyC. unhappilyD. hardly12. A. convincedB. advisedC. promisedD. reminded13. A. responseB. contributionC. reward D. share14. A. carelessB. lonelyC. weakD. curious15. A. troubledB. takenC. wasted D. made16. A. whenB. whereC. whyD. how17. A. suggestionB. friendC. effortD. call18. A. triesB. receivesC. expectsD. cares19. A. opportunitiesB. dreams C. choicesD. regrets20. A. someoneB. somethingC. everyoneD. Everything【解题导语】送人玫瑰,手有余香;帮助别人,快乐自己!帮助别人,使我们得到最美好的祝愿;帮助别人,使他人得到最美丽的微笑。生活让我们手牵手,沐浴在阳光下,帮助别人,快乐自己,让世界充满爱吧!1.【解析】选B。positive意为“乐观的”,此处的didnt feel so positive 与上文的felt gloomy相符。故选B。【解题误区】special特别的; nervous紧张的;proud自豪的,均不符合语境。2.【解析】选C。句意为:当我坐在椅子旁的时候,我记起我亲密的好朋友的生日。remembered 记起,故选C。【解题误区】explained解释; complained 投诉;informed告诉,均不符合当时的情景。3.【解析】选C。从事护士职业30年,很喜欢她自己的工作。work工作。故选C。【解题误区】family家庭; training训练; school学校。此处护士是一种职业,这三项都不符合文意。4.【解析】选A。句意为:了解到她没有家人在镇上,我决定给她打个电话。decided to do决定做某事,故选A.【解题误区】continued 继续;agreed同意做;refused拒绝,都可以和不定式搭配,但不符合文意。5.【解析】选D。句意为:确定无疑地,她是B班,准备工作到深夜。prepared todo准备做某事,故选D。【解题误区】surprised惊讶的;disappointed失望的;bored枯燥的,均与当时的情镜不符。6.【解析】选A。从前一句得知,她要工作到深夜,所以不会有太多的时间过生日。much代词,此处指时间。故选A。【解题误区】many和 few修饰可数名词,不能单独做代词。little为代词,表示几乎没有,但和前面的wouldnt一起表示肯定的意思,与文意相矛盾。7.【解析】选A。根据上下文推出,虽然她没时间自己庆祝生日,但是好朋友打电话庆祝,她会很高兴的。此处though 意为“不过”,表转折,故选A。【解题误区】besides 除之外还有;therefore因此; otherwise否则,均不符合文意。8.【解析】选B。根据前文提到作者决定打电话,后文又提到的挂电话,故选B。【解题误区】admitted 承认;succeeded 成功做某事;apologized道歉,均与文意不符。9.【解析】选C。句意为:我挂断电话之后,她一定会感激我在如此特别的一天给她打电话,这种感觉不会动的。此处shake为动摇,而且根据后面but as the day passed I couldnt shake the thought.故选C。【解题误区】experience经历; imagine想象;understand理解,均不能表达当时作者坚信朋友一定会感激的情感。10. 【解析】选D。句意为:我仍然感觉一点沮丧,努力把它放在脑后。still 仍然,与文章开头相呼应。故选D。【解题误区】其余几项都不能表示作者当时还有一点沮丧。11.【解析】选B。句意为:我最终屈服了,那天晚上,我拿着贺卡、奶酪蛋糕和气球出发去医院。finally最后,此处强调作者虽然还有点沮丧,但最后还是决定给好朋友过生日去。故选B。【解题误区】luckily幸运地;unhappily幸福地;hardly几乎不;均不副词,但不符合语境。12.【解析】选A。作者朋友感激的微笑和那种惊喜让作者相信自己做对了。convinced使相信,故选A。【解题误区】advised建议; promised允诺; reminded提醒;均不能表示作者相信自己做对了。13.【解析】选C。根据前文得知:“她的笑容和惊喜是对我慷慨的回报。”reward 回报,故选C。【解题误区】response反映; contribution贡献;share分享。此处一点努力换得是朋友的高兴,这应该是对“我”的“回报”。14.【解析】选B。作者没有家人在镇里,所以孤独。lonely孤独的,故选B。【解题误区】careless 粗心的;weak 虚弱的;curious好奇的,这几项都不和前文相符。15.【解析】选D。句意为:让她高兴就是让我高兴。此处made my own与make her day 相符合,故选D。【解题误区】其余几项都与make her day 不相符合。16.【解析】选A。句意为:难道那不是一种方式吗?当我们花费时间,努力为其他人做一些事情的时候,(我们也得到了相应的回报)。when当时候,故选A。【解题误区】where 哪里;why为什么; how如何,这三项都不引导条件状语从句,与文意也不符。7. 【解析】选C。make the effort to为固定搭配,表示努力做某事。根据前文作者为朋友庆祝生日得知,应该是为其他人努力做事,故选C。【解题误区】其余几项均不能和the effort to相搭配。18.【解析】选B。句意为:.善良能得到双倍回报。它既祝福给予的人,也祝福得到的人。receives 与 gives 相对应。故选B。【解题误区】其余几项都不能和gives相对应。19.【解析】选A。此处表示生活总是给我们很多机会去采取行动做好事。opportunities机会,故选A。【解题误区】dreams梦想; choices选择; regrets遗憾。此处应是做好事的机会,故这三项都不符合文意。20.【解析】选A。句意为:生活总是提供给我们很多机会采取其他行动或做一件对某个人有重大影响的好事。someone某个人。本文提到作者给他朋友过生日,他朋友应该是“某个人”,故选A。【解题误区】本题易误选C。everyone 每个人。根据常识我们不可能做一件好事对所有人都有影响,故不能选。*结束 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. She was _21_1,316 passengers and a crew of 891. Even _22_ modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a huge ship. At that time, _23_, she was not only the largest ship that had _24_ been built, but was regarded as _25_, for she had sixteen watertight compartments.(轮船的密封舱) Even if two of these were flooded, she _26_ still be able to float. The _27_ sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy _28_ of life. Four days after setting out, _29_ the Titanic was sailing _30_ the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly _31_ by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned _32_ to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, _33_ missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from _34_, and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so _35_ that no one thought that the ship had been _36_. Below, the captain _37_ to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been _38_! The order to _39_ ship was given and hundreds of people jumped into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for _40_, 1,500 lives were lost. 原创,新概念英语3 Lesson 10 The Loss of the Titanic21. A. carryingB. takingC. bringingD. making(原创,考查动词carry 作为“运送”的意思,区别carry 的同义词)22.A. in B. onC. toD. by(原创,考查介词by 作为“依照,按照”)23.A. butB. becauseC. thereforeD. however(原创,考查连词however用法)24.A. onlyB. stillC. everD. even(原创,考查副词ever用法,用在完成时态中)25.A. uncomfortableB. unbearableC. unsinkableD. unbelievable(原创,考查形容词unsinkable 意思“不会沉没的”,根据下文可知)26.A. willB. would C. shouldD. could (原创,考查情态动词would 用法)27.A. tragicB. fortunateC. unsuccessfulD. amusing(原创,考查形容词tragic意思,根据全篇故事可知)28.A. harmB lossC. damageD. suffering(原创,考查名词loss 用法,“损失”)29.A. whenB. whileC. untilD. though(原创,考查连词while 用法)30.A. alongB. overC. onD. across(原创,考查介词across“横穿,穿过”用法)31.A. spottedB. recognizedC. exposedD. uncovered(原创,考查动词spot“发现”)32.A. sharplyB. directlyC. deeplyD. hugely(原创,考查副词sharply “迅速地,突然地”)33.A. suddenlyB. narrowlyC. immediatelyD. slightly(原创,考查副词narrowly“勉强”)34.A. aboveB. underC. besideD. below(原创,考查副词below,根据下文down 可知)35.A. faintB. smallC. slimD. tiny(原创,考查形容词faint“微弱的”,根据上文slight trembling sound 可知)36.A. destroyedB. ruinedC. damagedD. hurt(原创,考查动词damage “部分损坏”)37.A. realizedB. achievedC. confirmedD. proved(原创,考查动词realize“意识到”)38.A. challengedB. protectedC. removedD. flooded(原创,考查动词flood“进水”,根据上文可知,flood作为名词“洪水”学生较熟悉)39.A. abandonB. advanceC. absorbD. absolute (原创,考查动词abandon “遗弃”)40.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. everybodyD. nobody(原创,考查代词everybody, not everybody 部分否定)完型填空:2125 ADDCC 2630 BABBD 3135 AABDA 3640 CADAC*结束3、(2010河北省正定中学三模)When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC for the newsHowever, during the war in Iraq in 2003, many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen who called himself “Salam Pax ” (Salam Pax means peace)Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his websitePaxs online diary was a kind of website known as a “blog”Blogs are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies and other groups of peopleThey are the fastest growing types of website on the InternetA blog differs from a traditional website in several waysMost importantly, it is updated much more regularlyMany blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a dayAlso, most blogs use special software or websites, which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogsThere are many different kinds of blogsThe most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting , with a few comments about each one Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelingsSometimes these blogs can be very personalThere is another kind of blogging, called “moblogging ”, short for “ mobile blogging ”Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the InternetThe use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the InternetMany people were shocked by what the student did, and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schoolsMany people think that as blogs become common, news reporting will rely less on big media companies, and more on ordinary people posting news to the InternetThey think that then the news will be less like a lecture, and more like a conversation, where any one can join in49Which statement about Salam Pax was true? AHe worked for CNNBSalam Pax was not his real name CHe was famous as a host in BBC DHe used a mobile phone for his blog 50What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?ABlogs are updated much more often BBlogs contain links to other websites CBlogs use special softwareDBlogs contain personal information 51According to the passage, which statement about the future is most likely ? In the future Aeveryone will have a blog Blarge media companies will be unnecessary Cpeople will be able to learn the news from other points of view Dblogging technology will be banned 52What is the passage mainly about ? Athe history of the InternetBnew types of mediaCthe war in IraqDthe increase of using computers 3、参考答案-BACB *结束


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