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冀教版九年级上册词组及短语总复习赢得一块金牌_同时_警告某人要做某事_在13 岁时_ 再试两次_尽你所能得快_能够做某事_第一次_据说,听说_放弃_停止做某事_赶上_坚持做某事_轮流做某事_打破一个世界纪录_位于,坐落于_最高的楼房之一_一般水平,平均水平上_如此小的一个动物_越来越流行_单腿站_写下来_一张 的清单_想出_全世界人们_弹吉他_顺便说一下_赚钱_吃的好东西_越,越_为付款_开会_别害怕_处理,对待_有用的东西_支撑_没什么大不了的,没什么严重_叫醒_查找_坐起来_发高烧_收到某人的来信_吃药_一个星期一次_与不同_拥有健康的饮食_代替_由制成的_在的边缘_许多_准许某人做某事_敢做某事_11岁的儿子_看着某人做某事_鼓励某人做某事_充满麻烦(问题)的一生_感冒_在获得成功_呆在床上_生病住院_向学习_因而出名_以(身份)出名_叫某人做某事_犯错误_以开始_开始做某事_树立榜样_举个的例子_如此 以致_献身于_除以外_关心_从事于_和其他人一起_被尊称为_在他的业余时间里_首先_日复一日_给某人做手术_进行急救_在艰苦的环境里_完成做某事_生某人的气_向某人问好_听从我的警告_照顾_小心_足够高_给某人写信_拒绝做某事_不必做某事_假装做某事_带某人去_阻止某人做某事_匆忙,赶时间_决不做某事,千万别做某事_这个问题的答案_扑灭_让独自带呆着_从营救_九年级英语完成句子专练(一)1.令我惊奇的是,他已经改变了他的生活_ my surprise,he has _ _ _ already.2.在最后,全体人员作出了一个艰难的决定。_ _ _ ,the staff made a difficult _.3从今年开始,学生们不再为他们的学习担心了。From this year on students wont _ _ their study _ _.4中国政府要求人们注意保护环境The Chinese government asks people to _ _ _ protecting the environment.5爸爸已经决定戒烟了 Father has _ _ _ _smoking.6. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。_I didnt do well in my lessons, I _ gave up.7. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久? How long did Bob _ the world _ in the long jump?8. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。He couldnt _ _ when he heard the sad news.9. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。The train _ _ when I got to the train station.10. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。 The world will become much more beautiful if everyone _ a contribution to _ the environment.11. 我们应该排队等候上公共汽车。 We should to get to the bus.12. 杰克逊喜欢与别人交朋友。 Jackson likes with others.13. 学生在校时间必须穿校服。Students wear school uniforms school days.14. 上星期天我们玩得很痛快。 15. 到目前为止,这些士兵已经救了一百多人。 _ _, these soldiers have saved more than one hundred people.16. 雨下得这么大,你最好呆在家里。 It is raining hard, and you _ _ at home.17. 我们为中国将主办第29届奥运会而感到自豪。 We _ China which will host the 29th Olympic Games.18. 如果我明天有空,就和你下棋。 If I _ tomorrow, I _ with you.19. 当你学习遇到困难时,请不要放弃。Please _ when you have difficulties in study.20.She (收到来信)her pen friend yesterday.21.All the athletes (对.满意)with the nice service during the Beijing Olympics.22. (到目前为止),many measures have been taken to control the speed of AH1N1.23. After the earthquake ,he left for we chuan as a volunteer _ (而不是) a tourist. 24.You (最好)check over your exam paper carefully before you hand it in .25.为了预防“非典”,我们更应该注意保持干净整洁,除掉陋习。In order to prevent SARS, we should pay _ attention to _ everything clean and tidy and get rid of our _ _. 26开车只需半个小时就可以到达购物中心。Its only half an _ _ to get to the shopping centre.27这个主意听起来不错,我会考虑的。This idea _ _ a good one. I will think about it.28如果马路上没有人行道,你最好靠道路的最右边走。Youd better walk _ _ the right side of the road if there is no pavement.29一旦这件事失去控制,更多的人就会遭殃。Once it is out of control, more people will _ _ trouble.30早饭你想吃什么,鸡蛋、面包还是面条?What would you like to have _ _, eggs, bread or noodles?31展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。The cars _ _ are all made in China.32.请向我们提供一些有关网上购物的信息。Please us some shopping on line.33.数以千计的运动员将参加在济南举办的第十一届全运会。 athletes will in the 11th National Games to be held in Jinan.34.似乎他一生从未勤奋的如此工作过。 seemed he never so hard in his life.35.我们一直同意将会议推迟到明天。We are that the meeting should be till tomorrow. 36.人们将永远记住那个小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。The little girl always her sweet smile, when she was in danger.37.没有你的帮助我们不能完成这项工作。 We cant finish the work _ _ _.38.当礼物打开时,我们就争着谁先来玩。 When the present is open, we _ _ who plays _ it first.39.你收到你父母的来信了吗?Have you _ from your _ ?40.要是你把它丢了的话,你必须赔偿。 _ youve lost it, you must _ _ it.41.机器把不同的金属块连接在一起。 The machine joined the different _ of _ _.(二)1保持环境干净整洁是我们的责任。It is our duty _our _and _.2. 许多鱼死了。Lots of _.3. 她死于癌症。She _cancer.4. 他去世三年了。He _ three years.5. 我猜想我把书忘在图书馆了。 I suppose _ I _my book_ the library.6. 他深信自己会成功。 He _ success.7. 你入团多久了? _ you _ the League?8. 我买这辆小轿车三年了。 _ this car _ three years.9. 当他到达这儿时,会议已开了二十分钟。 When he _,the meeting _ twenty minutes.10. 你借这本书多久了? 已有两天了。_ you _ the book? _two days.11. 我们学校已开办三十年了。Our school _ 30 years.12. 他离开南京已有一个月了。He _ Nanjing _a month.13. 他去上海已有半年了。He _ Shanghai _.14. 我妹妹感冒已有五天了。My sister _ 5 days.15室外有些人在说话._ some people_ the room.16无论何时,只要有人投入垃圾,它就放出一段音乐。_ someone _ some rubbish, it _.17你想什么时间去就什么时间去.You can go _.18. 我发现这家工厂在向附近的河里倾倒废水。I _ the factory _ water _the river _ it.19. 假如每个人都为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好. If _ the _,the world _.20. 战争持续越久,那里的人民受难就越深重。The _ the war _, the _ the people _ suffer.21. 昨晚李平发生了什么事?_ Li Ping last night? 22. 开始工作吧,越快越好。_ your work, _, _.23. 我越想越高兴。The _ I _ it, the _ I _.24. 出去之前,一定注意把门锁好。_the doors are_ you_.25. 你认为我们应该做些什么来改善环境呢?_ do you think we _to_?26.我可以跟校长通话吗?_ I _ the headmaster, please ?27. 我希望尽快见到他。I _ him _.28. 除了我,人人都回来了。_ gone home _.29. 他只想出国生造,别无他求。 He wants _to _ study.30. 我们当中没有人曾到过国外。 _ us _ ever _.31. 他提出要把自行车借给我。 He _ his bike.32. 他好象什么都知道。 He _ everything.33. 看样子他好象是在撒谎。 It _ he _.34. 快点,否则我们就会迟到了。 _, _ well _.35. 我将等到你来为止。 _ you _ you _.36. 他直到雨停了才回家。 He _ the rain _.37. 请明天尽早起床。 Please get up _ tomorrow.38. 电影上映了2个小时。The film _two hours.39. 我们去过西安的许多名胜。We _ great _ in Xian.40. 他们上了火车之后,一直观看窗外美丽的风景 They_ the beautiful _ the window_ they _ the train.41. 我一生中从来没有到过这么漂亮的地方。Ive _ to _ life42我觉得很难理解他。I find _ understand him.43. 这把椅子坐上去很舒服。The chair _ to _.44. 我总是每天练习使用电脑。 I always_ every day.45. 乘务员一直不断地给他们送热水。 The conductor _ hot water.(三)1 你怕狗吗?Are you _ _ dogs?2 我父母昨天不同意我的意见。My parents didnt _ _ me yesterday.3 他根本不会游泳。He _ swim _ _ .4 我们上周六同时到达广州。We arrived in Guangzhou _ _ _ _ last Saturday.5 请把他的东西收拾好。Please _ his things _ . 6 你应该立刻送他去医院。You should _ him _ the hospital.7 Tim 和Jim都是医生。_ Tim _ Jim are doctors.8 黄叔叔在忙于制造机器。Uncle Wang are _ _ machines.9 他们经常相互帮助。They often help _ _ . 10. 昨天我把所有橘子吃光了. We _ _ all the oranges yesterday .11. 他上次语文考试考得很好. He _ _ _ the Chinese exam last time .12. 你们在广州玩得开心吗? Did you _ _ in Guangzhou ?13. 中国以长城闻名. China _ _ _ the Great Wall . 14. 她的袋子里装满了苹果. Her bag _ _ _ apples. Her bag _ _ _ apples . 15. 我在昨天的考试中犯了许多错误. I _ _ _ in the exam yesterday .16. 他喜欢和别人交朋友. He likes _ _ with others .17. 他家门前有一条小河. There is a river _ _ _ his house .18. 你和你的父母相处得好吗? Are you _ _ _ _ your parents . 19. 他一到那儿就会打电话给我。 He will _ me _ as soon as he _ there.20. 他的哥哥一直帮助我。 His brother helps me _ _ _ .21. 他至少有3个姐姐。 He has _ _ three sister.22. 你能在字典里查到这个生词。 You can _ _ the new words in the dictionary.23. 书店里有各种各样的书。 There are _ _ _ books in the book shop.24. 请把自行车归还给我。Please _ the bike _ me . Please _ me the bike .25. 我们不应该放弃任何科目。 We shouldnt _ _ any subjects. 26. 她语文学得好。 She _ _ _ in Chinese .27. 我长大后想当一位老师。 I want to be a teacher when I _ _ .28. 那个小女孩一天吃四餐。 The little girl has _ _ a day.29. 我们通常在下午5:30 吃晚餐。 We usually _ _ at 5:30P.M . 30. 如果你吃些药你就会好些。 You will be all right if you _ _ _ .31. 这个瓶子能装2公斤水。 This bottle can _ two kilos of water . 32. 我姐姐喜欢去打猎。 My sister likes _ _ .33. 李雷昨天收到他爸爸的来信。Li Lei _ _ his father yesterday .Li Lei _ _ _ from his father yesterday .34. 我没有回答他的问题,相反,我问了他一个问题。 I didnt answer his question, _ , I asked him a question .35. 他们对数学感兴趣。 They _ _ _ in math .36. 别嘲笑我。 Dont _ _ me .37. 对不起我昨天迟到了。 I am sorry for _ _ _ school yesterday .38. 我从李明那儿借了一本字典。I _ a dictionary _ Li Ming .Li Ming _ a dictionary _ me .39. 他不在努力工作了。He _ _ works hard .He _ work hard _ _ .40. 你能照顾这头狗吗?Can you _ _ the dog ?Are you able to _ _ _ the dog.41. 街道中间有一辆自行车。 There is a bike _ _ _ _ the street .42. 这双鞋子很贵。 This pair of shoes _ _ .43. 你为考试做好了准备吗? _ you _ _ the exam .44. 冰箱里有两块面包。 There are _ _ _ bread in the fridge.45. 昨天他象平常一样来到学校。 He came to school _ _ yesterday .46. 他在回家的路上碰到了他的朋友。 He met his friends _ _ _ home .47. 那位老人太老了不能走路。The old man is _ old _ walk . The old man is _ old _ he cant walk .48. 我在等语文老师。 I am _ _ the Chinese teacher .49. 我可以试穿这双鞋吗? May I _ _ this pair of shoes?50. 你可以考虑他的意见。 You can _ _ his idea .51. 你能调低收音机的音量吗? Can you _ _ the radio ?52. 那场大雨阻止我们回家。 The heavy rain _ us _ going home .53. 明天早上请叫醒我。 Please _ me _ tomorrow morning.54. 上周那个老板打电话给他。The boss _ me _ last week.感叹句专项练习一、填入适当的词完成下列感叹句。1)._ difficult homework we had yesterday!2)._cute dog it is!3)._ interesting the story is!4)._ bad the weather in England is!5)._ honest boy Tom is!6)._ tasty smell the cake gave off!7)._ good time we had on the beach yesterday!8)._ exciting news youve brought us!9)._cool your new car is!10)._ scary these tigers are!二、所给句子填空,使填空句变为相应的感叹句:1. The boy swam very fast.(同义句)_ _ the boy swam!2. The school trip is very exciting. (同义句)_ _ the school trip is!3. Hei Longjiang looks very beautiful in winter. (同义句)_ _ Hei Longjiang looks in winter!4. It is a very useful dictionary. (同义句)_ _ _ dictionary it is!_ _ _ dictionary is!5. The students are listening very carefully._ _ the students are listening!I.动词的时态:1. 动词的时态一共有16种,以ask为例,将其各种时态的构成形式列表如下:现在时过去时将来时过去将来时一般ask / asksaskedshall/will askshould/would ask进行am/is/are askingwas/were askingshall/will be askingshould/would be asking完成have/has askedhad askedshall/will have askedshould/would have asked完成进行have/has been askinghad been askingshall/will have been askingshould/would have been asking2. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:1) 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状况,但和现在有联系,强调的是对现在造成的影响或结果,它不能同表示过去的时间状语连用,汉译英时可加“已经”等词。简言之,利用过去,说明现在。如:I have already read the novel written by the world-famous writer. (已经看过,且了解这本书的内容)2) 一般过去时只表示过去发生的动作或状态,和现在无关,它可和表示过去的时间状语连用,汉译英时可加“过”,“了”等词。简言之,仅谈过去,不关现在。如:I read the novel last month. (只说明上个月看了,不涉及现在是否记住)I lived in Beijing for ten years.(只说明在北京住过十年,与现在无关)3. 现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别:两者都可以表示“从过去开始一直持续到现在”,在含义上如着重表示动作的结果时,多用现在完成时,如着重表示动作一直在进行,即动作的延续性时,则多用现在完成进行时。一般不能用于进行时的动词也不能用于现在完成进行时。I have read that book.我读过那本书了。I have been reading that book all the morning. 我早上一直在读那本书。4. 一般将来时的表达方式:将来时用法例句1will/shall+动词原形表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态My sister will be ten next year.2be going to+动词原形含有“打算,计划,即将”做某事,或表示很有可能要发生某事Its going to clear up.Were going to have a party tonight.3be + doing 进行时表示将来go, come, start, move, leave, arrive等词可用进行时表示按计划即将发生的动作He is moving to the south.Are they leaving for Europe? 4be about to + 动词原形表示安排或计划中的马上就要发生的动作,后面一般不跟时间状语I was about to leave when the bell rang.The meeting is about to close.5be to + 动词原形表示按计划进行或征求对方意见Were to meet at the school gate at noon.6一般现在时表示将来时刻表上或日程安排上早就定好的事情,可用一般现在时表示将来The meeting starts at five oclock.The plane leaves at ten this evening.II. 动词的被动语态:常用被动语态构成常用被动语态构成1一般现在时am/is/are asked6过去进行时was/were being asked2一般过去时was/were asked7现在完成时have/has been asked3一般将来时shall/will be asked8过去完成时had been asked4过去将来时should/would be asked9将来完成时will/would have been asked5现在进行时am/is/are being asked10含有情态动词的can/must/may be asked注意事项被动语态的否定式是在第一个助动词或情态动词后加not,短语动词的被动态不可漏掉其中介副词。固定结构begoing to, used to, have to, had better变为被动态时,只需将其后的动词变为被动态。 如:Trees should not be planted in summer. / The boy was made fun of by his classmates.Newspapers used to be sent here by the little girl.汉语有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中一般可用被动结构表示。如:It is believed thatIt is generally considered thatIt is said thatIt is well known thatIt must be pointed out thatIt is supposed thatIt is reported thatIt must be admitted thatIt is hoped that下面主动形式常表示被动意义:如:The window wants/needs/requires repairing.The book is worth reading twice.The door wont shut. / The play wont act.The clothes washes well. / The book sells well.The dish tastes delicious. / Water feels very cold.下面词或短语没有被动态:leave, enter, reach, become, benefit, cost, equal, contain, last, lack, fit, fail, have, appear, happen, occur, belong to, take place, break out, come about, agree with, keep up with, consist of, have on, lose heart等等其它知识点:常使用动词不定式的短语1.Its time to do sth. Its time for sth 该作某事的时候了.2.cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待要作某事3.ask /tell/warn/teach /allow sb. (not ) to do sth. 要求/告诉/警告/教允许某人(不)作某事 4 be supposed to do sth. 应该作某事5.Would like /want (sb.) to do sth. 想要作某事6.have sth/nothing to do 有.要做/与.无关7.find it +adj. to do sth. 发觉作某事.8.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿作某事,而不愿作某事9.Its +adj. for sb. to do sth. 作某事对某人来说.10.Its better /best to do sth. 最好做某事11.It takes sb. st. to do sth. 某人做某事用了一些时间12.be sure to do sth. 确信做某事13get ready /prepare to do 准备做某事14.be used to do sth 习惯做某事15.be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事16.invite sb to do sth . 邀请某人做某事18.too. to do sth 太。不能做某事常用动名词的短语enjoy /like /love /be fond of doing sth. 喜欢做某事keep /keep on /carry on / go on dong sth. 继续做某事feel like doing sth. 想要做某事practice doing sth. 练习作某事give up doing sth. 放弃作某事be good at/ do well in doing sth. 擅长作某事pay attention to doing sth.

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