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Unit 1 Great Scientists1【原句】John Snow was a well-known doctor in Landon( and he was) so famous, indeed (插入语), that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.模仿要点两个简单句合并成一句,很好地运用了插入语和符号来压缩句子。【模仿1】. 张老师是个热心的老师,他那么善良我想当他的学生生病时他一定乐意帮助他们的。_答案:Mr. Zhang is a warm-hearted teacher in our schoolso kind, I think/ I believe/ I suppose/ I dare say (插入语), that he is sure to help his students when they are ill.【模仿2】李平是我们班一位用功的学生。他那么勤奋我想晚上不到11点他不会上床睡觉的。_答案:Li Ping is a hard-working boy in my classso diligent, I suppose, that he never goes to bed until 11 at night.2【原句】Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system.模仿要点 冒号加that从句【模仿1】虽然她不相信别人说的话,可她所收集的证据得出这样的结论:她男朋友骗了她。_答案:Though she didnt believe what other people said, the evidences that she collected led to the conclusion: that her boy friend cheated her.【模仿2】尽管他很聪明,但他不勤奋。他这学期所经历的失败得出这样的结论:不劳不获_答案:Though he was very clever,he didnt work hard and all his failure ( that she experienced) this term led to the conclusion: that no pains no gains.3【原句】He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth. 模仿要点 句子结构:with 的复合结构作定语修饰前面的名词。【模仿1】当你步入校园,在你面前是一个种着各种花草的大花坛。在花坛的两边是两个高大的楼房:左边是教学楼,右边是图书馆。_答案:When you enter the school, you can see in front of you a big flower bed with various kinds of flowers and grass growing in it and with two large buildings standing on both sides the library on your right and the teaching building on your left.【模仿2】 井底之蛙,永远看不到天空的广阔,“好男儿志在四方”,让我们踏歌而行,看高高的灯塔照亮我们远航的路。(with 结构作状语)_ 答案:The frog at the bottom of the well is always blind to the extension of the sky. “Ambitious men aims far.” Lets get started, with the tall lighthouse guiding our long voyage, and with the voice of singing accompanying.Unit 2 The United Kingdom1【原句】The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings.模仿要点 将两个简单句合并成一句,并很好地运用with + N. 作定语。【模仿】1.作为奥运项目,射击稳步发展,1896年奥运会只有三个项目,现今有17项。(NMET2008)_答案:As an Olympic sport, shooting has been developing steadily with only three events in 1896 but 17 events at the moment.【模仿】2. 如收门票,需建大门围墙,会影响城市形象。_答案:With entrance fees charged, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of the city2【原句】There is no need to debate any more about why different words are used to describe the four countries.模仿要点 句子结构:there is no need to do sth【模仿】1 你没有必要花很多时间做英语练习而不加思考。_答案:There is no need to spend much of your spare time doing English exercises without think of their rules.【模仿】2 我们没有必要再争论学生该不该上网,我们所要做的应该是充分使用网络来扩大我们的知识而尽量避免它的负面影响。_答案:There is no need to debate /quarrel/ discuss any more whether students should surf the Internet or not. What we should do now is to make good use of the net to increase our knowledge and try to avoid its bad effect.3【原句】Now when people refer to England you find Wakes included as well.模仿要点 句子结构:when you will find sb included as well【模仿1】 当人们谈到我们班的高材生时,你会发现汤姆也包括其中。_答案:Now when people refer to the top students in our class, you will find Tom included as well.Li Pings name , I think, must be mentioned as well.【模仿2】 当老师表语哪些工作出色的人时,我敢说,你会发现姆也包括其中。_答案:When the teacher praises the whose who do well in their jobs, I dare say, you will find Tom included as well.Unit3 Life in future1 【原句】The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink, which made us sleepy, our eyes closed. 模仿要点句子结构:定语从句插入在状语和主句之间【模仿1】这件工作非常艰辛,休息一会以后,使我们又恢复了精力,我们又继续干活。_答案:The job was very tough and after a short rest, which refreshed ourselves again, we went on with our job. 【模仿2】他从自行车上摔下来,被实施急救后,这使流血止住了,他被马上送到医院。_答案:He fell off his bike after being carried out first aid, which stopped his bleeding, he was sent to hospital without delay.2【原句】I got lost when we reached the place that looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all direction. 模仿要点 句子结构:(时间状语定语从句)插入在句子中间,通常放在句首。【模仿1】当我到达一个看上去像一个公园的地方时我感到惊讶,因为人们沐浴在柔和的阳光下或在树荫下下棋。_答案:I got amazed when we reached the place that looked like a park because of the people bathing in the soft sunshine or playing chess in the shade of the trees.【模仿2】当我读老舍写的小说时,我非常着迷因为里面有趣的故事。_答案:I was fascinated when I was reading the book that was written by Lao She because of its interesting stories. Unit4 Making the news1【原句】Never will Zhou Yang forget his first job at the office of China Daily.模仿要点 never 与倒装句【模仿1】在我的一生中从来没有见过像杭州这样漂亮的地方。_答案:Never in my life have I seen such a wonderful place as Hangzhou.【模仿2】我以前从来没有遇到过像李老师那么好的老师。_答案:Never before have I met such a teacher as Miss Li.2【原句】Only when you have seen what he or she does can you cover a story by yourself Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.模仿要点 only状语 与倒装句【模仿1】只有当你把这些英语句子背诵非常流利,你才可以在你的作文中写出它们。_答案:Only when you have recited these English sentences very fluently are you able to write them out in your composition.【模仿2】只有当百花齐放的时候才被视为春天到了。_答案:Only when thousands of flowers bloom together can spring be considered here.3【原句】Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so its actually of special interest to me.模仿要点 not onlybut also与倒装句【模仿1】他不仅许下承诺,而且也信守承诺。_答案:Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it.【模仿1】他不仅教授英语,而且还教授如何学好英语的方法。_答案:Not only does he teach English but he teaches how to learn English well.Unit 5 First aid1【原句】So, as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious. 模仿要点 句子结构:as 从句插入用法【模仿1】英语在我们的生活中起着很大的作用,因而,如我们所知,如果你想学好英语,你必须多多的实践。_答案:English plays an important part in our daily life. So, as we all know, if you intend to learn English well, you should do some more practice.【模仿2】词典在我们的英语学习中起着非常大的作用。因而,如我们所知,如果你有一本自己的词典,你就可以自己查询一些生词。_答案:Dictionary plays an important role in our English study. So, as we all know, if you have a dictionary of you own, you can look up some new words in it on your own.2【原句】If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.模仿要点 句子结构:if possible 等插入用法【模仿1】如果你想提高英语,如果有可能的话,你每天要背诵10个句子或记住50个单词。_答案:If you desire to improve your English, recite some 10 sentences every day or learn 50 words by hearty, if possible.【模仿2】当你读英语书时,不要使用英语词典;当你在写英语时,如果有必要,你可以使用词典。_答案:When you read English books, dont use your dictionary and you can use it, if necessary, when you write English articles3【原句】Your skin also keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain; and it gives you your sense of touch. 模仿要点 用分号或逗号并列四个单句。【欣赏】太阳从山顶上的古堡后面落了下去。黑夜突然降临,河水的颜色也越变越深。从年深日久的堡垒窗口发出的灯光射在河面上闪闪抖动。对岸山脚下的村庄里也静静地闪烁着灯光。_答案:The sun sinks behind the great castle-crested(装饰)mountains; the night falls suddenly; the river grows darker and darker; and lights quiver(抖动)in it from the windows in the old ramparts(壁垒), and twinkle peacefully in the villages under the hills on the opposite shore.

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