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Unit4 Astronomy: the science of the starsI单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about the science of the stars, the development of life and space travel and gravity Practise giving instructionsPractise talking abut problems in study or lifeLearn to use Noun Clauses as the subjectLearn to write an essay to show your problems and the way to overcome them.II. 目标语言功能句式Talk about the science of the stars, the development of life and space travel and gravity Where do we come from?How did the universe begin?Why is the universe the way it was?How will it end?How much do you know about universe?Do you want to have a space travel?Do you know something about gravity?Do you know something about black holes?Practise giving instructionsPlease look at/ listen toPlease check thatYou needPlease pay attention toDont forget toYoud betterMake sure youWatch out forYou mustntPractice talking about problems in study or lifeMy problem isThe difficulty isMy trouble isThe question isMy advice isWhat I think about it isThe fact isMy suggestion is词汇1 四会词汇astronomy, atmosphere, system, violent, solid, explode, carbon, dioxide, oxygen, surface, planet, harmful, development, spread, method, depend, exist, presence, telescope, disappoint, disappointed, publish, publishing, gravity, force, gradually, cheer, float, mass2认读词汇astronomer, biochemistry, geophysics, solar, Big Bang, vapour, nitrogen, dissolve, amphibian, reptile, generally, mammal, global, comet, Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, lessen, weightlessly, cabin, exhaust, exclaim3 词组solar system, in time, preventfrom, depend on, cheer up, now that, get the hang of, break out语法Noun Clauses as the subjectNoun Clauses as the subject is also called the Subject Clause. That means a Noun Clause serves as Subject in the sentence. The words which are used in this Noun Clause are: that, whether, who, what, which, when, where, how, why, etc.Example1.What it was to become was a mystery.2.It was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.重点句子1.What it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun. P252.Its exploded loudly with fire and rock, which were in time to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere. P253.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the earths atmosphere, into the oceans and seas. P254.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. P265.When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths. P306.Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed. P317.We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship the earths gravity increased. P318.Seen from space, the earth appears to be a water ball.9.But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach, until now.10.Huge questions remain to be answered, before we can hope to have a complete picture of the universe we live in. III.教材分析和教材重组:1.教材分析:本单元以astronomy: the science of the stars, the development of life, space travel and gravity为话题,通过本单元的几篇阅读材料使学生对以上问题有所了解,并通过文章中的一些探讨性的问题,比如,The earth may become too hot for the lives on it. Then what will our future be? 使学生更好地了解我们的地球和我们的生活环境,并引发对“地球的将来如何”的热烈讨论,通过这些讨论会激发学生对天文学了解和探究的强烈兴趣。通过讨论登月球需要的物品和可能遇到的困难学会提出问题和解决问题的表达方法,并能就此写出一篇表达合理清晰的短文。1.1 WARMING UP以讨论的形式通过三组问题引导学生讨论边缘科学,讨论科学研究的方法以及要成为真正的科学家所必须掌握的技能。1.2 PRE-READING 主要让学生弄清楚什么是科学思想,什么是宗教信仰或文化传统。在探讨生命的起源的科学道理之前,让学生以听故事或讲故事的方式,交流一下有关宇宙的起源的种种传说,既有趣味性,又能调动学生的相关知识,激活学生的思维。1.3 READING 讲述了地球上生命的起源。水的形成使得地球有别于其他星球,它使得地球上生命的诞生成为可能。科学家认为,地球上的生命首先诞生于水中,上百万年后,陆地上才长出绿色植物,随后出现了陆栖动物和水陆两栖动物。最初的动物靠孵化繁衍后代,后来出现了哺乳动物,人类也随之诞生了。文章最后讲了令人深省的问题:The earth may become too hot for the lives on it.1.4 COMPREHENDING通过四个选择填空题检测学生对本文核心问题的理解:地球上生命的起源和延续需要那些条件?随后通过排序的方式帮助学生弄清本文的行文线索,也就是地球上生命的起源和发展历程。最后提出两个问题,考察学生的深层理解和推断能力。1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Discovering useful words and expressions是通过英文释意,短文填空,词语分类和单项选择等练习在语境中掌握和运用词汇。Grammar是采用先发现后应用的学习方法。先通过到课文中找句子,让学生认识主语从句,然后,设置一个用一手机发短信息的情景,让学生进行简单句与主语从句之间的转换练习。最后设置情景来复习表语从句。1.6 USING LANGUAGE由Listening、Reading和Speaking and Writing三部分交互组合而成。指导学生在听和读的输入性学习之后,完成说和写的输出性应用练习。Listening的内容介绍三位科学巨匠。不仅通过听力填表的形式训练学生捕捉细节的能力,还通过四选一的方式帮助学生找主题思想。在解释对与错的过程中,教师可以适当的介绍一下概括主题的方法。Reading是一个科幻小故事,通过我和我的朋友乘宇宙飞船登月球的经历,介绍了重量、失重和地球引力等科学道理。Speaking 以Visiting the moon为话题,要求学生讨论登月球需要携带的物品和在月球上可能遇到的困难。Writing要求学生找出登月球可能遇到的三个困难并找出克服这些困难的方法。在听说读写综合提高的同时,培养了学生的创新意识和实践能力。2教材重组 2.1 词汇及表达 用一节课的时间,完成本单元重点词汇及表达的讲解。2.2 精读可将 Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading 和Comprehending四部分整合在一起上一节阅读课。2.3 语言学习包括Leaning about language和 Workbook中的 Using Words and expressions以及 Using Structures。2.4 听力Using language中的 Listening与 Workbook中 Listening和Listening task三部分话题较为接近,其中Listening部分是介绍三位对地球引力的认识做出巨大贡献的科学伟人。在提高听力的同时,为下文的Reading部分作了铺垫。Workbook中 Listening是关于轰动一时的航天英雄杨利伟的故事。通过听力练习,让学生了解作为宇航员所需要哪些素质。而Listening task中的听力则是向学生展示space travel 的潜在价值。既然三部分都在谈论与Astronomy有关的内容,所以放在一起处理比较合适。2.5 口语训练是把Using Language 中的Speaking 和 Workbook 中的 Talking 和 Speaking task放在一起。这几部分涉及到本单元的功能句,指导学生学会如何思考需要的东西,怎样给别人以指示以及如何向别人问问题。可以整合在一起上一堂口语课。2.6 泛读 是把Using language中的Reading和Workbook中的Reading task 整合在一起。这两部分利用science fiction story向读者解释gravity和black hole.2.7 写作练习是把Using language中的Writing 和Workbook中的Writing Task以及Project整合在一起上一堂写作练习课。3课型设计与课时分配1st period Words and Expressions2nd period Intensive Reading3rd period Language study 4th period Listening 5th period Extensive Reading 6th period Speaking7th period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period Words and ExpressionsTeaching goals 教学目标Have students learn some useful new words and expressions.Teaching important points 教学重点Let students learn effective ways to master those new vocabulary. Teaching difficult points教学难点Enable students to use the words and expressions of instructions correctly.Teaching methods教学方法Presentation; explanation; discussion; practice.Teaching aids教具准备A computer, a blackboard.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step1: Greetings. T: Good morning class. S: Good morning MissT: Today well going to have a new unit. I know that youve previewed it. Whats it?S: Astronomy: the science of the starsT: Ok! Good! First of all, we should do some preparations for is. So lets learn the new words and expressions of it.Step2: Presentation, explanation and discussion.词形变化1. violent adj.强暴的,猛烈的violence n.暴力,强暴;猛烈violently adv. 强暴地;猛烈地2. fundamental adj.基本(础)的n.pl.基本原则(法则) fundamentally adv. 基本地;根本地 fundament n. 基础;根本3. development n.生长,发展;新情况develop vt.发展;产生 vi.生长;发展developed adj. 发达的developing adj. 发展的4. lay vt.放下;摆设;产(蛋) lay-laid-laid-layinglie vi. 躺,平放;位于lie-lay-lain-lyinglie n. & vi. 谎话;说谎lie-lied-lied-lying5. prevent vt. 预防,防止prevention n.预防;阻止;妨碍preventable adj.可防止的,可预防的6. gentle adj.和蔼的;轻柔的gently adv.温和地;静静地7. physics n.物理,物理学physicist n.物理学家physical adj.身体的;物理(学)的;物质的 1. system n. 系统,体系;制度 systematic adj.(有)系统的;有条理的 systematically adj. (有)系统地;有条理地 搭配:the solar system 太阳系 a railway system 铁路系统 the capitalist system 资本主义制度 The computer system broke down. 计算机系统瘫痪了。 The teacher has a special system of teaching. 这位老师教学方法很独特。2. theory n. 学说;理论 反义:practice 实践 Darwins theory of evolution 达尔文进化论 The theory of relativity 相对论 Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 3. violent (adj.) 猛烈的;激烈的;a violent attack 猛烈的进攻 violent dislike极其的厌恶 violent pain极度痛苦船在海上强烈的风暴中沉没。The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.4. in time: (sooner or later; eventually; )迟早,终于 Ill see him in time. 总有一天我会遇见他。 (for sth. /to do sth.): not late及时 She will be back in time to prepare dinner.她来得及回来准备晚饭。与time相关的短语: on time 按时;准时 at one time 从前 for the time being 暂时 from time to time 不时地 in no time 立刻,马上 at times 有时 at a time 每次;依次 once upon a time 从前 5. unlike prep. 不同;不像 Unlike him, his son is tall. adj. 不同的 The sisters are quite unlike. unlikely adv. 未必的; 不太可能的; 注意与 dislike “不喜欢”区分开来。6. exist vi. 存在;生存 existent adj. 存在的;生存的 existence n. 存在;生存搭配:exist in 存在于之中 exist on 靠为生(=live on) exist by 靠生存 in existence 现存的 come into existence=come into being 开始存在、成立They cant exist on the money he is earning.The idea exists only in the minds of poets.When did this world come into existence?7. give birth to 1) 生(孩子) Shes just given birth to a healthy baby girl. 她刚刚生了个健康的女婴。2) 产生 The extraordinary experience gave birth to his latest novel. 这段奇特的经历促成了他的最新的一部小说的诞生。8. in ones turn 轮到某人 Its in your turn to read the passge. He cooked the meal in his turn this week. in turn 依次、轮流 Please enter the room in turn. by turns 轮流 We kept watch by turns .我们轮流守望。9. prevent sth. / sb. (from) doing sth. 制止(防止)某人(某物)做某事Nothing can prevent this plan from being carried out. 阻止某人做某事 prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth., keep sb from doing sth注意:keep sb. from doing sth.中from不可省略,但如在被动语态中,他们中的from都不可省。10. puzzle n 迷,难题 v (使) 迷惑;(使)为难 Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能找到谜底吗? His behavior yesterday puzzled me . 他昨天的行为使我迷惑。11. pull n.(c)拉力;牵引力;扯引力If we want to make a trip into space, we must escape the pull of gravity.2)(对他人的)影响,影响力She has a lot of pull in that company.3) 吸引力(常用单数)The tides depend on the pull of the moon.4) 拉,牵,扯(反义词:push)Help me move this piano; you pull and Ill push.12. cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋 We cheered up at the news. cheer v. 加油,欢呼,喝彩 The people cheered the football team. cheerful adj. cheerfully adv cheerfulness n.13. now that同since相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实。1. 既然你忙, 就让我给你做吧。 Now that you are busy, let me do it for you.2. 既然人都齐了, 咱们开始干吧。 Now that everyone is here lets start work辨析:now that既然,由于,是连词词组,引导原因状语从句,表示明显的原因或即成的事实。口语中that常可省略。其他引导原因状语从句的连接词;because因为(语气较重,常用于回答why的提问)since因为,既然,由于(可与now that互换)as因为(语气较弱) for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步补充说明)14. break out它与happen, take place, come out等词的用法一样,是不及物动词,不能带宾语,不能用于被动语态。1) 战争爆发The American Civil War broke out in 1861. 美国内战爆发于1861年。2)发生 争吵 A quarrel broke out between them. 他们之间发生了争吵。3) (火灾)发生 Afirebrokeoutinhishouselastnight. 昨晚他家里失火了。考点 break out 通常指战争、疾病、灾害等的爆发。不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。与break相关的短语:break down (机器)出故障,损坏;分解,起化学变化;破坏;拆散break in 破门而入; 打断break away from 脱离; 打破陈规break through 突围; 突破; 冲垮; 克服break up 打碎; 拆散; 分裂; 分解break ones word/promise 食言; 说话不算数15. watch out 注意,留神,小心Watch out! There is a car coming! look out 小心,注意Look out! The road is full of holes.拓展: watch for sb/sth 观察等待The cat was on the wall,watching for birds. 那只猫在墙上伺机捕捉鸟儿。 Watch over 照管;监督;保护Step3: practice and homefun.The Second Period Intensive ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 astronomy, atmosphere, system, violent, solid, explode, carbon, dioxide, oxygen, surface, planet, harmful, development, spread, method, depend, solar system, in time, preventfrom, depend onb重点句子1.What it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun. P252.Its exploded loudly with fire and rock, which were in time to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere. 2. Ability goals a. Enable Ss to talk about the science of the stars, the development of life and space travel and b. Understand the text and answer the following questions:c. Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage, choosing the correct answer d. Retell the passage using key sentences.3. Learning ability goalsEnable Ss learn how to talk about the beginning of life on the earth.Teaching important points 教学重点a. Talk about the beginning of life on the earth.Teaching difficult points教学难点a. Understand the beginning of life on the earth. b. Discuss the questions:What will our future be if the earth may become too hot for the lives on it?Why are humans the cleverest animals on the earth? Teaching methods教学方法a. Skimming and scanning b. Asking-and-answering activity to check the Ss understanding of the text.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a computer, a projectorTeaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step 1PresentationStep 2 Reading.ScanningGet the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Step3 Passage Analyzing I Text Chart .How life began on the earthII Text RetellingRetell the text using about 100 words.Notes: Use the two questions and the chart to retell the passage;III Moral Education Teacher can guide the Ss to understand the text deep, making the Ss to have a scientific attitude towards science: the beginning of universe。Step4 Writing Techniques1.Writing Characteristic1) Lead in the topic of how life began on the earth by beginning with two questions so as to arouse the readers strong curiosity and interest.2) The passage tells the readers the scientific idea in order of time. 2. Writing StyleThe text is common science writing, which tells the readers how the universe developed and how life began on the earth. 3. Main IdeaThrough the writers clear description, we know that how life began on the earth. Its a long and slow process. From the passage, we know that earth is the best place for human to live on. Step 5 HomefunRetell the passage according to the form.Remember important language points.The Third Period Language studyTeaching goals 教学目标1 Target language目标语言a重点词汇和短语 suffer, settle , realize , worry about , have got to, tie up b重点句子:He was very disappointed. What it was to become was a mystery. To save money, you must use as few words as possible. c. Practise talking about problems in study or lifeMy problem isThe difficulty isMy trouble isThe question isMy advice isWhat I think about it isThe fact isMy suggestion is2 Ability goals 能力目标Learn to use Noun Clauses as the subject.3 Learning ability goals 学能目标Let Ss learn how to use Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching important points教学重点the use of Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching difficult points教学难点 How to teach the Ss to learn to use Noun Clauses as the subjectTeaching methods教学方法Learn grammar through practiceTeaching aids教具准备A projector A blackboardTeaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision 1. Check retelling of the passage.The explosion of the earth produced water vapor, which turned into water when the earth cooled down. Water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the oceans and seas. Translate the following sentences.Suggested answers:1. Youll succeed in time. My car is different from yours. Who is the person standing by the door?2. Hes always the first to come and the last to leave. Now that you have grown up you can decide it yourself.Step II Word studyThis part is a consolidation of the words learnt in this unit. Ask the Ss to do the exercise independently.Key to the exercises:Part1 Across: 2.float 5.mass 6.presence 8.carbon 9.mobileDown: 1.planet 2.force 3.astronomy 4.explore 7.circlePart2 1.energetic 2.surface 3.depends on 4.gradually 5.exists 6.preventfrom 7.spread 8.are multiplying 9.Now that6. Part3 can be Homefun if time is limited.Step III Preparation Show some example sentences on the screen.1 A tree has fallen across the road.2 You are a student.3 To find your way can be a problem.4 Smoking is bad for you.5 “How do you do?” is a greeting.6 What she said is not yet known.7 That we shall be late is certain.8 Its certain that we shall be late. Step IV Grammar1.Give them some time to find the sentences in the passage. Then collect answers from the class.Show the answers:1. Because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.2. What scientists think is that the earth was different because of 3. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on 2.Show typical examples of how to make a Subject Clause. Guide the Ss to find out what changes we have to make when we make a sentence or combine two sentences using Subject Clause. Teachers show the example and Ss write down the sentences.Show the answers:How fish developed from early shellfish is well-known.What reptiles look like and how large they are is strange. The extinction of dinosaur is a mystery.The importance of early plants was not known to scientists.3.T: Turn to Page64. Read the following passage quickly and finish the eight sentences.Check the answer: 1.what 2.what 3.why 4.what 5.where 6.when 7.how 8.what4.Have a discussion in pairs. The topic is “My Problem”. One talks about problems in his study or life, the other gives some advice. Remind the students to use the following structures:My problem isThe difficulty isMy trouble isThe question isMy advice isWhat I think about it isThe fact isMy suggestion isSample dialogue:S1: How are you getting on with your English?S2: Not very well.S1: Whats wrong?S2: My problem is that I cant remember so many words.S1: You should spend more time in remembering them.S2: The fact is that I have spent too much time. And the question is that I remember them quickly and I forget them quickly, too.S1: My advice is that you can remember the words in sentences.S2: Good idea! Ill take your advice.主语从句主语从句的连词分三类(1)从属连词引导的主语从句 (that whether if)that 引导的主语从句:引导词that无含义/在句中不做成分/不可以省。That 引导主语从句通常用it 作形式主语。例如:That you will win the medal seems unlikely. That she survived the accident is a miracle.whether 引导的主语从句: whether有含义(是否)/在句中不做成分/不可以省。注意:引导主语从句,不能用if不能在开头,只能用whether。Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather. Whether she is coming or not doesnt matter too much.(2)用连接代词引导的主语从句 在由连接代词who, whose, whom, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever引导的名词性从句中,其连接代词在句中起名词性作用,担当一定成分.例如:What you need is more practice. Whatever we do is to serve the people.注:whatever / whoever的功用whatever, whoever在主语从句中不含疑问意义。它引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等。whatever = anything that; whoever = anyone who。要注意和whatever, whoever引导的让步状语从句的区别。如:Whoever breaks the law should be punished. (主语从句)( Anyone who breaks the law should be punished. ) Whoever breaks the law, he should be punished. (让步状语从句)( No matter who breaks the law, he should be punished. )(3)用连接副词when, where, why, how引导的名词性从句(其连接副词有含义,在句中作状语。)例如:Where we should leave it is a problem. When they will come hasnt been made pubic.it 作形式主语的主语从句有时为了考虑句子平衡,通常在主语从句处使用形式主语it,而将真正的主语从句移至句末。这分四种情况:(1) 对于以连词that引导的主语从句,通常用形式主语it替代主语从句: It is +名词+从句It is a fact that 事实是;It is good news that 是好消息;It is a question that 是个问题;It is common knowledge that 是常识类似的名词还有:a pity;a wonder;a good thing; no wonder; surprise等。It is a mystery to me how it all happened.It is common knowledge that the whale is not a fish.It is no surprise that Bob should have won the game. It is +形容词+从句It is necessary that 有必要;It is clear that 很清楚;It is likely that 很可能;It is important that 重要的是类似的形容词还有:strange; natural; obvious; true; good; wonderful; possible; unlikely; quite; unusual; certain; evident; worth-while; surprising; interesting; astonishing, etc.It is doubtful whether she will be able to come.It is e

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