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Story47 A Little Ant故事四十七 一只蚂蚁Once there was a littleant. She wanted to getmarried, but she only wanted to marry the strongestcreature.从前,有一个小蚂蚁想结婚,但她只想嫁给世界上最强大者。She wanted to marry the strongest creature, but she didnt know who the strongest creature is.她想嫁给强大者,但她不知道谁才是最强大者。She saw the wind blow houses down. So she thought the wind was the strongest creature. She wanted to marry the wind.她看到风把房子吹倒了,于是她认为风是最强大的,她要嫁给风。But the wind told the little ant that he wasnt the strongest creature. There was a tower in the forest. He had stood there for a thousand years against his force. The tower was the strongest creature.可风告诉小蚂蚁,他不是最强大者,林中有一座塔。他顶住风力耸立了一千年,他才是最强大的。“Why do you want to marry me?” the tower asked.“为什么你要嫁给我?”塔说。“Because you are the strongest creature in the world. You are stronger than the wind.” said the ant.“因为你是最强大的,你甚至比风还强大。”蚂蚁说。“You are right. Im stronger than the wind. But Im not the strongest creature in the world. Look, how Im damaged! Cant you guess who has done this to me? Its you, ants.”“你说的对,我是比风强大。但我不是最强大的。瞧,我已被损坏成什么样子了。难道你猜不出来是谁把我损坏成这个样子的吗?是你们蚂蚁啊。”塔说。At last, the little ant married her own kind. Because they were the strongest creatures.最后,小蚂蚁嫁给了她的同类,因为他们才是最强大者。At last, who does the little ant marry?A. The ant.B. The tower.C. The wind.

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