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音图与音标对比学Part 1 语音、音素、音图、音标语音:语言的声音叫语音。音素:音素是语音的最小单位。音素分为元音和辅音两种。元音是发音时声带振动,气流通过口腔不受阻碍发出的音素。根据发音舌头隆起位置前后分为前元音,中元音和后元音。辅音是发音时气流通过口腔或鼻腔受阻发出的音素,根据发音时声带是否振动分为清辅音和浊辅音。音标:是人们用来标音和记音的符号,即音素在字典中的符号。英语共有48个音素,由48个国际音标代表。书写时,音标放在方括弧内或斜杠内。例如: b或/b/。音图:音素在单词中的样子,即表示音素的图像。音图、音素与音标的区别:一个音素可以用多个音图来表示,也就是说,有些音图的发音是相同的,表示同一个音素,在字典中用同一个音标来表示。例如:音素a:在有些单词中用a表示,在有些单词中用ar表示。 就像人在不同的场合穿不同的衣服(音图)一样,但不论穿什么衣服还是同一个人(音素)。总之,音素与音标是一一对应的关系,每个音素都有一个表示它的音标;而音标(音素)与音图却不一定是一一对应的关系。如:/b/对应的音图只能是b,而/i:/对应的音图可能是ee,也可能是e。对音图、音素、音标的理解和区分是建立在以下各课的具体操练中的。Part 2 音图、发音规则及音标I. 16个辅音音图与音标。1) 观察音标表和单音图表,用横线标出两表相同的部分。p b t d k g f vs z h m n l r w2) 读写并牢记这16个辅音音标。II. 其它元音、辅音的发音规则及音标。 单音图1. A a 一 a+: 在“a+ 辅音字母”中,a发(复习规则)。 1.读下列单词和句子。 at am an as ad bag dad bad cap cat map Ann ran sat man had sad mad hat bat ant can lab fan lad fat has pat rat Sam sand hand land A cat can run. A cat and a rat ran. ? Dad has a cap. Matt had a fat rat. Tab is a bad cat. Dad has jam and ham. The mad cat is on the map. 2. 写出下列单词的音标。 at am an as ad bag dad bad cap mat Ann ran man had sad mad hat bat ant lab fat pat sand hand 二. a ei1. a+e: a在“a+辅音字母+e”中,a发ei。复习规则(1) Read the words and sentences. 读下列单词和句子。ate Bate came dame fade mane made same tape hate nape plane pane mate bake cake Dale Jake Jane can bake a cake.Dale has a cake in his bag.Nate came in late.Mum set the cake in the plate.Can Jane make a cake?Kane can swim in the lake.Lane has a mate.Dad ate a grape, and Mum ate a date.(2)写出下列单词的音标。lake make take wake snake fame game name base case date fate gate kate late 2. a+音节:a 在重读音节末尾时,发 ei(1) Read the words and sentences. 读下列单词和句子。 lady baby ba-sin ca-ter ba-ker ma-jor pa-per fa-tal A-my Da-vid Ma-vis I am able to run. She sits at the table. The ba-ker puts the cake on the table. My mother is a lady. Mrs. Little has a baby. I write on the paper.2. 写出下列单词的音标。 a-ble ta-ble ca-ble planegave save wave stategrape wade grade brave mape plate skate gate三a+ : a+两个辅音字母时,可以发: 1. Underline a, then sound and read the words.ask task mask passglass grass class cast last past dance plant France class-room class-mate mast-er *但有时在“a+两个辅音字母”中,a仍发。写出下列单词的音标。hand sand stand band 2. Read the sentences. 读句子 The glass is on the table. I want to ask a question. We can run very fast. We went to France last year. Can you finish the task in the class? I can see grass in the glass.3. 写出下列单词的音标。ask task mask passglass grass class cast四 a+ll(lk) : a在ll或lk前发:1. 在音图a下划线,然后拼读下列单词。并写出音标。all call hall ballfall mall tall wall*下面三个单词中,l不发音,它只是与k一起使a发:walk talk chalk 2. Underline a, then read the sentence.We are all in the hall.Tom has a ball.Dad is a tall man.We walk and talk.Bell calls me to go to the mall.五Wa w a在wa中发1. Underline a, then sound and read the words. wad want wash what watch wallet 例外:water :2. Underline a, then read the sentence. I want to wash my watch. What is this? It is a wallet.六、惯用语。小事一桩Thats a piece of cake. Thats as easy as pie! I can do it with my eyes closed. 世界真小It is a small world Small world! You never know whom you will bump into. 2. E/e一. e+: e 在“e+辅音字母”中,e发e 1. Underline e, then sound and read the words. pen leg bed get net set wet yes yet hen ten egg2.写出下列单词的音标。web fed hem men bet jet bell fell sell smell test tell well help left lend bend desk rest west 3.Underline e, then read the sentence.1) Dad lent Bess a jet.2) The pen is in the desk.3) Mum and dad fed the red hen .4) Rex sat on the bench.5) Did Bess get wet?6) Can Ted sell a desk?7) Nell has a red bed. 二e i: 1. Underline e, then sound and read the words (1) e+e i: 在“e+辅音字母+e”中,e发 i:eve cede gene Steve Swede Pete these theme Chi-nese Ja-pa-nese (2) e +(音节 ) i: 在重读音节末尾,e 发 i: he we me she Pe-ter me-ter fe-ver 2. Underline e, then read the sentences.She helps me.We can call Peter.He has a fever.Peter is not Chinese.He is Japanese. 3. 写出下列单词的音标。eve cede gene Steve she Swede Pet he we me 三、绕口令She sells sea shells on the seashore. The shells she sells are seashells she is sure.3. l/i一. i+: i 在“i+辅音字母”中,i发 i 1. underline i, then sound and read the words.it if in Jim sit big fix bit six fit hit win mix pig dig2. Underline I, and then read the sentences.在音图i下划线,然后朗读下列句子.Silly Billy! Silly Billy! Why is Billy Silly? Silly Billy went to the inn.Tim is thin as a pin.Sid bit his lip.This is a big pig.Bill is a big man.Phil has a big hat. 3.写出下列单词的音标。him kid mid digfig did lid ridlip zip miss kissfill kill bill mill film milk lift swim *当音节中没有其他元音字母时,y就可以代替i发i cyst gym hymn myth mystery Lyn 二、i ai 1. i+e: ai 在“i+辅音字母+e”中, i发ai 1)Underline i and read the words. bike like bite pile smile time crime ice fine line mine nine pipe ripe wipe kite site drive size prize dyke type Clyde 2) 写出下列单词的音标nice rice price hideride side tide widelife wife file mile 2. i+(音节):ai 在重读音节末尾,i发ai 读单词、标音标my by fly cry dry try shy why sky spy Bi-ble 注意:英语单词不能以i结尾,而y可以。所以在my、by一类单词中,用y代替i结尾。a) Underline i, then read the sentences. 在音图i下划线,然后朗读下列句子。I like the sky.I-da is like dad.Cly-de has nice wife.We bite a bit of ice.Clive will fly the kite in the sky .Nile has a smile on her face.Tim will ride my bike.Mike will ride his bike.三、绕口令A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.4. O/o一、 o+: 在”o+辅音字母”中,o发1Underline o, then sound and read the words.of on rob dog hot lot got job box potnod rod fog log offtom hop pop top cotdot not rot scott2Underline o, then read the sentences. The fox got off the box. The dog ran and sat on the mop. Rob has a big dog. The pot got hot. The frog is in the box. Did the cop have a fox? He did not have a fox, but he had a dog.二、 o u1.Underline o, then sound and read the words. (1) o+e u 在”o+辅音字母+e”中,o发 unote rose nosez hope robe globe closecode joke broke smoke spoke role stoleRome bone drove Stove froze hole home (2)o+(音节) u 在重读音节末尾,o发uso go Jo Jo-dy Lo-tus lo-cust pro-gramMo-ment no-tice pho-to Ro-bot o-pen o-ver(3)o+ u 在“o+两个辅音字母”中,o可以发uold cold hold most post both 2. Underline o, then read the sentences.Rose has a big nose.Rose will go to Rome.Tell me a joke.The stove is at home.The dog ate the bone.Jo woke up late.Rose is like a rose.I sent dad a note.We chose the red globe.3. 写出下列单词的音标:hope rope robe globe code joke broke smoke so go Jo old cold hold五 o u: (偶尔) 朗读并写出下列单词的音标。to two do who六 o (有时)1. Underline o, then sound and read the words.son ton one wn oncenone nn front month Londonlove come some other brother mother wonder cover2. Underline o, then read the sentences.I have one son.Who is your son?Come and sit by me.The stone is one ton.Do you love your mother and brother?Monkey, monkey, do you like some money?3. 写出下列单词的音标。 son ton front love come some 5. U/u 一、u+: 在“u+辅音字母”中,u发1. Underline u, then sound and read the words. up us cup mum fun rub tub bud mud bug dug hug mug rug gun2. Underline u, then read the sentences. My uncle will go to London next Monday. Mum, I want a bun. Dad, we had a lot of fun on the bus. The dog dug in the mud. My brother put the pup in the tub to take a bath. The red jug is on the rug. My son give me a big hug. Gus and Russ had fun in the sun. The bug moves on the rug.3.写出下列单词的音标。 dull gum sum bun hut run sun bus but cut二. u ju: j+u:=ju:1. Underline u, then sound and read the words.1) u+e: ju: 在“u+辅音字母+e”中,u发ju:use mute cube tubehuge duke mule fumetune fuse muse cute *但在j, l, r后发u:Jude juke June juteLuke flute rule rude Rube Bruce *英语单词不能以u结尾,所以需要不发音的e帮助它们结尾。Pru , flu 是简写。 clue glue blue true Sue2) u+音节:ju: 在重读音节末尾,u发ju:tu-lip stu-dent du-al hu-man du-ty pu-ma su-per *但在j, l, r后发u:Pru flu Tru-dy Ru-by Lu-cy Lu-cia*U偶尔发uPull full bull put bush2. 在音图u下划线,然后朗读下列句子。 Can you play a tune on the flute ? Pru stands on the sand dune . Lucy had a prune . Lucia is a cute baby. It is a huge stone . It is true , Pru was ill with the flu. Can you put the puma in the box? Lucy, dont be rude to me . 3. 写出下列单词的音标. mute cube tube du-tyduke mule fume tu-lip Luke flute rule flu rude glue blue Lu-cy 6. C/c一、 c一般发 k 读下列单词并写出音标. cal cake cap cat can cast come cop cod cup 二、 c在ce, ci, cy中发s cede cyst cell cent ci-der cite cit-y cy-cle Underline c, and then read the sentences. 1) Cal had a cake. 2) Dad put on the cap. 3) Can you come and visit me? 4) The cop has a cup. 5) You cannot buy a city with one cent. 6) Sam has a cyst on his hand.7. J/j d 1) 读下列单词并写出音标. jut jam Jim jeep jack jazz jell jest jet jib jig job jog joke jot jug jump just 2)Underline j, then read the sentences.读句子. James ate jam in the jet. Can you find a job? Jim can jump. I just like jazz. Jess drove a jeep.8. X/x 一. Underline x, then sound and say the words 1. x一般发ks 读下列单词并写出音标 box fox wax six tax taxi text next ex ex-cite2. x偶尔发z xylophonezailfun3. x 在少数单词中发zex-am ex-act ex-am-ple an-xi-e-ty二. Underline x, then read the sentences. Rex put a fox in the box. What will you do next? We will have a test. Tom is excited. The taxi driver will have an exam. Follow the example exactly. You can come any day except Sunday.9. W/ww1. Underline w, then sound and say the words. 读单词、写音标. wet wed went west will well wig win web swim wise wipe wide2.Underline w, then read the sentences. The sun sets in the west. Tom will win the race. Can I have your web site address? We went swimming. Dont get wet, Ted. 10. Y/y1. 单词中除了y没有其他元音字母时,y代替i发音. 读以下单词并写出音标.(1) y+:i cyst Fyn gym gyp hyp (2) y+e:ai gybe hyde dyke cyke dyne* y在重读音节末尾时发aiby my fly skycry cy-der cy-cle*规则: 作为元音的y发音及规则与i完全相同 2. y在词头时发j 读单词并写出音标. yes yet yip yap yell yak yam yen yob yokeRead the sentences. Yes, yes, yes, you have made a mess! I did not say yes yet. He yells at the child. I have a yen o see a yak.11. Qu1. qu一般发kw读下列单词并写出音标 quack quake quote quick quite quill quit quiz 2. qu在少数单词中发k mos-qui-to mski:tu an-ti-que nti:k tech-nique teknik Read the sentences. Dont quaff the wine. Did you quake with? May I ask some questions? He is quite a quick worker. It is time to quit. I dont like mosquitoes because they bite me.12. G/g g在e, i, y前发d ,其它情况下常发/g/。读单词并写出音标。eg: age cage page sage gene gibe ginger gym 例外: get girl give gift 多音图发音及其所对应的音标1. :与一: 读下列单词并写出音标。1. er : her fern verb germ sterm herd term herb bert father2. ir : sir fir girl bird gird birth dirt dirty shirt first firm thirty skirt dirk kirt3. ur : fur curb surf lurk turn burn hurt curl nurse church curt turn4. ear : earn learn pearl early search heard earth 5. wor w: work word world worm worse worst二 在非重读音节中大部分元音都弱化为 下列单词中有“”号的是重读音节, 其他音节为非重读音节。Work-er pa-per let-ter sis-ter Lon-don o-penhu-man Lu-cia stu-dent三、 读下列句子。 The girl learns some words in the first term. Can you wash your dirty shirt?The worm is bigger, fatter and better.The nurse is very nice to us.Turn left, and you will see the desk.The girl lost her purse.Bert ran to the bird that was hurt.Curt will urge Dirk to get water for the bird.2. Sh 一、 Underline sh, then sound and read the words.在音图sh下划线,然后拼读并朗读下列单词。shop ship shut shell shake shame sheep ash bash fish wish fresh flesh mash lash rush 二、Underline sh, then read the sentences.在音图sh下划线,然后朗读下列句子。.Mash sells fresh fish.You can put your sheep in the shed.We can get sea shells by the seashore.The fish is in the dish, and the dish is in the shop.Splish, splash, splosh, what a happy wash!Splashing in the bash tub, splish, splash, splosh. 3. ow一、 Underline ow, then sound and read the words.在音图ow下划线,然后拼读并朗读下列单词。1. ow: au 写出下列单词的音标.cow how now brow down crown brown flowerplow owl town 2. ow: u 写出下列单词的音标.show mow low row slow snow own blowflow throw know win-dowcrow grow 一、 Underline ow, then read the sentences.在音图ow下划线,然后朗读下列句子。Now, write it down.Tom wants to row his boat.Open your mouth and round your lips.He gave a loud shout at the crowd.She milks the cow in the house.A brown cow ate the green grass.Can you show me your window? 4. ch chat check chess chick chill chip rich much chop c一Underline ch, then sound and the words.在音图下划线,然后拼读并朗读下列单词。1. ch:t 写出下列单词的音标. hain such2. ch:k school schol-ar character3. ch: chef machine machinery二. Underline ch, then read the sentences. 在音图ch下划线,然后朗读下列句子。 Dad ate fish and chips. The scholar is very rich. Well have a chat after chess. Joy is a chemist. Little chicks do not eat much. 5. ng 一. Underline ng, then sound and read the words.在音图下划线,然后拼读并朗读下列单词。 hang rang king ring long sing sang sung wing 规则: k g 前从不用ng,而是用n发。如: ink uncle English 二. Underline ng, then read the sentences. 在音图下划线,然后朗读下列句子。Lets sing a song. Rex rang the bell. The king can sing. Laura is from Hong Kong. A bird has wings. Can an ant sing?6. th 与和 1. th thin bath moth earth thank think teeth birth 2. th this that then these those they lathe clothe 3.对比并写出音标 : thin - the think - then thigh - they 4. 读句子 My father is a maths teacher. Father and mother love my brother. Brother Arthur left his father and mother. Martha has a healthy father. Happy birthday, my wealthy brother. 7. oi/ oy1. oi ioil boil soil spoil coin join choice voice void point noise poise 2. oy iboy joy Roy toy Troy Floyd 3. Underline oi, oy, then read the sentences.在音图oi 、oy下划线,然后朗读下列句子。Roy sent the toy to the boy. Troy has a jar of coins.Floyds voice is noisy. The dog likes to annoy joy.Dont point at me , its rude. 8. eighei一、Underline eigh, then sound and read the words. eight eigh-teen eigh-ty eighth weigh sleigh freight规则:eigh只用于t前或音节末尾。二、Underline eigh, then read the sentences.Jane is eight. Dave ate eight apples.The freight train is coming down the railway track.Kays birthday is on the eighth day of May. 9. tch t一、1. 读单词并写出音标 catch hatch match scratch fetch

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