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第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module3 Unit1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.本课第 课时教学目标认读单词:collect stamp hobby men women another学习目标语句:Do you collect stamp ? Yes.These are stamps from Canada. 教学重点Do you collect stamp ?Yes. These are stamps from Canada教学难点Do you collect stamp ?Yes. These are stamps from Canada教学具教学反馈教学过程含板书设计(一)交流热身,韵句激趣1. Greeting with students.“Good morning.”2.Say a chant: H O B B I E S (二)小组合作,自主学习1.寻找问题教师播放点读笔,学生认真听,并划出还不会的单词。再放一遍,认真听并跟读原来不会的单词的读音。2.学生带着下面几个问题再听一遍课文录音,然后分组讨论解答完成。1.)Whats Simons hobby? _ 2.)Where are the stamps from? 3.)Has Simon got any stamps from China? _ _ 3 教师公布答案,用小纸条分到小组,组内完成。4.小组合作,解决问题小组合作解决不会的知识,教师巡视指导。(小组成员互相学习,发挥优生帮教的作用,使个人自学成果转化为小组成员共同认识的成果,教师及时辅导,并且板书)5展示小组学习成果小组推荐同学到台前展示学习成果,在展示过程中,教师寻找同学们的学习问题板书并及时评价。(三)精讲点拨,巩固强化1.教师把小组合作学习及成果展示中出现的易错点、漏点及难点进行重点讲解。2.各小组在教师点拨完后,再在小组里讨论学习,巩固学习成果。四、活动检测选词填空:collect Canada another hobby 1. My _ is playing football.2. I_ stamps. 3. These stamps are from _. 4. Now you can have stamp.根据要求写出相应的单词1.stamp_(复数) 2.men_(单数)3.women_ (单数)4. China _(形容词 ) 五、总结评价1.总结本堂课所学的主要内容,让学生齐读。2.总结各小组的课堂表现,找出优胜小组,及时表扬。六、家庭作业读熟课文对话。七、板书设计教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Unit 2Ive got a hobby.本课第 课时教学目标Have you got any my dolls from Japan?Yes, I haveNo, I havent.教学重点Have you got any my dolls from Japan?Yes, I haveNo, I havent.教学难点Have you got any my dolls from Japan?Yes, I haveNo, I havent.教学具课件教学反馈教学过程含板书设计1.热身复习1) Say two chants.2) Greeting3) Read the words in module3.Pay attention to one word. spell it and help them to remember it.2.导入:1.出示一张幻灯片,上面显示的我收集的洋娃娃。T: Now, look at the picture. You know ,I like dolls. I have many dolls. I like collect dolls. So I can say: My hobby is collecting dolls.T: Could you tell me what is your hobby?出示另一张幻灯片,上面显示周杰伦的CD.T: I like Jay. I like to listen to his music. So collecting Jays CD is also my hobby. T: Have you got any Jays CDs?3.活动一:学生回答自己的爱好后,根据学生的爱好,老师向学生提问.S: My hobby is play football.T: Have you got a football?S: My hobby is collecting books.T: Have you got any books?老师将学生回答的爱好及拥有的开展此爱好的物品写在黑板上。共以后开展编对话活动用。4. 出示幻灯片,帮助学生区分单复数的概念.分清何时用 “a”,何时用“any”.以及为什么不用 “some”。5.活动二:1. 听录音,读出单词的重音。以及单词在句子中重读的情况。2. 出示幻灯片,提出编写对话的要求。对话内容举例:A: Whats your hobby?B: My hobby is .A: Have you got a / any ?B: Yes, I have. /No, I havent.A: Do you ?B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont like it.6. 活动三:学生四人为一组,两人编写对话并书写在卡纸上,两人上台演示他们自己编写的对话。(注意纪律的控制)展示学生的成果,并给予评价。7. 课后作业:1.小结今天学到的知识;2.总结评价的结果,给获胜组盖印章;3.完成表格,调查组内学生的爱好,并调查各自拥有的开展该爱好的物品,成立周末活动俱乐部。教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module4 Unit1 Happy Thanksgiving !本课第 课时教学目标基本能听懂、会说词汇: festival special meal sound基本能听懂、会说: “What do you do on .” “Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.”教学重点词汇: festival special meal sound教学难点festival中“v”的发音; sound的读音;“Thanksgiving is my favorite festival.”“We always have a special meal.”以及人称代词(主格,宾格)和物主代词的用法。教学具点读笔、相片,词条,画片。教学反馈教学过程含板书设计1、Warm upGreetings: TSs SsSs (2) Sing a song “We wish you a merry Christmas.”Competition: List festivals as many as possible.2、导入 (Leading )(1)A. Free Talk a.(Watch PPT pictures about Chinese festivals)Ask questions: “what is this festival?” “What do we do at that festival?” b. Then show the PPT of main sentence structures:“ is my favorite festival, we always do (something)”Students look at pictures and talk about festivals in pairs with the main structures offered.c. Students show there ideas with their partner.B. Lead in 1) T: You know much about Chinese festival, how many western festival do you know? Students list the western festivals . T: Very nice! Today Simon will tell us more about American festival, listen to the tape and later you must tell me about them. 3、呈现(Presentation)(1)S open their books Question: Look at the picturesa. Who are they?b. What can you see?Students answer the questions.(2) Listen to the tape, find “I, me, we, our”(3) Repeat after the tape.(4) Give the questions:“What are the two American festivals in the story?”“What do people do on Flag Day?”“What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?”(5) Answer the questions. (6) Teacher explains the text and student practice the key points.The key points: festival special meal sound I, me, we, our(7) Students practice to make sentences with the key points. Game:听音乐传词卡 词卡单词造句4、操练与指导(Drilling and Counselling)(1) Game: Guessing(T vs Ss)a. Prepare three word cards: Thanksgiving Day Flag Day Christmas Dayb. Teach them to read.c. Teacher describes the activities that people do in different festival.T: You can see Christmas trees.Ss: Christmas Day.(2) 完成SB第一单元活动3,教师先做示范,然后同桌之间练习对话。5. 选择完成运用任务 小组学习,了解和谈论中国与美国主要节日的来历,风俗习惯总结对比一下。6. Homework:a. Write the new words.b. Collect Chinese and American festival information.教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Unit2 Whats your favorite festival?本课第 课时教学目标基本能听懂、会说词汇:lantern race moon cake 基本能听懂、会说“Whats your favorite festival?” “My favorite festival is ”教学重点词汇:Lantern Festival Spring Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Dragon Boat Festival race moon cake“Whats your favorite festival?”“My favorite festival is ”的用法.教学难点lantern, moon的读音;用现在时介绍节日活动及习俗。教学具点读笔、词条,画片。教学反馈教学过程含板书设计1、Warm upGreetings: TSs SsSs (2) Do the chant, review “I, me, we, our”(3)Play a matching game:Thanksgiving Day Sing flag song Flag Day Receive presents Christmas Day Cheat each other Fool Day Say Thank you for food Ask volunteers to finish the matching.(4)Ask students to add more activities.2、导入 (Leading )(1)A.1Watch PPT T: Whats this festival?S: Its Students learn to read Lantern Festival Spring Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Dragon Boat FestivalA.2 For each festival, students can describe with the vocabularies given on PPT, such as:Boat race see dragon dance eat dumplings eat moon cake play lanterns family get togetherB. Game: Guessing game T: (mimes rowing a boat)S: Is it Dragon Boat Festival?T: Right!b. Students do practice in pairs: choose a festival, ask and guess.3、呈现(Presentation)(1)S open their books (2) listen to the tape(3) Replay sentence by sentence(4) Students repeat after each sentence.(5) Students try to recite one of the festival.4、操练与指导(Drilling and Counseling)Student A chooses a festival, student B asks and if he or she cant guess out, he can ask “Tell me more.” unless he got the answer.5教师板书:“Whats your favorite festival?” “My favorite festival is ”的语言结构.教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module5 Unit 1 Please to meet you.本课第 课时教学目标基本能听懂,会说词汇:pleased、meet、speak掌握情态动词“can”的用法。掌握主要语言结构:Can you speak English ?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.教学重点1. 识别单词:pleased、meet、speak.2. 运用“Can you .”句型,询问能力和“Can I .”句型,询问可能以及他们的回答。教学难点1. 识别单词:pleased、meet、speak.2. 运用“Can you .”句型,询问能力和“Can I .”句型,询问可能以及他们的回答。教学具多媒体、单词卡。教学反馈教学过程含板书设计 Warming-up1.Review some words about sport : swim、jump、dance 2.Play a game : say and do . Use the sentences : I can / Can you ? PresentationTeacher say:“I like to make friends. And I have most friends. When I make a new friend. I will ask him about his hobbies. What do you do when you make a new friend ?”Let some students answer. Then teacher ask:“What does Daming do when he make new friends ? Do you want to know? Lets go to see. ” Teaching the new text1. Listen and answer: Whos Laura? Where is she from?Can she write Chinese?Can Daming write English?Can they be pen friends?2. Listen and find “can”.3. Teacher explain the new words and the key sentences, then let students use them to make new sentences.4. Listen and repeat.5. Read after teacher. Exercises1.Listen and circle.2.Listen and tick. Daming can speak English. ( )Laura will be Sam,Daming and Amys pen friends. ( ) Laura can write Chinese. ( )3.Use the sentences:“I can ”“Can you ”to make dialogues with your partner. Production Make a survey : Introduce your families and friends about their ability. Use the sentences: She/He can Homework1.Read the text, write the words.2.Complete the exercises in class.3.Make a pen friend and write to her/him.六、板书:Module 5 Pleased to meet you !Can you speak English? . Can you write Chinese?Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题本课第 课时教学目标 1)能听说读写单词Hong Kong ,pet ,Australia ,French 。(2)能听懂、会说,读写句子who can be your pen friends ? He can speak English教学重点单词Hong Kong ,pet ,Australia , French 的认知和运用。句子who can be your pen friends ? He can speak English 。的认知和运用。教学难点(1)、单词Australia , French的读音。(2)、句型I can 的灵活使用。(3)、动词的动名词形式的使用。教学具点读笔、幻灯片、图片教学反馈教学过程含板书设计Step 1 :Warming up .1.listen a song .T: Lets listen a song , if you can sing , please sing it .2. Make a chant .T: Lets chant ,follow me .Swimming ,swimming ,I like swimming .Dancing ,Dancing , I like Dancing .Drawing ,Drawing , I like Drawing .Reading ,Reading , I like Reading .Painting ,Painting , I like Painting .3. Greeting and introduce .T : I can speak very good English . I can write emails and stories in English . I music , riding my bicycle and collecting stamps . (拿出集邮册,展示邮票) I like collecting medals ,too . look ,This medal is about Hong Kong. Now ,could you tell me what can you do and what do you like?You can say : I can play table tennis . I can play the flute。I can play the violin and so on 。 You can say :I like tigers。I dont think they are scary 。I think they are cute 。I like apples 。Its delicous and so on 。Step 2:New lesson1. T: I want to introuduce some friends to you ,lets see .2. Play the computer ,introduce :Mike , YaoTingting, Jim, Linda.(1) Listen to the tape and ask : What do you know?(2)Listen and repeat(3)Say the sentence: can be my friend.because heshe can .(Try to say it by yourself)Step 3 Play a gameNow ,lets have a competation between you and me 。can you do what I can do 。can you do what I can do ?(师做几个有难度的动作让学生来做,同时做出评价)Can you say what I can say ,can you say what I can say ?red lorry ,yellow lorry ,red lorry ,yellow lorry 。(要求生来说,做出评价)Can you sing what I can sing ,can you sing what I can sing?(师唱歌要求学生来唱,借此机会表扬学生)Step 4 PracticeLucy says :I want to find pen friends ,too。 Who can be my pen friends ? Please introduce yourself 。Talk in pairs in 3 minutes 。You can talk about your name ,age ,ability ,hobby and so on 。(生介绍自己,师用用手机给学生照相的方式对学生给予奖励)Step 5:Class over教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module6 Unit 1 A postcard from New York本课第 课时教学目标 1、 学习句型:Have you got ?2、 比较“and”、“but”的不同用法,。教学重点1、利用“and”、“but”将短句连成长句;2、询问同学们拥有的物品;教学难点1、利用“and”、“but”将短句连成长句;2、询问同学们拥有的物品;教学具点读笔、课件,单词卡片教学反馈教学过程含板书设计(一、)准备:( 1)Chant: Hobbies。(2)教师拿出先准备好的包,然后让学生猜包里的东西。T: I have got something in my bag .Its a fruit ,its red .What is it. Guess!Ss: Its an apple .T: Yes , I have got an apple . What have you got ?Ss:学生拿出自己的物品并运用“I have got”进行语言表述。教师可以随即说 “ x x /he /she has got a .”帮助学生复习句型。 为了调动学生参与的积极性,此处设计了一个比赛,将全班分成四大组,每全组的成员自主表述一个句子加一分,看哪个组得的分多。(3)We have learned the new words by yourselves already.Now lets show in your groups。各组出示单词卡片并认读单词或者说句子,每说对一个得一分。(二、)新知呈现:1. 教师出示明信片,T : Look, Ive got some postcards and theyre from my friends. Today Sam and Amy have got a postcard ,too. Its from New York2.引出课题A postcard from New York ”(板书课题,并带读。)课件出示T: Now let look at the cartoon Pay attention the new words please.(三、)新课:1.学生看问题,并自己学习课文。1).Who sent the postcard to Sam and Amy? 2.)Where is the postcard from ?3.)What has Daming got ?4.)What has Laura got ? 5.)Can Laura use chopsticks ?2.分组回答问题。板书:Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.Laura has got some chopsticks but they are difficult.3.小组内互读,并展示。(四、)操练与巩固:1.(1)T:教师拿出一个苹果边说边做动作“I have got an apple and I can eat it .”同时,教师出示课件:I have got a cat and I often play with it .T:What have you got ? Ss:学生拿出自己的物品并试着运用这个句型表述。每说对一个句子就为该组得一分。T:当学生表述完后,教师可以说“she/he has got a and she/he can ”句子。当学生不会运用此句型进行表述时,教师可以用简单的问题引导。2.(2)T:教师出示课件,边说边做动作“I have got a violin but I cant play it. .同时,教师出示课件:I have got a guitar but I cant play it .Sam and Amy live in China , but theyre not Chinese .They are American.Ss: 学生拿出自己的物品并试着运用这个句型表述。每说对一个句子就为该组得一分。T:当学生表述完后,教师可以引入“she/he has got a ,but she/he cant ”句子。3.Make sentences using “but” or“ not”.(五、)小结:将前面所比赛的分数做一个总评,给学生一个肯定。(六、)作业:(挑选你喜欢的题目做两道)1. 听磁带熟读课文。2. 抄写本课单词、重点句3遍。3. 给好朋友写一封postcard,下节课展示。4. 预习Module6 Unit2。板书设计:Module 6 Unit 1A postcard from New York. Daming has got a Chinese kiteand we fly it in the park.Ive got some chopsticks but they are difficult. 教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Ive got some stamps from China本课第 课时教学目标1、运用句型:“sb. have ( has ) got ”谈论个人所拥有的物品。2、 掌握单词:fork , knife教学重点1、运用句型:“sb. have ( has ) got ”谈论个人所拥有的物品。2、 掌握单词:fork , knife教学难点了解流利朗读句子的重音教学具点读笔、单词卡片教学反馈教学过程含板书设计A . Warming-up and Revision1. 欣赏本课的Chant,随后教师展示学生制作的postcard。2. 教师出示一个箱子,从箱子里逐一拿出chopsticks, a Chinese kite, a Japanese kite, a book about America, a book about China, stamp等物,复习单词并板书,同时,复习句型Ive got a and / but T : Look! I have got a magic box. Whats in it? Lets see.Some chopsticks. Ive got some chopsticks.Some stamps. Ive got Ss: some stampsT : and some chopsticks. Ive got some stamps and some chopsticks.Ss: Ive got some stamps and some chopsticks.(板书)T : Who want to try?S1: A book about America. Ive got a book about America. S2: A book about China. Ive got a book about China.T : So, we can say: Ive got a book about America and a book about China.Ss: Ive got a book about America and a book about China.S3: Some stamps.T : I have got some stamps from China but I havent got any stamps from Canada.(板书:Ive got and Ive got but )B . Presentation and Practice1. 教新词:fork / knife由以上活动,引出新词,进行单词的拼读,操练,并板书。2. 教师扮演成一位魔术师,拿一个空箱子,先向学生展示一下,表示箱子是空的,而后拿着箱子在讲台上转一圈,并在箱子转到讲台的内侧时,迅速的把东西塞进箱子里,然后问学生:Can you guess what I have got?引导学生用:Have you got 提问。第一次在箱子里放1样东西,第二次放2样,教授句型:Have you got or T : Oh, the box is empty. Dont worry. One, two, three! Now guess, what have I got?S1:(在教师的引导下)Have you got T : Yes! Ive got .(板书:Have you got )Ss: Have you got ?T :(在箱子里装入fork, knife)What have I got?S2: Have you got Have you got T : You can say: Have you got or ? orSs: Have you got knife or chopsticks?3. 教师利用这个魔术操练句型。4. 让学生看书,听录音,跟读。5. 老师出示chant,学生边听边看,熟悉韵诗的大致内容,小声跟读,跟着韵律拍手,表演动作。6. 听磁带,看课文,模仿语音语调。C . Consolidation1. 利用教学光盘完成活动3。2. 学生利用图片进行Have you got or ? I have got and I have got but 句子的操练。看谁说的多,谁就获胜。六、家庭作业:1. 用Have you got or ? I have got and / but 造句。2. 在课余时间和朋友玩英语游戏。3. 预习Module 7七、板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 Ive got some stamps from China.fork Ive got Have you got ? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.knifeHave you got or ?I have got and I have got .I have got but I havent got教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module7 Unit 1 I dont believe it本课第 课时教学目标 (1)能听说认读以下四会词:lucky, CD-ROM, copy, snake, music(2)能听懂、能实际运用句型Do you like? Yes, I do / No, I dont.教学重点1、掌握以下四会词:lucky, CD-ROM, copy, snake, music2、掌握四会句:Do like?教学难点通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人描述某些动物的生活习性,以及能向他人询问动物的生活习性。能将语言内容转化为实际交际。教学具教学反馈教学过程含板书设计一、Warming up1、Listen and guess the riddles:They have got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like bananas. What are they? (monkeys)They are long. They have got small heads. They have got no legs. What are they? (snakes)They have got no legs. They live in water. What are they? (fish)They are strong and big. They sleep in winter. What are they? (bears)They are fat. They are black and white. They live in China. What are they? (pandas)(复习旧知识的同时也为学习新知识做好了铺垫,同时也锻炼了学生的听力)2、Let play a gameDo you like animals? Today we are going to know more about animal facts. Then we will play an interesting game. Id like each group make a riddle about animal and the other groups guess what are they? 请每个小组都来编写动物谜语,请其他组来猜猜它们描述的是什么动物。So you should learn how to talk about animal facts, then you can do it well, OK?(提出任务,为本课教学内容创设环境。让学生更有针对性和目的性的学习。)三、Presentation1、 Listen to the tape carefully,then tell me how many animals can you hear?What are they?(课文整体呈现,为学生提供使用语言的环境。)2、Listen to the tape again,underline the new words and discuss them in groups,try to understand its meaning。(给学生提出要求,他们会有目的的去听,去听他们不认识的单词的发音,然后小组合作,解决问题,会培养学生的自主学习能力和团结协作能力)3、Check and teach the new words4、Listen to the tape,pause it for the children to follow it。(正音和及时巩固。)5、The children read the text by themselves,then try to answer the following questions in groupsWho gives Daming the presenr?What is the present?How long do pandas eat every day?What do pandas like to eat?Do anakes like music?Why?Does Daming like the present?(让学生带着问题去读课文,在培养他们阅读能力的同时,也培养了他们的思维能力和理解能力,然后以小组合作的方式来讨论问题,解决问题,体现学生间的互助合作,同时也是对她们自主学习能力的培养。)四、Practice1、Make a dialogueA:hello,B,whats your favourite animal?B:my favourite animal is A:Can you tell me more about it?B:Yes ,of course. .A: Thank you .B: You are welcome.(让学生通过练习,学会用英语来描述动物的习性,既锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,又巩固了本节课的基本内容)2、Play a game: which group is the best?Game rules:Group 1 say out an animal,Group 2 describe it in English,Group 2 say out an animal, Group 3 describe itIf you can describe it,you get a score,if you can not,you lose a score.(以比赛的形式来巩固本节课的内容,学生会更加感兴趣,同时也锻炼了他们综合运用语言的能力,增加了小组内的合作,培养学生间的竞争意识)五、Asessment六、Homework:Ask your parents what animals they like,and report it to the whole class。单元的学习内容有一段对话,六个生词。就教材来说,内容不难,重点是复习一般现在时态第三人称单数动词的变化,并学会用这个时态来描述各种动物以及其生活习性。重点和难点是如何把学到的知识运用到珍惜拥有感恩万物实际交际教学反思第 周 星期 (总)第 节 年 月 日课 题Module 7 Unit2 Pandas love bamboo本课第 课时教学目标1、习得句型P


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