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牛津初中英语8AUnit2短语1 你的学校生活是什么样的? Whats your school life like?2 世界各地不同的学校 different schools all the world3 狗不必上学因为他们比人类聪明。Dogs dont have to go to school because they are smarter than people.4 不同的单词可以表达同一事物;同一单词也可以表达不同的事物。Different words can mean the same thing. The same word can also mean different things.5 家政课是我最喜欢的学科。Home Economics is my favourite subject.6 我不知道如何为自己做事。I dont know how to do things for myself.7 请别告诉老师们我们在干什么 Please dont tell our teachers what we are doing.8 学习如何烹饪既营养又美味的饭菜 learn how to cook healthy and tasty meals9 了解关于的一切 know all about10. 品尝 taste/ have a taste11. 在我们班,我读的书最多。I read the most books in my class.12. 我们甚至可以从家里把书带到学校里来。We can even bring in books from home.13. 在每学期快结束的时候 near the end of each term14. 我们也想读同学们的书。 We want o read our classmates books as well.15. 十二年级的学生被称为高中毕业生。 Students in 12th grade are called seniors.16. 开车送我上班 drive me to work17. 开车比乘公交车节省时间。Driving takes less time than taking the bus.18. 花费大量时间练习打垒球 spend a lot of time practicing playing softball19. 相互聊天很有意思 have a great time talking to each other20. 一位著名作家所写的文章 an article (written) by a famous writer21. 英雄就是你非常崇拜的人物。Hero means someone you admire very much.22. 二月份是一年中最短的月份,因为二月所包含的天数最少。February is the shortest month in a year because the number of the days is the smallest. 23. 我的零钱比我的姐姐少得多,但我的朋友比她的要多一点。I have less pocket money than my sister, but I have more friends than her.24. 英式学校跟美式学校是不一样的。British school is different from American school.25. Nancy比Jim小三岁,Nancy比Jim学的课程少。 Nancy is three years younger than Jim. Nancy studies fewer subjects than Jim.26. 电脑学比家政课难,但它跟家政课一样有用。Computer Studies is more difficult than Home Economics, but it is as useful as Home Economics.27. 今年的国庆我们放了七天假。We had seven days off this years Nation Day.28. 我们学校的学生数过三千 The number of the students in our school is over3000.29. 你有多少同学? How many classmates do you have?30. 我每天都穿校服,但我不喜欢系领带。We wear school uniforms , but we dont like wearing ties.31. 街道的两旁都种着许多树。 There are many trees on both sides of the road.32. 我们每天只做半小时的家庭作业。We only have half an hour of homework every day.33. 去年冬天学校组织我们去北京旅游。We went on a school trip to Beijing last winter.34. 听流行音乐 listen to pop music35. 我的理想学校上午九点上课,下午三点放学。My ideal school starts a 9:00a.m and finishes at 3:00p.m.36. 你们的午餐多长时间? How long is your lunchtime?37. 我想养只宠物猴来消磨时间。I want to keep a pet monkey to kill time.38. 我们班Sandy在零食上花的钱最多。Sandy spends the most money on snacks in our class.41.我所有的朋友中,Simon交的网友最多。Simon makes the most online friends of all my friends.40. Amy和Millie的发夹颜色一样。 Amys hair clip is the same colour as Millies.41. 务必在9:00前做完所有的家庭作业。Make sure you must finish all the homework before 9:00.42. 打乒乓球没有打网球令人兴奋。Playing table tennis isnt as exciting as playing tennis.43. 我太累了,不能再走远了。I am too tired to walk any farther.44. 昨天在回家的路上,他的腿受伤了而且伤得很重。He hurt his legs badly on his way home.牛津初中英语8AUnit3短语1. 你有必要每天锻炼半小时以保持身体健康。You need to exercise for half an hour every day to keep fit.2. 乘船旅行 take a boat trip3. 晚饭后在湖边散步 walk around the lake after supper4. 到达山顶 get to the top of the mountain5. 四面环山的小村庄 a village with hills around6. 外国/外语/外国人 foreign country / foreign language/ foreigner7. 玩得开心 have a wonderful time8. 100多处名胜古迹的模型 models of over 100 places of interest 9. 邀请某人加入学校组织的去北京世界公园的旅游 invite sb. to join their school tip to the World Park10. 每堂课的一开始 at the beginning of each class11. 上公交车/下公交车;上出租车/下出租车 get on the bus/ get off the bus;get into a taxi / get out of the taxi12. 从KITTY的学校到世界公园坐长途车要花费两小时。The trip from Kittys school to the World Park took about two hour by coach.13. 每天文昌路上午8:00点下午6:00交通很繁忙。There is too much traffic from 8:00a.m to 6:00p.m on Wenchang Road every day.14. 旅程的不部分时间感到不舒服 feel sick for most of the trip15. 看到艾非儿铁塔模型我们变得很兴奋。We became very excited when we saw the model Eiffel Tower.16. 一天之内环游全世界是可能的。 Its impossible to travel around the world in a day.17. 我们的朋友遍天下。 Our friends are all over the world.18. 参加校运动会 join in the school sports meeting19. 自学英语 teach oneself English/ learn English by oneself20. 观看歌舞游行表演 watch the song and dance parade21. 欢迎大家浏览我的网站。 Welcome to my homepage.22. 在天安门广场瞻仰人民英雄纪念碑 See the Monument to the Peoples Heroes at Tiananmen Square23. 在故宫博物院欣赏古画 see old pictures in the Palace Museum24. 王府井大街两旁有很多店铺。 There are many shops on both sides of Wangfujing Street.25. 你可以在老舍茶馆喝特别的北京大碗茶同时欣赏精彩的京剧。You can drink special Beijing Tea and enjoy wonderful Beijing opera in Laoshe Tea House26. 咱们去爬长城,欣赏美景吧!lets climb up the Great wall and enjoy the amazing view.27. 每天清晨我喜欢漫步瘦西湖,感受古代园林的美。I like walking around the Slender West Lake every morning and feel the beauty of the old gardens.28. 为什么不乘坐出租车环绕北京市中心了解更多关于老北京的传说呢?Why not take a taxi around the centre of Beijing to learn more about old Beijing?29. 在黑龙江滑雪非常有意思。 Its very interesting to ski in Heilongjiang.30. 在内蒙你可以去骑马。 You can go horse riding in Inner Mongolia.31. 谢谢你同意让我坐在公交车的前面。Thank you for agreeing to let me sit at the front of the bus.32. 我想看日落并拍摄一些日落的照片。 I want to watch the sunset and take some photos of it.33. 攀岩是很危险的。 Its dangerous to climb the rocks.34. 在北京游乐圆玩捉迷藏的游戏 play hide-and-seek in Beijing Amusement Park35. 我想知道明天是否是晴天。 I wonder whether it will be sunny or not tomorrow.36. 伤害某人自己 hurt oneself37. 相互保守秘密 keep secrets to each other38. 篮球决赛将在本周六举行。 The basketball match will take place this Saturday.39. 谢谢你的支持。 Thanks for your support.40. 有了你们的帮助与支持,我们一定会赢得比赛的胜利的。With your help and support, we will win the match.41. 在中场休息时 at half-time42. 篮球决赛结束时我们将举行颁奖仪式。 The presentation of cup and medals will take place at the end of the basketball final.43. 下周我要出发动身去英国了。 I will leave for Britain next week.44. 算出旅行的费用 work out the cost of the trip45. 为我们队呐喊助威 cheer for our team46. 中国的国土面积大约为960万平方公里。 China is 9600 thousand square kilometers in area.47. 制定一天外出游玩的计划 make a plan for a day out48. 改乘公交车并乘公交车直达故宫 change to the bus and take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum49. 请尽快给我回信! Please write me back as soon as possible!50. 你可以打的或者坐公交车去飞机场。 You can go to the airport by taxi or bus.51. 进入决赛 go to the final52. 上周五我在家收拾行囊没有去看电影。I stayed at home and packed my bags instead of seeing a film last Friday.牛津初中英语8AUnit4短语1 处于危险当中/脱离危险 be in danger /out of danger2 从河里捕鱼 catch fish from the water3 自己寻找食物 look for on their own4 以家庭的形式居住(两种表达) live as a family / live in family groups5 学习很多关于大熊猫的情况 learn more about giant pandas6 中午到达动物园 arrive at the zoo at noon7 观看动物进食很认真 see the feeding of animals carefully8 观看海豚表演 watch the dolphin show9 为我的报告获取足够多的信息 get enough information for my report10 调头就跑 run the other way 11 穿过热带雨林 walk through the rainforest12 去北非看骆驼 go to North Africa to see camels13 野生动物在野外生存真的很难,因此,很有必要保护他们。Its really difficult for wild animals to survive in the wild, so its necessary to protect them.14 在所有的动物当中,我最喜欢老虎,最不喜欢的就是蛇。Of all the animals, I like tigers best and like snakes least.15 写一篇关于某种野生动物的报告 write a report on a wild animal16 竹笋和竹叶是大熊猫最喜爱的食物。 Bamboo shoots and leaves are giant pandas favourite food.17 杀灭老虎为了虎皮和虎骨 kill tigers for their fur and bones18 在动物园我们不能喂动物食物的。 We mustnt feed animals in the zoo.19 野生动物是我们的朋友,因而我们应该保护他们。(两种表达)Wild animals are our friends, so we should protect them.20 海豚确实很疲惫了因为长时间的表演。The dolphins are really tired because of the long performance.21 刚刚开始的时候,小孩子都会花很长时间喝妈妈的奶。At the very beginning, children drank their mothers milk for a long time.22 她得自己照顾自己了,因为她妈妈又生了一个宝宝。She had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.23 大熊猫在野外生存很困难,通常是人类的原因。Its difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild usually because of people.24 将来大熊猫可能会面临的问题 the problems that giant pandas may have in the future25 把他的孩子单独留下足足两小时 leave his child for two whole hours by himself26 采取措施来保护野生动物(两种表达) take action/ do something to protect wild animals27 杀戮以取乐 kill for fun28 团队协作精神 work as a team29 用虎骨制药 make medicine from tigers bones30 当买卖停止时,杀戮也就停止了。 When the buying stops, the killing can too.31 他们居住地的丢失 the loss of their living areas32 毁灭森林来建公路或开垦农田 destroy forests to build roads and make farmland33 继续占用耕地 continue to take the land34 熊猫的数量在不断变少。 The number of giant pandas is becoming smaller and smaller.35 熊的爪很锋利而且能直立行走。 Bears paws are sharp and can walk upright.36 鼓励学生们课堂上多讲英语 encourage students to speak English in class37 第一次乘坐飞机 take the plane for the first time38 无路可走 have no way to go 39 现在电视上的广告比以前多多了。There are much more advertisements on TV than before.40 一次 at a time 41 我的英语方面需要帮助 need help with my English42 我的宝宝刚生下来的时候只有3公斤。My baby weighed just 3 kilograms when she was born.43 为精彩的表演而欢呼 cheer for the wonderful performance44 砍伐森林和树木 cut down forests and trees45 大量的居住地正在变成农田。 A number of living areas are becoming farmland.


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