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初三英语中考总复习动词非谓语专练(一)()1. _ some students, the teacher entered the hall.A. Following B. Followed C. Being followed D. Having followed()2. When the winter holidays are over, well go on some new experiments.A. to doB. doingC. doD. with()3. Everyone hopes .A. to respectB. to be respectedC. respectingD. respected()4. , he couldnt join us in the group discussion.A. As he busyB. Being busyC. Being invitedD. To be invited()5. Entering the house, I found Jane _ at the desk and _ something.A.seat; write B.sitting; writing C.seating;writing D.seated;to write()6. Theyll never forget the suffering by the storm that year.A. that causedB. causedC. which madeD. made()7. She spends two hours the piano every day.A. practicingB. practicingC. to practiseD. to practice()8. He feels tired. He seems for hours.A. to workB. to be workedC. to have worked D.to have been worked()9. When the nurse came in the sick baby pretended .A. sleepB. be sleepingC. to be sleepingD. to have slept()10. The story by the boy is very interesting.A. tellingB. toldC. being tellD. having been told()11. - What would you like for breakfast? -dont feel like _. A. to eat something B.eating anything C.to eat anything D.eating nothing()12. Without ,he raised his voice.A. hearingB. being heardC. having heardD.to be hearing()13. I remember _ to their party, but I _ the invitation in the office.A. to be invited; have forgotten B. to invite; forget C. being invited; have left D. inviting; am leaving()14. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him.A. to write and listen B. writing and listening C. to write and listening D. writing and to listen ()15. _ many times, she still cant remember it.A. Had told B. Having been told C. Having told D. Being told()16. -What is he doing now? -He is trying a car.A. drivingB. driveC. to driveD. driven()17. It raining, I saw their wet clothes in doors.A. hungB. hangedC. be hangingD. to hang()18. There comes a person himself Big Wang.A. callingB. calledC. was calledD. was calling()19. The girl was heard in the room, so she was asked again.A.to singsing B.to singto sing C.singingto sing D.singingsing()20. from the top of the hill, the lake looks smaller.A. SeeingB. SeenC. To seeD. To be seen()21. from the space, the astronaut found the Great Wall.A. SeeingB. SeenC. To seeD. To be seen()22. The machine was made faster.A. runB. running C. to runD. ran()23. Just keep quiet when you _.A. are speaking B. are speaking to C. are spoken D. are spoken to()24. The law prevents these birds _.A. from killing B. from being killed C. not to be killed D. not killing ()25. The news he told us this morning seems .A. surprisedB. surprisingC. surpriseD. to surprise()26. into two halves, the footballers began the match.A. DividedB. DivideC. To divideD. Dividing()27. There were a group of people, about something.A. quarrelB. quarreledC. to quarrelD. quarrelling()28. I spoke to him kindly _ him.A. to not frighten B. so as not to frighten C. in order to not frighten D. for not frightening ()29. The machine is out of order and .A. needs to be repairingB. to repair itC. needs to be repairedD. need repairing()30. The film star stood there, a lot of people.A. surroundedB. surroundedC. followingD. surrounding()31. I saw him under the tree, .A. satthoughtB. seatthinkingC. seatedthinkingD. seatingthinking()32. My watch needs _, but I have no time to go to town to have it _.A. to repair; repaired B. to be repaired; repairingC. repairing; repaired D. being repaired; repaired()33. He could do nothing but .A. waitB. to waitC. waitingD. waited()34. to solve problem, she turned to the teacher.A.Knowing not howB.Knowing how not C. Not knowing howD.How knowing not ()35. I think it no use a lot without anything.A. saydoB. to saydoC. to sayto doD. sayingdoing()36. When they heard the news, all of them became .A. disappointmentdisappointedB. disappointeddisappointingC. disappointingdisappointmentD. disappointingdisappointed()37. The captain stood on the ship, the passengers getting off.A.sinkwatching B.sankwatched C.sunkwatched D.sinkingwatching()38.-Do you know Kate -Yes,very well.Ive seen her_up from childhood.A. was growing B. to grow C. grow D. grew()39. At the police station he got his bag back.A. losingB. loseC. missedD. lost()40. Ask questions according to the part.A. underlineB. underlinedC. underliningD. underlines()41. Complete the sentences, the words .A. followingusesgivingB. followedusinggivenC. followingusinggivingD. followingusinggiven()42. Greatly moved by the speech, .A. tears came to his eyes. B. tears couldnt be held backC. the couldnt told back his tears D. his eyes were full of tears()43. , I couldnt enter my house.A. Since the key has lostB. The key been lostC. Lost the key D. Having lost the key()44.In order to improve his English, he practiced to others in English.A. speakingto talkB. spokentalkingC. speakingtalkingD. spokento talk()45. Youd better in your exercises tomorrow morning.A. to handwrittenB. handwrittenC. to handto be writtenD. handwriting()46.“Jack is , Mum,”said the little sister. “Thats not my fault. I noticed some broken cups on the floor, so I picked them up and on the table.”A. lyinglyinglaidB. lyinglaylayC. lyinglainlaidD. lyinglielay()47. After such a climb, the children were all out.A. tiretiring B. tiredtiring C. tiringtired D.tiredtired()48. I was just about _ the office when the phone rang.A. leaving B. Leave C. to leave D. to leaving()49. You should try hard your work in two days.A. to finishB. finishingC. be finishedD. finish()50. He has forgotten me about it. He told me again just now.A. to tellB. having tellingC. toldD. telling()51. It is use all the time without anything at all.A. complainingdoingB. complaindoC. to complainto do D. complainto do()52. _ some of the questions _, the man said good-bye to us without making himself _.A. Left; unanswering; understood; B. Leaving; unanswered; understoodC.Left;unanswering; understanding D.Leaving; unanswered; understanding()53. Why do you have the water _ all the time?A. ran B. to be running C. running D. being running ()54. English ten or fifteen minutes every morning is the best way for us our intonation and pronunciation.A. ReadimproveB. To readimprovingC. ReadingimprovingD. To readto improve()55.All of us stood on the playground, the national flag higher and higher.A. to lookdoingB. watchingraisedC. watchingbeing raisedD. watchingto be raised()56. When one of the students started faces, the others couldnt help .A. to makelaughB. to makelaughedC. makinglaughingD. makelaughing()57. Please excuse me for without .A. cominginviting B. cominginvitedC. comingbeing invited D. comebeing invited()58. The design of bridge across the river was made by an engineer in the well known institute.A. layingto be trainedB. laidtrainedC. laytrainingD. lyingtraining()59. They are glad to see the children well _ in the nursery.A. looking after B. looked after C. to look after D. to be looked after()60. No matter the weather is like, you can always find surfers out t he waves in Honolulu.A. what, ridingB. how, ridingC. what, to rideD. how, to ride()61.The sun _, they went home.A. set down B. setted C. setting D. sets()62.The students, _ at the way the questions were put, didnt know the answers to then.A. they surprising B. Surprised C. their being surprised D. surprise()63.When she returned home, she found the window open and something _.A. to steal B. Losing C. missed D. stolen()64._, this is easy to do.A. Generally speaking B. Generally spoken C. Generally to speak D. Generally to be spoken()65.May thought it a great pity _ to the party.A. not to be invited B. to be not invited C. not to have invited D. to have not invited()66.Lots of _ news came every day during the _ Asian Games.A.inspiring; 11th B.inspired; 11st C.inspiring; 11 st D.inspired; 11 th()67.Her room was found _ into yesterday afternoon, but nothing was found _.A. to break; steal B. to be broken; stolen C. being broken; robbed D. broken; stolen(二)2014年全国各地市中考英语非谓语动词真题汇总( )1.(2013.南京) At times, parents find it difficult_ with their teenage children A talk B talked C. talking D. to talk( )2. (2013陕西) Mary called and asked her husband _ home at once, because she locked their daughter in the home. A to leave B. leave C. go D. to go( )3.(2013.南通) - Simon, I hear you are going abroad for further study. Have you decided_? - Next September. A. when going B. when to go C. how going D. how to go( )4.(2013.杭州) Shes not strong enough_ walking up mountains. A. to go B. going C. go D. went( )5.(2013.苏州) Paul made a nice cage_ the little sick bird till it could fly. A keep B kept C. keeping D. to keep( )6. (2013.天津) He promised_ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin. A see B. seeing C. saw D. to see( )7.(2013.无锡) Dont throw away the waste paper. It needs _ so that it can be reused. A to destroy B. destroying . C. to collect D. collecting( )8.(2013.梅州)I found a letter_ on the floor when I came into the classroom A lying B. lay C. lie D. lies( )9.(2013.漳州) Mr Wang often encourages us_ close to nature and enjoy its beauties. A. get B getting C. to get( )10. (2013齐齐哈尔) It takes me half an hour_ the piano every day. A play. B. playing C. to play( )11. (2013.绥化) Remember_ off the .lights when you leave the room, please. A to turn B. turning C. turn( )12. (2013.乌鲁木齐)Why not_ your teacher for help when you cant finish_ the story by yourself. A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; to write( )13. (2013.南昌) Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates_ dancing with her. A. practise B. practises C. practising D. to practise( )14.(2013.滨州) - Would you like_ camping with me? -Id like to. But Im busy_ my homework. A. to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing( )15.(2013.成都) He is too heavy. He has decided_ some exercise to keep healthy. A. to take B. not to take C. take( )16. (2013.娄底) - Would you mind_ the window? Its very hot. - No, not at all. A. open B. to open C. opening( )17.(2013.白银) Many old men prefer_ in the peaceful countryside. A. to live B. living C. live D. lived( )18. (2013.广东) - I didnt hear you come in just now. - Thats good. We tried_ any noise, for you were sleeping. A not make B not to make C. to-make D. making ( )19. (2013 -淄博) - Do you like Zhou Libos talk show? - Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people_. A laugh B laughed C. laughing D. to laugh( )20.(2013.黄石) Seeing their teacher_ into the classroom, they stopped_ at once. A. walk; telling B. entering; to speak C. enter; to tell D. walking; talking( )21.(2013.上海) The retired couple enjoy _ photos.They always go out with their cameras. A. take B. took. C. to take D. taking( )22. (2013. 广安)- Im looking forward to_ my parents soon. What about you? - Me too. A seeing B see C. saw ( )23. (2013.安顺) He often drinks two cups of_ water when he comes back. A boiling B boil C. boiled D. boils ( )24.(2013. 凉山) When you move somewhere new, the first thing for you is to find a place_. A to live B. living in C. to live in D. live in( )25. (2013.白银)- -George was heard_ just now. What happened? - Peppa was telling a joke.A. to cry B. cry C. to laugh D. laugh( )26(2013泰安)- Why is Linlin practising speaking English ? -_ abroad for further study.A Go B Gone C. To go D. Goes( )27. (2013.白银) The little boy pretended_ when his mother came in. A sleeping B asleep C. to asleep D. to be asleep( )28. (2013.凉山) Everyone may feel time _very quickly when they do something interesting A. go by B to go by C. went by D. going by ( )29.(2013.茂名) The tree_ by your grandma grows very will. A planting B. is planted C. planted D. to plant( )30. (2013.齐齐哈尔) Animals are our close friends. We are supposed _ them. A .to protect B. protecting C. protect D. protected( )31. (2013.绥化) He wants to, have his TV_. A. repairing B repaired C. to repair D. repair( )32.(2013.包头) - Nobody likes_, so we should be kind to everyone, - I agree with you. A to laugh B. laughing at C. to be laughed D. to be laughed at( )33.(2013.十堰) How kind you are! You always do what you can _ others. A help B. helping C. helps D. to help参考答案110 DDBAD DDACC 1120 ACDBA CABAD2130 DACCC CDACA 3133 BDD

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