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Passage 1A Clever RatA mousetrap is in the room. A fish is on it. A rat comes out. He sees the fish.A cat is in the room, too. He sees the rat and comes at rat.“Dont eat me ”, says the rat to the cat. “You like fish. I have a nice fish for you. Look, there it is.” The cat lets the rat go. He comes up to the fish. Oh, the mousetrap catches one of his paws.新词速记:mousetrap n. 捕鼠器 rat n. 老鼠 paw n.瓜子牛刀小试:根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1. A mousetrap is in the room.( ) 2.There is no fish on the mousetrap.( ) 3.A cat sees the rat and comes at the rat.( ) 4.The cat lets the rat go and he comes to the fish.( ) 5.The cat doesnt let the rat go.Passage 2 I am his father One day , there is a car accident. Many people gather around. A man is eager to have a look, but he cant get close. So he shouts, “Get out of the way! I am his father. Get out of the way!” Hearing this, people all laugh and make way for him. He is surprised to see that there is a dog lying on the road but not a man.新词速记:accident n.意外,(交通)事故 gather v. 聚集,收集eager v.渴望牛刀小试根据短文填空1 There is a _ accident.2 _ the accident, many people gather around .3 A man is eager to _ _ _, but he cant get close.4 I _ his father.5 There is a dog lying _ the road but not a man.

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