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八年级英语上Module3 Sports Unit1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis.导学案 班级 姓名 日期 学习目标:1、掌握本单元四会词汇与句型:(重点) 四会单词:baseball, volleyball, boring , exciting , relaxing ,score ,already matter ,hurt ,enjoyable ,Olympics ,stadium ,miss, mind , plenty , plenty of 句型:Watching is not dangerous and its more relaxing too! Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium. Whats the score? Whats the matter(with you)? Back luck! Never mind.2、掌握多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词比较级的构成及用法。(重点)3、了解动词作主语及宾语情况。(难点)【新知构建】一、自主预习(成功是属于有所准备的人,所以,同学们,好好预习喔!)1、 温故而知新 复习归纳单音节形容词的比较级及用法。想一想单音节词与多音节词一样吗?区别又在哪里?2、 预习本单元的新单词。二、课堂探究过程(我们坚信:敢于探究定能结出累累的硕果。) Task1、小组简单归纳单音节词比较级的构成。(1分钟完成)Task2、小组学习新单词。(2分钟完成)Task3、听活动3的录音,选择正确的答案。(3分钟完成)( )1). _scored a minute ago.A.The USA B. England C. Spain( )2). Last week the match was so_.A.boring B. exciting C. interesting( )3). _hurt his/her knee last night.A.Betty B. Tony C. Daming( )4). Daming thinks staying at home was _than going to the stadium.A. easy B. easier C. more difficultTask4、读活动3对话, 写一写,译一译: (5分钟完成。先个人后组内,每组负责两小题展示于黑板上,然后大声朗读。)1)、喜欢看奥运会_ _ 2)、看上去很累_ 3)、这周的比赛_ 4)、更加令人激动的_ 5)、太糟糕_ 6)、待在家里_7)、真倒霉_ 8)、没关系_ 9)、大量的_ 10)、一点也不_11)、你怎么啦?_?12)、比分是多少?_?Task5、读对话,攻克重点: 重点:A. 在对话中找出含有形容词比较级的句子,学习多音节形容词比较级的构成及用法。写出下列形容词的比较级:(5分钟完成)1).boring_ 2)difficult_ 3).popular_ 4).dangerous_ 5).exciting_ _6).expensive_ 7).relaxing_ _8).interesting_ 9). beautiful_B. 多音节或部分双音节形容词比较级的句式与单音节形容词比较级的句式一样,只不过比较级的构成不同而已。试着翻译以下句子,看谁是小小翻译家?(2分钟完成)1)、游泳比跑步令人放松。Swimming _ _ _ _ running.2)、足球比篮球令人兴奋。Football_ _ _ _basketball.C. 现在,向小组成员谈谈你所喜欢的运动吧,说出你的理由,注意要用比较级哦!(6分钟完成)5、小组大展示。(14分钟)三、梳理提升1、小结:请将你的收获跟大家分享,把疑惑提出来交流。(2分钟)2、拓展:挑战难点 请在对话中找出并划下含有动词-ing形式的句子,说出使用-ing原因。(3分钟完成) 记住:动词在句子中作_或_要用-ing形式。四、达标检测:应用今天所学的知识来练练吧,我们会轻松过关的,Come on! 单项选择题:(2分钟完成)( ) 1.- Oh, no! I miss the bus. -_, therell be another one in five minutes.A. Im sorry B. Never mind C. Great( ) 2. Football is _ than basketball, I think. A. exciting B. more excited C. more exciting( ) 3. -Whats the matter _ you?-I hurt my leg. A. with B. to C. for( ) 4. _ table tennis is more enjoyable. A. Play B. Playing C. Plays( ) 5. Every year we plant _ in spring. A. plenty tree B. much trees C. plenty of trees附大展示任务分配:任务一:找出对话中含有比较级的句子并朗读任务二:写出1).boring_ 2).difficult_3).popular_ _4).dangerous_5).exciting_的比较级,并带领齐读任务三:写出6).expensive_ _7). relaxing_ _ 8). interesting_9). beautiful_的比较级,并带领齐读任务四:完成句子翻译任务五:谈论所喜欢的运动,用上比较级任务六:谈论所喜欢的运动,用上比较级 Module3 Sports Unit1 Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis.导学案(第二课时)班级 姓名 日期 【学习目标】:同第一课时【学习重点】:本课的词组【学习难点】:初步学会表达多音节形容词的比较级的用法。【学习步骤】:一.快乐预习:1.尝试小组内读本课的对话。2.在对话中找出以下短语,在书中划出来,并读一读给你的同伴听:watch the match 在电视上 sit down 打网球 待在家 be sure about 不要紧 bad / good luck 二你探我究1. 请大家观察者两组句子:“The match was boring.I was bored yesterday.”“The story is interesting. I am interested this story.”形容事、物的应该是 结尾的形容词;形容人的应该是以 结尾的形容词,除了以上两对词外,还有exciting 和excited 。2. 找出以下句子并翻译: Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis. So this weeks match is already more exciting. Yes ,watching is not dangerous and its more relaxing too! 请看后面的语法,发现这些加粗的形容词都是多音节词,对于多音节形容词和部分双音节词,一般是在该形容词前加 构成,很多这样的形容词是加了后缀了的词,如:careful ; exciting等。三自我检测。( )1.Listening to the music always makes me .(乌鲁木齐考题)A. relaxed; relaxing B. relaxing ;relaxing C. relaxing ; relaxed ( )2.They waited and waited for something to happen.A. excited B. to excite C. exciting( )3.Excuse me , would you mind your voices down, please?A. to keep B. keeping C. keep( )4.- Lets buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers Day. - Why not make some by hand? Its much .A. interesting B. the most interesting C. more interesting四Homework: 1.熟读本课对话。2.完成关于你自己的短文,用活动1中的单词帮助你。 八年级英语上 Module3 Unit 2 This year we practice more carefully导学案 Class(班级) Name(姓名) Date(日期) 【学习目标】1.学习新单词:beat , careless , cheer-on , coach , fan club , against , train , practice , warm , warm up , usual , better , after-school , pleased , pass , pity , chance , loudly , confident 2.通过课文的阅读,训练提高阅读能力,学习阅读技巧。【课前预习】1.请尝试读本课的新单词:会读,会拼写,在不会读的单词下面划线。2.预习课本中文章的意思,在文章中找出以下短语,并中英文翻译。然后尝试读读看,不会的在下面划上记号。warm up be late for cheer on after-school practice 传球 confident to do sth. 尽可能早 对抗 【课堂学习】Task1:请同学们快速阅读Reading(三分钟),判断正(T)误(F)方法指导:读阅读材料,掌握大致意思,并通过对文章标题和首尾句的阅读,对文章的内容结构有一个整体的印象。( )1.We all arrive as late as we can so that we have time to warm up.( )2.It is easy to practise in winter because the days are short and the weather is cold too .( )3.Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now.( )4.We hope to play worse this year.Task2:细读课文,完成课本Activity 3的补全短文当堂检测 ( )1. interesting to play football and basketball.A. Thats B. Its C. This is ( )2.This book is very and I am in it.A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting C. interested; interested( )3.- How do you arrive there? By plane.A. in B. at C. /( )4.Lingling and Jane are both good at dancing. Who dances ?A. nice B. well C. better( )5. I think cycling is than walking.A. tired B. more tiring C. tired( )6.Mr Wang was with the trip to the country-side . A. pleased , pleasant B. pleased , pleased C. pleasant , pleasant( )7.Ellen arrived Beijing 10:00 Sunday morning. A. in , at , in B. in , at , on C. at , at ,onModule3 Unit3 Language in use日期: 班级: 姓名: 【导学目标】:1.会读和默写本模块的单词和短语。2.巩固和应用提建议的句型。【学习重难点】:巩固和应用形容词和副词的比较级。【学习过程】【自主复习】:I.小组内读本模块的单词和对话及短文。II.听写单词。III写出下列短语,(中英文翻译) 1.play tennis 2.look tired 3.bad luck 4.别介意 5.大量 6.对抗 7.热身 8.打败某人 9.迟到 10.做某事赢得机会更大 11.对-满意 12.觉得有信心做 IV.重点句型: 1.在冬天锻炼起来更困难。Its to practise in winter.2.我们比平常更加努力地训练。 We are training than usual.3.今年我们练习得更加认真. This year we practise .4.我们都尽可能早地到校,以便我们有时间做准备活动。We all arrive we can so that we have time to warm up.【语法小结】。形容词比较级(2)1. 对于多音节和部分双音节形容词,一般在该形容词前加more 构成比较级。2. 有些形容词和副词的比较级是不规则变化:bad/illworse; many/muchmore, good/wellbetter; farfarther/further; old older/elder littleless3. 副词的比较级。英语中以-ly结尾的词多为副词,许多形容词后面加上-ly 就构成形容词与副词的用法:形容词修饰名词,放在名词前;修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后;副词一般放在动词或动词短语之后。副词的比较级和形容词的比较级变化相同。【课堂检测】:I单项选择题。 ( )1.- Which do you like ,summer or winter? - Id prefer (更喜欢) winter. A. better B. good C. well( )2.Sorry,I took your MP3 by mistake. Ill be careful next time. A. most B. more C. much( )3.Diving is not as as skiing. Skiing is than diving. A. dangerous; more dangerous B. dangerous; much dangerous C. dangerous, much more dangerous.( )4. I think Harry Potter is very .I want to read it again. A. boring B. exciting C. excited( )5. Traffic is heavy and the price of oil is much so that many people go to work by bus instead. A. higher B. expensive C. more expensive( )6. exercise you take, youll be. A. The fewer, the fatter B. The less, the fatter C. The less, the more fatter( )7. This year our school is than it was last year.A. much more beautiful B. much beautiful C. beautiful( )8.She always does her homework than her brother.A. more careful B. more carefully C. carefully( )9.-Whats the matter you? I catch a cold . A. for B. with C. to( )10.They are good at playing tennis, but they cant play piano very Well.A. the; the B. the; / C. / ; the( )11.-Do you mind your bike there?- Not at all. A. move B. moving C. to move( )12.The plane in Shanghai at 10 oclock in the morning. A. arrives B. gets to C. reaches( )13.Please be quiet. You must sit in the classroom . A. quiet B. quietly C. loudly( )14.She plays chess better than me. She always me.A. wins B. beats C. losesII.用词的正确形式填空。 1.This picture is (beautiful) than that one.2.Who has (many) book, Lucy or Lily? 3.Its more difficult (answer) the questions in English.4.I like listening to music because it can make me feel (excite).5.They talking (loud) and the teacher may get angry.三.根据汉语,完成句子。1.你怎么了? the you?2.我经常在电视上观看比赛。I often watch the match .3.让我们为他们加油吧!Lets go and them .4.王敏又迟到了。Wang Min class again.八年级英语上Module4 Planes, ships and trains Unit1 He lives the farthest from school.导学案(第一课时)班级 姓名 日期 【学习目标】:1.会读本课的新单词:road; accident ; except ; crowded2. 能力目标:能够听懂含有形容词最高级形式的对话以及对交通工具的描述。 【教学重难点】: 1.形容词和副词的最高级2.难点:形容词的最高级形式及by+交通工具的用法。 【学习步骤】:课前预习:1.我们学过有关by+交通工具的词组,大家还记得以下这些词的英文表达吗?乘公交车 乘小轿车 乘火车 乘小船 乘飞机 乘出租车 乘地铁 乘轮船 2.小组内尝试拼读单词,小组试试看,不会的画。3.请观察“Activity1”的图片,这些是什么交通工具?请将图片和方框中的单词连线。课堂学习:1.根据音标自读本课新单词,每组一人带读,教师随时更正。2.听“Activity2”的录音,将活动1中的图片和方框中的单词进行搭配。3.听“Activity3”的录音,完成以下判断题。Betty wasnt late for school today.( ) Tony goes to school by underground. ( )Lingling goes to school on foot. ( )Daming doesnt go to school by bus.( )三.你探我究:take the train 意为“_”,是动词词组,而 by train/on the train都是介词短语,在句中不能做谓语。take the train to =go to by train 请完成He always goes to work by taxi.=_.四.课堂小检测:根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词。1.There are lots of cars on the r .2. -What happened?- A car a happened and two men were badly hurt.3. Everybody passed the exam (除了)Tom. He failed the exam again.4. The zoo is f away from our school.5.The railway station is always (拥挤的).Module4 Planes, ships and trains Unit1 He lives the farthest from school.导学案(第二课时)班级 姓名 日期 【学习目标】1.会读本课的新单词:road; accident ; except ; crowded2.能力目标:能够听懂含有形容词最高级形式的对话以及对交通工具的描述。 【教学重难点】1.形容词和副词的最高级 2.难点:形容词的最高级形式及的用法课前预习:1.尝试小组内读本课的对话。2.在对话中找出以下短语,在书中划出来,并读一读给你的同伴听:except for the same as 远离 乘坐出租车 be close to take the underground ride bikes 记住要做某事 你探我究1.请大家观察者两组句子:“Maybe I should go to school by taxi”“She may be a university student”Maybe 是 词,表示“大概”,只能作状语。May是 ,与be 连用作句子的谓语,意思是“可能是,也许是”。2.在文中找到以下句子,并翻译,注意黑体字部分的结构。He lives the farthest from school. Its the most comfortable way, but its also the most expensive. Her home is the closest to school, so she walks. far是副词,comfortable 和 close是形容词,请看语法书,当三者或三者以上进行比较,形容词和副词又有什么变化呢? 3。请小组大声分角色朗读对话。课堂检测( )1.Her mother goes to work bus every morning.A. by B. at C. in( )2.Pudong International Airport is one of airports in the world.A. big B. bigger C. biggest( )3.- does Kitty go to school? - She takes the bus. A. How B. Why C. When 八年级英语 Module4 Planes, ships and trains Unit 2 What is the best way to travel导学案 (第一课时)Class(班级) Name(姓名) Date (日期) 【学习目标】1.熟练记忆本课的新单词 2.通过课文的阅读,训练提高阅读能力,学习阅读技巧,泛读、精读等。教学步骤:一、预习导航 1. 请尝试读本课的新单词:会读,会拼写,在不会读的单词下面划线。2. 完成 “Activity 1”的讨论,用到所给的问句。3.预习课本中文章的意思,在文章中找出以下短语,并中英文翻译。然后尝试读读看,不会的在下面划上记号。plan to do sth. 多长时间 by train by boat wait for because of 旅途愉快 去(做某事)的最好方式 二、直击课本 (While You Read.)Task1:请同学们快速阅读Reading(三分钟),判断正(T)误(F)方法指导:读阅读材料,掌握大致意思,并通过对文章标题和首尾句的阅读,对文章的内容结构有一个整体的印象。( ) 1.I want to travel from London to Australia.( ) 2. A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive.( ) 3. A journey by car and by ship is the most comfortable way to travel but also the most expensive.( ) 4.A journey by coach is the cheapest way to travel, but in summer the coaches always get crowed. 八年级英语 Module4 Planes, ships and trains Unit 2 What is the best way to travel导学案 (第二课时)Class(班级) Name(姓名) Date (日期) 【学习目标】(同第一课时)教学步骤一预习导航 1. 听写单词。二直击课本 (While You Read.)Task2: 认真阅读”Activity2”的课文,并填写书上的“3”表格:方法指导:精读,分析阅读材料中出现的知识点及句型等等,然后完成“Activity3”的表格。(写在书上)你探我究:1.take 意为“ ”,花费时间做某事的句型是 大家还记得那三个花费吗? 2.have to 意为 ,强调客观原因,有各种时态的变化,其句式变化要借助助动词do, did , does. Must 也是 的意思,但它强调主观原因,作为情态动词来使用,无人称和数的变化。注意以must开头的一般疑问句作肯定回答和否定回答的方式。Yes, 主语+must. /No, 主语+ neednt.Task3:最后再读课文,完成 “Acitivity4”的填空,对课文进行复述.三、当堂检测(单项选择题)。( )1.- have you stayed in New York? - For about two weeks.A. How far B. How soon C. How long ( )2.- is it from your home to school? -Its about five miles away.A. How far B. How soon C. How long( )3.- do you have an Art Festival I your school? Once a year.A. How far B. How soon C. How long( )4.Dear students, please read every sentences carefully. The more you are , the mistakes youll make.A. carefully; fewer B. careful; less C. careful;fewer( )5.It me two hours to finish my homework last night.A. paid B. spent C. tookModule4 Unit3 Language in use日期: 班级: 姓名: 【导学目标】:1.会读和默写本模块的单词和短语。2.巩固和应用形容词和副词的最高级的句型。【学习重难点】:巩固和应用形容词和副词的最高级。【学习过程】【自主复习】:I.小组内读本模块的单词和对话及短文。II.听写单词。III写出下列短语,(中英文翻译)(活动一)。1.except for 2.the same as 3.远离 4.乘坐出租车 5.be close to 6.乘地铁 . 7.ride bikes 8.记住要做某事 9.by bike 10.road accident 11.as well 12.变得拥挤 13.旅途愉快 IV.重点句型:(活动二)1.它是最舒服的方式,但也是最昂贵的。Its the ,but its also the most expensive.2.你花费大约12个小时到那里。 And it you about twelve hours get there.3.那么骑自行车去怎么样? Then what about ?4.他住的离学校最远,因此他坐地铁去。He lives from school , so he takes the underground.【语法小结】。形容词和副词的最高级:对三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较时,我们可以用 。其变化规则有规则变化和不规则变化。规则变化有:(1)单音节和少数双音节形容词和副词,一般在词尾加 ;以字母结尾e的直接加 ;以“辅音+y”结尾的,变为 为 ,再加 ;以重读闭音节结尾的,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写最后面的辅音字母,再加 。(2)多音节和部分双音节词和副词变最高级时,前面加 。有些形容词和副词的最高级是不规则变化:bad/illworst; many/muchmostgood/wellbest; farfarthest/furthest; old oldest/eldest ;littleleast【课堂检测】:I单项选择题。(活动三)( )1.She prefers football because she thinks its among all sport.广东A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting( )2.Who listens ,Tom, Jack or Bill?(天津) A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most careful( )3.The Changjiang River is the river in China.(广东)A. long B. longest C. shortst( )4. Tiananmen Square is one of squares in the world.(北京)A. larger B. the largest C. largest( )5. Jack is my friend of all the classmates.A. good B. best C. the best( )6.This picture is beautiful than that one.A. much more B. much C. more much( )7. He usually goes to work every morning.A. by a bike B. on bike C. by bike( )8.Teds house is to the school so he wont be late.A. modern B. far C. close( )9.- do you do sports every day? For about an hour . A. How long B. How old C. What time( )10.Lets go to the factory . Its near our school.A. by ship B. on foot C. by train( )11.-This coat a lot of money. A. spends B. pays C. costs( )12.Mr Han is one of teachers in our school. A. the more famous B. much famous C. the most famous( )13.Will you please drive ? The train is leaving soon.A. faster B. slowly C. more slowly( )14.Betty usually goes to school her fathers car.A. by B. in C. on( )15.It will take us to finish the work.A. half hour B. one and half an hour C. one an half hours( )16.-Do you like English? - Yes .But I think its subject of all.A. the most difficult B. the most interesting C. the most boringII.从方框内选出合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。(活动四)expensive ; hour; quick ; station ; take1.This T- shirt is than that one.2.Please walk ,or well be late for the meeting?3.Six minutes is one .4.I am going to wait for you at the bus .5.It will you an hour to do the work.小结:今天,你学了本课有什么收获吗?请把它们写下来. 【学习】一、情境导入教师可指着图片问学生:What can you see? 让学生进行抢答。二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑) 1. Read through the lists of words and have the students repeat them after you. Make sure they understand them all. 2.Listen to the quiz and match these words Box1 with the words in Box2. 3.Work in pairs. How do you go to school? With “by bicycle, by bus, by subway, by taxi, walk”. 三、大听力 多层听 1. The first listening: 听Activity 4, 完成句子(以此来练习交通方式的表达): a. Tony goes to school _. b. Daming gets to school _. c. Lingling _ to school. d. Dad always goes to wor

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