Join in3六年级英语上册单词句型语法知识点总结.doc

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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”教案设计一、教案背景1、面向学生:小学2、学科:英语 3、课时:1 4、学生课前准备:复习Join in Book1 Unit1 的歌曲 The Numbers Rock二、教学课题本节课是学习小学英语四年级Join in版本Book2 Unit5 Time的第一课时中,用“oclock, half past”表达时间的正点和半点,和用句型“What time is it?It is (one oclock).”询问时间。1、能听得懂、会读故事:The pig。2、能听懂、会说和会运用词组“ oclock”和 “half past”。3、能听得懂、会读、会说句型 “What time is it?It is ”4、会用句型设置情景,自编对话。5、在故事教学中,陶冶小朋友积极向上的精神,以故事中的主角作为反面教材。三、教材分析本节课是学习小学英语四年级Join in版本 Book2 Unit5 Time的第一课时,主要是句型教学,是在学生掌握了一百以内的英文数字的基础上进行教学的。时间来源于生活,学生对于正点和半点都非常熟悉,本课时要求学生掌握用“oclock, half past”表达时间的正点和半点,和运用句型“What time is it?It is one oclock.”询问时间,为五年级学习时间的非正点和非半点奠定基础。1、教学重难点(1)能听得懂、会读故事:The pig。(2)掌握用“oclock, half past”表达时间的正点和半点。(3)句型“What time is it?It is ”穿插在整个教学过程中,让学生在不断的操练中,不断加深,不断巩固。2、教学准备根据教学实际和学校条件以及学情的分析采用自编的故事,在百度中找合适的图片制作出PPT多媒体课件和在百度搜索外国小朋友的作息时间表。3、学情分析本节课授课的对象是小学四年级的学生,他们已经有一年学习英语的基础,他们活泼好动,好奇心强,爱听故事和爱联想。4、教学分析为了突破这节课的重难点,我决定用故事教学法和任务型教学法贯穿整堂课。学生对故事必定很感兴趣,著名学者布鲁纳说过:“兴趣是刺激学习。” 整个教学设计由老师引导,学生自主参与,聆听故事、获取新知,然后巩固操练,合作创新。这充分体现了新课程标准要求的采用互动的课堂模式,提倡开放的学习方式,鼓励学生创造性地运用语言。“互动”、“开放”、“创造”营造了平等、民主、宽松的课堂氛围,学生就获得了相当大的主动权。四、教学过程(一)Warming-up热身。1、歌曲导入,激发学生学习的兴趣T:Do you like the song “THE NUMBERS ROCK”. Now lets sing the song. Are you ready? Lets go.2、自由会话,促进语言实际运用能力的提高 T: You are so great. I am so happy. Youve done a good job. Hello, What is your favourite day? My favourite day is Sunday, too. (二)Presentation 呈现新知(第一次和第二次阅读)故事导入。“The pig”小懒猪,通过小懒猪KEEP FIT的故事,让学生学习时间的表达法。T: Today I will tell you a story, THE PIG. Do you like pigs? Ok , someone likes it, someone doesnt . Now listen carefully please. Lets start.Pigpig is too fat. He wants to keep fit.Dogdog is Pigpigs friend. He helps Pig .They decide to run every morning.On Monday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is six oclock.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Tuesday.(Then he go on sleeping)On Tuesday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is half past six.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Wednesday. On Wednesday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is seven oclock.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Thursday.On Thursday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is half past seven.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Friday .(Then he goes on sleeping)On Friday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is eight oclock.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Saturday .(Then he goes on sleeping)On Saturday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is half past eight.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Sunday.(Then he goes on sleeping)(Now lets guess the ending.)On Sunday, there is a hungry lion. He sees a fat pig, and thinks, “Fat pig. Yummy!” Then he eats the fat pig.T: Do you think is it a good pig? I dont think so. Now I will challenge you. Look, lets match. Do you remember? On Monday, dogdog called pigpig at six oclock. So you can match Monday and six oclock. Understand now please take out this paper, and your pencils. Lets go. Ok, check the answer. Well done.T: Do you like this story? Ok, lets enjoy the story again. (Show the key points on the board while enjoying the story)Pigpig is too fat. He wants to keep fit.Dogdog is Pigpigs friend. He helps Pig .They decide to run every morning.On Monday,Dog says, Pigpig, wake up. Its time to run.Pig says, Mmm What time is it?Dog says, It is six oclock.Pig says, MmmIt is too early. Lets run on Tuesday.(I will show the other time like this.)http:/猪的图片来源http:/被吃的猪的图片来源http:/狗的图片来源http:/狮子的图片来源http:/时钟来源(设计意图:在讲故事的过程中,让小朋友猜一猜故事的结局,他们参与其中,做课堂的小主人。讲完故事后,还要让小朋友们简单的对主角PIG作一个简单的评价,让他们引以为戒。运用故事教学法有利于充分调动和保护学生的学习兴趣,热情和积极性,也能体现英语学习的工具性和交际性等特点,还可以挖掘学生学习潜能,培养他们的合作精神,参与意识和语言能力,能真正达到以学生为中心的目的。学生在学习故事的同时获取新知,实现了本堂课教学重点突破。)T: Please look at the board, here are some sentences. Please read after me. It is half past six. Half, ha , ha ,half, half. Past, pa, pa, pa past past. OK, now read together. T: I am proud of you. Here are some clocks. Who can help me put the clock on the right place.T: Well done. Lets read together.(三)Consolidation巩固操练,互动合作T: I will challenge you, again. Read the time. What time is it? Excellent! Read together.T: What about this one? What time is it? Wonderful! Read together.T: Look at these clocks, say with your partners. Group1 say this one. Group2 says this oneYou can take out this paper, the clocks are here. Lets go.T: OK, who want to try?T: Wonderful. I am so proud of you.T: That is so easy for you. Now challenge you again. Choose the best word. There are three clocks. You can choose the best word in the blank. Take out this paper and your pencils. Do it.T: Lets check. Good boys, good girls.(四)Summary课堂总结,及时评价。 T: Now lets read the story together. Group1 and Group2 read pigpig, Group3 and group4 read dogdog. And pay attention to the sound of pigpig and dogdog. Understand? Are you ready? Lets go. Great.T: Now please open your book and turn to page 53, look at part6 Match and write the numbers.T: This class, we learn the time. And learn the story about pigpig. We cant do as like pigpig. We must work hard. Ok, class is over.(设计意图:通过对知识的小结,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工、储存,从而明确教学重点和难点;对学生的表现进行总结评价,以评价促发展,培养小组团队精神,激励学生大胆开口,积极活动,为小组争得荣誉。)(五)continuation课外延伸T: Now, lets know about the children in other countries.(设计意图:了解外国小朋友的学生时间,让他们对外国文化有一定的了解,也认识中西文化的差异。)http:/资料来源Homework: 1. Tell the story to your parents(父母).2. Do the exercise Page49 part3.(六)板书设计Unit 5 Time six oclock. half past six.What time is it? Its seven oclock. half past seven. eight oclock. half past eight.五、教学反思开拓思路,打破传统方式,力求新颖,自由整合教材。这次的上课是对小学英语故事教学的一种尝试,通过这节故事教学留给自己去思考的东西很多。歌曲和对话作为这节课的前奏,复习旧知识,做到以旧引新,以及用多种方式去激发学生的学习热情等这些都是在今后的教学中应该去发扬的。故事导入,“The lazy pig”小懒猪,通过小懒猪KEEP FIT的故事,让学生学习时间的表达法。在这故事我设计了3个阅读目标:Pre-reading:感知故事,了解故事内容。while-reading:认知故事,参与阅读。Post-reading:理解故事,学习重点。在每一次的阅读,我都明确了任务,并给学生充足的思考空间,通过练习巩固知识,教会学生学会合作。在故事教学上,学生学到的不仅是知识,还有学习故事里中的寓意,喻教于学。而且故事所带给孩子的快乐和意义,是深远的。这故事教学中,我注重培养学生在阅读故事时学会思考的习惯;在巩固练习中,我教会学生学会交流和合作。这充分发挥学生的学习过程中的主动性和积极性,体现学生的主体地位。六、教师个人介绍省份:广东省 学校:佛山市禅城区南庄镇溶洲小学 姓名:林锦平职称:小学英语教师一级通讯地址:广东省佛山市禅城区南庄镇溶洲小学本人工作勤勤恳恳、踏踏实实,在教学中,刻苦专研,勇于实践创新,认真上好每一节课,细心研究教材教法,做到活学活用,所教的班级英语学习兴趣浓厚,成绩优秀,多次辅导学生参加国家、市、区、镇的英语比赛获得可喜的成绩,曾被评为“优秀辅导教师”。撰写的论文和课件多次获国家、区的奖励。教育感言:怀着对美好明天的向往,凭着对教育事业的执着追求,我相信我的佳绩更上一层楼!


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