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71“这是个新学期,也是新的一天。我希望我能尽快适应新环境,”15岁的李明阳说。“Its a new term and a new day.I wish I _ as soon as possible,”15-year-old Li Mingyang said. (adapt)72正如刘谦说,不是魔法起作用,而是我们工作方式使它有魔法。As Liu Qian puts it, its not the magic that makes it work, _that makes it magic.( way)73尽管他的想法听起奇怪,却被到会的所朋人接受了。_, it was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)74看泰坦尼克号时,当看到杰克为了救女孩自己却冻死在冰冷的水中这个场景时,大多数人都禁不住哭了起来。While watching Titanic, most people _ when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself. (help)7 5比尔伤势很有可能及时康复参加比赛。There is much chance _his injury in time for the race. (recover)76我认为,与我们的朋友联系是很重要的。I think it important _ . (touch)77她生病的原因是她吃了些变质的东西。_ was that she ate something that had gone bad. (why)78如果牛顿活到今天的话,他会为科技领域所发生的一切感到惊讶。If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology. (discover )79当回忆在海里被吃掉的场景,人们都害怕去海里游泳。Many people were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes _ by the shark. (which)80随着时间推移,我们会变老,但更加明智。_, we become older but wiser. (with,go )71could adapt to the new environment72the way we work73Strange as his idea sounded74couldnt help crying75that Bill will recover from76to keep / stay in touch with our friends77The reason why / Why she fell ill / sick78has been discovered79in which people were eaten80With time going by31他摔到了地上,也摔断了腿,再也站不起来了。He fell onto the ground, and had his legs broken, _again.(unable)32当被询问时,目击者被指控向法庭提供假信息。The witness _false information to the court when questioned.(accuse)33这个司机因超速被罚款200元,以示惩罚。The driver was fined 200 yuan for speeding _.(as)34根据调查,一份关于濒临危险动物生活的详细报告已完成。_the survey, a detailed report on the lives of the endangered animals was accomplished.(base)35现在是晚上7点,他们可能吃过了晚饭。It is 7 p.m. now and they _supper.(have) 36每个人都关心他的健康状况。Everyone is concerned about _.(state)37广告只有大规模进行,才能达到目标。Only on a large scale _its target.(reach)38这个女官员根本没把你当会事儿。你应该跟她理论她为什么无视你。The office lady paid no attention to you. You should reason with her to ask _.(ignore)39供语言实验室使用的一系列录音带已经准备好了。A series of pre-recorded tapes _for language laboratory use.(prepare)40孩子们对这个话题不感兴趣,这就是问题之所在。The kids are not interested in this subject, _.(lie)31unable to stand/rise(up) 32was accused of giving/offering 33as(his)punishment 34Based on 35may have had 36The state of his health 37can an advertisement/ad reach 38why she ignored you 39has been prepared 40which is where the problem lies

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