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上海牛津英语 高一(上)语言点S1A U5-U6S1A U5 Think before you eatI. Reading1. mix v. 混合 mix A with/and B 使一物与另一物混合; 拌和; 搀和翻译:我们不能将水和油混合在一起。_mixed adj. 由不同质量或成分组成的; 混合的一盒混合糖果_mixture n. 混合; 混合状态, 混合之物这城市是新旧建筑物的混合体。The city is _ old and new buildings.2. sound她的语气里有一点担心。_听起来像是个好主意。_3. influencehave a (great) influence on (upon) 对产生影响= influence greatly一般来说,父母对孩子的影响很大。(两种)Generally, parents _.Generally, parents _adj.influential 有影响力的 一位有影响力的政治家_4. crowd n. 群,人群 vt. 使挤满 挤满餐厅 剧院 海滨等. _vi.蜂拥,群集孩子们聚集在电视机周围。 _be crowded with (被某事物)占满的餐馆里挤满了游客。 _5. instead adv.代替,顶替;反而;反倒通常放在句末,或者以逗号隔开放在句中或句首。Nowadays many tools are not made of metals, but plastic _. Jack didnt have noodles for lunch. _, he had rice and fish. instead of 介词短语 + 名词/代词/动名词/介词短语咱们玩纸牌吧, 别看电视了。_6. contain 里面装有;包含;容纳(指包含整个内容);含有(成分)include和contain的区别contain和include都是及物动词,有 “包含,包括”的意思。contain的宾语指的是包含的全部内容或容量。这只大口瓶能装十杯水。_如果指的是里面所含的成分时, 也用contain。这药丸中含有多种维生素。_include指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。服务费包含在账单里吗?_我的工作不包含给老板泡咖啡!_ including短语在句子中状语或非限定性定语,做状语时其逻辑主语要与句子的主语一致。included放在所包括的东西之后,是过去分词作后置定语,表被动。 All the students attended the meeting, Bill included (包括Bill).All the students attended the meeting, including Bill(包括Bill).1) This book _ ten units, _two mainly revisions.2) This bottle_ two glasses of beer.3) The money I gave you _ your sisters. 4) Vegetables _ a lot of fibres. 5) Everyone had something to say, me _. 7. appetite n. 胃口食欲 an appetite for food求知欲 an appetite for knowledgehave a good/poor/an amazing appetite for sth. have no appetite for sth.他极度渴求知识。_II. More Reading1. variety n.种类,多样化a (wide/large/great) variety of 各种各样的博物馆拥有大量的蝴蝶的藏品。_ _ adj. 多种多样的_ v.(使)变化varied adj.各种各样的,富有变化的variation n.变化_ adj.可变的,变化无常的 n.变数,变量2. advise vt. 忠告,建议,劝告、advise doing我建议采用一种不同的方法。_ advise sb. to do医生建议我卧床。_ advice un.劝告,忠告,建议一条建议_ 听从某人的建议_ _ adj.明智的,合情合理的adviser n.顾问,导师3. increase v.后面常用介词by表数量的增长, to表示“增长到”。 请将温度增加到80.。Please increase the temperature to 80. Mr. Browns monthly income has increased _ 100 dollars. A. in B. at C. by D. onincreasing adj.不断增长的_ adv.越来越世界经济越来越开放,竞争也越来越激烈,而资讯科技也使各地的经济越来越息息相关。The world economy _, and ever more integrated through information technology. 4. risk risk doing something冒险做某事_ 不怕赶上暴风雨run/take the risk of 冒的风险我们不能冒失掉全部钱的风险。_ at the risk of 冒的风险我甘愿冒着听起来可能不感恩的风险,也必须谢绝你的提议.At _, I must refuse your offer. _ adj.危险的,冒风险的5. decide v.决定decide (not) to do经过适当考虑后我决定放弃我的工作。_ decide on/ upon _ adj.决定性的_决定性的胜利 战役 时刻n. _决定_ 下决定6. tell A from B = tell A and B apart这篇文章中,你能区分哪些是事实哪些是观点吗? Can you _ in this article?汤姆和他的孪生兄弟,你认得出谁是谁吗?Can you _ 分辨是非_ 复述S1A U6 Fun FoodI. Reading1. agriculture n. 农业 agricultural adj. 农业的industry n. 工业,产业, 行业 _ adj. 工业的commerce n. 商业 _ adj. 商业的education n. 教育 _ adj. 教育的finance n. 金融 _ adj. 金融的2. mean v. 表示.的意思;意指What does the phrase mean? I dont understand what the word means.mean to do sth. 打算做mean doing sth. 意味着be meant for/to do 旨在那本杂志是编给喜欢时尚的年轻女孩看的。_ who like fashion.I _ (本打算去跑步) this morning, but I overslept.Working hard _(不意味着从早到晚地读书).1)He meant _ the early bus, and that meant _ up before five oclock. A. to catch, to get B. catching, getting C. to catch, getting D. catching, to get 2) Oh, sorry. I didnt mean _ your feelings. A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurting D. to hurting 3) This illness will mean _ to hospital. A. go B. to go C. going D. to going对比:means n.方法,手段;财富means of sth./doing 的手段、方法_ 凭借_ 绝不_ 无论如何,务必_ 入不敷出/量入为出_ = a wealthy man3. make use of使用, 利用 = take advantage of 使用,利用make the best use of 充分利用 = make good use of 我们应该充分利用他给我们提供的资源._ 4. enterprise n.企业,事业国有企业 _ 私营企业 _ 合资企业 _ 5. involve v. 包括,使陷入,涉及involve sth./doing包括,卷入involve sb. in sth.使参与be/get involved in He was told that the job would _(包含商务旅行).It is said that the mayor _(被卷入) this corruption (腐败,贿赂) .This matter is serious because it _(关系到你的声誉).This project _(包含提前制定计划).6. technique n.技术,技巧 = skill (强调解决问题的具体某种技能,微观含义)technology n. 工艺,科技,技术 (泛指应用于商业或工业的技术,以自然科学为基础 )high-tech = high technologyShanghai Science and Technology Museum7. prove v. 证明 prove to be adj./n.= turn out to be证明是这种药证明有效._ 通过三个月的学习他被证明是最优秀的学生。_ The theory Einstein stuck to _ true. A. proved B. proving C. proving to be D. prove to beproof n. 证据,证明 proofs (复数)8. economic adj. 经济上的经济增长/问题/政策_ economical adj. 经济的,省钱的,节约的_ n.经济_n.经济学9. benefit v. 使受益 vt. A benefit B 得益于/受益于 vi. B benefit from / by A这次谈话使我们获益匪浅。(两种)_._ 10. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事used to do sth.过去常常做某事be / get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事1) Digital technology _ (record ) and play music. 2) She _ (take) a walk after supper, but now she didnt. 3) My family _ (have) holidays at the beach when I was young. 4) They _ ( go) jogging in the morning, but now they play basketball instead. 5) Wood _ ( make ) desks. 6) He _ a vegetarian diet. He enjoys it. 11. regard as 把当作= _不要总是把我当作小孩._ n. (pl) 致意;问侯_.(替我向你父母问好)12. appear v. 出现 = turn up v.似乎,好象,. appear +adj. He _(似乎很累) after walking 2 miles.appear + to do 看来,似乎Every child _.(似乎对卡通很感兴趣)It appears that 从句似乎所有的来宾都对宴会感到满意_ 13. amazed adj. extremely surprised感到惊奇be amazed at sth. be amazed to dobe amazed that 我为上海的变化感到惊奇。_ 我很惊讶,你竟然没有听说过姚明。_ _ adj. extremely good了不起的II. More Reading1. common adj. 普通的, 普及的,共同的现在,这种病变的越来越普遍.Nowadays this disease becomes more and more common.have sth. in common 在有共同点虽然他们在兴趣上有很少共同点,但他们似乎是很好的朋友._ 常识/共同的兴趣_ 2. not as as = not soas 不及,比不上= not 比较级 than 不及,比不上他学习没有Tom努力_ no 比较级 than 和一样不.他和Tom学习都不努力。_ 3. account n.记述,报告, 帐户,理由account for 解释,说明 = to be the reason for 丈夫被要求去说明他花的钱的用途The husband was asked _.on account of 由于 =because of由于身体不好,他退休了.He retired _take into account (consideration)考虑 When judging his performance, _ .(考虑他的年纪)_ 开银行账户4. contrast 对比,比较in (sharp) contrast to/with和对比compare v. 对比,比较 compare with/to和比较comparison n. 比较 in/by comparison 相比较而言和女孩相比,男孩乐观些。_ 和我妹妹相反,我很高。_ 5. aware adj.意识到的1) be aware of sth.意识到我们认识到学好英语的重要性。 _ the importance of learning English well.2)be aware that 意识到 你意识到在森林玩火很危险吗? _ 综合练习1. 不要允许孩子在日常生活中喝可乐来代替喝水。(instead)2. 健康专家告诫我们运动后不要马上喝过多的水。(warn)3. 两幅画如此相似,只有专家才能分清原作和复制品。(tellfrom)4. 手术以后,他没有胃口吃东西。(appetite)5. 我们老师病了,陈老师替她来教我们。(instead)6.很多食物含有维他命B6,比如土豆和香蕉。(contain)7. 在考试中你必须利用好时间。(make use of)8.听到获得一等奖,她的脸上就露出了微笑。(appear)9. 他们的第一次见面最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove)10. 爸爸决定充分利用五一假期带全家去青岛。(use)11. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware)12住在城市里的人们过去常常认为农业无聊和落后。(regard as)13相比而言,他们现在过着更好的生活。(comparison)14. 她失去平衡摔倒了。(balance)15. 虽然他们在兴趣上有很少共同点,但他们似乎是很好的朋友. (common)16.他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。(account)12


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