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章节:Unit2 Its ShowTime ! 课题:Lesson9 Dannys School Project 课型:新授课 一 课前回顾: 1) Italy is in E_ . 2) We _ (learn) about the history of Tangshan yesterday . .3)Its 3_ (kilometre) from myhome to your home .4)China and Japan both belong to A_ . 5)We often buy _ (good) market . 6)This trip lasted about two days.(对画线部分提问)_ _ did this trip _ ?7) We bought some gifts for you yesterday .(用tomorrow改写句子) We _ _ some gifts for you tomorrow .8)My parents travelled to Shanghai last week .(对画线部分提问) _ _ your parents travel to Shanghai ?二、学习目标:词汇:describe, build, ago, army, clay, soldier, important,tool,desert,more短语:try/do ones best 尽某人最大的努力;a long time ago很久以前; look like看起来像;important tools 重要的工具;in the desert 在沙漠里;ride a camel 骑骆驼;a little bit more 多一点;make from意为用 制造。; 句型:Just try your best . 就请尽力而为吧。;They look like an ancient army . 他们看起像一只古代的军队。We can make clothes from it . 我们可以用它来制造衣服。You guessed it . 你猜对了。 语法:一般过去时 三、教学过程 听力写: For my _ , I will _ some places and things from China . You _ their names . Just _ your best . Are you _ ? Lets _ . _ things are very old . People _ them a long tome _ . They look like an _ . What are they ?I互助学习:1. Just try your best . 就请尽力而为吧。try ones best to do sth. = do ones best to do sth. ,意为尽某人最大的努力做某事。Eg: We should _ (尽我们最大的努力)to learn English well . 2. People build them a long time ago . 人们很久以前修建了它们。 a long time ago 常与一般过去时连用。Eg:There _ (be) a zoo near our school a long time ago . ago 作副词,意为“前,以前”。常用于时间段+ago , 通常用于一般过去时。Eg:He bought a new bike _ . (三天前)3. They look like an ancient army . 他们看起来像一支古代的军队。look like意为“ 看起来像”指人或物体的外貌特征。此处的like 是介词, 表示“像,像一样”Eg:He _ (看起来像)his mother very much . 此外,look like 与be like 还有一定区别。 look like 意为看起来像,强调外观上像。be like 意为“像一样”,指品德、相貌等,更侧重人的个性特征。Eg:1. He _ (看起来像)his father . 2. The twins _ (像,性格上像)their father 4.We can make clothes from it . 我们可以用它来制造衣服。make from 意为用制造,指从制成品上看不出原材料。还有短语make from意为把制成指从制成品上看得出原材料。Eg:1.We can make paper _ (介词) tree . 2.We can make table _(介词)wood.四课堂小结五. 课堂检测1. 描述中国的一些地方和事物_ 2. 很久以前_3. 一支古代军队_ 4. 一种重要的工具_5. 说/做得好_ 6. 多告诉我们一点_课下作业I基础题 1.I can hardly _ (描述) my school life .2.He joined the a_ last year ,he is a s_ now.3.VIP means very i_ person.4.A hammer (锤子) is a _ (工具) with a handle and a heavy metal head .5.She earns a bit _ (much)than I do .6.Well _ (do), boys and girls I am proud of you . .7.He _ (come)to China last year .8.-What are the workers doing over there ? -They are busy _ (build) a bridge . II.能力题 1)按要求完成下题1.A soldier is trying _ best to save the chila in the river . A. his B. he C.him D.himself2. Which is _ bigger ,this one or that one ? A .a few B a little C lot D bit3.Here _ some money for you . A is B are C be D was4.lynn has _ friends at school so she feels very lonely. A a little B little C a few D few5.Do you believe that paper is made _ wood?- Yes , I do.And you can see that books are made _ paper .A. from;from B. from;of C.of;from D.of;of III拔高题 句型转换1Camels live in the desert .(对画线部分提问) _ _ camels _ ?2. The silk has many colours. . (改为同义句) The silk _ _ many colours .3.He gets up early every day . (用yesterday改写句子) He _ _ early yesterday .4silk,people,clothes,from,can,make (.)(连词成句)_ .5. people,ago,did,the,build,time,long,a,bridge(?) (连词成句) _IV阅读理解及完形填空IThe day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “Its much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier.1Tom passed the shop_. Aon foot Bby busCby bike Din a car2Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted_. Ato buy the shoesBto look at the shoes he likedCto look at the shoes in the shop windowDto look at the shoes on the front row3The pair of shoes he liked was _. Atoo expensive Bquite cheapCnot there Dnot sold yet4Tom went into the park because he_. Awas thinking how to tell his mother about itBwanted to see the boyCdidnt want to make his mother worriedDhe felt sad5From the story we can know that Tom_. Aliked new shoes very muchBloved his mother bestCdidnt want to go to schoolDdidnt want to stay at homeIIDoctors tell us that holidays are necessary(必需的).We must rest from 1 for a week or two weeks every year. “If it is possible(可能的),”they say, “we must 2 our homes and go to another 3 of the country. We must go 4 for a holiday. Then after the holiday, we are 5 home fresh and strong and ready for another 6 of work.”This seems(似乎) to be right for most adults(成年人) but not for 7. Some people dont like to leave their homes to stay in strange 8. For young children it is usually quite different. They dont like to go far away from their 9. They like their homes 10 of all.( )1. A. working B. playing C. swimming D. running ( )2. A. stay B. leave C. live D. go ( )3. A. city B. town C. village D. part ( )4. A. after B. up C. down D. away ( )5. A. away B. back C. out D. at ( )6. A. year B. month C. week D. day ( )7. A. children B. womenC. all D. both ( )8. A. countries B. parts C. places D. towns ( )9. A. cities B. schools C. families D. homes ( )10. A. best B. better C. well D. good

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