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U3-U4 单词复习U3L11,农业园区 2,菜地 3,一棵 4,有机肥料培植的蔬菜 5,听说 6,各种的 7,把它挖起来 8,每一个人(谓语用单数)9,绿色食品 10,在生物课上 11,因为现代化科技12,一整年 13,出发去 14,介绍 15,区别16,从学到很多17,怎么处理(2种) 18,使用比较少的化肥 19,去药店20,令人激动的一天21,到达公园(3种)22,在门口等某人 23,自然森林保护区 24,珍稀动物 25,在他们上面有名字 26,跟随某人去某地 27,尽可能多的水果 28,尽可能快 29,而不是做某事1. agricultural park2. vegetable field3. a head of4. organic vegetable5. hear of6. varieties of7. dig it up8. each of us=every one of us9. green food 10. in our biology class11. with modern technology12. all year round13. set out /off for14. give an introduction to15. tellfrom 16. learn a lot from17. what to do with18. how to deal with19. use fewer chemicals20. go to the chemists21. an exciting day22. get to the park23. arrive at the park24. reach the park25. wait for sb. at the gate26. the natural forest preserve27. rare animals28. have names on them29. follow sb. to sp.30. as much fruit as31. as soon as possible32. instead of doingU3L21.属相2.中国生肖属相年3.计算年份4.从1数到1005.辛勤工作6.相信属相7.属猴子很开心8.独立日9.把它吃掉10.向某人乞讨某物11.乞求某人做某事12.立刻,马上13.假装知道14.假装是一个老师15.假装高兴16.假装17.跳起来18.追逐19.躺下20.向某人说谎21.把它放在桌子上22.对某人很生气23.设法做到某事1. animal attribute2. the Chinese Animal Years3. count the years4. count from 1 to 1005. work like a dog/an ox6. believe in the animal attribute7. feel happy being a monkey8. Independence Day9. eat it up=finish it off10. beg sth. of sb.=beg sb. for sth11. beg sb (not) to do sth.12. right away=right now=right off=at once13. pretend to understand14. pretend to be a teacher15. pretend to be happy16. pretend that+句子17. spring up18. run after19. lie down(lie-lay-lain-lying)20. lie to sb.(lie-lied-lied-lying)21. lay a bag on the table(lay-laid-laid-laying)22. be angry with sb.23. manage to do sthU3L31. 饲养宠物2. 进行一次辩论3. 争论4. 鼓励某人做某事5. 赞成6. 按某人的意见7. 对某人友好8. 陪伴某人9. 感到孤独10.处于危险11.更重要的是12. 对有好处13. 患心脏病14. 遛狗15. 在(方面)花费16. 捐赠钱给17. 吵闹1. 一只12岁的金毛狗2. 不仅而且3. 抚养狗4. 把看作5. 一岁半大6. 救一位溺水的男孩7. 在天的早上8. 世贸中心的废墟9. 把人埋在废墟中10. 为向表示敬意11. 命名为1 Keep pets 2. have a debate3. argue with sb. about sth.4. encourage sb. to do sth.5. be in favour of doing /be for doing6. in ones opinion7. be friendly to 8. keep sb. company9. feel lonely10. be in danger11. whats more12. be good for13. have heart trouble14. walk a dog15. spend on16.donate money to17. make noise1. a twelve-year- old golden dog2. not only but also3. raise a dog4. treat as5. one year and a half6. save a drowning boy7. on the morning of8. World Trade Centre ruins9. bury sb. in the ruins10. in honour of12 name sb.U4L11.在他业余时间2. 毫无疑问3.使某人能做某事4. 将来某一天5. 同时6. 在因特网上交友7. 改进学业8. 在因特网的帮助下9. 国外的网友10.学习和交流的关键11.换句话说12. 掌握13. 获取世界的知识14.与交流1.二等奖获得者2. 学校英语演讲竞赛3.官方语言4. 作为本族语言5.作为第二语言6. 播送节目7. 联合国的一种工作语言8.另外9. 大多数国际活动10. 体育比赛项目11. 艺术节12. 更好地和国外的人交流1. in his spare time2. no doubt3. enable sb. to do sth.4. some day5. at the same time6. make friends on the Internet7. improve study8. with the help of the Internet9. the Net-pals from abroad10. the key to learning and communication11. in other words12. have a good command of13. access the knowledge of the world14. communicate with1. second prize winner2. school English Speech Contest 3. official language4. as a native language5. as a second language 6. broadcast programmes7. one of the working languages of the United Nations.8. in addition9. most international activities10. sporting events11. art festivals12. to communicate better with people from abroadU4L21.初中生2.来自上海学生英文报的记者3.祝贺你的成功4.我真得很荣幸.5.掌握6. 熟能生巧7.抓住每个机会8.练习演讲9.课内外10.记英语日记11.提高阅读技能12.听英语广播13.喜欢阅读英语故事15.或者或者16.长大17.实现18.和你交谈真是太好了.1.使用英语在对话中2. 本族讲英语的朋友3.自我交谈的目标4. 养成的习惯5. 用英语思考6. 翻译成为.7. 更快更准确地应答8. 开始训练9. 日常工作10. 开发积极的语法和词汇11. 家用电器12. 给解释13.公开演讲1. Junior High Students2. a journalist from the Shanghai Students post3. congratulations on your success Congratulate you on your success4. Its really a great honour for me5. have a good command of6. practice makes perfect7. take every opportunity of doing sth.8. practice speaking9. in and out of class10. keep an English diary11. improve reading skills12. listen to English broadcast13. like/enjoy reading English stories14. either or15. grow up16. come true17. Nice talking to you 1. use it in conversation2. native English-speaking friends3. the goal of self-talk4.get into the habit of 5. think in English 6. translate from into 7. respond faster and more correctly8. begin training/begin to train9. daily routine10. active grammar and vocabulary11. household appliance12. explain sth. to sb. (explanation)13. public speakingU4L31. 游学去纽约2.参加暑期英语课程3. 交流项目4.住在校园5.与当地家庭生活6.用这种方法7. 她觉得怎么样?8. 既愉快又有意义9.首先10.不如大11.教学方法12.鼓励学生做某事13.与自由分享创意14.先进的教学设备15.听起来有趣16.到国外学习1. 放弃2. 习惯于3. 自从五年了4. 给某人一个机会5. 上学6. 同时7. 不同的文化和风俗8. 变得更自信更社会化9. 寄宿家庭10. 为某人提供温馨环境11. 互相交朋友1. a study trip to New York2. enroll in a summer English course3. an exchange programme4. live on campus5. live with a local family6. in this way7. how does she find it ? How does she like it? What does she think of it?8. both enjoyable and rewarding9. to begin with10. not as big as11. teaching method12. encourage to do sth.13. share the ideas freely with sb.14. advanced teaching equipment15. sound interesting/ sound like fun16. study abroad1. give up doing 2. get/be used to doing 3. its five years since4. give an opportunity to sb.5. attend school6. at the same time7. different cultures and customs8. become more confident and sociable9. host family10. provide a loving environment for sb. Provide sb. with a loving environment11. make friends with each other


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