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Global warming (Appositive clause)1. Teaching aims1) Knowledge aimStudents will be able to understand the definition and usage of appositive clause and understand the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause. 2) Ability aimStudents are able to identify appositive clauses and use them correctly.3) Emotional aimStudents can realize the importance of protecting our environment and learn to protect our only motherland.2. Important and difficult points1) Important pointStudents will be able to understand the usage of appositive clause and identify them correctly.2) Difficult pointStudents will be able to distinguish the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause.3. Teaching and learning methodsSituational teaching method; communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method4. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Lead inEnjoy a short video clip The earth song by Michael to students to lead to the topic about environmental protection. Step 2: Presentation1) Ask a question: What caused global warming? First, the teacher present the question to students and ask them to find the answer according to the text. Students find the sentence“There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming.”2) Ask students to talk about the relationship between the noun “doubt” and that clause. Then introduce the definition of appositive clause to students. 3) Present more sentences to students and ask them to find out conjunctions of appositives clause.4) Present two sentences The news that our team has won the match made me excited. &The news that she told me made me excited. to students and ask them to find out which one is appositive clause and which one is attributive clause. 5) Summary and supplement. The teacher gives summary and supplements about appositive clause.Step 3: Practice Present some appositive clauses to students and ask them to choose the appropriate conjunctions for each appositive clause.Step 4: Production Ask students to work in groups of four and design a poster about environment protection. Try to use appositive clause as many as possible.Step 5: Summary and homeworkThe teacher leads students to summarize what they have learned in this class.Homework: Finish the exercises about appositive clause in their text books. 5. Blackboard designAppositive clauseThere is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomemon. 4


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