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六年级英语下册模块检测4听力题(连题)听一段图书馆借书的对话,选择问题的答案。( ) The student wants to borrow a book about_. A. Little Red Riding HoodB. living in the woodsC. Robin Hood( ) The student borrowed the book with his_. A. ID card B. student card C. library card( ) The student doesnt have a library card because _. A. he is a new student B. he doesnt like library cards C. he lost (遗失) his library card( ) The student can keep the book for_. A. two days B. ten days C. two weeks( ) What should the boy do if he wants to keep the book for more than ten days? A. He should renew it. B. He should lend it to others. C. He should not return it. 1. (1)C (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)A听力题听句子,填空。The poor old man had only one _today, so he was very hungry. 听句子,填空。Yongxian ran into the alien and fell to the_. 听句子,填空。This dictionary is the _of the three. 听句子,填空。The dog _the man on his leg. 听句子,填空。The _in this book are really funny. 听句子,填空。The cat finally _the mouse. 听句子,填空。Sometimes the small can help _. 听句子,填空。He _many storybooks from his friend. 听句子,填空。The farmer _down under the tree for a rest. 听句子,填空。He _in the park for his father. 2. (1)meal (2)ground (3)thickest (4)bit (5)pictures (6)caught (7)the great (8)borrowed (9)sat (10)waited听力题听对话和问题,选择问题的正确答案。( ) A. They are in a classroom. B. They are in a library. C. They are in a bookshop. 听对话和问题,选择问题的正确答案。 ( ) A. He is ill. B. He is old. C. His grandfather died. 听对话和问题,选择问题的正确答案。 ( ) A. It is a hat. B. Its a pig. C. Its a cat. 听对话和问题,选择问题的正确答案。 ( ) A. The elephant. B. The hare. C. The monkey. 听对话和问题,选择问题的正确答案。 ( ) A. The girl picked them in the garden. B. The girl picked them in the woods. C. The girl picked them in the market. B C C A B听力题听故事,回答问题。(1) What did Mr. Jones invite Mr. Brown and his wife to?(2) Is Mr. Brown free on Friday evening?(3) Who did Mr. Brown call? Who answered the telephone?(4) Was Mr. Browns wife at home?(5) What was wrong with grandma?(1) A small party. (2) Yes, he is. (3) His wife. His son. (4) No, she was not. (5) She was ill. 情景交际给下列答语选择相应的问句。A. What should I do if I want to keep the book longer?B. Should I show my library card when I return the book?C. Can I bring my schoolbag into the library?D. May I borrow a dictionary?E. Can l write in the books?( ) Yes. But you can only use it inside the library. You cant take it out. ( ) No, you cant. You must leave your bag outside. ( ) No, you neednt. ( ) You can come back and renew it. ( ) No, you mustnt write in the books. D C B A E词汇题选择所给的词填空。可重复使用。back of up again for into to and (1) One rabbit is too little _a meal, but a pig is too much _a meal. (2) Thats very good _you to let me use your car. (3) The farmer came _to the tree. (4) He was waiting _a bus. (5) You must come _renew it. (6) He ran _an old friend in the library. (7) _read a story is certainly easier than _write a story. (8) He took the young tree_ home and planted it in the garden. (9) He was late for school_. (10)Mr. Wang is looking _the headmaster. (1) for, for (2) of (3) up (4) for (5) and/to (6) into (7) To, to (8) back (9) again (10) for句子题根据中文意思完成英文句子。一辆汽车撞到了墙。A car _the wall根据中文意思完成英文句子。他拾起兔子回家了。He _the hare and went home. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。一家人美美地吃了一顿。The family_根据中文意思完成英文句子。他有时会自言自语。Sometimes he would talk_. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。从那时开始,他学习更加刻苦了。_,he studies even harder. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。我太累了,再也干不动活了。Im too tired. I cant work_. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。他整天都在玩电脑游戏。He played computer games_. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。他在找他的眼镜。He was _his glasses根据中文意思完成英文句子。最后他终于赢了这场比赛。_he won the game. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。我对他很了解。I _him. 7. (1)crashed into/ ran into/ hit (2) picked up (3)had a delicious meal (4) to himself (5)From then on (6) any longer (7) all day long (8)looking for (9) At last (10) know very well词汇题根据上下文和字母的提示填写单词。Last Friday, I b a book from the city library. The assistant said I could only k _the book for five days, but I wanted to read it again. So this Wednesday I decided ( di:saidid决定)to go to the library to r it after school. Before I l school for the library, my friends asked me to p_ basketball with them. So I left my bag under a tree in the playground. And my friends left t_ bags there too. An hour later, I took one of the bags and went to the 1_. When I got to the library, I opened the bag and found nothing in the bag was m_. Suddenly I knew it was not my b_. I had taken one of my friends bags, because our bags looked the s_. 8. borrowed, keep, renew, left, play, their, library, mine, bag, same阅读理解(连题)阅读理解。Word list: yard ja:d:园子 thought 3:t : think的过去式inch int :英寸 previous pri:vis :以往的,以前的 An old farmer was badly ill. Before he died, he asked his son to his bed and said, My son, Im going to die. I have left you something. Its in the grape yard. With these words, the farmer died. His son thought his father had left him some gold in the grape yard. So he ran to the grape yard and began to dig the field. He dug every inch of the yard, but found nothing at all. But because he had dug the grape yard so well, the grapes grew very well that year. And he had more and better grapes that year than any previous year. He took the grapes to the market and got a lot of money for them. And he learned that working hard was important. (1)给下面的图片写上 A. B. C和 D的编号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(2)What is the Chinese for “badly ill in“ An old farmer was badly ill? A. 病得很厉害 B. 又坏又有病 C. 病坏了( )(3)Why did the son dig the grape yard? A. Because he wanted to find gold in it. B. Because his father asked him to dig it. C. Because he knew it was important to work hard. ( )(4)What did the old farmer leave (留下) in the grape yard? A. Gold. B. Grapes. C. Nothing. ( )(5)“Them” in “He took the grapes to the market and got a lot of money for them” refers to (指的是) _. A. grapes B. people in the market C. the son(1)C, D, A, B (2)A (3)A (4)C (5)A书面表达看图编写故事,不得少于50个字。 Word bank: take off:脱衣(帽) throw:丢(过去式threwru:)imitateImIteit J:模仿 wake:醒来(过去式woke)find:发现(过去式found)_10. An old man with a hat was sleeping under a tree. His hats were beside him. Some monkeys saw the hats and put them on their heads like the old man. The old man woke up and found the hats were on the monkeys heads. He did not know what to do. Then he had an idea. He took off his hat and threw it to the ground. The monkeys imitated him and threw their hats to the ground too. The old man picked up the hats and went away.

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