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Unit 1 Topic 11. cheer on 为加油2. prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事3. frefer doing / sth to doing / sth 比起后者更喜欢前者4. quite a bit / a lot 许多;大量5. grow up 长大6. in the future 今后, 在将来7. arrive in / at = get to = reach到达8. play against 对战9. leave for 离开去某地10. the day after tomorrow 后天11. take part in 参加12. join +人/ 组织13. join in + 活动14. pretty well 相当好15. the long jump跳远16. the high jump 跳高17. all over 遍及18. be good for 对有好外19. keep fit = keep healthy 保持健康20. play for -为效力21. on + 星期的复数 在每一个周几22. half an hour 半小时23. spend + time / money + on sth 花费钱或时间做某事24. spend + time / money + ( in ) doing sth25. It take sb +time/ money+ to do sth26. keep / make sb / sth + adj 保持某种状态27. all over the world 全世界28. what a shame !多遗憾啊!29. row a boat 划船Topic 21. do sb a favor = help sb = give sb a hand 帮助某人2. would you mind (sb )doing sth ?倘若;你介意吗?3. shout at / to sb 向喊4. say - to sb 对某人说5. be sorry for sth 为某事感到遗憾、后悔6. keep (sb )doing 使不停地做7. be sure to do sth 肯定要做8. be sure about / of 确信,对有把握9. 形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级 ; 或 : more and more + 多音节形容词原级 越来越10. the +形容词比较级-, the +形容词比较级- 越, 越11. instead of 代替12. build sb up 使身体强壮13. fall ill 病倒14. make ones bed 整理床铺15. right away 立刻;马上;16. do ones best ( to do sth ) 尽某人最大努力17. turn down / up 调小/ 大18. turn on / off 开/ 关19. in a minute 马上20. as well 也21. make up ones mind to do sth = decide to do sth 决定做某事;22. be always doing sth 总是/一直做23. be angry with sb 生某人的气24. be angry about / at sth 因某事而生气25. follow / break the rules 遵守/违反规则26. healthy eating habits 健康的饮食习惯27. shame on sb 某人应该感到羞耻Topic 31. get / have fun with sb 和玩得高兴2. make friends with 和交朋友3. fill - with = be full of 充满4. at least 最少5. be fond of = like 喜欢6. stand for 代表7. ride in my taxi 乘坐我的车;8. lets make it + 时间 约定时间9. be +adj. +enough for sth 对于是足够10. do morning exercise 做早操11. be / get ready for 准备12. Its ones turn to do sth 该轮到某人做Unit 2 Topic 11. have / catch s cold感冒;2. see a dentist 看牙医;3. have a toothache 牙痛4. have a fever 高烧5. have the flu 流感6. have a sore eyes 眼睛痛7. stay in bed 卧床休息8. have a good sleep 睡得好9. take / have a rest = take / have a break 休息一下10. take some medicine 吃药11. have a terrible/ bad cold 得重感昌12. day and night 日日夜夜13. not so well 不太好14. lie down 躺下15. brush the teeth刷牙16. take care of = look after= care for 照顾;照料17. check over = look over 检查18. Its nothing serious 没什么19. two pills each time 一次两片20. much better 好得多21. have an accident 发生意外22. hurt a lot 伤得重23. worry about 担心24. ice cream 冰激淋25. plenty of =a lot of =lots of 许多大量26. boiled water 开水27. do exercise 做练习28. care for = like 喜欢29. take care = be careful = look out 小心Topic 21. go to bed 睡觉2. stay up 熬夜3. be bad for 对有坏外4. play sports 做运动5. give up doing 放弃做某事6. at night 在夜晚7. in the sun 在阳光下8. throw - about 乱扔9. during the day = in the daytime 在白天10. be necessary for对来说是必需的11. have a +部位ache = have a pain in +部位 疼12. get headaches often经常头痛13. see - off 为送行14. by mistake 错误地15. ask for +时间段s leave 请几天的假16. need to do sth 需要去做17. get into 进入18. tidy rooms 打扫房间19. sweep the floor 扫地20. as we know 正如我们所知21. in different ways 用不同的方法22. too much + 不可数名词23. too many +可数名词复数24. walk to 走着去某地25. less than 不如Topic 31. hurry up 赶快2. go ahead 开始干吧3. do some cleaning 做清扫工作;打扫房间4. all the time 一直5. keep away from 远离6. just a moment 等一下7. call / ring sb up = give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话8. since then 从那时起9. Chinese medicine 中药10. call back 回话11. 时间段+later 多久之后12. get through 通过13. give sb the message 给某人捎信14. take a message 捎信15. come back 回来16. go roller skating 滑旱冰17. Its ones duty to do sth 做某事是某人的责任18. long time no see 很久没见19. teach oneself = learn - by oneself 自学20. tell story 讲故事21. water the flowers 浇花22. cook for 为做饭23. play with 和一起玩Unit 4 Topic 11. think of 想出;想起2. think over 仔细考虑3. think out 想出;4. think about 考虑;5. in the countryside 在家村;6. sing to sb 为唱歌7. be important to sb 对某人来说是重要的8. share - with 和某人共同分享某物9. feed on sth 以为食10. feed sb on sth 用喂11. feed sth to sb12. over = more than 多于13. half of -的一半14. make up 组成;构成;化妆;和解15. living things 生物;16. save every drop of water 节约每一滴水17. live on 以为生;18. in danger 处于危险之中19. Chinese tiger 华南虎20. give sb joy 给某人快乐21. be necessary for 对是必需的Topic 21. take the place of = take ones place 代替;2. be sure to do sth 确定做某事3. be sure that +句子 确信4. mend road 修路5. lose ones job 下岗;丢了工作6. fly over 飞过7. look like 看起来像8. look up 向上看;查字典9. look at 看10. look for 寻找11. look after 照顾,照料12. look on/upon -as -把看作13. look over 检查;14. look out 小心15. look foward to doing sth 期待做某事16. look as if 看上去似乎是17. look out of 从向外看18. look round 四处看19. have a look 看一下20. different looks 不同的面容21. get -from 从中得到22. mistake - for -把错认为是23. fall asleep = go to bed = go to sleep = get to sleep = be / fall asleep 睡觉24. sleep n. v. 睡觉25. sleepy adj.困乏的,26. asleep adj. 睡着的27. be afraid of doing sth / sth 害怕某物/做某事28. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事29. try to do sth 试着做某事30. try doing sth 试图做某事31. call for 寻求;需要;号召32. come out of 从里出来33. wake up 醒来34. go shopping = go to the shop = do some shopping 购物35. pay attention to doing sth 注意36. begin with 以开始37. have / give a try 试一下38. write to sb 写信给某人39. plug in 接通Topic 31. pull down 推倒;拆毁2. worn out 废旧的;破烂不堪的3. the Summer Palace 颐和园4. Peking University 北京大学5. be made up of 由组成6. from then on 从那时起7. regard -as-= treat-as- = look on /upon - as -= think of - as - =consider - as - =have -as -=take - as -把看作8. at the same time 同时9. with ones help = with the help of 在某人的帮助下10. ask sb for help 向某人求救11. in the 1970s= in the 1970s 年代的表达12. order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事13. long ago 很久以前14. a part of -的一部分15. be built for 为而建造16. stand in 座落17. on earth 在地球上;究竟18. join - together 把连在一起19. pass by 路过20. on the street 在街道上21. walk around 四处走22. bad luck 倒霉23. make money 赚钱24. make the bed 整理床铺25. be made of 由组成(看出)26. be made from 由组成(看不出)27. be made in 在制造28. be made by 由制定29. in order 按顺序


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