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上海市初中英语教学基本词汇表新增部分 (2009)表(一) 单词 (words)1. ability n. 能力2. accept v. 接受;认可3. adopt v. 采用,采纳;收养4. advantage n. 有利条件;优势;优点5 afford v. 担负得起的费用;抽得出(时间) 6. attraction n. 吸引;吸引力;吸引物7. author n. 著者;作家8. available adj. 可用的;可得到的9. average n. 平均;平均数 adj. 平均的10. brief adj. 简短的,简洁的11. character n. 特征,特性;性格;人物,角色12. chief n. 首领,头目 adj. 主要的,首要的;首席的13. clap v & n. 拍手14. climate n. 气候15. collection n. 收集16. conclusion n. 结论;结束,结局17. confident adj. 明确的;有信心的,自信的18. confuse v. 搞糊涂19. connect v. 连接;把联系起来20. conversation n. 会话;谈话21. create v. 创造, 创作22. debate n. 争论,辩论;讨论23. departure n. 启程;离开;出发24. display n & v. 陈列,展览;显示25. electronic adj. 电子的26. encourage v. 鼓励;怂恿27.escape v. 逃跑;逃亡28. estate n. 住宅区29. exactly adv. 确切地,精确地;(表示赞同的回答)确实如此30. examine v. 检查;细查;对进行考试31explore v. 探究,探索;勘查32flash n. 闪光;闪现;手电筒33flood n. 洪水;水灾34. fry v. 油煎,油炸35. global adj. 全球的;球形的36. harbour n. 港口;港湾37. humour n. 幽默;幽默感38. illness n. 病,疾病39. include v. 包括;包含40. increase v. 增加;增长;增进41. independent adj. 独立的;有主见的42. licence n. 执照;许可证43. likely adj. 很可能发生的;有希望的44. lip n. 嘴唇;唇状物45. material n. 材料,原料46native adj. 本土的,本国的 n. 本地人;本国人47. network n. 网络;网状物48. novel n. (长篇)小说49. observe v. 观察;遵守;评论50. pain n. 疼痛;痛苦51. percent n. 每百中,百分之51. perfect adj. 完美的,极好的52. population n. 人口;全体居民53. prevent v. 防止,预防;阻止,阻挡54. protection n. 保护,防护55. provide v. 提供;供给56. require v. 需要;要求57. response n. 响应;反应;作答58. result n. 结果;成果59. rid v. 使摆脱60. silent adj. 沉默的,寂静无声的61. spare adj. 多余的,空闲的;备用的62. staff n. (全体)工作人员;职员63. strict adj. 严格的;严密的64. symbol n. 象征;符号,记号65. transport v. 运输,运送66economy n. 经济;节约67efficient adj. 效果高的,有能力的68lawyer n. 律师词组增加部分1. asas 像一样;如同2. as soon as 一就3. at the end of (August) 在(八月)底4. be connected to / with 与连接在一起5. be responsible for 对负责任6. be strict with 对严格7. bothand 两者都8. catch fire 着火9. change fromto (使)变换;改换;变成10. cut down 砍倒11. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励 / 激励某人做某事12. fall asleep 入睡13. get into the habit of 养成的习惯14. in class 在课上15. in danger 处于危险中16. in favour of 赞同,赞成17. in (one week)s time (一周)后18. in other words 换句话说;也就是说19. in the past 在过去20. keep a diary 记日记21. lose ones life 丧生22. lose ones temper 发脾气23. make a decision 作出决定24. on average 按平均值;通常25. preventfrom 妨碍/阻止某人做某事26. run out of 用完,耗尽27. so far 迄今为止28. stay up 熬夜29. take a look 看一看30. take an underground train 乘地铁31. tell a lie 说谎32. turn up / turn down 出现;(把音量等)调高/调低33. work as 从事工作34complain about 投诉;抱怨35. consist of 由组成36for free 免费从原考纲删掉的单词:1. absence2. alphabet3. ambulance4. amusement5. astronaut6. attentively7. basin8. canteen9. checkout10. chimney11. china 瓷器12. coincidence13. confused14. crossroad15. cyclist16. determined17. dial18. dormintory19. Englishman20. fair21. fiction22. flour23. flu24. fluently25. greedy26. harvest27. helicopter28. highrise29. inn30. insect31. lane32. league33. lightning34. loaf35. luggage36. magnificent37. merry38. messenger39. mop40. neighbourhood41. noon42. occcupation43. pale44. parcel45. pardon46. part-time47. pavement48. pen pal49. pioneer50. pond51. postage52. professer53. queue54. recreation55. recycle56. robbery57. Russian58. skate59. slip60. solid61. spectator62. speed63. temple64. thief65. thunder66. timetable67. timid68. tin69. trolley70. UFO71. used72. wallet73. whale74. wheat从原考纲删掉的词组:1. a group of2. after all3. all over4. all the same5. all the time6. at the moment7. be located (in/on/at)8. be on9. be worried about10. by air mail11. call on12. carry out13. come across14. come to know15. come to life16. compare with17. cover an area of 18. do with19. eat up20. enter for21. fall off22. finish off23. for ever24. from now on25. from time to time26. get in27. get in the way28. give back29. give out30. go in for31. go up32. hold up33. in all34. join in 35. just a minute36. just now 37. later on38. let out39. make out40. of ones own41. on show42. on th other hand43. once more44. operate on sb.45. over and over46. point at47. pulll down48. right now49. run after50. set off/out51. set up52. show sb. the way53. so as to54. sooner or later55. speed up56. take an exam57. take in 58. take it easy59. take the place of60. up and down61. with one voice62. with ones own eyes


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