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红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module 1 Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.教学目标能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty能听懂、会说下列句型:Hes/Shes a bit/ very 初步了解转折的表达方式:Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy.重点难点描述性格的形容词汇与句型的学习和运用。描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。教具准备pictures,word cards,a recorder 课件教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程一、Greeting and waritingup二、Presenitation1. 先请一位同学帮老师一个忙(关门)。然后表扬,她很友好,引出新单词“nice”并教授。T:Excuse me, can you help me?S: Yes!T: Help me close the door, please! Wow, Shes very nice, Shes a nice girl. Step one:单词学习T: This is a song about friends.Today we will talk about our friends. 课件出示Panpans的四位朋友T:Do you want to know how does Panpan appraise his friends?播放录音,让学生们回答下列问题(1)What are their friends names?(2)What is each persons temperament?让学生尽可能用英语回答问题.(1)课件出示毛毛的图片T:Who is she? (Maomao)Whats she like? ( nicea bit shy)S: Shes nice.(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)nice. a bit shy(板贴图片、板书单词)T: Who is nice in our class?Step two、课文学习1、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。2、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片,并跟读。三、Practice:(操练)1、 Guessing game.A. 教师描述学生猜:教师对其同学进行简单的描述,让同学猜猜老师描述的是谁。Who is she? B学生描述学生猜:看谁先猜对。2、教师用课件出示一些名星的图片,进行练习3、同位之间合作完成调查表,运用句型:Are you ?)表格设计如下:naughtyshynicecleverName四、Homework:试着描述你的家板书Unit 1 Shes a nice teacher.红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module 1 Unit 2 Hes cool.教学目标能听、说、认读下列单词:cool little cute能听懂、会说下列句型:Hes/Shes a bit/ very 重点难点描述性格的形容词汇与句型的学习和运用。描述周围人的性格特征、个性特点。教具准备pictures,word cards,a recorder 教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程一、 Step One: Warmer: A: Song: London Bridge is Falling down. B: Read the text of Unit 1. C: Using the adjectives to describe your classmatesExample: This is Xiaoyong.He is a clever pupil. This is Yuanjiaqi.Shes very clever, but shes a bit shy.二、Presentation:(新授)Step one:单词学习T: (课件出示图片)Whos this?(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)教师用同的方法出示明星周杰伦的图片教授单词coolT(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)cool (板贴图片、板书单词)S One group: One by one. T: Zhou Jielun is cool. (学生模仿,)T: What are they like?S;LittT(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)little (板贴图片、板书单词)T: This is my little sister(学生模仿,出示照片模仿说句子)Step two、课文学习1、教师播放录音机,学生边听边用手指出相应的图片。2、教师再一次播放录音,学生边听边指出相应的图片,并跟读。三、Practice:(操练)1、Guessing game.(教师利用单词卡片复习单词:2、Look and say.T: On the pictures, there are many people. Tell me: “How do you think about them?”. Summary:学生自由介绍家人This is my . Hes/Shes a bit/ very四、Homework:作业1.对你的同桌谈一谈你的家人2.和你的同桌一起表演课文对话板书Unit 2 Hes cool.mother - nice big brother - coollittle sister - cute father - cleverfriend - naughty 红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module 2 Unit 1 London is the capital of England.教学目标1、能听说、认读本课的七个单词London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingham Place, Queen.2、能朗读本课的对话。3、使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。重点难点1、本课的新单词。2、本课句型的运用。教具准备cards, pictures, taperecorder教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程一Warmer复习句型:Whats this/that? Thats/Its a”多举些例子进行练习。让学生两人一组进行练习二、Presentation:(新授)1. 让同学们看书上的图,并听录音,指出相应的图实物练习big and small练习This/That is 句型。2听与说重放录音,每句话后停顿,让学生重复。教师读课文,学生指图练习。3活动3让学生看书,先让学生朗读示范对话。再两任一组进行练习。4师:This is Buckingham Palace.生:Its very big and very beautiful.指图练习。三、Practice:(操练)1、教师领读课文几遍。然后鼓励学生分角色大胆试读,教师及时给予表扬。完成SB 第一单元活动3。 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进行问答练习。例如:1、A: Whats this? B: Its a book about London. Its very nice.2、A: Whats the capital of England? B: Its London.3、听音重复让学生看图,并识别图中的地点和形容词。告诉学生他们将听到录音,要认真听并指向正确的图。1 Caoital 2.small 3.beautiful 4.house 5.palace4、谈论错误的答案让学生两人一组朗读示范对话,与同桌讨论错误的句子。句2:师:Is that true? 生:No.师:is 的否定形式是什么?is not=isnt师:讲解live/ lives.5回答问题学生读问题并说出答案。也可以写出全句。Beijing is the caoital of China .London is the capital of England.四、Homework:作业完成活动用书练习1到练习4。板书Unit 1 London is the capital of England.This is a book about London.London is the capital of England.Its very nice.Its Buckingham Palace.Its very big and very beautiful.This is Amys house.Its small but very beautiful, too.红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module 2 Unit 2 This is the River thames.教学目标能听、说、认读下列单词: long, wide, many, river , old, famous听懂、会说下列句型 This is the River Thames. Its long and wide. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe cities and buildings.重点难点描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful, small)。教具准备cards (pictures), taperecorder, CAI教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程Step1、Warming up(1) Greeting;T:Good morning ,boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,Ms Sun.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine ,thank you . And you?T: Im fine, too.Step2 、Presentation1、(课件出示白金汉宫图片) Who can introduce it to us?T:Yes, Its very big and very beautiful. Its the Queens house.T: Now lets go. T:你们知道他们是伦敦的哪些著名景观吗?T:同学们知道得可真不少。Now lets learn to say them in English.Step3、consilidation1.(出示课件:图片)Look, this is the River Thames. 板书the River Thames并课件介绍:.师出示图片There are many boats on the river. 教学生认读单词many,river.2. (出示课件:大本钟图片) T: Look, whats this?T: Yes, Big Ben is a clock. 大本钟逢整点报时。3. (出示课件:海德公园图片) T: Look at the beautiful park. Its name is Hyde Park. 找学生来领读。4).(出示课件:塔桥图片) T: Look, this is Tower Bridge. 塔桥是伦敦的象征。学习这个单词。5. T:同学们仔细看一下,这四个词有什么共同点?T: 对,这些词我们称为专有名词, 专有名词首字母大写。6、课文学习:1)、T:这节课由她来向我们介绍伦敦四大景观的特点。Now,open your book and turn to page8,lets look at Module2 Unit2. 2)、带着这四大景观都有什么特点这个问题听录音,找学生说出每处景观的特点。3)、听录音学生跟读,师领读,学生自由读。Step4、Practice1、通过课件,做游戏猜猜看。2、大家能不能给Amy介绍一下咱们中国的首都北京的著名景观呢?Step5 Summary谈谈你的收获。Step 6、Homework:花衣服你的学校的图片,并使用句型This is /It is描述你的学校。板书Unit 2 This is the River Thames. The River Thames long and wide Big Ben old and tall Hyde Park beautiful Tower Bridge famous and beautiful 红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module3. Unit 1 Will you take your kite?教学目标1.掌握下列词汇:picnic take great ball why beacause so 2. 能听、会说下列句型Were going to have a picinic Will you take your kite? Yes,I will./No, I wont. 重点难点Talk about plan教具准备CAI、录音机、单词卡片。教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程一、Warming up:(热身活动) Teacher show some pictures about the “Hyde Park River Thames” S1: This is Big Ben. Its very old and very beautiful. S1: This is Hyde Park. Its very beautiful.二、Presentation:(新授)Step 2 Presentation1、教师用幻灯片展示一张野餐的图片,问学生“What are they doing ?”引导学生回答“Have a picnic.”2、教师出示单词卡片教学生读单词great,why,because,picnic等等。教师向学生说出“I will have a picnic.”引导学生根据屏幕上出现的物品用一般将来时态造句。之后教师在进一步引导学生说“Will you take a ?Yes ,I will ./No, I wont.”3、Teamwork练习本节课的句型。Step 3 New Lesson1、教师列出一些问题让学生通过自学找出答案Q1:What will Amy and Sam do on Saturday?Q2:What will they takeStep 4 PracticeQ:What will you do on Sunday? Make a survey about the Sunday. Step 5 Summary What have you got in this class ? 学生阐述本节课学到的内容。Step 6 Homework 运用本节课学到的一般将来时态的句子造句 。 三、Practice:(操练)1、 Game:A: Two students play a game 2、 They choose one food or one object and do the action.S1: Will you take some noodles?S2: No, I wont.S1: Will you take a cake?S2: Yes, I will.3、 Four students look some pictures and tale about.A: Were going to go to Hainan tomorrow. I will take my coat and my hat. Will you take your swimsuit? B: No, I wont. Ill take my coat, too. Will you take your gloves?C: YES, I WillD:评出最佳一组给sticker四、Homework:作业Talk about plan Im going to板书Unit 1 Will you take your kite? We are going to have a picnic. Will you take your kite? Yes, I will. / No, I wont红星中心小学英语四年级模块备课课题Module3. Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming.教学目标1. 了解比较级的基本构成和用法,掌握下列词汇:homework, help, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday2. 能听、会说下列句型On Monday Ill go swimming. Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will./No, I wont.3.能听懂、理解课文内容,并就课文内容回答问题。重点难点Talk about the plan of seven days in a week.教具准备CAI、录音机、单词卡片。教学环节师生活动再设计教学过程step1: warming-up Exercises1、 Sing a song :London Bridge is Falling Down.2、 Play a game (Do the actions and guess)3、 T: row a boat /play the flute /wash clothes /listen to music(师做示范)S:go swimming /go cycling(ride a bike)/play football /basketball/table tennis/watch TV /read a book/take pictures/do morning exercises/write a letter/play skipping(师提供卡片,学生看卡片上的简笔画,作相应的动作,其它学生猜)二、Presentation:(新授)1、Now point ,ask and answerHave the students suggest activities that they do and write a list on the board .e.g. play football, ride a bike, go swimming, read a book, watch TV, 2、Then draw the following calendar on the board:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday3、Have the students copy the calendar in their exercise book .They should write activities on the calendar.4、Then have the students work in pairs and tell one another what they will do on the seven day of the week.e.g.S1: On Monday I will watch TV. S2: I will do my homework on Monday.三、Practice:(操练)1、Listen and say ,then sing and clap2、Before singing the songHave the students look the picture and say what type of song this is.3、While singing the songPlay the tape and let the student listen to the melody.四、Homework:作业制定自己一周的学习和课外活动计划。板书Unit2 On Monday Ill go swimming homework 家庭作业 help 帮助 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日


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