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初一英语期末复习句型背诵版(一)1. It is boring, but we have to do it.(收拾房间)挺无聊的,但是我们不得不做。2. I have to get up early every day. 我每天都得早起。3. We have to drive on the right in China.在中国,必须靠右行驶。4. At 6:00,training starts with team exercise.六点钟,训练小组以小组练习开始。5. Our English class often starts with an English song.我们的英语课经常以一首英文歌开始。6. We must try our best to keep everyone safe.我们必须尽我们最大的努力,确保所有人安全。7. I must try my best to help him.我必须尽最大努力帮助他。8. We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教室清洁。9. This coat keeps me warm. 这件外套使我暖和。10. I think walking in a storm is dangerous, and going online is not.我认为在暴风雨中行走非常危险,而上网不危险。11. Also, dont take a shower or bath.也不要淋浴或泡澡。12. Stay away from the windows and stay away from the TV.远离窗户和电视。13. Children should stay away from the TV.孩子们应该远离危险物品。14. I get to school at 7:50.我7:50到校。15. We got to the station at 8 oclock我们八点钟到达车站。16. Mum gets home at 6:30 every day. 妈妈每天六点半到家。17. She is talking on the phone now.他正在打电话。18. .Linda loves talking on the phone. 琳达喜欢煲电话粥。19. He is looking out of the window.他正往窗外看。20. Look out !theres a car coming.小心!有车开过来。21. Shes doing her hair ,so I can use her computer for a while.她正在做头发,所以我可以用一会儿她的电脑。22. Lets sit down and take a rest for a while .咱们坐下歇会儿吧。23. Oh, wait a minute. 啊,等一下。24. The game is over. 比赛结束了。25. Do you know the way to the Science Museum?你知道去科学博物馆怎么走吗?26. Can you tell us the way to the Great Wall? 你能告诉我们去长城的路吗?27. Do you know the way to the police station? 你知道去派出所的路怎么走吗?28. Can you tell me the way to the hotel? 你能告诉我去宾馆怎么走吗?29. The History Museum is on the corner of Moon Street and First Street.历史博物馆在Moon大街和First 大街的拐角处。30. There is a flower shop on the corner of the street.街角有一家花店。31. Excuse me. How much are the tomatoes? They are seven yuan sixty a kilo劳驾,西红柿怎么卖?七块六一公斤。32. How many tomatoes do you want? Ill take four.你想要多少个西红柿?我买四个。33. How much is the beef?牛肉怎么卖?34. How much meat do you need?你需要多少肉?35. How many bananas do you want?你想要多少香蕉?36. How many students are there in you class?你们班有多少个学生?37. Ill take six.我要买六个。38. Ill take these shoes.我要买这双鞋。39. Heres your change.这是找你的零钱。40. You may keep the change.不用找钱了。41. How about some salad?来些沙拉怎么样?42. What about another cake?再吃块蛋糕怎么样?43. How about going out for a walk?出去散步好吗?44. Would you like a drink?你要不要喝点什么?45. Id like an egg.我想吃个鸡蛋。46. Would you like some tea?你要喝点茶吗?47. Thats food for thought.那是引人深思的。48. I feel kind of hot.我觉得有点热。49. A lot of students have more than two drinks with sugar.许多学生(每天)喝两杯以上的含糖饮料。50. There are more than 1000 students in that school.那所学校有一千多名学生。51. It gets warm in April.四月份天气转暖。52. Its getting dark outside.屋外天色变暗了。53. It is usually windy in spring, so you can see lots of people flying kites in Tiananmen Square.春天通常有风。因此,在天安门广场,你能看到很多人放风筝。54. You can see those children playing on the playground every afternoon.每天下午,你都能看见那些孩子在操场上玩儿。55. I saw him crossing the road.我看见他正在过马路。56. But remember to go early in the morning or late in the afternoon.但是,记得清早或傍晚去。57. I remembered to close the window this morning.我早上没忘记关窗户。58. Is autumn as good as many people think?秋天和人们想的一样好吗?59. He is as tall as his father.他和他爸爸一样高。60. This film is as good as I think.这部电影和我想象的一样好。61. Make sure you wear trainers or comfortable shoes.务必穿运动鞋或舒适的鞋子。62. Make sure you pick me up at six oclock.你一定要在六点钟开车接我。63. Make sure you come back before three oclock.你要确保在三点钟以前来。64. Its Tims first time in China.这是蒂姆第一次来中国。65. My dad says hes going to take lots of photos of the Terracotta Warriors.我爸爸说他打算拍很多兵马俑的照片。66. Please take a photo of us together.请帮我们拍一张合影。67. Its famous for its beautiful mountains and clear lakes.它(九寨沟)以秀美的山峰、清澈的湖水而闻名。68. France is famous for fine food and wine.法国以美食和美酒闻名。69. The town is famous for its beautiful park.那个城镇以漂亮的公园而出名。70. You can get away from the cold.你可以避寒。71. He wants to get away from the heavy work.他想从沉重的工作中解脱出来。72. Back then, our house was small, but we were close to our neighbors. 那时候,我们的房子小,但是和邻居很亲近。73. Our house is close to the bus stop. 我们家紧邻公共汽车站。74. We are friendly to each other, just like a big family. 我们相互很友好,就像一大家子人一样。75. Mr Wang is friendly to all of us . 王先生对我们所有人都很友好。76. Now we live in large flats, but we are far away from each other. 我们现在住在大的单元房里,但是我们彼此很远。77. The airport is far away from here. 机场离这儿很远。78. But its easy to travel around the town, right? 但是在城里走走挺方便的,是吗?79. Its easy for him to pass the test. 对他来说,通过测试挺简单的。80. Its not easy for me to learn French. 对我来说,学法语并不简单。81. Its important for us to learn English well. 对我们来说,学好英语很重要。82. Oh, time flies. 哦,时间过得真快。83. He stopped crying and was with Lisa, his first school friend. 他不哭了,和他在学校的第一个朋友丽莎在一起。84. Mr. Brown stopped smoking. 去年布朗先生不再吸烟了。85. Did you start writing at junior high school? 你是从初中开始写作的吗?86. After that, I started to like Chinese and began my writing. 从那以后,我开始喜欢语文,并开始写作。87. “Im in trouble again,” I thought. “我又有麻烦了”,我想。88. She is in great trouble now, and she needs our help. 她目前遇到很大的困难,需要我们的帮助。89. She brought me a chair and asked me to sit in front of her. 她给我拉过一把椅子,让我坐在她的面前。90. She asked me to help her. 她请求我帮助他。91. Im not afraid of making mistakes. 我不怕出错。92. My sister is afraid to sleep in her own bedroom. 我妹妹不敢在她自己的卧室里睡觉。93. They help scientists make medicines. 它们帮助科学家制药.94. Lisa often helps her mum (to) do some housework. 丽莎经常帮她妈妈做些家务。95. Clearly, he could not live with John and Anthony any more, so they took him to Africa. 显然,他不能与约翰和安东尼一起生活了。因此,他们把他带到了非洲。96. Alice doesnt live here any more. 爱丽丝不再住这里了。97. He still recognized them and ran over, but he was so big and he knocked them down easily. 他仍然记得他们。他跑了过来。但是他个头太大了,一下子就把他们撞倒了。98. They were tired and slept all the time. 他们累了,一直在睡觉。99. Ann kept crying all the time. 安一直在哭。100. We had a bad holiday. It rained all the time. 我们的假期糟糕透了,整天下雨。


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