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Unit 1 Comic and welcome命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.1I. 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1Dont you think Millie is a_(好看的)girl? 2. They are good friends, and they often share their_(欢乐) 3. Please_(信任)me and I will never tell a lie. 4. The room is t_She cleans it twice a day. 5. Mr Green likes reading newspapers or m_ after breakfast.6. He is t_. Can you give him something to drink?7. We should speak to the older _(polite).8. She has no _(问题) looking after herself.II单项选择( )1. -We are free. What shall we do? - What about _a picnic? A. go out for B. going out to C. go out to D. going out for( )2. Please_ for me. I dont want others to know about it. A. keep cool B. keep a secret C. keep a diary D. keep warm( )3. - Can I have something_? - Sorry, theres_ in the fridge. A. eat; nothing B. to eat; anything C. to eat; nothing D. to eat; something( )4. What _a good student? A. do you make B. make you C. makes you D. you make( )5. Excuse me, Mr Wu. May I ask you_? A. some more questions B. any more questions C. some problems D. any more problems( )6._I can share the cake_ you. A. May; for B. Maybe; with C. Maybe; to D. May; withIII根据汉语提示完成句子1什么使你的朋友如此生气? What_ your friend_?2你信任他们吗? Do you_?3我能再喝两瓶冷饮吗? Can I have_? 4我经常和我最好的朋友安迪分享我的欢乐。I often_ my best friend Andy.5. 我们都对有趣的朋友感兴趣因为他们常常使我们的生活很有趣。 We are all _ friends because they often _.6. 在课堂上他做的事让老师很生气。 What _ in class _.Unit 1 Reading ( I )命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.2I根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. My sister is good at singing. She wants to be a s_ when she grows up.2. He s_ and said hello to me when he saw me.3. The little girl has a r_ face. She is so cute.4. May has_(直的)shoulder-length hair.5. I will help you at_(任何时候)when you are in need.II用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I dont like milk, but Mum makes me_ (drink) it every morning.2. The Yellow River is one of the_ (long) rivers in China.3. Sam often tells_ (fun) stories and makes us _(laugh) happily.4. She is generous and is_ (will) to share things with others.III单项选择。( )1.I saw him when l walked_ the school. A. passed B. pass C. past D. passing( )2. That is a_ film. Youll feel_ if you watch it. A. bored; bored B. bored; boring C. boring; boring D. boring; bored( )3. Its very nice of you to give your seat_ someone_ need _the bus. A. to; in; on B. with; in; on C. to; to; in D. for; in; in( )4. When I am _ about something, I will tell her. A. worried Bworrying Cworries Dworry( )5. If you need help, you can call me _ A. at anytime Bany time C. anytimes Dany timesIV根据汉语提示完成句子。 1这个消息使她感到伤心。The news_ 2玛丽很善良,从不说任何人的坏话。Mary is_ and never_ anyone. 3我表哥富有幽默感。当我和他在一起时我从不感到无聊。 My cousin_ humour. I never_ when I am_.Unit 1 Reading ( II )命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.3I. 英汉互译1. 愿意做某事_ 2. 富有乐感_3. 路过_ 4. 撞掉_5. 擅长于做某事_ 6. 准备做某事_7. 给需要的人让座_ 8. 长大,成长_9. 使某人看起来神气_ 10. 对某人感到厌烦_11. 说某人的坏话_ 12. 选择某人作为_II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The boss makes him (work) ten hours every day.2. I have a pet cat (call) mimi.3. Sam often tells (fun) stories. Its great _.4. Lucy is one of (clever) (student) in her class.5. Are you ready (answer) the questions?6. She is the _ (pretty ) girl in my class.7. -Dont be _ (worry ) about your English study. - Thank you.8. My best friend is full of _(humorous ).9. We dont feel _ when we are in his class. He is not a _ man. (bore )10. Mary is a _ friend and she is willing to let us know what she _ (true)feels.III. 完成句子1.他用低低的嗓音回答我。He answered me _ _ _ _.2.如果你需要更多的信息,您可以随时给我打电话。If you ,you can call me .3.今天下午你愿意和我呆在一起吗? stay with me this afternoon?4.我听说你常常说我的坏话。I you often me5.当他和我在一起时,他从不感到无聊。He never _ _when he _ with me.6.当有事使我烦恼时,我总是看看书。When something _ _,I always _ _ _.7. 当别人有困难时,朝他微笑而不是嘲笑。When someone_ , we should _ him but not _ him.Unit 1 Grammar ( I )命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.4I. 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long_ _ wide _ _ fat _ _ heavy_ _ slow _ _ few_ _ lonely_ _ badly _ _ far_ _ quickly _ _ happy_ _ unhappy_ II. 用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _ (clever). 2. Gold is _ (little) useful than iron(铁). 3. My sister is two years _ (old ) than I. 4. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _ (young) child. 5. The _ (cheap) bags are the not usually the best ones. 6. The short one is by far _ expensive of the five. 7. The boy is not so _ (interesting) as his brother. 8. She will be much _ (happy) in her mew house.III. 翻译句子: 1本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _ _ _ that one. 2今天比昨天冷的多。It is _ _ today_ it was yesterday. 3他比我大两岁。He is _ _ _ than I. 4这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _ _ _ than that one. 5她的身体状况一天天好起来。She is getting _ _ _ every day. 6. 他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming _ _ _ _ _ English. 7. 他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _ he gets. 8. 你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _ _ _ of the two.Unit 1 Grammar ( II )命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.5I根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1Tom is the fastest of all the_(游泳者) 2-I feel even w_ now. - You should go to see the doctor. 3. His daughter is about l.3 metres in h_. 4. Im preparing for the coming English t_. 5. - Whats your sons w_? - Its 50 kilograms.II用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Sandy is_ (thin) than any other girl in her class. 2. Millie is a_ girl. She always does her homework_.(careful) 3. Mary is_ (friend) student in our class. 4. My mother is always_ than others. She is_ in my family. (busy) 5. What makes you_ (happy) today than yesterday? 6. Take more exercise, then youll be_ (health) than before.III单项选择。( )1. _all the flowers, I think rose is_. A. Of, beautiful B. In, beautiful C. In, more beautiful D.Of, the most beautiful( )2. The writing problem may be _one in our class now. A. the most B. most difficult C. the greatest D. more interesting( )3. She sang a song I do believe in the English evening. I have never heard a_ voice than that before. A. good B. well C. better D. best( )4. -I think Science is more interesting than Art. -I agree. Art is_ than Science. A. much interesting B. less interesting C. few interestingD. more interesting than( )5. - Whose home is_ away from school in our class? - Liu Meis. A. farther B. far C. the farthest D. near( )6. The weather in Nanjing is hotter than _ in Huaian. A. it B. this C. that D. /( )7. To live a green life, we should try to save_ energy and produce_ pollution A. more; less B. less; more C. more; fewer D. most; leastIV根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.在所有的游泳者中,孙杨游得最快。 _, Sun Yang swims _. 2.刘翔是世界上最受欢迎的体育明星之一。 Liu Xiang is_ sports stars in the world. 3.长江是世界上第三长河。 Changjiang River is _river in the world.Unit 1 Integrated skills命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.6I. 单项选择。( ) 1.The horse is getting old and can not run_ it did.A. as fastly as B. so fast as C. as faster as D. so faster as( ) 2.He is such a kind boy that all of us like to _ him. A. make friends B. make friends of C. make friend with D. make friends with( ) 3.Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice. A. as B. with C. for D. to ( )4.The good news made all of us _. A. happy B. to be happy C. happily D. happiest( )5. The film is so _ that we all feel _. A. bored, bored B. bored, boring C. boring, boring D. boring, boredII. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. If you keep practicing writing, maybe you _(be) a writer in the future.2. I should _(try) my best _(make) people happy. 3. What would he like _(be) when he _(grow) up?4. We _ (work) on the farm these days.5. -Do you know Jimmy very _? -Yes, he is a _ runner and he is _ at English than me. (good)III. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1长大后我想环游世界。 I _ the world when I _. 2如果我能帮助其他人我将很快乐。I_ if I can_. 3坐在我的隔壁那个女孩看上去既害羞又文静。 The girl _ me _. 4他的画比我的好看。 His picture_than _ 5我和刘平在谈论将来的计划。 Liu Ping and I_ 6中国喜欢和所有的国家交朋友。 China likes _all the other _7. 王叔叔经常帮助人们解决他们的问题。 Uncle Wang often_.8. 我想和她一样出名。I want to be _she.9. 和他一起打篮球使我很开心。_ with him _very happy.10. 她一直期盼着有一天能够更好地了解科学。She is _more about Science _.Unit 1 Task命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平席前平张小芳NO.7I. 单项选择( )1. - Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?-OK, but a dress might be_.A. good B. bad C. better D. worse( )2. - Which do you like_ among four seasons? - Summer.A. good B. well C. best D. better( )3. My cousin always has a smile_ his face.A. in B. on C. at Dto( ) 4、-How do you like Sandys appearance?- Her eyes her pretty and lovely.A. smiling; make; look B. smiling; makes; to lookC. smile; makes; look D. smiling; makes; look( )5. We all think running and playing basketball _ healthy activities.A. be B. am C. is D. are( )6. My dog is very_. It is safe to touch him if you want to.A. smart B. brave C. happy D. friendly( )7. This schoolbag is cheap. And the price of it is the _of the three.A. lowest B. biggest C. highest D. smallest( )8. Of the two coats,she chose the_ one to save money for a book.Acheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensiveII. 用适当的的单词填空1. Betty is a h student, so she is a top student in her class.2. Miss Gao is an e teacher . We all like her.3. Tom is (patient),so he gets angry easily .4. People like the boy because he has big and _(smile) eyes.5. My father is _(fat) than my uncle, because he likes eating chocolate very much.6. They are discussing some important _ (society)problems now.7. Betty is only _(friend) to old people.III. 书面表达写一篇短文介绍一下你最好的朋友Mary。要求:语言流畅,条理清晰,不少于70字。1、 Mary长得好看,有一双大眼睛,圆圆的脸,披肩发,很可爱。2、 她对朋友很慷慨,她认为应该与朋友分享一切,应该在别人需要时帮助他们。3、 她很有幽默感,常讲笑话,让他们开心,与她在一起时从不会无聊。4、 她会替朋友保守秘密。她是一个真正的朋友。长大后她想当一名医生。Unit1 周末作业命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平胡利平张小芳NO.2一、词汇:根据所给中文填写单词或用括号里所给单词的正确形式填空。1. He is a _(幽默的) young man. He likes telling _(滑稽的) jokes. We never feel _(无聊的) with him.2. Can you tell me his _(高度) and _?(重量)3. Who was the best in the writing _?(竞赛)4. You should be more _(耐心的) with those little children.5. She asked me a strange question in a sweet_。(嗓音)6. Who is the most _(慷慨的) among the eight boys?7. Of all those cities, I think Hang Zhou is the_(beautiful)8. That boy looks very cute with two _(smile) eyes.9. He took some pills(药片), but he felt _and_(ill)10. The boy is _(honest) than any other children in this class.11. Lu Xun was one of the _(famous) writers in China.12. My cousin is much_(careful) than before.13. Which is the third _(big) country in the world? Is it India?14. Lucy is the _(young) child in her family. Her parents both love her very much.15. We had so many hot days this summer. Now the weather is a little_(cool)二、单项选择( ) 1.Our country is _than the USA. A. more nicer B. much beautiful C. more nice D. much more beautiful( ) 2. Shanghai is bigger than _in Jiangsu. A. any city B. any other city C. the other cities D. another city( ) 3. The Yellow River is _in the world. A. the longest river B one of the longer rivers C .one of the longest river D one of the longest rivers.( ) 4. Our classroom is _than _. A. brighthers B. brighterher C brighther D. brighterhers( ) 5. .Is there _in todays newspaper? A something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything( ) 6. Mum, Im feeling even _ than yesterday. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. the worst( ) 7. _ he is, _ he feels. A. The busier, the happy B. The busy, the happy C. The busier, the happier D. The busier, the happiest( ) 8. When you come here, you may have some problems _many things.A. with B. about C. on D. in( ) 9. Do you know what he _ two years ago? Yes, He was fat then. A. liked B. is like C. likes D. was like( ) 10. I dont know who _ the boy stand here. How poor he looks. A. told B. makes C. asks D. wants( ) 11. My roommate is a girl _ round eyes and long hair. A. has B. with C. had D. is having三、动词填空1. 1. I believe you _ (make) a famous singer some day.2. Look! They _ (run) _(catch) the early bus.3. A supermarket is a good place _(buy) different things.4. My brother, like my father, _(have) a motorbike now.5. What _ (happen)? Lets go and see.6. What are you busy_(do) these days? I _(write) a report.7. We often see our teacher, Miss Wu, _(work) in the office at lunchtimet.8. He likes telling funny jokes and always _(make) us _(laugh) 9. Its important _ (not be ) careless with fire.10.May is a true friend and never _(say) a bad word about anyone.11.Which of these college students would you like _(choose) _(help) with your maths.12.She will return to London if she _(not be) so busy.四、翻译句子,每空一词1. 他总是笑眯眯的,显得很快乐。 He always _and _.2. 长大后他想当一名社会工作者,帮助人们解决困难。 He would like_ and _3. 他是我的良师益友。 He is _.4. 将来他想当一名画家,和徐悲鸿一样有名。 He would like _ and _.5. 如果我能逗其他人开心,我也会很快乐。 Ill be happy if I _.6. 所有女生中,她跑步的速度是最慢的。 She is _.7. 我们学校比他们的大得多。 Our school is _8. 祝愿我们的祖国越来越强大。 I hope our country will_9. 戴着圆圆的小眼镜,他看起来很帅。 He looks _.Unit1 周末作业(3)命题人审核人审批人学生姓名班级评 价批阅日期作业序号胡利平胡利平张小芳NO.3一、单项选择题( ) 1.He is _stronger than his brother. A. more B. very C. quite D. much ( ) 2. Please come here a little _next time.A.early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest ( ) 3. Millie is better than Jack _drawing pictures, but she has some problems _ English A. in; in B. at; with C. on; on D. of; in ( ) 4. There are some apples here._ share them. A. May be we can B. Maybe we can C. We may be D. Maybe can we( ) 5. A good teacher always teaches his students _.A. what they need B. how they need C. how do they need D. what do they need( ) 6. My elder sister got first in the exam. She is looking _ at the score. How _she is!A. happily, happy B. happy, unhappy C. happily, happily D. happy, happy( ) 7. The smile on his face makes him _ really _. A. looks, kind B. look, kindly C. to look, kindly D. look, kind ( ) 8. The Yellow River is the second _river in China . A. longer B. longest C. the most long D. the longest( ) 9. -What are they talking the teacher ? -The writing competition next week. A. to; with B. with; to C. to; for D. to; about ( ) 10.- Do you _ your classmates at school? -Yes. I often _some homework. A. help with, help B. help, help with C.help,help D.help with, help with ( ) 11. The baby _ 3.5 kilograms(公斤)when he was born. A. weigh B. weight C. weighs D. weighed( ) 12.- Miss Zhao, five classmates and I spent an hour cleaning the classroom. -Not bad. It would be better for _ students to do the cleaning with _ time. A.more, fewer B.less, less C. fewer,less D. less, fewer( ) 13. - Mum, can I have something ? - Sorry. There is in the fridge. A. eating;nothing else B. to eat;nothing else C. eating;else nothing D. to eat;else nothing( ) 14. The Changjiang River is the worlds_ river.A. the third long B.the third longest C. third long D. third longest( ) 15.English is one of Marys _sbujects. A.the worst B.worst C.the worse D.

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