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Unit 1 Come with me!一用冠词a/ an填空。1. island 2. farmer3. orange 4. ruler5. aunt 6. uncle7. egg 8. English teacher9. worker 10. badminton11. book 12. apple二、连词成句。1.house, where, Jimmys, is (?) 2.is, he, boy, tall, a (.) 3.Uncle, I , to, Tony, visit, want(.) 4.be, what, you, do, to, want(?) 5.it, is, whose, diary(?) 6.name, what, uncles, Sallys, is(?) 7.calendar, this, your, is(?) 三、根据上下文填空。1. this your calendar?No, .2.Come me.3.What she ?Shes a (设计者).4.Shes my mothers sister. Shes my .5.Hes my mothers brother. Hes my .6.She works in a hospital. She is a .7. My aunts son is my .四、根据提示,用正确的形式填空。1.We cant . (fly)2.They are (play) badminton.3.Lets (swim).4.I am going to (a) island.5. How many (字典) do you have?6. I like badminton.Unit 2 Do you have any glue?一、补充完整句子。1. you have any glue? No, .2. Tony have paper? Yes, .3.Does Jenny (有)any cats? No, .4.Jenny (有)some scissors.5. Tony (需要) some envelopes.6.My cousin (不需要) any stamps.7. My uncle needs envelope.二、按要求写出来。1.paper复数 2.tape复数 3.glue复数 4.have第三人称单数 5.make现在分词 三、根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。1. I have (一个信封).2. Sue has some (橡皮).3. Im (修理) the hang glider.4. He doesnt have any (兔子).5. Gogo likes (萝卜).7. Are you making (某样东西)?9.She (有) some paper.10.They (有) ten parrots.四、正确选用some和any.1.I have stickers.2.They dont have parrots.3.Does Tony have carrots?五、正确选用have, has, do, does, dont, doesnt.1.They some stamps.2.I have any staples.3.She two postcards.4. Tony and Jenny any paper? Yes,they .5. Tony any glue? No, he Unit 3 What do we need?一、根据上下文填空。1.What we need? need some rice.2. she need any salt? No, .3.What Sue ? has vegetable.4.He (没有)some salt. He some salt.二、写出下列单词的复数形式。1.juice 2.rice 3.salt 4.sugar 5.meat 6.tofu 7.fruit 8.noise 9.boy 10. stamp 11. tooth 12.glue 13.coin 14.apple 三、根据中文提示,填上合适的单词。1.我的舅妈正在做早餐。My is cooking .2.我喜欢蔬菜和水果。I like and .3. Tony需要什么?他需要一些豆腐。 Tony need?He tofu.4.我们需要一些果汁吗?不,不需要。 we need juice? No, .二、改写句子。1.Your uncle is watching TV.(划线部分提问) 2.The boys are playing basketball there. (划线部分提问) 3.They have some vegetables.(改一般疑问句) Unit 5 Its cold in winter.一、根据提示完成下列句子。1Whats the _ like today? Its _ .今天的天气怎么样? 热。2Whats the_ like _ ? 春天的天气怎么样? 3_ _rainy today? No, . 今天下雨吗? 不是的。4. Whats your _ season? 你最喜欢的季节是哪个季节? season is fall.我最喜欢的季节是秋天。5_ you _snail? 你会拼写snail吗?二、回答问题。1.Whats the weather like in spring in your hometown?_2.Whats the weather like today?_3.Whats your favorite season?_4.Whats the weather like in fall?_5.Can you spell smell?_6.Is it rainy in fall?_Unit 6 When can we go ice-skating?一按提示完成句子。1. _winter holiday? Its in _ and _. 什么时候是寒假?一月和二月。2. Is May_June ? No, May is_ June. 五月是在六月之后吗? 不是,五月是在六月之前。3. _ _we go ice-skating? We can go in _ _. 我们什么时候可以去溜冰? 寒假。 二、按要求填空。1.before(反义词) _2. winter holiday(对应词) _3.spring term(对应词) _ 4.Lets go _.(游泳) Sorry, I want to go _.(溜冰)5. January is before February .(同义句)_6.Where does she go (之后)guangzhou? She _ to HongKong.7.January is _February.8.May is_ June. 9.March is _ February. 三、按实际情况回答问题。1.Whats the weather like in spring in Xinhui?_2.Whens spring term?_3.Whats your favorite season?_4.Whens fall term?_5.Whens May Day? Unit 7 Whens your birthday?一、用正确的单词填空。1. _ name is Jimmy. _ is a factory worker. ( he )2._am a student. _like dancing. ( I )3. _ need two envelopes. Do _ know? (you)4. _ want play outside. Come with _. (they)5. _is my aunt. _ name is Sally. (she)二、选择正确的特殊疑问词填空。(what, where, who, whose, when, what color, how, how many, how old) 1. _ is winter holiday? Its in January and February. 2. _ do they need? They need some pens.3 ._ is the leaves? They are red and yellow.4. _ is your mother? Shes 35. 5._ cats are there? There are 10 cats.6. _ diary is this? Its Jennys diary.三翻译。1. 你阿姨的生日在什么时候?她的生日在九月。 2. 你妈妈的生日在什么时候?她的生日在十月一号。 3. 东尼的生日在什么时候?他的生日在八月十号。 Unit 9 It was clean but its dirty now.一、用is /am/are/was/were填空.1 _ it cool yesterday? 2 I_at home before.3 _ you at home yesterday? Yes, I_4 I _ at home now. 5 _ it sunny today? 6 _ I fixing the hang glider? 二、用肯定回答问题。1. Were you at school?_2.Is your room tiday?_3.Was it hot yesterday?_3. Were your shoes clean?_三用be动词is /am/are/was/were填空.1. My mother a doctor.2. My bedroom messy before but it tidy now.3. Listen! The birds singing. But they singing yesterday too.4. My shoes dirty yesterday but they clean now.5.What the weather like yesterday morning?It sunny.6. They my cousins.Unit 10 I planted trees.一、根据中文写出一般现在时和过去式:1. 种植 2. 观看 3. 洗 4. 煮 5. 听 6. 帮助 7. 绘画 8. 打电话 9. 使用 10. 搬、提 11扮演 12. 学习 二、单词运用:1). What Mr. Green yesterday?格林先生昨天干了什么?2). she wash a window yesterday? Yes, she . 她昨天擦窗了吗?是的。3). Last Sunday cool. Today warm. 上个星期日凉爽的。今天是暖的。4). The boy cleaning the door now.这男孩子正在擦窗。三. 用所给词的正确形式填空:1). I (visit) my uncle last week. 2). Look! Tony (call) his friend.3). Did you (listen) to music?4). I didnt (help) my mother (wash) the dishes.5). I like (go) to the park in summer.Unit 11 What did you do, Gogo?A一、写出下列单词的过去式和现在分词(动词的ing):1. use 2. study 3. play 4.visit 5. practice 6. talk 7. jump 8. clean 10 do 11. are 12. carry 二、选择正确的单词填空:1. He badminton yesterday. (plays, played)2. What your mother do yesterday? (was, did)3. What did you do the parade? (in, on)4. What did she do the day yesterday? (before, after)5. Gogo and Tony played this morning. (in, outside)6. Gogo and Tony payed the morning. (in,outside)7. I (studying, am studying) English now. But I didnt (study, studied)last night.8. Listen! The girl now. (is sing, is singing)三、根据提示回答问题:1. What did Gogo do yesterday morning? (call/friend) 2. What did Sally do last night? (listen/music) 3. What did Ben do last Sunday? (cook/breakfast) 4. What did Tony and Jenny do yesterday? (help/Grandma) 5. What did your cousin do last night? (watch TV) 四、在横线上填上适当的疑问词,使句子通顺合理。1. is your birthday? My birthday is May 21st.2. children do you have? Only one.3. is the weather like today? Its warm.4. was Gogo yesterday? He was in China.5. is the man? He is my father.6. does Mr. Li do? Hes a doctor.7. do they need? They need some sugar.8. is your grandpa? Hes 92 years old.


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