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八年级下册短语词组Unit1 Will people have robots1. have a robot有一个机器人2. in 100 years 在100年之内3. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 4.study at home on computers 呆在家里通过电脑学习 5. fall in love with sth. 爱上某物 6. fewer people 更少的人 7. less free time更少的时间 8. less/more pollution 更少/更多的污染 9. more tall buildings 更多的高楼10. live in an apartment/on a space station 住在公寓/空间站 11. as a reporter 作为一名记者12. work near here 在这附近工作13. keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 16. in college 在大学 14. during this week 在这一周期间 15. live alone 一个人住 17. space station空间站 18. look smart 看上去聪明 19. wear a suit 穿着西服 20. dress more casually 穿着更随便 21. fly a rocket to the moon 乘飞船飞往月球里22. win the next the World Cup 赢下一届世界杯 23. the head of the movie companies 电影公司总经理 24. twenty years from now 从现在算起20年 25. for my job interview 为了我的工作面试26. wear a uniform to school 穿着校服去上学27. come true 变成现实 28. be able to 能够. . 得以 . .29. help with the housework 帮助做家务 30. get bored 变得无聊31. in the future 在将来 32. Predicting the future will be difficult 预测未来将会很难 33. many famous predictions 许多著名的预测 34. have ones own robot 有某人自己的机器人35. hundreds of 数以百计的 36. just like 正如37. seem impossible 看上去不可能 38. see actors talk 看相声 39. win award 赢得奖品 40. live in an apartment 住在公寓里41. no sound in movies 无声电影 42. never be used by most people 从不被大多数人利用 43. in some science fiction/ movies在一些科幻小说/电影中 44. do the most unpleasant job 做最不愉快的工作45. It may take hundreds of years 可能花费几百年的时间 46. will be able to talk to people 将能和人类交谈47. in 25 to 50 years 在25至50年的时间里48. do such jobs 做这样的工作 49. have less work to do 有更少的工作去做50. have many different shapes 有不同的形状 51. after an earthquake 地震之后 52. help look for people under buildings 帮助寻找埋在楼下的人 53.space rockets太空火箭 54. electric toothbrushes 电动牙刷55. over and over again 反复56. five years ago 五年以前 57.lastyear/summer/winter/spring/autumn/Monday 去年/去年夏天/上个周一 58. interesting people 有趣的人59. with my best friends 和我最好的朋友们60. at the weekends在每个周末61. in five years 在五年以后62. fewer trees 较少的树63. live on a space station住在太空站64. in high school 在高中65. places to live 居住的地方66. a place to live 一个居住的地方67. computer programmer 电脑程序设计师68. look smart for my job interview看上去为我的工作面试很聪明69. I agree. 我同意。70. I disagree. 我不同意。71.next time/Monday/month/year/summer 下一次/下个周一/明年/明年夏天72. keep a pet饲养宠物73. fly to the moon for vacation飞往月球去度假74. science fiction 科学幻想小说75. have pets 饲养宠物76. one day/sometime 将来有一天/将来某一时刻77 use sth to do sth 使用某物做某事78.make a belief 确信/相信79. again and again 一遍有一遍81. some day 将来某一天80. seem possible 看起来很可能的82. the day after tomorrow 后天83. this afternoon 今天下午84. this evening 今天晚上85. this year 今年86. before long/soon 不久以后87. in the future 在将来88. in the future time 在将来某一时刻89. in two weeks/days 两天以后/两天以后90. 100 years from now 从现在算起100年以后91. uncountable nouns 不可数名词92. make a list 列表93. science fiction movie 科学幻想电影94. take the train to the school 乘火车上学Unit 2 What should I do?1. stay at home 呆在家 2. every night 每天晚3,play CDs 播放CD 4,too loud 太吵 5.out of style 过时的 6,enough money 足够的钱7. want to surprised him 想使他意外 8,go to his house 去他家 9,give him a ticket 给他一张票 10,a ball game 一场球赛11,on the phone 通过电话 13,dont have any money没有钱12,talk about their problems 谈论他们的问题13, talk about it on the phone 通过电话谈论它 14,get some money 得一些钱15,pay for 支付 16,summer camp 夏令营17,get a part-time job做一份兼职工作 18,have a bake sale 卖烧烤 19. get a tutor得到一份家教 20. be original 新颖的21. be in style 时髦的22,the radio advice program 电台建议节目 26,the same as 与一样29,have a problem 有麻烦 27,the same clothes as 与一样的衣服31,find out 发现,找出 28,get different clothes 买不同的衣服 30,at school 在学校 32,last week 上周 34. Im very upset 我很难过33. Everyone was invited except me除我之外每个人都被邀请了 35. fail my test 考试不及格36,after-school activities 课后活动37,busy enough 足够忙 38,after school 放学后39,get home 到家 40. the same age as me 与我同岁41. get on well with sb 与某人相处很好42. want to fight with my cousin 想和我的表哥打架43.give me some advice给我一些建议 44 take her daughter to the piano lesson带我的女儿去上钢琴课45. The tired children dont get home until 7:00 疲惫的孩子们直到七点钟才到家 46. have a quick breakfast 快快的吃完早饭47. pushy parents固执的家长 48. send their kids to all kinds of classes 把他们的孩子送往各种培训班49. compare them with other children把他们和其他的孩子相比 50. try to plan their kids lives 试图计划他们孩子的生涯51as much as possible尽可能多52too much pressure太多的压力 53,get their kids a bit more time 给孩子更多的时间54. need organized activities 需要有组织的活动55,take part in 参加56,all kinds of 各种各样的 57,on the one hand在一方面5,on the other hand在另外一方面 59,by oneself 亲自60,have free time to relax有空闲时间放松60. have enough money to do sth.有足够的钱去做某事61. over the phone 通过电话63. argue with sb. 和某人争吵64. to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是65 write letters/a letter写信66. write sb. a letter写给某人一封信67. write a letter to sb.写信给某人68. call sb. up 给某人打电话69. ring sb. up给某人打电话70. a ticket to一张去 的票71. a ticket for一张 的票72. feel sb.do sth 感到某人做某事73. feel sb.doing sth感到某人在做某事74.There are lots of things you could do有许多你可以做的事情。75. borrow sth. from 从借入76. make/earn some money 挣钱赚钱77. pay some money for sth付钱买78. look for 寻找79. get a job as a tutor找到一份家教的工作80. in fashion流行时髦时尚81. be in trouble有麻烦陷入麻烦之中82. fail to pass the exam考试不及格83. know about/of 知道有关了解有关84. know sth about /of知道有关了解有关的情况85. a mother of three children一位三个孩子的母亲86. join a club加入参加一个俱乐部87. buy gifts for my family给我的家人买礼物88. need some money to buy 需要一些钱来买89. get some money to do sth弄到一些钱来做某事90. from activity to activity从活动到活动91. Its time for sth./doing sth.到做某事的时候了。92. Its time to do sth.做某事的时候到了。93. I left my homework at home.我把我的作业落在家里了。94. have the same haircut as I do. 和我留着一样的发型95. learn sth from sb./sth.向学习96. learn how to do sth. 学习怎样作某事97. learn to do sth.学会做某事98. fight for sb./sth为而战99. fight with sb.和谁打仗100. some advice on一些有关的意见101. compare sth./sb. to把比作102. under the pressure of在的压力之下103. many different kinds of 许多不同种类的104. have time/trouble/problems/difficulties (in) doing sth. 有时间麻烦问题困难做某事105. be fit for适合106. complain about 抱怨107. pullout of 把从拉出来108. push out of把从拉出来109. be crazy at/ about非常喜欢110. compare A with B把A和B相比111. try doing sth试着做某事112. try to do sth试图做好某事114. either or或者或者113. keep out不让进入阻止进入115. succeed in sth/doing sth在某一方面取得成功成功做某事116. fail to do sth做某事失败117. ask sb.for sth向某人要某物118. ask sb. to do sth叫某人做某事119. get sb. to do sth让某人做某事120. My friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend.我的朋友们正在为我的最好的朋友计划组织一个生日聚会。121. plan for为而计划122. I cant think what I did wrong.我无法想象我所做的什么地方错啦。123. invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事124. invite sb to邀请某人到125. I dont know what I do.我不知道该做些什么。126. talk with sb. about sth.和某人谈论有关什么127. talk about sth. with sb. 和某人谈论有关什么128. be angry about / at sth./ with sb生某事的气生某人的气129. return sth to sb把某物还给某人130. return sb. sth= give sth back还给某人某物131. return to = go back to 返回到132. argue with sb. about sth.和某人争吵有关什么133. phone sb. 给某人打电话Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1、in front of在.的前面(外部)2.in barber shop理发店 3. in the bathroom/kitchen在浴室/厨房 4. stand in front of the library站在图书馆前面 5. sleep late睡懒觉6. cook dinner 作饭7. get out of shower从浴室出来 8.talk on the phone通过电话交谈 9. land on the Center Street 降落在中心大街10.the Museum of Flight航天博物馆11.go into a souvenir shop 进入一家礼品店11. buy a souvenir 买纪念品 13.take off 起飞 12. call the police/TV station 给警察/电视台打电话14. walk down the street 沿街散步15. have an unusual experience 有一次不寻常的经历16. Isnt that amazing ?难道那不是疯狂的吗? 17.right in front of me 就在我前面 18. be surprised to do sth 作某事感到很吃惊19too scared太恐怖了!20. see a cat in a tree 看到树上有一只猫21. at the train station在火车站 22.shout his name叫他的名字 23.hear the news of the important events 听到重要新闻消息 24. on April 14th, 1968. 在1968年4 月14 日。25. in the modern American history 在美国现代历史上26.In the city of Memphis.在孟斐斯(古埃及城市,废墟在今开罗之南)城27. hear about the event 听到这件事27.have fun in the playground 在操场上玩的开心28. take place about 30 years ago.发生在30 年前 29 .jump down 跳下来30.take a photo照相,拍照 31.police officer警官32.New York纽约33.run away 逃跑,逃掉34. Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场 35. at the doctors 在医务室 36. at that time那时 37. in silence默默的38. in more recent times 在更近的日子里39.was destroyed by terrorists被恐怖分子破坏40. as terrible as 像.一样恐怖41.walk on the moon on July 20,1969在1969年7月20日在月球上行走40. became a national hero.成为民族英雄42. all over the world 全世界43. in space 在太空44. last about 22 hours 持续了大约22小时45. in the front of 在.的前面(内部)46. at/in back of 在的后面(外部)47. at/in the back of 在.的后面48. at the front 在前面49. in front 在前面50. in the barbers 在理发店51. make/cook supper/make /cook a meal/do some cooking 做饭52. call ones name 叫某人的名字53. hear of 听说54. in the city of Beijing 在北京市55. from then on 从那时起56. at that moment 在那时keep silence/order/quiet 保持安静58. in universe 在宇宙中59.Im sorry at the bad news 听到这个坏消息我感到很难过60.all over the country 整个国家61.stay up late 很晚才睡觉62.talk over the phone 通过电话交谈63.buy something for sb 给某人买某物64.buy sb sth 给某人买某物65.walk alone the street 独自走在街上66.on the 14th of April 在四月十四日67.jump off/jump down from 跳离68.see sb do sth 看见某人做某事69.while,when 当.时候70.at around ten oclock in the morning 在上午大约十点整71.at nine oclock last Sunday morning 在上周日上午9点整72.newspaper reporter 报社记者73.outside the station 在车站外74.say to sb =tell sb 告诉某人75.be helpful for sb to do sth 对某人做某事有帮助76 a good idea( for sb)to do sth that 对某人做某事是个好主意77.on this day ,on that day 在这一天. 在那一天78.die of 死于疾病79.die from 死于灾祸80.have meaning to most Americans 对大多数的美国人有影响81.Not all events部分否定86.say sth to sb 对某人说.82.remember sb to sb代某人向某人问好83.the first Chinese astronaut in space 第一位中国太空宇航员84.the flight around the earth 围绕地球的飞行85.do sth for the first time 第一次做.Unit 4 He said I was hard- working1.have a surprised party 举办一场惊喜聚会2. be mad at 对.非常愤怒、恼火 3. first of all首先,第一4 pass on 把.传给. 5.bring some drinks and snacks to Marcias house把一些饮料和小吃带到Marcia的房子 6. work on a homework project研究家庭作业计划 7. be supposed to do sth认为必须做某事, 认为应该做某事, 认为.必要8.hard-working 工作努力的9. do well in 再某方面做的好,擅长 10.be in good/por health 身体健康/虚弱的11.get nervous= feel nervous变的/感觉紧张 12. have a hard time with sth 在某方面感到很困难13. have a big fight with sb与.打大一场 14. copy ones homework 抄某人的作业 15.do her own work 做他自己的工作16. in a poor mountain village在贫困的山区 17. sound like fun to you 听起来很像你想的那样好18. the Peking university graduate北京大学毕业生 19. as a volunteer on a one-year-programmer作为一个一年起教育援助计划的志援者 20.the Ministry of education教育部长 21.send 100 volunteer to teach in Chinas rural area派100 个志愿着到中国贫困地区去 21. end-of-year exam 年终考试22. report card 成绩报告单 23.get mad 变疯24. get over恢复,克服 25.send.to 把.送给26.agree with her daughters decision 支持他女儿的决定27.most of the students 大部分学生28. between.and在两者之间 29. sea level 海平面30.open up my students eyes打开我学生的视野31.Chinese Young Pioneer中国少先队 30.care for wild animals in danger 照料,照顾濒临危险的动物31 live in school dormitories住在学校宿舍 32.do better in 在作的更好 33.for ever永远34. be crazy at / about对痴迷35. at first首先36. ask the directions to问路37. take a message to sb /for sb给某人捎个口信38. pass on sth to sb传给某人某物39. tell the truth说实话40. tell a lie说谎41. copy down /write down抄下。记下42. make a decision / make a decision to do sth下决心/下决心做某事43. make up ones mind 下决心44. make up ones mind to do sth下决心做某事 45. have a influence在某方面有影响46. care about介意。在乎47. be careful to do sth小心做某事48. be in danger在危险中49. at the end /in the end最后,最终50. be good at 擅长51. be weak in在弱52. take it easy别紧张53. have a difficulty in在某方面有困难54. fight for为而战斗55. agree with sb同意某人56. not any more/ any longer不再no more = no longer不再57. school report学校成绩单58. take a note做笔记59. send sb to do sth派某人去做某事60. have a hard time to do sth做某事很困难61. do a homework project做一项作业62. A calls you with a message for C打电话叫你个C捎个口信63. the envelop from school in the mail来自学校的邮件64. be surprised to do sth做某事而感到惊奇65. Its right for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是对的66. Its wrong of sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是错的67. by mail通过邮件68. It is / was + 强调部分+that +强调句型69. Its just that I find science really difficult只是我发现理科太难了70. a disappointing report一个令人失望的结果71. It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework事情是这样开始的72. ask sb if / weather问某人是否73. experience different things 经历不同的事74. finish ones study完成学业75. agree sb to do sth 同意某人做某事76. talk to sb对某人讲谈77. return to /go back to返回78. I cant do anything about that/it我无能为力79. money for education教育经费80. start a bad habit / raise(get )a good habit of养成一个坏(好)习惯81. be sure =believe= make a belief确信82. Its much better that / if.(主语,条件)83. feel sick生病,感到遗憾84. There is no difference between and没有区别85. put on 穿上Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a good time!1.wear jeans 穿牛仔裤2. take the bus to the party 乘公共汽车去聚会3.study for the test为考试学习 4.make some food做一些食物 5.watch a video看电视 6. organize/play the party games 组织/玩聚会游戏7.take away带走8. make a lot of money 赚许多钱9.stay at home 呆在家10. be able to do sth能够做某事 10.let sb. do sth.让某人做事 11. get an education 接受教育12.ride ones bike 骑自行车13. have a great time 过的很开心14. the rules for school parties 学校聚会规则 15. during the party在聚会期间 16. shout at party 在聚会上大声吵闹 17. bring your ID card带上你的身份证 18. school clean-up 学校大扫除19. Childrens hospital visit 拜访儿童医院 20. as lucky as和 一样幸运 21. enjoy oneself玩的高兴22.How to get to your house怎样到达你家23. 上大学go to college 24. too much太多 25.a professional player/ athlete一个职业运动员 26. seem like a dream job看上去像一份理想的工作27. make a living谋生28 doing sth you love 做你喜欢的事29. give money to school and charities给学校和慈善机构捐钱 30. a great chance 一个很好的机会31. have many problems 有很多麻烦32. all the time 一直. 总是 33. travel all over the world周游世界34. make life difficult使生活变的艰难35.have difficult time knowing 36. in fact 事实上37.become rich and famous变的富有和出名 38. Join the Lions 加入雄师俱乐部 39.get injured受伤 40. an ideal job理想的工作41. in fact 事实上42.become a teacher 成为老师43. go to the movies 去看电影44. finish my homework完成我的作业 45. get up late起床晚了 46. get enough exercise 得到足够的锻炼47. I am a good cook 我是一名厨师48.help others 帮助他人49 .forget your address忘了你的地址50.dinning room饭厅 51.mobile phone 手机,移动电话52.laugh at 嘲笑 53. dye their hair brown把他们的头发染成棕色54. in order that/in order to /so as to 为了55. live on以 为生56. explain sth to sb 向某人解释57. by the /a chance 偶尔58. be against sb/ sth 反对某人/某物59. be/get dressed in/ be in/ have o n穿着60. take the taxi from the airport to the bank 从机场打的到银行61. the school rules 学校规章62. shout at sb对着某人喊63. shout to sb朝着某人喊64. do some cleaning大扫除65. a visit to Beijing去北京的参观66. devote to 捐献 给.67.have(no) problems/difficulties/trouble/time in doing sth 没问题做某事68. travel to到旅行69. go to see a film去看电影70. enough to do sth 足以做71. a good time to have the party 举行聚会的好时光72. the old peoples home 敬老院73. play sports for a living运动为了谋生74. end of year party年终聚会75. put on 穿上76. be wearing穿着77. make /have sb do sth 使/让某人做某事78. on ones/the bike 骑自行车79. during winter vocation在寒假期间80. have a pleasant/ good /wonderful/nice /great time/enjoy oneself.完得高兴81. much too +adj/adv 太82. earn a living 谋生83. as a matter of fact 事实上84. be at the cinema看电影85. dinning hall 餐厅86. smile at sb 朝某人微笑Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?1 a pair of一双,一副2. run out of 用完,耗尽 3 be interested in 对感兴趣4 by the way顺便说,顺便问一声 5. thousands of people 数千人6.more than 多于7collect shells收集贝壳8raise money for charity为慈善事业酬钱 9.skating marathon滑冰马拉松 10. the first one to start 第一个开始的人11.three and a half year 三年半12.collect stamps 收集邮票13. anyone else其他任何人 14.in fact 事实上15.a talent show 才艺展示 16. whats your hobby 你有什么爱好17. in the way 阻碍18. in this way 用这种方法19. on the way to 在去 的路上20. have/has been + ving 已经在做 事情21. Im talking to you from 我正在地方向你报导22. the snow globe of the monster 怪物雪球23. on my seventh birthday在我第七个生日24. something with in it /them 里面带有25. start a snow globe collectors club组织一个雪球俱乐部26. organize a talent show组织一次才艺表演27. the school newspaper 学校板报28. free topics to different things 对不同事物的自由话题29. make a list 列表30. reading strategy 阅读策略31. be in style具有的风格32. be hard to do sth很难做33. for a foreigner like me 对一个象我这样的外国人来说Unit7 Would you mind turn down the music?1. clean the yard 打扫院子2. play baseball打棒球3. move your bike 挪动你的自行车6. right away 立刻,马上4. turn down the music 关小音乐 5.turn up 开大7.Would you like mind ding the dishes你介意洗盘子吗?8.Would you mind wearing those old jeans 你介意穿上这些旧牛仔裤吗?9. get up 起床 10. in a minute 在一分钟之内 11.get out of the bathroom 走出浴室12. put on another pair穿上另外一双13. look terrible 看起来很可怕14. be at a meeting 正在开会 17. feed the dog 喂狗15. not at all 根本不;一点也不16. need your help 18. return the book to the library 把书归还给图书馆 19. finish the task 完成任务20. no problem 没问题 21. complain about sth./doing sth. 抱怨某事,抱怨做某事22.help me with my homework 在作业方面帮助我23.give you a terrible haircut 你的头理的极为难看24.order a hamburger with French fries 叫一份带暑条的汉堡包25.would you mind giving me a smaller one 你介意给我一个更小一点的吗?26. wait in line 排队等待 27.cut in line 插队28. have a long telephone conversation 电话长谈 29. follow sb. around 跟随在某人左右30. get mad/angry 生气 31. get annoyed 变的不耐烦33. sth. happen to sb.某事发生在某人身上 34. go back to返回35. want to be polite 想有礼貌36. try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 37. try not to do sth尽力不做某事 36. spend some time花费一些时间 37. an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家 38.social behavior社会行为 39. in every country or every situation在每一个国家或在每一种情况下 40. feel uncomfortable 感到不舒服41.in all situations在所有的情况下42. talk loudly 大声谈话43. movie theater 电影院44. even if 即使 45. keep your voice down 小声说话 46. take care not to do sth小心不做某事47. in public (places) 公开 48. if possible 如果可能49. break the rule 违反记律 49.give them some suggestions 给他们一些建议50. one of the most polite ways最有礼貌的方式之一51 put out the cigarette 把烟熄灭52 rule of etiquette 礼节规则53. drop litter 扔垃圾 54. pick it up 把它捡起来55. mind doing sth介意做某事56. mind ones doing sth介意做某事57. not at all根本不, 一点也不58. turn on/ off打开/关闭59turn up/down放大/放小60.right now/at once现在/马上/立刻61. do the dishes刷晚62. bring sth to sb/some place把某物带给某人63. bring sth for sb为/给某人拿/带来某物64 a piece of cloth一块布65 cant wait to do sth等不及作某事66. wait for sb等待某人67. wait for sb to do sth等待某人做某事68. stand in line/ a queue站成一队69. be polite to do sth有礼貌做某事70. It is polite for sb to do sth对某人来说有礼貌做某事71. at the door在门口72. return sth to sb把某物还给某人73. return sb sth还给某人某物75. jump into a queue插队74. return to += go back to返回到76. watch your behavior/ manner注意你的行为77. allow to do sth允许做某事78. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事79. pick off摘掉80. move sth to把某物搬运到 81. move to搬家82. complain about ones doing sth抱怨某人做某事83. happen to sth/sb.发生在84. It happened that碰巧发生85. happen to发生86. try/do ones best尽量/尽某人最大努力87. try/do ones best to do sth尽量/尽某人最大努力去做某事88. try doing sth试着做某事89. spend some time in doing sth花时间做某事 90. spend some time on sth某事上花时间91. break the rules/law of 违归/违法92. will/could /would you please + v 请你做好吗?93. Shall we do sth? 我们做好吗?94. be at a meeting 在开会95. help sb. with 在方面上帮助某人96. make some poster做海报97. topic sentence主题句子98. in every culture在每种文化里99. be with sb.和某人在一起100. people dont like to be criticized.人们不喜欢受到批评101. even though即使/既然102. It is possible if you can那是可能的如果你能 unit8 Why dont you get her scarf?1.too personal 太个性化 2. not special enough 不够特别3. not creative enough 创意不够 4. not interesting enough 不够有趣5. buy a scarf for me 给我买了条围巾 6.What a lucky guy! 多幸运的人啊7.on my tenth birthday 再我生日时8.make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭9.not friendly enough 不够友好 10.Its ea

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