高中英语:unit21 lesson1 《Super Athletes》 课件北师大版选修7

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高中英语:unit21 lesson1 《Super Athletes》 课件北师大版选修7_第1页
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Welcome to the lecture!,dash n. 短跑,Ben Johnson,Maurice Greene,Usain Bolt,Lesson 1 Super Athletes,By Zhu Hong Hefei NO.8 Senior High School,100 metres in 8 seconds?,Learning objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will: 1. Understand the text and get the main information. 2. Talk about doping, gene therapy and Olympic spirit using the information in the text. 3. Express your opinions towards doping, gene therapy and Olympic spirit.,The world record of mens 100 meters,The figure of the record ,has fallen year after year.,The athletes performances ,have continually improved.,Lead in,What is the general idea of the passage?,The athletes who took part in the first Olympic Games are not as fast as athletes today. b) Doping is a huge problem in the sporting world. c) The present and future of the sporting world is being seriously and negatively affected by doping and gene-therapy. d) Ben Johnson, Florence Griffith and Floyd Landis have all shocked the world by their speed.,Find a topic for each paragraph,“Gene-therapy” is the real threat. The effect of doping. The Olympic spirit has been violated. Records fall year after year. Doping is a kind of cheating. Records fall but not because of improvement. Using illegal drugs is not easy to catch. Doping is a part of every sport.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Records,Records,doping,Doping,Doping,Gene-therapy,illegal drugs,?,illegal drugs,Olympic spirit,Fast-reading:,Records have fallen,Doping,Gene-therapy,Olympic spirit,Part one. (1-2),Part two. (3-6),Part three. (7),Part four. (8),Part(para1-2):,What reasons made athletes performances improve? How are their performances recently?,It is due to better equipment, training and diet.,Recently, athletes improvements have begun to slow down.,Detailed reading,Doping,In order to enhance their performances, they use,Gene-therapy,Doping are originally developed to 1._ But in the wrong hands, doping creates 2._. It also causes 3._for those who 4._ them.,The sports world doesnt 5._ doping as it is a form of 6._,Doping affects both athletics and 7. _.,Its not easy to catch using illegal drugs because: 8.Its_for winners to be tested. 9._are developed all the time. 10.Drug tests are_ _,Part (Para.3-6),supreme athletes,serious health problems,help people with illness,tolerate,cheating,compulsory,New drugs,one step behind,every sport,use,attitude,result/effect,difficulty,abuse,Gene therapy,Part (para7),Find out some information about gene therapy.,use,attitude,possible result,possible trouble,It is to _ and _ by changing genes.,Many people _ further research into it.,Athletes might be able to do the_ dash _; marathon in _,It would _to find out; It would _the whole spirit of sport.,oppose,build muscle,increase strength,100 meters,in 8 seconds,less than two hours,contradict,impossible, The Olympic spirit emphasises winning rather than taking part.,Judge whether they are true or false and correct the false ones:,F, The Olympic spirit has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.,T,taking part,winning,True or False, if doping and gene therapy continue to affect the sport world, “hero” will be meaningless.,T,Part (Para. 8 ):,Summary,Because of better equipment, training and diet, the athletes performances _ year after year. But recently, doping is used to create _ Doping can also cause serious health problems for those who _them. Sports world doesnt _ doping. However drug tests are only _ for winners. Another big threat is gene therapy. Many people _ further research into it because it would _the Olympic spirit which has been violated by the desire to succeed _.,oppose,contradict,tolerate,supreme athletes,compulsory,improve,abuse,at all costs,d,have,Find information related to the words given,Part 1 Records have,Part 2 Doping,Part 3 Gene-therapy will be the next,Part 4 Olympic spirit has been,fallen,1 Performance-enhancing,drugs,2 Not tolerate doping as,cheating,3 Not easy to catch athletes using drugs,illegal,threat,violated,Super Athletes,4 Doping as part of every sport like,cycling,Do athletes need doping or gene-therapy in the sports? Why?,Voice your opinion,To dope or not to dope?,Suppose you are interviewed by a reporter from Anhui TV, talking about your attitude towards doping in sports.,Interview,The International Olympic Committee President Rogge appeals(呼吁) the public not to use doping and gene-therapy in sports,and he is collecting anti-doping slogans, your slogan is “”,Creativity,Doping,What makes super athletes?,hard training , strong will, courage, commitment, ,We need true heroes.,The Olympic spirit is everlasting.,Taking part rather than winning,self-assessment 1. Have you understand the text and got the main information? 2. Can you talk about doping, gene therapy and Olympic spirit using the information in the text? 3. Can you express your opinions toward doping, gene therapy and Olympic spirit?,Homework,1 Do exercises in “Into the Text” “Organization” 2 Write down what you discussed in the class Title:Doping and Olympic spirit/ A letter to the public,Thank you for listening!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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