高中英语 Unit20《New Frontiers》课件 北师大版选修7

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Unit 20New Frontiers,开 篇 背 诵 议论文(各抒己见类) 典型例题 (郑州市质量预测)根据下图中的信息,写一篇你对使用一次性筷子的看法的英语短文。 词数:100左右。 参考词汇:一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks,写作提示 1. 各抒己见类议论文既不是对一篇界定某物的利和弊的议论文,也不是赞成或反对择其一的议论文,而是针对某个社会现象或观点,根据自己的认识展开讨论的文章。 2. 此类议论文要求观点鲜明,言之有理,切记自己的观点要有积极向上的人生态度。,佳作欣赏 From the picture we can see a pair of disposable chopsticks made from trees. It is common to see disposable chopsticks used in restaurants. Many people prefer them because they think they are convenient and clean.,Actually, disposable chopsticks bring us more disadvantages than advantages. To begain with, it is a waste of wood. Millions of trees are cut down to make chopsticks every year, which is bad for the environment. Secondly, disposable chopsticks are not clean at all because they are roughly made by small factories. Besides, they are thrown everywhere after being used, making the ground dirty.,It is time we stopped using disposable chopsticks. The government should take measures to prevent such chopsticks from being produced. Only in this way can we protect the environment.,名师点评 1. 短文首先引出话题,而后提出自己的观点“more disadvantages than advantages”,进而对此观点进行阐述。该短文叙述条理、思路清晰,语言运用准确地道。 2. 短文运用了一些较高级的词语:Actually; more than; To begin with; Secondly; Besides;millions of; cut down, notadj.at all; take measures to do等。 3. 本文较多使用了复杂句式:It is common to do sth.; which引导非限制性定语从句;make复合结构;It is time sb. did sth.及其倒装结构Only in this way.。,教 材 自 主 回 归 记记单词,1r_n放射;辐射_adj.放射性的 2e_n平等_adj.平等的_adv.平等地 3d_n开端,开始 4p_n程序;步骤 5d_vt.捐赠,赠送_n捐赠 6o_adj.直言的,坦率的_n后果;结果,radiation,radioactive,equality,equal,equally,dawn,procedure,donate,donation,outspoken,outcome,7p_n现象_(复数形式) 8o_adj.头顶上的_vt.&vi.战胜,克服_vt.&vi.做得过分_vt.俯瞰,眺望_n超重 9p_vt.按;压;n.新闻界_n按,压,挤 10p_n毒药;毒物_adj.有毒的,phenomenon,phenomena,overhead,overcome,overdo,overlook,overweight,press,pressure,poison,poisonous,记记短语 1.What Im trying to say is that we sent the questions to her programmers _(预先) 2The US will Saturday _(接管)control of immigration in the Northern Mariana Islands. 3If you _(泄露)information that should be kept secret, you will be punished. 4The navy turned to Eckert, an engineer, and Mauchly, a physicist, to _(努力解决难题)and produce a machine to do the job.,in advance,take over,give away,wrestle with the problem,记记句型 变1._(到2015年),_ (服装业将生产出新的材料)that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them. 2We _ (将连接我们的大脑到)these computers and a huge database. 3Edwin Hubble _(即将)make astronomys greatest breakthrough of the century. 4It measured _(100英尺长,10英尺多高)and weighed over 30 tonnes.,By the year 2015,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material,will be linking our brains to,was about to,100 feet long by over 10 feet high,教 材 知 识 探 究 词 语 解 读,1. assist v帮助,援助,协助 assist sb.in/with sth. 帮助某人某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人干某事 assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人干某事 assistantn.助理,助手 adj.(常用于头衔)助理的,副的 assistance n帮助,援助,支持 come to sb.s assistance 帮助某人,预测题 The play was directed by Mike Johnson, _ by Sharon Gale. Aassisted in Bassisting in Cassisted Dto assist 答案:C,2. latter n后者;adj.后面的,后者的,较后的,近来的 He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better. 他提出了两个解决方案,后一个看起来要好得多。 The latter point is the most important. 后面提及的那一点是最重要的。,词语辨析 latter, late, lately, later, latest与last latter adj.常与the连用,表示列举的两个事物中的后面一个,与the former相对。 late adj.&adv.表示时间上的迟或晚。 lately adv.相当于recently,表示“最近,近来”之意,强调时间点,多用于过去时,表示时间长度,多用于完成时。,later adj.&adv.表示“以后的,后期的,后来,较晚地”,还可以与时间名词连用,表示“之后”,用于过去时和将来时。 latest adj.最近的,最新的。 last adj.表示“最后的”时,与first相对;表示“刚过去的,上一次的”,与next相对,还可表示“最不可能的,最不愿意的,最不合适的”。adv.最后,最近,上一次。,用latter, late, lately, later, latest或last的适当形式填空 Although it was _, yet he worked on the farm by the moon light. He made no close friends during _ years. Of the two choices, I prefer the _. Her skirt is the _ style. She is the _ woman I expected to see. I havent write to her _. She came back ten years _.,late,later,latter,latest,last,lately,later,3. starvation n挨饿,饿死 die of starvation 饿死 starve vi.& vt.(使)挨饿;(使)饿死;急需;渴望(常与for连用) starve for sth.渴望得到某物 starve sb.of sth.使某人得不到某物而受苦或渴望获得某物 starve to death 饿死 be starving 非常饥饿,用适当的介词填空 Millions of people starved _ death during the war. The lonely child is starving _ companionship. The children had been starved _ love for years.,to,for,of,4. conflict n争执;冲突;矛盾;vt.争执,冲突 come into conflict with sb. over sth.与某人在某事上产生矛盾/冲突 in conflict with和冲突 conflict with和冲突,考试题 (仙桃一中)In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _ in personality. A. conflict B. contrast C. contact D. concern 答案:A,预测题 All these actions by the NATO _ with the universally accepted international laws. A. contacted B. contrasted C. connected D. conflicted 答案与解析:D 句意:北约的这些行动都与公认的国际法相抵触。,5. take over v接替,接管 take away拿走,带走;移去;消除 take back取回,带回;收回 take down拿下,取下;记下 take in吸收,摄取;理解,领会;欺骗 take off起飞;脱掉,拿去;取消 take on承担,从事 take up开始从事,着手处理 Take it easy.别紧张,别着急,慢慢来。,Who do you think will take over now that the governor has been dismissed? 州长已被免职,你看会由谁来接任呢? Im feeling too tired to drive any more; will you take over? 我累得开不动车了,你来接手好吗?,解题警示 take sb. over to.意为“从一地送某人到另一地”,而takes sth. over(from sb.)意为“从某人手中接管”。 Mr.Smith is old and the only one to take over his business is his nephew. 史密斯先生老了,唯一能够接管他的生意的人是他的侄子。,考试题 (江苏)Frequently singleparent children _ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. A. take on B. take up C. take in D. take after 答案:A,(保定调研)After studying English for four years in a university, Jane _ her job as an interpreter in the capital. A. set out B. set up C. took off D. took up 答案与解析:D 考查动词词组辨析。此处take up表示“从事”。前三项分别表示“出发,开始”“建立”“脱掉,起飞”,都不符合语境。,6. rescue vt.&n.拯救;救援;营救 rescue sb. from将某人从中解救出来 come/go to ones rescue去救某人 He rescued three children from the burning building. 他从失火的高楼内救出了三个孩子。,词语辨析 rescue与save rescue多指在直接的危险或祸患中给予迅速而有效的救援,一般指救人。 save是普通而含义广泛的常用词,指通过救援不但使受害者(人、动物或物)能脱离危险或祸患,而且使其在今后能安全地生存下去。,预测题 The life boat was sent out to _ the sailors from the sinking ship. A. rescue B. prevent C. protect D. keep 答案:A,用rescue或save的适当形式填空 He sacrificed his life to _ another. I once _ some animals from the flood.,rescue,saved,7. donate vt.捐赠,赠送 donate sth. to sb. /sth. 捐赠给 donate blood 献血 donation n捐赠,捐赠物,捐款 give/make/present a donation to.捐赠,预测题 (2008山东威海模拟)She decided to _ the kidney(肾)of her dying son to a sick boy in the hospital. She is a great mother. Acontribute Bdonate Csubscribe Dsell 答案:B,8. meanwhile adv.其间,同时,在那当中 n其时,其间 meanwhilemeantimeat the same time in the meanwhile 在此期间,同时 解题警示 meanwhile不能作连词,所以不能引导时间状语从句。 meantime可作名词,比meanwhile更为普遍;作为副词不及meanwhile普遍。,词语辨析 meanwhile,during与while meanwhile意为“同时”,与at the same time意思相同;意为“期间”时,是副词,在句中单独做状语。 during意为“在期间”,是介词,后接名词,代词做宾语。 while意为“在期间”,是连词,引导时间状语从句。,考试题 (浙江)The incomes of skilled workers went up. _, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise 答案与解析:C 句意:有经验的工人的工资在上涨,但同时没经验的工人却看着他们的工资下降。根据句意是指有经验工人和非技术工人工资涨落的对比情况,meanwhile意为“同时”,故选C项。,用meanwhile, during或while的适当形式填空 Mother went shopping; _, I cleaned the house. She listened closely _ he read the letter. They met and fell in love with each other _ the Second World War.,meanwhile,while,during,9. cure vt.治愈 cure sb. of a disease治愈某人的病 a cure for cancer治疗癌症的药物 The doctor cured the pain in my back. 医生治好了我的背疼。 I can give you some medicine to cure your headache. 我可以给你点药治你的头痛。,词语辨析 cure, treat, heal与recover cure为及物动词,意为“治疗;治愈”,多用于用药物治疗并治愈某种疾病或改正不良习气。 treat为日常用语,及物动词,意为“治疗;医治”,指治疗病人的全过程或活动。 heal可为及物或不及物,意为“治愈(伤口);医治,(伤口)愈合”,指治好外伤或烧伤后的患部,使伤口愈合,不用于治感冒等疾病。 recover为不及物动词,意为“痊愈,康复”,主要是指从病中痊愈了,常与from连用。,预测题 I heard your father was badly ill in hospital. Yes, but he has almost _ and is out of hospital. He is going back to work next week. A. cured B. treated C. healed D. recovered 答案与解析:D 本题考查易混动词的辨析。cure和treat为及物动词,需后接宾语,此处不合适。heal主要指伤口愈合,不用于治感冒等疾病。recover意为“痊愈,康复”。根据句意此处是“病好康复”。,用cure, treat, heal或recover的适当形式填空 B25Hes now fully _ from his bad cold. B26There are only two doctors to _ more than 50 patients. B27That will _ him of his bad habits. B28The wound on my leg has _.,recovered,treat,cure,healed,10. permit v许可,允许 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 permit of 许可,准许 permission n允许,许可,解题警示 permit/allow doing sth.与permit/allow sb. to do sth.的不同搭配要注意区别。在be permitted to do sth.中,to do sth.不可用doing sth.来代替。 词语辨析 allow与permit 两者后面都能接名词或动名词作宾语,以不定式作宾补,通常可以互换。 permit表示“允许,许可”时语气较强,有赋予权利之意,常用于法律、规章制度等方面。allow是常用语,一般指听任或默认某人去做某事,仅仅表示不想妨碍之意。 allow可用来表示客气的请求。,考试题 (北京市崇文区)Marias father is very strict with her and wont allow _ to fail. Aher Bhim Cherself Dhimself 答案与解析:A 由句意知人称代词应为与Maria一致的her,构成短语allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。故选A项。,预测题 Im sorry.I cant give you the telephone number without Mr.Smiths _. Apermission Ballowing Cagreement Dperformance 答案与解析:A permission许可,允许;without permission未经许可;allowing允许,承认;agreement同意,一致;协定,协议;performance履行,执行;表演,演奏。句意:对不起,未经史密斯先生的许可我不能给你电话号码。,11. declare v表明;声明;宣布;宣告;宣称 declare sth. 宣布某事 declare sb./sth.(to be)adj. 宣布某人/某物 declare off 取消(约定等) declare for/against sb./sth. 表示赞成/不赞成某人/某事 declaration n宣言;宣告;声明(书);申报,考试题 B31(合肥168中学)The judges had different ideas about the results, so it was two hours before the results were _. Acried out Blet out Cannounced Ddeclared 答案与解析:C announce多用于宣布人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指新闻之类的消息;declare多用于宣战、议和等;cry out喊出来;let out泄露,放大。句意:法官对结果有不同的意见,所以两个小时后才宣布结果。故选C项。,句 型 剖 析 1. Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine what the world will be like in 10,50 or even 1,000 years time.一些人喜欢读奇幻故事,并且想象10年,50年或1000年后世界的样子。 这是一个主从复合句,Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine是主句,what the world will be like是宾语从句,作imagine的宾语;in 10,50 or even 1,000 years time是宾语从句的时间状语。,whatthe thing(s) which/that常常引导名词性从句,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语或定语,可以翻译为的东西/地方/样子/时间/数量等等,有时what还可翻译为“什么”。,解题警示 what在句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语,而that引导名词性从句时不作任何成份,只起引导作用。 That you dont like him is none of my business. 你不喜欢他不关我的事。 What you like is none of my business. 你喜欢什么不关我的事。 I believed what he told me. 我相信他对我说的。 He pointed to what looked like a tree. 他指指那个像是树的东西。,考试题 (上海十四校)Determination is a kind of basic quality and is _ it takes to do jobs well. A. what B. that C. which D. why 答案与解析:A 考查名词性从句。本句考查表语从句,what引导表语从句,并在表语从句中作take的宾语。,(绵阳诊断)After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in _ later proved a new continent. A. where B. what C. which D. that 答案与解析:B 考查名词性从句。从句中可以看出介词in后面的从句中缺少主语,因此选择what,并充当介词in的宾语。,2. By the year 2015, the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them. 到2015年,服装业将生产出一种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。,no matterwho/what/which/when/where/how “不管”,引导让步状语从句 No matter who they are(Whoever they are),they will have to obey the traffic rules. 无论他们是谁,都要遵守交通规则。 No matter how difficult it is(However difficult it is), we must overcome it. 不管多么难,我们都要克服它。,解题警示 no matter what/who/which只能引导让步状语从句,whatever/whoever/whichever既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句,引导状语从句时两者可互换。 No matter what you do, you should try your best. Whatever you do, you should try your best. 不管做什么,你都应当尽力。 Take whatever you want.你要什么就拿什么吧。,考试题 (江西五校)Many American students believe that their best effort should earn them good grades, _ their test answers and essays turn out. A. no matter how B. whatever C. no matter what D. whichever 答案与解析:A 考查让步状语从句。所填引导词作让步状语从句的方式状语,故选A项。,(泉州质检)All the books I have are here. You may borrow _ you like. A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. however 答案与解析:B 本句要求“在我这里所有的书”的范围内,故用whichever,而whatever则没有范围。,(北京市东城区) In the earthquake, parents were willing to do _ they could _ their children. Awhatever; save Bwhatever; to save Cwhat; saving Dwhat; to save 答案与解析:B 本题考查whatever的用法及不定式。whatever的意思是“无论什么”,在句中引导一个名词性从句,做do的宾语,其中they could后面省略了谓语动词do,不定式to save做目的状语。,(沈阳质量监测)The chief manager has decided to put _ he thinks is energetic, clever and capable to the position of the leadership of the company. A. whatever B. whoever C. whichever D. whomever 答案与解析:B 原句中he thinks为插入语,is的前面缺主语故排除D项;whoeveranyone who。,3. It measured 100 feet long by over 10 feet high and weighed over 30 tonnes.它长100英尺,高10英尺,重30多吨。 表示事物的长、宽、高、面积、年龄等,有以下句型: 主语be数量词形容词(long/wide/high/tall/heavy/old/large.)。 主语be数量词in名词(length/width/height/weight/age/size/area.)。,主语have/hasa名词(length/width/height/weight/age/size/area.)of数量词。 The名词(length/width/height/weight/age/size/area.)of sb./sth.be数量词。,随 堂 检 测 .单词拼写 1M_ (大量)of books covered every corner of the room and there is no room for people to sit. 2It is believed that there is _(歧视)against women in public life. 3The young nurse was very nervous when she a_ in her first operation. 4She looked at the house and a_ its price at 200,000 dollars.,Masses,discrimination,assisted,assessed,5Susan went to tidy up the house; m_, Lily started to do some washing. 6P_ man made himself tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 7It was announced that only when the fire was under control would the residents be p_ to return to their homes. 8We have time and again d_ to the world that well never be the first to use nuclear weapons.,meanwhile,Primitive,permitted,declared,.选择填空(有两项为多余选项) in advance, give away, take over, wrestle with, die of, in case, not to mention 1When Mr.King retired, his daughter _ the business from him. 2I cant afford to buy a used car now _ a new one. 3I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment.,took over,not to mention,in case,4If you want to get the book, you must pay for it _. 5Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _ the shocking ending.,in advance,give away,.根据提示翻译句子 1无论谁违反规定,都要受到惩罚。(whoever) 答案:Whoever breaks the rule should be punished. 2那座古塔高88米。(height) 答案:The old tower is 88 meters in height.或The old tower has a height of 88 meters.或The height of the old tower is 88 meters.,3我担心的是我们怎样付这些东西的钱。(what) 答案:What worries me is how were going to pay these things. 4完成这项工作需要几个月而不是几周。(rather than) 答案:The job will take months rather than weeks. 5没有人比他更贪财。(better) 答案:Nobody loved money better than he did.,.交际用语 1(桂平模拟)It will be only half a month before we take the college entrance exam. _. ACongratulations BGood luck CBest wishes DCheer up 答案与解析:B Good luck“祝你好运”;Congratulations“祝贺你”,通常用于对别人的成功表示祝贺;Best wishes“祝你一切顺意”;Cheer up“加油”,用于鼓励。由句意知B项贴题。,2(乐山调研)Sorry,David.Im afraid that I cant go to the concert by Jay Chou with you. _ Who knows when he will be back here next time. AWhat a shame! BMy pleasure. CIt doesnt matter. DTake it easy. 答案与解析:A What a shame“真遗憾,真可惜”;My pleasure“很乐意”,用于他人表示感谢时;It doesnt matter“不要紧”;Take it easy“别担心”。句意:谁知他(Jay Chou)下次会什么时候再来呢。言外之意就是错过了这场音乐会是十分可惜的。故选A项。,.语法专练 1(2010青岛月考) This time next week, that famous singing group _ us a great performance in the stadium. Awould give Bwill have given Cwill be giving Dshall give 答案:C,2(2010潍坊测试) By the time he gets home, his father _ for Paris on business. A. has left B. will have left C. had left D. will leave 答案:B,3(2010福建期末联考)Jack always sleeps late on Sundays. Im sure he _ when we get to his home. Ais still sleeping Bis to be sleeping Cwill still be sleeping Dwill have been sleeping 答案:C,4. (2010江苏模拟)You wont be able to see him because he _ a meeting in Suzhou when you arrive. A. will have had B. will be having C. will have D. is having 答案:B,5(2010抚顺六校模拟)I will come to attend your lecture at 1000 tomorrow. Im sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _ in my office. Ais being worked Bwill work C. will be working D. will have worked 答案:C,6(2010山东济宁)The book is _ but boring; it is, in fact, rather exciting and fascinating. Aanything Bnothing Csomething Dall 答案:A,7(2010临沂期末)The best job is _ which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject. A. something B. the one C. one D. it 答案:C,8(温州五校联考)A child who lives in an uninteresting environment will develop less intelligence than _ who lives in a rich and changing environment. A. the one B. one C. those D. that 答案:B,9(温州五校联考)On the train to Tibet, I met Paul, _ I thought was a typical Englishman. A. that B. which C. who D. whom 答案:C,10(2010安徽两地三校联考) The selfless village doctor treated _ came to his family without any charge. A. everyone B. anyone C. whoever D. who 答案:C,课时检测(Unit 20 New Frontiers),.单项填空 1It was a long time before the cut on my hand _ completely. A. healed B. cured C. improved D. recovered 答案与解析:A 本题考查易混动词辨析。heal指治好外伤或烧伤后的患部,也可作不及物动词用,指伤口愈合;cure指用药物治疗并治愈某种疾病或改正不良习气;improve指病情有好转;recover意为“痊愈,康复”。本题指手上的刀口,因此,用heal。,2Everybody in the village knew about his death _ he was killed. A. immediately B. shortly C. suddenly D. quickly 答案与解析:A immediately可用作连词,引导时间状语从句时,其意义相当于as soon as。,3At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _ Great Britain. A. three times the size as B. the size three times of C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of 答案与解析:D 本题考查倍数的表示法。本题为“倍数thelength/size/area/height/width/depth/price/weight/ageof”结构。,4Both the man and his horse _ after the long ride. A. gave out B. worn out C. tired out D. run out 答案与解析:A 本题考查易混动词词组的辨析。give out分发,发出,发布,精疲力竭;worn out和tired out也意为“精疲力竭”,但均应使用被动结构。run out意为“用完”,没有“精疲力竭”之意。,5At the news of Qian Xuesens sudden death, all his friends and fans were amazed and upset, _ his wife. A. other than B. rather than C. let alone D. much less,答案与解析:C 本题主要考查易混词组的辨析。other than意为“除了,除了以外”;rather than.意为“是而不是”;let alone意为“更不用说”,表示递进;much less表示的是递减,他妻子比朋友和粉丝更难过,而不是程度次之。句意:听到钱学森突然去世的消息,他所有的朋友和粉丝们都很震惊和难过,“更不用说”他妻子了。,6Palestine often _ Israel as a result of religion and other reasons all the year round. Aconflicts with Bconflicts to Cdisagrees with Ddisagrees to 答案与解析:A 句意:巴勒斯坦与以色列由于宗教信仰及其他原因长年冲突不断。conflict with与冲突,相矛盾;disagree with不同意。,7If most breadwinners _ a days pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful. A. gift B. present C. donate D. give 答案与解析:C 句意:如果大多数挣钱的人捐出一天的收入给希望工程,那么该工程就有希望了。donate“捐赠(给慈善事业或者组织)”,符合题意。gift指“赋予某种才能”,常用于被动结构;present“赠送;呈现”,通常有仪式;give“给予”,为普通用词。,8What happened to Sam? A _ of snow and rock broke away and fell on him when he was climbing. A. mass B. many C. number D. plenty 答案与解析:A 句意:山姆怎么了?当他爬山时,一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到他身上。a mass of“大量的”,可修饰不可数名词。many和a number of后接可数名词复数;plenty of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,但不与冠词a搭配。,9The scholars were trying to _ many elements upon which the future of the earth depended. A. evaluate B. calculate C. estimate D. assess 答案与解析:D 句意:学者们正在努力对各种影响地球未来的因素进行评价。assess指对某人或某一形势认真作出“判断;评价”,也可指对某物的价值“作出准确估计”。evaluate指用人们熟悉的标准“评定人或物的价值”;calculate计算;estimate根据人的经验和知识对事物作出粗略的甚至是错误的推断或评价。,10Why did John come to your house yesterday? He asked me to _ him in finding somewhere to live. Aprovide Barouse Cassist Dpersist 答案与解析:C 句意:昨天汤姆为什么去你家呢?他要我帮他找个住的地方。assist sb. in doing sth.“帮助某人干某事”,为固定用法。provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某物;arouse唤醒,唤起;persist坚持。,11A diligent work, however, does not necessarily _ many achievements or honors. A. take over B. result in C. hold


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