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2015年浙江省温州市中考英语试卷一 单项填空(本题有10小题,每题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案1、-What do you know about kite surfing?-It is _ exciting water sport()AaBanCtheD【考点】不定冠词(a,an)【分析】-你怎么认为风筝冲浪怎么样?-这是一项刺激的水上活动【解答】答案:B本题考查冠词的用法根据句意可知,“这是一项刺激的水上活动”a,an表示“数量为一”,形容词或者名词前面加冠词a还是an要看紧挨着的单词的首字母的音素,如果是元音音素就要填an,如果是辅音音素就要填aexciting音标为ksat,首字母e的音素是元音音素,所以必须使用an来修饰故选B2、Annie has a _,and she is going to see her dentist today()AcoldBfeverCcoughDtoothache【考点】名词的词义辨析【分析】Annie牙疼,今天她要去看牙医【解答】答案:Dcold感冒;fever发烧;cough咳嗽;toothache牙疼;根据she is going to see her dentist today可知她牙疼,have a toothache牙疼,故选D3、A person who is _ does not tell lies or cheat people()AcarelessBstupidChonestDhumorous【考点】形容词词义辨析【分析】一个诚实的人不撒谎或骗人【解答】答案:Ccareless粗心的;stupid笨的;honest诚实的;humorous幽默的;根据does not tell lies or cheat people可知不撒谎或骗人的人是诚实的人,故选C4、MrSmith has a habit of taking a shower _ he has breakfast()AthoughBbeforeCbecauseDsince【考点】连词辨析【分析】史密斯先生有个早饭前淋浴的习惯【解答】答案:Bthough虽然;before在之前;because因为;since自从;应是早饭前淋浴,其他连词不合适,故选B5、I fell off the bike on my way to school ,I wasnt hurt()ALuckilyBUnluckilyCSadlyDUnhappily【考点】副词的词义辨析【分析】我在上学的路上从自行车上摔下来,幸运的是,我没有受伤【解答】答案:Aluckily幸运的是;unluckily不幸的是;sadly难过地;unhappily不高兴地;根据I wasnt hurt可知很幸运,故选A6、-Jenny,I hear there will be an art club in our school-Wonderful!I cant wait to _ it()ArepeatBforgetCreceiveDjoin【考点】动词词义辨析【分析】-珍妮,我听说我们学校将会有一个艺术俱乐部-棒极了,我迫不及待想加入它【解答】答案:D;repeat重复;forget忘记;receive收到;join加入;根据句意可知,it指代上句提到的艺术俱乐部,故该空应填join,指加入某种组织;故选D7、-Would you like coffee or tea?-_Some water,please()ABothBNeitherCEitherDAll【考点】不定代词【分析】-你想要咖啡还是茶?-两个都不要请给我一些水【解答】both表示两者都;neither表示两者都不;either表示任一;all表示三者或以上都根据语境咖啡和茶两者都不用故选:B8、-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic World,Steven?-Not yetI _ it with my cousin this evening()Awill watchBwas watchingCwatchedDhave watched【考点】一般将来时【分析】-Steven,你看过新电影侏罗纪世界了吗?-还没有我打算今晚跟我表哥一起去看【解答】答案:A 联系上下文语境,根据Not yet可知,我还没有去看过这部电影,再根据this evening可知,这是一般将来时的标志词,表示今晚去看电影,其结构为will/be going to+动词原形,所以此处应用will watch,故选A9、-MsPetty,can you tell me _?-Africa()Awhat the baby giraffe likes eatingBwhy the baby giraffe looks unhappyCwhen the baby giraffe was bornDwhere the baby giraffe came from【考点】宾语从句【分析】-Petty女士,你能告诉我小长颈鹿来自哪里吗?-非洲【解答】答案:D根据题干及选项知此题考查宾语从句宾语从句必须为陈述语序,考生需要根据句意来选择合适的引导词,因为答语为“Africa”(非洲),故可推知问句意为“小长颈鹿来自哪里”,故宾语从句引导词应为特殊疑问词where,故选D10、-Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday?-_Its one of the worlds cleanest cities()ASounds greatBNot at allCYoure kiddingDYoure welcome【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】-暑假我们去阿尔伯塔吗?-听起来不错它是世界上最干净的城市之一【解答】答案:A 根据Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday可知,此处是对上文提议的回答又知Sounds great意为听起来不错,是对别人提议的肯定回答;Not at all意为一点也不,不用谢;Youre kidding意为你开玩笑;Youre welcome意为没关系;所以此处应用Sounds great故选A二.完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题15分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项.11、My parents always told me that I couldnt dance,because it was a girls sportBut I never gave up my dream of becoming a dancing starI practiced secretly,learning form books,movies,and showsHowever,without my parentssupport,that(11)B seemed all but impossible to reachOne summer,my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessonsI immediately asked (12)Aparents for permission(允许)to take her to the lessonsWhat a (13)Cchance to learn dancing!One afternoon,I was practicing a new dance in my room,when Maggie walked (14)D“Whats the matter,Maggie?”I stopped (15)B“Denis,you are a great dancer!Can you help me?”“What is it?”I wondered“Therell be a dancing performance in my school,(16)A the boys think Im slow,and none of them wants to be my partner (17)C you dance with me for it?”She looked at me anxiously“You can be a good dancer!”I encouraged her“Lets show those people that they have been (18)Dall along”In the following months,we (19)D every evening,hiding from my parentsI was having a fantastic time and (20)BMaggie improved a lotFinally came the big dayI became (21)C when I heard my parents would come to watch the performanceAs the (22)Abegan,I took a deep breathe and tried to calm downWe moved perfectly,shining with prideFrom the cheering of the crowd,I was sure we had (23)CMy heart was beating wildly when I saw my (24)A coming towards meHe put his hand on my shoulder“Well done,sonThough it is hard for me to admit it,you really looked like you (25)D this stage(舞台)Go for it and make us proud”Id been waiting for this moment for so longI knew that the road ahead wasnt going to be easy,but I wouldnt give upI wanted nothing more in life than to dance11Aline Bdream Canswer Dmessage12Amy Byour Chis Dher13Asimilar Bfunny Cgood Dstrange14Aout Baway Cthrough Din15Adrawing Bdancing Csinging Dwriting16Abut Bor Cso Dif17ANeed BMust CCould DShould18Asad Blazy Csorry Dwrong19Achatted Brested Cslept Dpracticed20Afirst Bsoon Cnever Dseldom21Ashy Bbored Cnervous Dangry22Amusic Blesson Cmeeting Dparty23Aarrived Bfinished Csucceeded Dregretted24Afather Bmother Csister Dclassmate25Atook away Bpaid for Cfell into Dbelonged to【考点】记叙文【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了作者是个男孩喜欢跳舞,但是父母不支持他他通过送妹妹学习舞蹈而偷偷学习一次偶然的机会,他和妹妹舞台上的表演,征服了父亲,改变了父母以前的看法,获得了父母的支持【解答】11B考查名词及语境理解Aline 线;Bdream 梦想;Canswer答案;Dmessage信息句意:然而没有父母的支持,那个梦想似乎不可能实现根据上文提到的是自己的梦想结合句意,故选B12A考查人称代词及语境理解Amy我的;Byour 你的;Chis 他的;Dher她的句意:我的小妹妹Maggie要上舞蹈课,我马上请求我的父母允许我送她去上课根据上文my sister,可知这里也是my parents故选A13C考查形容词及语境理解Asimilar相似的;Bfunny有趣的;Cgood 好的;Dstrange奇怪的,陌生的句意:多么好的学习舞蹈的机会呀!根据上文父母不支持他学习舞蹈,而现在可以送妹妹上舞蹈课,可知这是一个很好的学习舞蹈的机会,故选C14D考查介词及语境理解Aout 外面;Baway 不在,离开;Cthrough 穿过;Din在里句意:一天下午当我正在我的房间里练习一个新的舞蹈时,Maggie走了进来walk in走进来故选D15B考查动名词及语境理解Adrawing 绘画;Bdancing 跳舞;Csinging 唱歌;Dwriting写根据上文I was practicing a new dance in my room,可知我停止了跳舞stop doing sth,停止正在做的事情故选B16A 考查连词及语境理解句意:在我的学校将有一个舞蹈表演节目,但是男孩们认为我慢,他们没有人想做我的舞伴Abut 但是,转折连词;Bor或者,否则,并列连词;Cso 所以,因果连词;Dif如果,引导条件状语从句根据Therell be a dancing performance in my school,the boys think Im slow可知在我的学校将有一个舞蹈表演节目,本来是好事情,后面又说男孩们认为我慢,故前后句构成明显的转折关系即但是男孩们认为我慢,所以他们没有人想做我的舞伴故选A17C考查情态动词及语境理解ANeed需要;BMust 必须;CCould能;DShould应该句意:你能和我一起跳吗?根据上文妹妹的困难描述,可知现在是委婉地请求得到姐姐的允许,故用could故选C18D考查形容词及语境理解Asad 悲伤的;Blazy 懒惰的;Csorry 遗憾的;Dwrong错误的句意:你一定会是很好的舞者我鼓励她我们让那些一直都错误的人们看看吧根据是对妹妹的鼓励,联系上文所有的男孩都不喜欢和妹妹跳舞,可知我认为那些人的看法是错误的,故选D19D考查动词及语境理解Achatted 聊天;Brested 休息;Cslept睡觉;Dpracticed练习句意:在接下来的几个月里,我们每天晚上都背着父母练习根据上文他们打算参加表演,及I was having a fantastic time and-Maggie improved a lot可知他们在练习跳舞,故选D20B考查副词及语境理解Afirst第一,首先;Bsoon很快;Cnever 从不;Dseldom很少句意:我度过了一段极好的时光,并且Maggie提高了许多根据In the following months,we-every evening,hiding from my parents,可知在接下来的几个月里,他们每天晚上都背着父母练习,所以不久之后Maggie提高了许多,soon很快故选B21C考查形容词及语境理解Ashy 害羞的;Bbored 无聊的;Cnervous 紧张的;Dangry生气的句意:当听说我的父母要来看节目时我变得非常紧张根据上文父母不支持他跳舞,而现在他要表演舞蹈,可知他紧张,故选C、22A考查名词及语境理解Amusic音乐;Blesson 课;Cmeeting 会议;Dparty聚会句意:当音乐响起来,我深呼吸,让自己镇定下来根据故事的发展,可知要表演舞蹈了,所以是音乐响起来,故选A23C考查动词及语境理解Aarrived 到达;Bfinished 结束;Csucceeded 成功;Dregretted后悔句意:从人群中传来的欢呼中我确信我们成功了根据人群的欢呼,可知他们跳的好,所以是成功了故选C24A考查名词及语境理解Afather父亲;Bmother母亲;Csister 妹妹;Dclassmate同班同学句意:当我看到我的父亲朝我走来,我的心疯狂地跳动根据后文中的人称代词he,可知是男性,根据son,可知是父亲,故选A25D考查动词短语及语境理解Atook away带走;Bpaid for 付款;Cfell into 跌入;Dbelonged to属于句意:虽然我很难承认这件事,但是你看起来像真的属于这个舞台加油,让我们以你自豪根据Well done,可知父亲夸我舞跳得很好,所以他说这个舞台属于我故选D三.阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题6分,共30分)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳答案The most interesting festivals around the worldContentsIntroduction1*Baby Crying Day2*Cheese-rolling Festival4*Color Throwing Festival6*Fish Swallowing Festival8*International Pillow Fight Day11*International Twins Festival13*Raincoat Festival15*Roswell UFO Festival16*Tomato Festival18*Water Fighting Day19*Wife Carrying Festival20*World Bodypainting Festival22International Pillow(枕头) FightDayInternational Pillow Fight Day is held every April around the world-from Amsterdam,Budapest,to New YorkIt has been celebrated since 2008Hundreds of people go out with their pillows hitting each others face,back and chestPeople dress up as superheroes and animals,laughing and fightingThe festival used to be a game to release (释放)energy and stressNowadays besides bringing fun,International Pillow Fight Day has become a way to quickly collect pillows for the homelessIn 2014,about 2,000pillows were collected for the poor in Bronx and BrooklynRules:Bring your own pillows and dont hit anyone without a pillow or with a cameraThe Guinness World Record:The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27,2013in Chicago,with 4,500pillows and 3,813people-11-26The International Pillow Fight Day was first celebrated inBA.2000 B.2008 C.2013 D.201427The latest Guinness World Record of the largest pillow fight was set inAAChicago BAmsterdam CBudapest DNew York28You may read aboutC on the Page 19ABaby Crying Day BColor Throwing FestivalCWater Fighting Day DWorld Bodypainting Festival【考点】文学作品类阅读;文中细节【分析】全世界最有趣的节日内容前言1婴儿哭泣节2滚奶酪节4泼洒颜色节6吞鱼节8国际“枕头大战”节11国家双胞胎节13雨衣节15罗斯威尔外星人节16西红柿节18水仗节19背妻节20世界人体彩绘节22国际“枕头大战”节全世界每年的四月举行国际“枕头大战”节从阿姆斯特丹、布达佩斯到纽约这一节日从2008年起开始庆祝成百上千的人带着枕头出来,互相击打对方的脸、后背和胸部人们打扮成超级英雄和动物,边笑边打这个节日过去是一个用来释放能量和压力的游戏如今除了给人们带来乐趣以外,国际“枕头大战”节已经成了给无家可归的人收集枕头的方式2014年在布朗克斯和布鲁克林为贫困的人收集了大约2000个枕头规则:带自己的枕头,不要打没带枕头的人和带照相机的人吉尼斯世界记录:最新的枕头大战的记录是2013年10 月27日在芝加哥创造的,3813人参与,用了4500个枕头【解答】答案:26、B 细节理解题 根据第一段It has been celebrated since2008可知这一节日从2008年起开始庆祝的,故选B27、A 细节理解题 根据第一段The Guinness World Record:The latest record of the largest pillow fight was set on October 27,2013 in Chicago,可知最新的枕头大战的记录是2013年10 月27日在芝加哥创造的,故选A28、C 细节理解题 根据左边目录Water Fighting Day19可知十九页描述的是水仗节,故选CIs it fair for restaurants to ban(禁止)little eaters?In Monronroeville,a local restaurant,McDains,recently decided to ban young childrenAlice Roseman,its manager,says kids have bad manners and make too much noiseOther people,however,say the rule is hard to acceptSince it has become a hot topic in public,we caught several local people talking about it YESThere is no law stopping restaurants from banning young childrenRestaurant owners should be allowed to ban themKids often run around and cause problems for waiters and other customers-Kate BarkerKids always cause a mess,but the parents refuse to do anything about their kidsbehaviorsAlthough kids may be at the center of their parentsuniverse,they arent at the center of everyone elses-Mike VuickAdults sometimes want to talk and enjoy their dinner,but they cant if a child is crying and running all over the placeThats why sometimes parents dont like eating at homeThey wish they could have a good meal in the restaurants without kidsnoise-Dale Levitsky NOBanning kids from restaurants is a bad ideaIf kids were banned,many restaurants would lose businessEven if restaurants gave customers the chance to buy take-away meals for their kids,many families would probably still not eat there-Nicholas SongRestaurants owners who ban kids think all children are wild and rudeBut thats not trueMost childrens eating behaviors are good enoughEven though some kids do have bad manners,banning is not a right way to teach themI think how a society treats its children is importantAfter all,all kids are people,too-Elliott Hall29The restaurant in Monronroeville refusesA to eat thereAkids Bpets Cmen Dwomen30Dale Levitsky thinks parents sometimes dont like eating at home becauseCAthey are too busy Bthey dislike doing the dishesCkids are too noisy Drestaurant food is more delicious31Who thinks it is wrong to ban kids?DAAlice Roseman BKate Barker CMike Vuick DNicholas Song32Which of the following opinion is mentioned in the passage?BAChildren waste too much foodBNot all kids have badCBoys make more noise than girlsDRestaurants neednt help parents【考点】日常生活类阅读;判断推理;文中细节【分析】这篇短文主要是讲美国小镇Monronroeville的一家餐厅禁止儿童入内就餐,此规定引起了人们热烈地讨论文章列举了一些支持者的意见和反对的意见支持者的人认为,孩子在餐馆乱跑会给餐馆的主人以及顾客带来很多的麻烦;还有的人认为,孩子们吵闹会影响他们吃饭和说话;持反对意见的人认为,餐馆拒绝孩子们进入是一个坏主意,许多餐馆可能会影响生意,也有人认为,多数儿童的饮食习惯都很好,禁止孩子进餐馆不是教育他们的正确的方式【解答】29答案:A;细节理解题题意:在Monronroeville的那个餐馆拒绝谁到那里吃饭根据短文In Monronroeville,a local restaurant,McDains,recently decided to ban young children可知拒绝孩子去那里吃饭,故选A30答案:C;细节理解题本题的关键词是Dale Levitsky,dont like eating at home根据短文对他的观点的描述They wish they could have a good meal in the restaurants without kidsnoise可知人们不喜欢在家里吃的原因是因为孩子吵闹故选C31答案:D;细节理解题根据题意可知该题的关键是找出谁反对禁止孩子根据短文-Nicholas Song和Elliott Hall反对禁止孩子到餐馆,结合所给的选项,故选D32答案:B;根据短文内容Most childrens eating behaviors are good enough可知短文中提到:多数儿童的饮食习惯都很好,即并不是所有的小孩都有坏行为;故选BWhen youre not at home,many worries may start to crowd your mindDid I turn the coffee maker off?Did I lock the door?Are the kids doing their homework or watching television?With a smart home,you can quiet all of these worriesA smart home is a home with a communication networkThis network connects devices(装置),such as lights and TV sets,and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring,mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internetMore and more people may start to consider owning a smart home,because it makes life much more convenientIt can help keep your room at a certain temperatureIt can record what happens inside the home and send the video to your phoneWhen you are on vacation abroad,you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity when necessarySome smart homes can receive a visitor,allowing him to come in and offering him a drinkThey can even feed the cat and water the plantsBesides,smart homes are easy to fixMost smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools,using only the guiding informationWhen a problem appears,you can deal with it yourself without paying a professionalHowever,for home-users,the smart home technology is far from perfectIt can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devicesAlso,because the smart home system(系统)allow its owner to get home information from anywhere,it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers(黑客),who may secretly use or change the information in the systemNow,many scientists are excited at the future of smart home technologyImagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror,or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigeratorWhile there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelierWhatever it is,one thing is for sure-smart home technology will change the way we live and work37According to the passage,nowadays a smart home can lock the door throughCAelectric lights Bmirror technologiesCmobile phones Dshopping programs38The third paragraph of the passage is mainly aboutCAthe steps to use smart systemsBthe prices of smart programsCthe advantages of a smart homeDthe tools for setting up smart devices39Which of the following is TRUE about a smart home according to the passage?BASmart homes cant help feed pets nowadaysBSmart homes costs a lot of money at presentCYou cant control your smart home in other countriesDIts hard for hackers to get information from smart homes40Whats the writers opinion according to the passage?BAPeople will become less happy in the futureBPeoples life style will be different in the futureCMobile phones are the most important in smart homesDSmart homes are much better than other smart systems【考点】日常生活类阅读;判断推理;作者情感【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了智能家居(smart home)的基本功能和新型理念,作者认为智能家居技术将会改变我们的生活和工作方式智能家居能连接上像灯,电视等装置,并允许他们通过电线、电话通讯或网上wiFi远程控制越来越多的人开始考虑拥有一个智能家居,因为它给人们的生活带来很多方便,它可以帮助你的房间保持一定的温度它可以记录发生在家里的事,并发送视频到您的电话但是,智能家居技术还相当的昂贵许多科学家认为智能家居将改变我们的工作和生活方式【解答】37答案:C;细节理解题根据第二段This network connects devices(装置),such as lights and TV sets,and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring,mobile phone communication or WiFi over the internet可知智能家居连接上了像灯,电视等装置,并允许他们通过电线、手机通讯或网上wiFi远程控制结合选项,故选C38答案:C;归纳理解题根据第三段描述More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home,because it makes life much more convenient可知,该段主要是关于智能家居有哪些对人们有用的用途,即优点,故选C39答案:B;细节理解题根据第四段However,for home-users,the smart home technology is far from perfectIt can be rather expensive to own the technology可知智能家居技术还相当的昂贵故选B40答案:B;根据短文描述Whatever it is,one thing is for sure-smart home technology will change the way we live and work可知,智能家居将改变我们的工作和生活方式即人们的生活方式在未来会与现在不同,故选BThe village of Hengly was going to have the Bean OlympicsIt was a competition to see which kind of bean would grow the fastest and tallestEverybody was excitedThey couldnt waited to show their best plantsCassie knew clearly which bean she would choose for the competition,for her family had planted a special“family bean”It was a flat bean that her greatgrandparents had brought from SicilyHer grandmother planted the beans every year and served them at many mealsCassie was sure they would be unbeatable beansHowever,the plan did not work out that wayAlthough Cassies bean plants looked healthy with beautiful purple flowers,they did not grow as fast or climb as high as any of her neighborsThese people chose beans from seed(种子)storesTheir beans had wonderful names like“Rocket”or“Top Crop”One type was even named“Kings Bean”That was the bean Ivan planted,and his plants climbed almost to the top of the fenceCassies plants were just near the middle of the fenceOn the day of the competition,Cassie was disappointed that her beans were in last placeIvan laughed at hr beans and said she could win a prize for the slowest,shortest beansThe organizer,MrWilliams,handed out medals for the fastest-growing and the tallest beans plants“Now there remains only one final test,and it is just as important:the taste test”MrWilliams cooked the beans from each competitor and chose five experienced villagers as judges(裁判)Cassie was nervousWould her family beans lose another time?After the judges tasted the beans,MrWilliams counted the results“We have a winner,”MrWilliams announced“The judges all agree that Cassies beans are the winner”Cassie grinned at this unexpected resultMany of her neighbors,even Ivan asked for her seedsThey were all in favor of the good-tasting beans even though they didnt grow fast or very tall33Cassies beans were fromDAthe organizer Bseed stores Cher neighbors Dher family34Cassie won the prize forBAthe tallest beans Bthe most delicious beansCthe most beautiful beans Dthe fastest-growing beans35What does the underlined word grinned probably mean in the passage?AAsmiled widely Bleft silently Cnodded quickly Dsang sadly36What is the topic of the passage?DAThe experience of growing beansBThe tallest bean in the competitionCThe history of a special family beanDThe bean competition in Hengly Village【考点】逸闻趣事类阅读;判断推理;内容归纳【分析】全文大意:Hengly村庄将进行一场“种豆奥运会”它


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