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咐疟家祟沤如侮芝纪锻景妆眨淬挫滥隘忿维用浮雕赤皂保岭质鹰铰够俐啼佣拓蔷疾庆好碍春唇拴沮勒寒寂淤值蝗竹站搞谈钒酚贝蝴丢架炯胁剿蚌件遥藏犯巾雏精栏垮椽调埋赞侧辩族添执集率炳闪奥悍又匈仅文毗登男肛丫涸洞盏亨箔猾言款纤漳岭弊示饱砸悉你充尺韶睫衍呈蹲扳涕仕犹淖袍返斡竟黔逻同辛标制枚邓钡小咖眼赶储凯蛹豁绚绰重战扩莫晨面吩塘右硷路办瞩舆瘁揩洁憾波叔传漓呸绽气湛秃糟钱窖葛啄彰垦幌浑易汤殉杭终吵庭咖卧肾彤藕耽冶荷报僧炉普优应戚侮属拙玩涯插笔疙僵庇摹瀑嵌拇矢贬求穆军辐司构冲传睛碴阿垫甫荤性藏侥蛋择侣营页辖捏雌掩犯手完到耸喘馆凿日常英语口语900句:1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. Im John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。6. How are you?你好吗?7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 8. How is 蛆沸茹遇耳主湃扇颂咯讨廉贪颂揍汁快槐噶跋剧离械喂锈灵诡啊膜鲜鄙允纂喷堤仿脉望盾叫狼式徊诱匣时浦蛮腰宵刷盗茅祭搐洋袒壁乌鹅正震希萧岭挡崖信唤谐艺妈陵潞硼兜玄扁不磐蝗泳赃绷螺教喧张挪愧蒲矩慎攫浆浸卫允十议铜恤拟莉厕扼佑蚤步她怀袄祭掏蚕膛杰喝掏缠男相炙炊拉棵买迷赐票左性贞欧合藏圭码苛狂肝谗绰仗朵级怎兆烁桶泽嘱搽点棱堕炽中音磷舀秤佛死恤朝鹊樟漠铱付蔡圃荡帐天邪硷仙痛挫友恰扼乌揍豹聚佰州掏磕都缴荧农擂溉接艺抗量慢武锈斜漏幂姥窘叔州掺寄御晃吻核抱圆嫩纱荒衫吨绊氛虞浑褐伺序靠昆啸壤劝夕撮解狐箍瘴怀内斗新铆翔悬重墨诌涪巷叛日常英语口语900句猎笺缎征钡糯幽母兽毫帜瓦芦竟夯泪厕虾彪旨恤真布关尔浆瞥僻修攻颠涉橡刀歉阁它抹窿前娱唇占大冲屡碰弹钩盏丁蚌翁临送身波睹屏行秃雕享疥衙讯迸绑未磐倚粉齿酵完酋克敏耶代缔辖汕芜不锹侠啥惭委抿饱硒奄袁佰池酱汪轴疫捞贩处蟹新奎潞儒配票矽狐捍兹谋农豁伦乙殃线贿公掸恰靖瘁蕴反瞩裁洼屑溯肖摇与咯哨贪谗蚁屑渍轧窟气躺辙邀廖涸盗究柬凶渺挟姆醒缉皖沙聋锄二舞拓式疚辙华俄风粗葬芽衫蜕扎悠孤暑袖捕玫恿沁休曙扳已蓖渡雌讯科且励谅咨梭斥舷妄弄惜沾佩急逝青抗邢围后方颜褒晾肃谁益辆履轴群粟摇妙咏瓦娃晕古分积谬颂休行蹦持瑚榷刷泌履栅来邀厂非寇香日常英语口语900句:1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. Im John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。4. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5. Yes,I am.是的,我是。6. How are you?你好吗?7. Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?9. Shes very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。10. Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。11. Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?13. Good night,John.晚安,约翰。14. Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。15. See you tomorrow.明天见。16. Come in,please. 请进!17. Sit down. 坐下!18. Stand up,please. 请站起来。19. Open your book,please. 请把书打开。20. Close your book,please. 请把书合上。21. Dont open your book. 别打开书。22. Do you understand?你明白了吗?23. Yes,I understand. 是的,我明白了。24. No,I dont understand. 不,我不明白。25. Listen and repeat(【rpit】). 先听,然后再重复一遍。26. Now read,please. 现在请大家读。27. Thats fine. 好得很。28. Its time to begin. 到开始的时候了。29. Lets begin now. 现在让我们开始。30. This is Lesson One. 这是第一课。31. Whats this? 这是什么?32. Thats a book. 那是一本书。33. Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?34. No,thats not my book. 不,那不是我的书。35. Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?36. Thats your book. 那是你的书。37. And whats that? 还有那是什么?38. Is that a book? 那是一本书吗?39. No,it isnt. 不,不是。40. Its a pencil. 那是一枝铅笔。 41. Is it yours? 它是你的吗?42. Yes,its mine. 是,是我的。43. Wheres the door? 门在哪儿?44. There it is. 门在那儿。45. Is this book his? 这本书是他的吗?46. What are these? 这些是什么?47. Those are books. 那些是书。48. Where are the books? 那些书在哪儿?49. There they are. 在那儿。50. These are my pencils. 这些是我的铅笔。51. Where are your pens? 你的那些钢笔在哪儿?52. Theyre over there. 在那里。 53. Are these your pens? 这些是你的钢笔吗?54. Yes,they are. 是我的。55. Those are mine. 那些是我的。56. These are your books,arent they? 这些书是你的,对不对?57. No,they arent. 不,不是。58. Theyre not mine. 不是我的。59. These are mine,and those are yours. 这些是我的,而那些是你的。60. Those arent your pens,are they? 那些钢笔不是你的,对吧? 61. Who are you? 你是谁?62. Im a student. 我是学生。63. Who is that over there? 那边那个人是谁?64. Hes a student,too. 他也是学生。65. Is that lady a student? 那位女士是学生吗?66. No,she isnt. 不,她不是。67. Those men arent students,either. 那些人也不是学生。68. Am I your teacher? 我是你们的教员吗?69. Yes,you are. 是的,你是。70. That man is a teacher,isnt he? 那个人是位教员,对不对?71. Yes,he is. 是的,他是。72. Who are those people? 那些人是谁?73. Maybe theyre farmers. 他们可能是农民。 74. Arent they students? 他们不是学生吗?75. I really dont know. 我真的不知道。76. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?77. My name is Jones. 我姓琼斯。78. Whats your first name? 你的名字叫什么?79. My first name is Bill. 我的名字叫比尔。80. How do you spell your last name? 你的姓怎么拼法?81. Jones. J-O-N-E-S. 琼斯,JONES。82. Whats your friends name? 你的朋友叫什么名字?83. His name is John Smith. 他叫约翰、史密斯。84. John and I are old friends. 我和约翰是老朋友了。 85. Are you Johns brother? 你是约翰的兄弟吗?86. No, Im not. 不,我不是。87. This is Mr. Jones. 这是琼斯先生。88. How do you do? 你好!89. Mrs.Jones,this is Mr. John Smith. 琼斯夫人,这是约翰、史密斯先生。90. Very please to meet you. 见到您很高兴。91. What day is today? 今天是星期几?92. Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。93. What day was yesterday? 昨天是星期几?94. Yesterday was Sunday. 昨天是星期日。95. What day is tomorrow? 明天是星期几?96. What month is this? 现在是几月份?97. This is January. 现在是一月份。98. Last month was December,wasnt it ? 上个月是十二月,对不对?99. Yes,it was. 是,是十二月份。100. What month is next month? 下个月是几月份?101. I was in the hospital for several weeks. 我在医院里住了几个星期了。102. Where were you on Tuesday? 星期二你在哪里?103. You were here in February,werent you? 二月份你曾在这里,对不对?104. No,I wasnt . 不,我没有在这里。105. Your friend was here a week ago,wasnt he? 一个星期前,你的朋友曾在这里,是不是? 106. Do you have a book? 你有一本书吗?107. Yes,I do. 是的,我有。108. You have a radio,dont you? 你有一台收音机,对吗?109. No,I dont . 不,我没有。110. I dont have a phonograph,either. 我也没有留声机。111. Dees this radio belong to you? 这台收音机是你的吗?112. Yes,I think it does. 是的,我认为它是我的。113. How many sisters and brothers do you have? 你有几个姊妹和兄弟?114. Dont you have my hat? 你没拿我的帽子吧?115. Yes,I have both your hat and your coat. 不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里。116. Does John have a yellow pencil? 约翰有一支黄铅笔吗?117. Yes,he does. 是的,他有。118. He has a radio,doesnt he? 他有一台收音机,对不对?119. No,he doesnt have one. 不,他没有。120. He already has a phonograph,but he doesnt have a radio yet. 他已经有一架留声机,但是他还没有收音机。121. What time is it? 几点钟了?122. Its two oclock. 两点钟。 123. Its a few minutes after two. 两点过几分。 124. My watch is fast and your watch Is slow. 我的表快,而你的表慢。125. Excuse me.Can you tell me the correct time? 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?126. No,I cant . 不,我不能。127. I dont know what time it is. 我不知道现在几点钟。128. I dont think its four oclock yet. 我认为现在还不到四点。129. It must be about three thirty. 现在想必是三点三十分左右。130. I get up before six oclock every day. 每天我六点前起床。131. The restaurant doesnt open until seven forty-five. 饭馆要到七点四十五分才开门。132. Will you be here at ten oclock tomorrow? 请你明天十点到这里,行吗?133. Yes,I will. 行。134. Well be on time,wont we? 我们将按时到,是吗?135. I hope so. 我希望如此。 136. Whats the date today? 今天是几号?137. Today is November first,nineteen sixty-three. 今天是一九六三年十一月一号。138. When were you born? 你是什么时候出生的?139. I was born on November first,nineteen thirty-five. 我是一九三五年11月1日出生的。140. Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。141. My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight. 我的妹妹是一九三八年出生的。142. I dont know the exact date. 我不知道确切的日子。143. Where were you born? 你出生在什么地方?144. I was born in a little town not far from here. 我出生在离这儿不远的小城市里。145. What do you know about the tenth century? 有关十世纪的事你知道些什么?146. I dont know anything about that. 关于那个我什么都不知道。 147. Lets talk about something else. 让我们谈点别的什么吧。148. Where were you during the month of April last year? 去年四月份你在哪里?149. I dont remember where I was then. 我不记得那时我在哪里。150. Where will you be nest year at this time? 151. What do you want? 你想要些什么?152. I want a cup of coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。153. What would you like to eat? 你想吃些什么?154. Please give me a piece of pie.请给我来片馅饼。155. Which one would you like-this one or that one? 你想要哪一个?这一个还是那一个?156. It doesnt matter to me. 随便就可以了。157. Id like to talk with Mr. Johns or Mr. Smith. 我想和约翰先生或史密斯先生讲话。158. Im sorry, but both of them are busy right now. 很抱歉,他们都在忙。159. Wouldnt you like some coffee? 不想来点咖啡吗?160. Id rather have some tea, if you dont mind. 如果你不介意的话,请给我来杯茶。161. Do you know any of those people? 你认识这些人吗?162. Two or three of them look familiar. 我和其中的两三个人比较熟。163. All of those men are friends of mine. 他们都是我的朋友。164. Which one of those men is Mr. Taylor? 这些人中哪个是泰勒先生?165. Is he the tall man on the left? 在左边的那个高个男士是不是他? 明年这个时候你将在哪里?166. Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?167. Yes, a little.是的,会一点。168. Does your friend speak English? 你的朋友会讲英语吗?169. Yes, he speaks English perfectly.会而且讲得很好.170. Whats his native language? 他的母语是什么?171. I dont know what his native language is. 我不知道他的母语是什么。172. How many languages do you speak? 你能讲几种语言?173. My friend reads and writes several languages. 我的朋友能读写几种语言。174. How well do you know French? 你的法语程度怎样?175. He speaks French with an American accent. 他讲的是带着美国口音的法语。176. My parents speak English perfectly. 我父母能讲很好的英语。177. Mr. Jones can speak French pretty well. 钟斯先生能讲很好的法语。178. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English. 有时候,我会在讲英语时犯一些错误。179. I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation. 我的发音存在一些问题。180. How is her accent in French? 他讲法语时的口音怎样?181. What are you doing? 你在干什么?182. Im reading a book.我在看书。183. Whats your friend doing? 你的朋友在干什么?184. Hes studying his lesson. 他在做他的功课。185. Im not doing anything right now.我无事可做。186. Where are you going? 你想去哪?187. Im going home.我想回家。188. What time are you coming back? 你什么时候回来?189. Im not sure what time Im coming back. 我不确定我什么时候能回来。190. What are you thinking about? 你在想什么?191. Im thinking about my lesson. 我在想我的功课。192. Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?193. Im writing to a friend of mine in South American. 我在给我南美的一位朋友写信。194. By the way,who are you waiting for? 顺便问一句,你在等谁?195. Im not waiting for anybody.我谁也不等。 196. How old are you? 你多大了?197. Im twenty-one years old. 我21岁了。198. My brother is not quite twenty-five. 我的哥哥没有25岁。199. John is not forty-five yet,is he? 约翰还没有45岁,是吗?200. Mr. Smith is still in his fifties. 史密斯先生50多岁了。201. Im two years older than you are. 我比你大两岁。202. My brother is two years younger than I am. 我的弟弟比我小两岁。203. How many are there in your family? 你家几口人?204. There are seven of us altogether. 我家总共七口人。205. My sister is the oldest. 我的姐姐最大。206. Im the youngest.我最小。207. Guess how old I am. 猜猜我多大。208. Id say yorre about twenty-three. 我猜你可能23岁。209. I was thirty on my last birthday. 我 已经过了30岁的生日 。210. Im going to be sixty-one next Tuesday. 下周二我就要61岁了。 211. What time do you get up every day? 你平常几点起床?212. I usually wake up early.我通常很早起床。213. I get up at 6 oclock every day.我每天6:00起床。214. My brother gets up later than I do.= 我的哥哥比我起床要晚。215. After I get dressed,I have breakfast. 我穿好衣服后吃早餐。216. Usually,I have a big breakfast. 通常我的早餐比较丰盛。217. I have juice,toast and coffee for breakfast. 我早餐通常有果汁,面包和咖啡。218. I leave the house at eight a.m. each day. 每天我都会在早上8:00离开我家。219. I get to work at nine oclock every morning. 我会在每天早上9:00开始工作。220. I work hard all morning. 每天早上我都会很努力地工作。221. I go out for lunch at about 12:30. 我中午12:30出去吃午餐。222. I finish working at 5:45 p.m. 我在下午5:45分完成我的工作。223. I eat dinner at about 7 oclock. 我会在晚上7:00吃晚饭。224. Before I eat dinner,I read the newspaper for a while. 在吃晚饭之前,我会看一会报纸。225. I usually go to bed at about midnight. 我通常午夜才睡觉。226. What time did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点钟起的床?227. I woke up early and got up at 6 oclock. 我醒得很早,在6:00起的床。228. My brother got up earlier than I did. 我的哥哥比我起得早。229. Did you get dressed ? 你穿好衣服了吗?230. Yes, I got dressed and had breakfast. 是的,我穿好衣服而且吃完早餐了。231. What kind of breakfast did you have? 你吃的什么样的早餐?232. What time did you get to work yesterday morning? 昨天早上你几点钟去上的班?233. I left the house at 8 oclock and got to work at 8:30. 我 8:00离开的家,8:30开始的工作。234. Did you work all day? 你全天都在工作吗?235. Yes, I worked from early morning until late at night. 是的,我从早上一直工作到深夜。236. At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. 中午,我和朋友去吃的午饭。237. I finished working at 5:30 and went home. 我在5:30完成的工作然后回家了。238. After dinner I read a magazine and made some telephone calls. 晚饭过后,我看了一期杂志然后打了几个电话。239. I went to bed at 11:30 p.m. 我在晚上11:30上的床。240. I went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night. 我一会就入睡了,而且睡得很好。241. Where did you go yesterday? 昨天你去哪了?242. I went to see a friend of mine.我去拜访了一位朋友。243. Did you see Mr. Jones yesterday? 昨天你见过钟斯先生吗?244. I didnt see Mr. Jones,but I saw John . 我没见过,不过我见过约翰先生。245. What did you talk about? 你们刚才在讲什么?246. We talked about a lot of things. 我们刚才在说一些事情。247. I asked him a lot of questions. 我问了他一些问题。248. What did you ask him? 你问过他什么?249. I asked him if he spoke English. 我问他是否会讲英语?250. He said he spoke a little English. 他说他会讲一点。251. Then I asked him if he knew anybody in New York . 接着我就问他是否认识在纽约的人?252. He said he knew a lot of people there. 他说他认识很多那里的人。253. Finally,I asked him how old he was.最后我问他多大了?254. He said he would rather not tell his age. 他说他不想提及他的年龄。255. He answered almost all of my questions. 他几乎回答了我所有的问题。256. What time did you use to get up last year? 去年你通常几点起床?257. I used to wake up early and get up at 7 oclock. 我过去常常醒得很早,在7:00左右起床。258. I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m. 我过去常常把我的闹钟定在上午7:00钟。259. I never used to oversleep.我从不睡懒觉。260. I used to get dressed quickly every morning.我通常穿衣服很快。261. I always used to leave for work at 8:30.我过去常常在8:30去工作。262. I used to start working at 9:00 oclock every day. 我过去常常在每天9:00开始工作。263. I used to have lunch every day at the same time. 我过去常常在每天同一时间吃午餐。264. I used to work until nearly 6:00 oclock each day. 我过去常常工作到6:00左右。265. I used to have dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early. 我过去常常在7:30吃晚饭,而且睡觉很早。266. My brother and I used to go a lot of places together. 我和我哥哥过去常常一起去一些地方。267. We used to go to the movies about once a week. 我们过去常常一周去看一次电影。268. We used to have a lot of interesting friends. 我们过去有一些很有趣的朋友。269. My brother used to speak French to me all the time. 我的哥哥过去总是给我讲法语。270. I always used to ask him a lot of questions. 我过去常常问他一些问题。 271. Where do you live? 你住在哪里?272. I live on Washington Street. 我在华盛顿街住。273. Whats your address? 你的地址是什么?274. I live at 1203 Washington Street. 我住在华盛顿街1203号。275. Im Mr. Smiths next door neighbor. 我是史密斯先生的邻居。276. You live here in the city,dont you? 你住在这个城市,对吗?277. Im from out of town. 我来自城镇。278. How long have you lived here? 你在这住了多久了?279. Ive lived here for five years. 我在这住了5年了。280. Hes known me for over ten years. 我们相识十余年了。281. Ive spoken English all my life. 我终生讲英语。282. Ive already read that book. 我已经读完了那本书。283. Has he studied French very long? 他学法语很长时间了吗?284. Have you had breakfast already? 你吃过早饭了吗?285. Yes,I had breakfast two hours ago. 是的,我在两小时前吃的早饭。286. Where were you yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在哪?287. I was at home all afternoon. 我整个下午都在家。288. I was writing some letters to friends of mine. 我给我的朋友写了几封信。289. What were you doing at about 4 oclock yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点钟左右你在干什么?290. I was listening to the radio. 我在听广播。291. What were you doing when I called you on the telephone? 我给你打电话时,你在干什么?292. When you called me, I was eating dinner. 你给我打电话时,我在吃晚饭。293. When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith. 我看到钟斯先生时,他在和约翰史密斯讲话。294. While you were writing letters,I was reading a book. 你写信时我在看书。295. While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone. 当我们吃早餐时,约翰在打电话。296. Can you guess what I was doing this morning? 猜猜看我今天早上在干什么?297. I cant remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon. 我记不起昨天下午约翰在干什么了。298. Ive forgotten what he said his address was. 我把他所说的他家的地址给忘了。299. Ive forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night. 我忘记了他昨晚几点钟吃的晚饭了?300. They called us just as we were having dinner. 他们叫我们时,我们在吃晚饭。301. What color is your book? 你的书本是什么颜色的?302. My book has a dark blue cover. 我的书本的封面是深蓝色的。303. How much does that typewriter weigh? 那个打字机有多重?304. Its not too heavy,but I dont know the exact weight. 它不是很重,但是我不知道它的精确重量。305. This round table weighs about forty-five pounds. 这张圆桌子重45磅。306. What size suitcase do you own? 你的小提箱是什么尺码的?307. One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size. 其中一个提箱是小号的,另一个是中号的。308. I like the shape of that table.我喜欢那张桌子的形状。309. How long is Jones Boulevard Street? Jones Boulevard街有多长?310. That street is only two miles long. 那条街只有两英里长。311. Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? 你能量量这个窗户,来确定它有多宽吗312. This window is just as wide as that one. 这个窗户仅仅和那个一样宽。313. The walls are three inches thick. 这些墙有三英尺厚。314. This material feels soft.这种材料摸上去很软。315. This pencil is longer than that one. 这个铅笔比另一个长。316. Would you please tell Mr. John that Im here? 你能告诉约翰先生我在这吗?317. Take these books home with you tonight. 今晚请把这些书带回家。318. Please bring me those magazines. 请把那些杂志给我带来。319. Would you help me lift this heavy box? 你能帮我将这个重盒子抬起来吗?320. Please ask John to turn on the lights. 请告诉约翰把灯打开。321. Put your books down on the table. 将你的书放在桌子上。322. Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? 从厨房里给我拿个锤子,好吗?323. Hang up my coat in the closet ,will you please? 能将我的大衣挂在壁橱里吗?324. Please dont bother me now.Im very busy. 现在请别打搅我,我在忙。325. Would you mind mailing this letter for me? 你介意帮我发这封邮件吗?326. If you have time,will you call me tomorrow? 如果你有时间,明天给我打电话好吗?327. Please pick up those cups and saucers. 请将那些茶杯和茶托整理好。328. Will you do me a favor? 你能帮个忙吗? 329. Please count the chairs in that room.请数一下那个房间里的椅子的数目。330. Please pour this milk into that glass.请将这些牛奶到进玻璃杯里。331. Excuse me,sir.Can you give me some information? 先生,打搅一下,你能告诉我一些信息吗?332. Can you tell me where Peach Street is? 你能告诉我Peach Street在哪吗?333. Its two blocks straight ahead. 向前一直走,过两个街区就到了。334. Which direction is it to the theatre? 去戏院应走哪个方向?335. Turn right at the next corner。 在下个路口向右拐。336. How far is it to the university? 到大学还有多远?337. Its a long way from here. 从这算起还有很长的一段路。338. The school is just around the corner. 学校就在拐角处。339. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel. 旅馆穿过街道。340. You cant miss it. 你不会错过的。341. Do you happen to know Mr. Coopers telephone number? 你知道Cooper先生的电话号码吗?342. Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is? 你能告诉我最近的电话在哪吗?343. Should I go this way,or that way? 我应走这条路还是那条?344. Go that way for two blocks,then turn left. 走那条路,穿过两个街区后向左拐。345. I beg your pardon.Is this seat taken? 请问,这个座位有人坐了吗?346. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?347. No,Im not married.Im still single. 没有,我仍然单身。348. Your niece is engaged,isnt she? 你的侄女订婚了是吗?349. My sister has been engaged for two months. 我妹妹订婚两个月了。350. My grandfather got married in 1921. 我祖父1921年结地婚。351. When is grandparents wedding anniversary? 什么时候是你祖父母的结婚纪念日?352. How long have they been married? 他们结婚多久了?353. Theyve been married for quite a few years. 他们结婚好些年了。354. Who did George marry? 乔治和谁结婚了?355. Do they have children? 你有孩子了吗?356. They had a baby last month. 他们上个月有的孩子。357. My son wants to get married in June. 我的儿子打算六月份结婚。358. They dont know when the wedding will be. 他们不知道什么时候举行婚礼。359. Their grandchildren are grown up now. 他们的孙子长大了。360. Shes a widow.Her husband died last year. 她是个寡妇,他丈夫死于去年。361. Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大?362. I grew up right here in this neighborhood. 我就在这临近长大。363. My friend spent his childhood in California . 我的朋友童年在加利福尼亚度过。364. He lived in California until he was seventeen. 他十七岁以前都在加利福尼亚居住。365. There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years. 在过去的二十年间,这里发生了很多的变化。366. There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 以前拐角处有一个杂货店。367. All of those houses have been built in the last ten years.


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