高一英语外研版必修4同步课件《Module 1 Life in the future》第4课时 Cultural corner

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1wear v穿;戴;蓄;留(发、须等);流露;面带;呈现(某种神态);磨损;消耗。 Was she wearing a seat belt? 她系着座椅安全带吗? He wore a puzzled looking on his face. 他脸上流露出迷惑不解的神情。,知识拓展 wear away 磨;磨光 wear down 使意志薄弱 wear off 逐渐消失 wear sth. out 磨破;磨损;穿破 wear sb. out 使精疲力竭,辨析:put on/wear/dress/have on/pull on/try on/in 这些单词或词组皆有“穿;戴”之意。 1)put on表示“穿上;戴上”,强调动作。 2)wear表示“穿;穿着”“戴;戴着”,强调状态,用be wearing可以表示暂时的状态。用法比较广泛,可用于穿衣服、鞋,戴手套、首饰、手表、徽章、眼镜以及留头发、胡须等。 3)dress表示“穿衣”,其宾语一般是表示人的名词,而不是表示衣服的名词,若用sth.作宾语,则可以用be dressed in。 4)have on主要表示状态,不用于进行时。,5)pull on指“随便穿上”,侧重“拉、拽”,宾语常是袜子、手套等名词。 6)try on意为“试穿(衣服、鞋、帽等)”。 7)in表示“穿”之意,既可跟衣服之类的词,也可以直接跟上一个表示颜色的词,表示穿着什么颜色的服装。,即学即用 He likes_red clothes. Awear Bwearing Cput on Dputting on 答案:B,2require vt. 1)需要(后跟名词、代词、动名词和that从句) This plan requires careful consideration. 这项计划有必要仔细考虑。 The wall requires repairing. 这面墙需要修理了。 2)要求;命令 What do you require of me? 你要求我做什么?,注意:require后跟that从句时要用虚拟语气“should动词原形”,should可省略。 This situation required that we(should) stay there. 当时的情况使我们必须留在这儿。,知识拓展 require sb. to do. 要求某人做 require sth. of sb. 对某人有要求 requirement n. 要求;必要条件 meet/satisfy a requirement 满足/达到要求,高考直击 (2009天津)Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will_the main points at the end. Arecover Breview Crequire Dremember 解析:考查动词,句意:“如果有些地方不明白的话,不用担心。老师最后会回顾要点的”。review“回顾;复习”。 答案:B,即学即用 Hell agree to do what you require_him. Aof Bfrom Cto Dfor 答案:A,3shape 1)v. 使成形 Shape the dough into small balls. 把面团搓成小丸子。 2)v. 进展顺利 These events helped to shape her future career. 这些事促成了她后来从事的职业。 3)n. 形状;外形 What shape is the tableround or oval? 那张桌子是什么形状的圆形还是椭圆形?,链接: in shape 在形状上 out of shape 变形;走样 in the shape of. 呈的形状;以的形式 in any shape/form 以任何形式,即学即用 (2006广东)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of_. Adate Bshape Corder Dbalance 答案:B,4predict vt. 预言;预测 She predicted that he would marry a doctor. 她预测他会跟一位医生结婚。 Can you predict when the work will be finished? 你能预言这项工作什么时候结束吗? 辨析:predict, foretell 1)predict是正式用语,指科学的、正确的预测。 The astronomer predicted that there will be an eclipse of the moon next month. 天文学家预言下月将有月食。 2)foretell常用词,不注重准确性。 We cant foretell what will happen beforehand. 我们不能预先预测会发生什么。,1come true(理想,梦想)实现;成为现实。 My dream of being admitted into Harvard University has come true. 我考入哈佛大学的梦想终于实现了。 辨析:come true与realize 1)come true为不及物动词短语 Our dreams come true. 我们的梦想实现了。 2)realize为及物动词 We have realized our dreams. 我们已经实现了自己的梦想。,即学即用 Our dream_at last. Ahas been come true. Bhas realized Chas come true Dhas to realized 答案:C,2throw away 扔掉;抛弃 I shouldnt have thrown away the receipt. 我真不该把那张收据扔掉。 知识拓展 throw about 到处扔 throw on a coat 匆匆穿上上衣 throw off ones clothes 匆匆脱掉衣服 throw up 呕吐 throw doubt on 使对产生怀疑 throw light on 使清楚;提供线索,即学即用 He shouldnt have_such a good chance. Athrown up Bthrown off Cthrown away Dthrown at 答案:C,3on the way out 1)on the way有两个意思,一是表示“在路上;在进行中”,二是表示“即将”,后面跟介词to。 Id better be on my way soon. 我最好还是快点走。 He is on the way to becoming a college student this year. 他今年即将成为一名大学生。 2)on the way out也有两个意思,一是“正要离开”;二是“即将过时”。,When I was on the way out, I saw him coming up. 我正要离开时,看到他走上来了。 The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out. 星期六聚会热似乎就要过时了。,高考直击 (2009重庆)Over the past 20 years, the Internet has helped change our world in _way or another for the better. Aany Bone Cevery Deither 解析:考查固定搭配。in one way or another意为“无论如何;不管怎么说”。句意为:在过去的20年里,不管怎么说,网络使我们的世界变得更好了。 答案:B,即学即用 “Just do it_the way I showed you just now.” Ain Bat Con Dof 答案:A,Not all predictions come true. 并非所有的预言都能成为现实。 句中“Not all.”作主语时,意为“并非全部”,表示部分否定,即“部分是,部分不是”。 Not all birds can fly. 并不是所有的鸟都能飞。 Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory. 并非所有的汽车零件都在这个工厂里制造。,提示:not与all, both, every以及由every构成的不定代词连用时,无论not在句中什么位置都是部分否定。完全否定用neither(两者),none(三者以上),no one和nobody。 Not everyone likes pop music.Everyone doesnt like pop music. 并不是每个人都喜欢流行音乐。 No one/Nobody likes pop music. 没有人喜欢流行音乐。,即学即用 We havent enough books for_; some of you will have to share. Asomebody Banybody Ceverybody Dnobody 答案:C,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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