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Starter Unit 1 Good morning Section A Step 1 Teaching aims 知识目标 1 学习字母 Aa Hh 2 掌握问候语 能力目标 1 会在四线三格中写出字母 Aa Hh 2 熟练应用问候语 情感目标 人与人之间应有礼貌 互相关心 爱护 Step 2 重难点 四会 字母 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 三会 1 hello 2 Good morning 3 Good afternoon 4 Good evening Step 3 教学过程 导入 师生同唱字母歌 自主学习 1 1a 1b 听录音 跟读 译成汉语 2 2a 2b 2c 2d 听录音 跟读 在四线三格中的位置 3 先看图片 然后说出字母的意思 自主合作 探究 HB CD BBC 4 听力训练 4b 4c 听录音 排序 跟读 译成汉语 Step4 典题赏析 1 标出下列字母的顺序 h 1 a e g d b c f 答案 8 1 5 7 4 2 3 6 析 字母顺序 a h 2 Good morning A Good morning B Good afternoon C Good evening 答案 A 析 别人问早上好时回答也用早上好 Step5 中考链接 写出 Aa Hh 中的元音字母 Hello A Good morning B Hello C Afternoon Step6 能力提升 一 单选 1 Aa Cc Dd Ee A Ff B Gg C Bb 2 Aa Bb Cc D Ee Ff Gg Hh A b B d C p 二 按顺序在四线三格中写出前 8 个英文字母 三 写出大写形式 a b c d e f g h Section B Step1 Teaching aims 知识目标 1 字母 Aa Hh 2 掌握问候语 能力目标 1 会在四线三格中写出字母 Aa Hh 2 熟练应用问候语 情感目标 人与人之间应有礼貌 互相关心 爱护 Step 2 重难点 1 四会 字母 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh 2 三会 1 How are you I m fine thanks 2 How are you I m OK Step 3 教学过程 导入 师生 生生之间问候 自主学习 1 听录音 跟读 译成汉语 2 2a 选名字 写在卡片上 3 2b 小组合作 用英文名字互相问候 4 3a 听力训练 连线 3b 练习 Step4 典题赏析 How are you A How are you B No C I m fine thanks 答案 C 析 询问身体状况的回答用 C Step5 中考链接 1 Good evening A Good morning B afternoon C Evening 2 How are you A Fine thank you B How do you do C How are you Step6 能力提升 一 按正确顺序排列 C E F A D G B H 二 写出正确的大小写形式 a B c D E F g h 三 回答下列问题 1 Good morning 2 Hello 3 How are you Starter Unit 1 Good morning Meeting friends 一 学习目的 1 学会正确朗读和书写 Aa Hh 八个字母 从认读大小写字母开始 先学会正确地朗读 然后过渡到正确规范地书写 循序渐进扎实巩固地掌握 2 了解一些常用缩略字的含义 3 八个人名的掌握 4 能看 听 说本单元所列的日常交际用语 重点学会打招呼 并做到语音语调正确 注意一些字母及日常交际用语的发音 5 学会将相同音素字母和单词归类 二 课前准备 1 大声朗读 A H 八个字母 规范地书写出来 用硬点的纸片制作字母卡 2 会朗读 默写和使用本单元生词 good morning hi hello afternoon evening how are you am fine thanks name list 你都能默写出来吗 3 句型学习 会试用本单元的日常交际用语 会打招呼 4 找出本单元的英文名字 并会读 你自己起好了英文名字了吗 5 找出我们所学过的含有 A H 字母的单词 看谁找的多 并正确读出来 你还可以和你 的合作伙伴一起找哦 字母 字母发 音 单词中发 音 词 例 ei name baby Aa ei e apple cat bag Bb bi b bag big s city nice Cc si k cake Dd di d bird i he bee please Ee i e bed yes bread Ff ef f five life Gg d i g dog Hh eit h here 6 语言学导学 1 good nice fine well 都含有 好 的意思 但在用法等方面存在着如下区别 good 是涵义最广的常用词 属一般用语 主要指 人的品质好 或 东西的质量好 等意思 如 Milk is good for children 牛奶对儿童有益 John is a good worker 约翰是一名好工人 nice 带有一定的感情色彩 着重强调人们的感觉 含有 漂亮的 美妙的 美味的 等意 思 也可表示对人 友好和蔼 如 The chips are nice 这些炸土豆条很好吃 Nice to meet you 很高兴见到您 fine 侧重于表示 质量精细 身体健康 还可以表示 天气晴 等意 语气比 good 重 如 How are you 你身体好吗 Fine thank you 很好 谢谢你 It is a fine day today 今天天气晴朗 well 常用作副词 修饰动词 也可用作形容词 仅作表语 表示 身体好 健康的 顺 利的 等意 还可译为 满意的 恰当的 等 如 My sister is very well 我妹妹身体很好 Lin Feng speaks English well 林锋英语讲得很好 2 体会打招呼用语的奥妙所在 做到灵活运用 Good morning afternoon evening 适用于比较正式客气的场合 双方都应说 Good morning afternoon evening 例如 A Good morning Miss Zhao 早晨好 赵老师 B Good morning Mr Wang 早晨好 王校长 Morning 适用于比较熟悉的朋友之间或比较繁忙的情况下 Hello 是最广泛 最简单的打招呼语 显得亲切自然 例如 A Hello Kate 你好 凯特 B Hero Li Lei 你好 李雷 Hi 在现代英语中 Hi 比 Hello 用得更多 显得更随和 例如 A Hi Han Meimei 你好 韩梅梅 B Hi Lucy 你好 露西 7 通过预习 你还有对单词 读音和句子还有什么问题请写下来 三 学习过程 1 预习情况交流 1 看看你们组同学的 课前准备 完成的怎么样 你们谁完成的更好 2 讨论 对比并解决 课前准备 5 3 默写本单元生词 4 用所学问候用语向同学 家人 老师问好 四 学习策略培养 1 跟录音朗读字母 单词和问候用语 并与同学互相练习 2 与同学一起填写补充 课前准备 5 的表格 3 根据所给的字母的音标 写出大 小写字母 1 si 2 di 3 ef 4 bi 5 ei 6 eit 7 i 8 d i 2 4 写出下列大字字母的小写字母 1 BEE 2 BAG 3 BED 4 HB 5 CD 6 ABC 7 AD 8 CAAC 5 看图写出下列图所表示内容的缩写字母或单词 1 2 3 4 5 6 写出 8 个小写字母中占满 四线三格 中下面二格的字母 7 写出 8 个小写字母中占满 四线三格 中上面二格的字母 8 从下列每组字母中找出一个含有不同元音音素的的字母 1 A Ee B Dd C Bb D Jj 2 A Kk B Aa C Ff D Jj 3 A Ii B Kk C Aa D Hh 4 A Dd B Mm C Cc D Gg 5 A Mm B Ll C Nn D Bb 五 能力提高关 一 根据中文所给提示内容 写出相应的英语句子 1 朋友早晨见面时打招呼 3 2 朋友之间见面询问对方身体状况 3 看见朋友手里有个物件你想知道其英语名字 你应该问 4 下午见面时的问候语 5 听见对方说了 Fine thank you And you 后 你的回答应该是 二 比较下列每组字母或单词的读音 相同的用 S 不同的用 D 表示 1 b a 2 c e 3 a e 4 b d 5 a c 6 Dale Alice 7 Frank thanks 8 evening Helen 9 A H 10 E F 三 按要求写出下列词的适当形式 1 yes 反义词 2 hello 近义词 3 that 对应词 4 two 同音词 5 foot 复数形式 6 big 反义词 7 be 同音词 8 father 对应词 9 girl 对应词 10 what is 缩写形式 六 学习成果展示 1 根据所给图片和提示文字 写一组对话 新学期开学了 两个同学在教室里见面了 他们彼此都不认识 这时正在相互认识 打招呼 A 1 B Hello Good morning 2 What is your name A My name is Emma 3 Victor B Nice to meet you too I m new here A Oh 4 Our class 班级 is nice B Thank you A 5 2 根据内容提示 用英语编写一段小对话 提示 新学期第一天上午 Han Mei 和 Alice 在校园见面 两人互相问好 并了解对 方的姓名 Han Mei Alice Han Mei Alice 七 课后反思小结 回顾本单元所学内容 你学到了哪些 还有什么疑问 Starter Unit 1 我的补充练习 一 写出下列字母左邻右舍 1 B 2 c 3 f 4 E 5 g 二 找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与众不同的选项 1 A map B name C cake D tape 2 A book B too C good D look 3 A desk B pen C evening D bed 4 A not B clock C sorry D home 5 A bike B nice C hi D pencil 三 单项选择 1 Good evening Eric Cindy A Good morning B Good afternoon C Good evening 2 一 Good morning A Thank you B Good morning C Hello 3 一 Hello 一 A Hello B Thank you C I m fine 4 一 Sit down P1ease A I m fine B My name is Li Lei C Thank you 5 一 What s your name A Clark B I m OK C Thank you 6 Lili is a girl A good B well C fine 7 His gandpa is old but he is A goos B well C nice 8 Jim s Chinese is He can speak Chinese very A well good B well nice C good well 9 It s a day today A good B fine C well 四 从所给选项中选出能回答以下问题的交际用语 1 A Good morning class B 2 A Hello Jim How are you B 3 A What s your name B 4 A Sit down please B 5 A What s this B a It s B b Good morning teacher c Fine thank you d My name is Jim e Thank you 五 连词成句 1 good you to morning 2 you hi how Grace are 3 name my Jim is 4 sit Please down 5 fine you thank 六 选择正确的答案填空 1 早上老师进教室时 同学们应对老师说 A Hello B How are you C Good morning Mr Miss D Good afternoon 2 假设你叫 Lin Lin 当人家问你 Are you Lin Lin 时 你应该说 A My name is Lin Lin B Yes I am C I am not D Yes it is 3 当你要向别人打听某事时 你应说 A Hello B Sorry C Excuse me D Hi 4 当你向别人介绍你的朋友 Jim 时 你应说 A This is Jim B He is Jim C You are Jim D I am Jim 5 当你认错人时 你应说 A Excuse me B I m OK C I m sorry D Thank you 6 Fine thank you A How do you do B How old are you C Can you spell it D How are you 七 补全对话 1 A Hello B A What s your name B name is Kate Green A are you B Fine you How are you A I m fine What s this B Gg A Thank 2 T Good morning class S teacher T How are you S thank you you T I m fine What s this S It s Nn 嗯 T No it s Nn en S Nn en T Yes sit please 八 阅读理解 根据短文内容 判断下列句子正 T 误 F Good morning class My name is Ma Ming I m your English teacher It s nice to meet you all This is Emma She is English What s your name please Oh it s Mike Sit down please 1 It s morning now 现在 2 Ma Ming is a teacher 3 Emma is a teacher too 4 Mike is a student 学生 5 Ma Ming Emma and Mike are at school 在学校 now 一 代词 pron 第一人 称单数 第二人称 单数和复数 第三人称单数 三单 第一人称 复数 第三人称复 数 人称代词 我 你 你们 他 她 它 我们 他们 主格 I you he she it we they 宾格 me you him her it us them 物主代词 我 的 你的 你们的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its our their 二 名词的格 1 有生命的东西的名词所有格 a 单数后加 s 如 Lucy s ruler my father s shirt b 以 s 结尾的复数名词后加 如 his friends bags c 不以 s 结尾的复数后加 s children s shoes 并列名词中 如果把 s 加在最后一个名词后 表示共有 如 Tom and Mike s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车 要表示所有物不是共有的 应分别在并列名词后加 s Tom s and Mike s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车 2 表示无生命东西的名词通常用 of 名词 来表示所有关系 如 a picture of the classroom a map of China 三 名词的数 A 单数名词 前有 a an the 或物主代词 如 a book the book his book 1 规则变化 1 一般情况 可数 加 s bags 2 以 s sh x ch 结尾 加 es boxes 3 以 f fe 结尾 把 f fe 改为 v 加 es shelf shelves 4 以辅音 y 结尾 把 y 改为 i 加 es baby babies 5 以 o 结尾 复数加 es tomatoes patotoes 或加 s pianos photos 2 不规则变化 1 单复数词形 sheep Chinese Japanese 2 复数名词 clothes people police 3 特殊变化 man men woman women child children foot feet tooth teeth woman women 前面可用 many 许多 a lot of lots of 许多 some 一些 a few 一 点 how many 可数复数 B 不可数 1 没有复数形式 2 前不加 a an 数字 many a few 后不加 s 3 前可以加 some any a lot of much a little 4 表数量 用量词加 of 词组 a cup of ice cream two cups of ice cream 5 学过的有 broccoli food dessert orange ice cream salad chicken fruit soccer tennis ping pong breakfast lunch dinner work homework time Chinese English 四 冠词 1 种类 1 不定冠词 a an a unit an uncle 元音开头的可数名词前用 an an egg an apple an orange an eraser an answer an ID card an alarm clock an actor an actress an e mail an address an event an example an opera an hour an old man an interesting book an exciting sport an action movie an art lesson 2 定冠词 the the egg the piano 2 用法 定冠词的用法 1 特指某 些 人或某 些 物 The ruler is on the desk 2 复述上文提到的人或物 He has a sweater The sweater is new 3 谈话双方都知道的人或物 The boys aren t at school 4 在序数词前 John s birthday is February the second 5 用于固定词组中 in the morning afternoon evening 不用冠词的情况 1 专有名词前 China is a big country 2 名词前有定语 this that my your some any no 等 如 This is my baseball 3 复数名词表示一类人和事 Monkeys can t swim They are teachers 4 在节日 日期 月份 季节前 Today is Christmas Day It s Sunday 5 一日三餐前 We have breakfast at 6 30 6 球类 棋类运动前 They often play football after class He plays chess at home 但乐器前要用定冠词 I play the guitar very well 7 学科名称前 My favorite subject is music 8 在称呼或头衔的名词前 This is Mrs Li 9 固定词组中 at noon at night by bus 五 时态复习 一 一般现在时 1 Be 动词的一般现在时 动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化 它有三种形式 am is are am 跟在 I 后面 is 跟单数主语 are 跟复数主语及单数 You 后面 如 I am a teacher My brother is at school Lucy and Lily are in Class One Grade Two You are a good boy 2 实义动词的一般现在时 一个动作经常反复地发生 就用一般现在时 第三人称单数 he she it Tom 等 作主语 谓语动词要加 或 这种动词形式简称为单三动 记住 单三人称单三动 其它人称用原型 如 They get up at six o clock He goes to school at seven thirty 附 动词第三人称单数的构成规则 1 一般情况下加 s get gets like likes 2 以 s x ch sh o 结尾的加 es watch watches go goes do does 3 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的 改 y 为 i 加 es carry carries 特殊 have has be is 二 情态动词 can 情态动词 can may must 后动词用原形 如 I can play the guitar He can play the violin 三 几个动词的用法 1 let 后用动词原形 Let s play soccer 2 like 及介词后动词用 ing 形式 如 be good at swimming help kids with singing like playing basketball What about playing tennis 3 want 加 to 再加原形 want to go to a movie want to be an actor 4 help 人 动词原形 help sb with sth doing sth 六 句型复习 句型结构 1 肯定句 主语 be am is are 主语 can 动词原形 行为动词原形 主语 其他 行为动词三单形式 2 否定句 主语 be am is are not 主语 can t 动词原形 主语 don t doesn t 动词原形 3 一般问句 1 be am is are 主语 Yes 主语 be No 主语 be not 2 Can 主语 动词原形 Yes 主语 can No 主语 can t 3 Do Does 主语 动词原形 Yes 主语 do does No 主语 don t doesn t 4 特殊疑问句 1 疑问词 be 主语 主语 be 2 疑问词 can 主语 动词原形 主语 can 动词原形 3 疑问句 do does 主语 动词原形 4 疑问句 who how how old how much where when why what what what kind of what time what subject 七年级英语期末专项 一般现在时人教版 新目标 本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 期末专项 一般现在时 学习过程 一 概念 表示现在经常发生或习惯性的动作和存在的状态 二 谓语动词的形式 v 原形 v 单三式 三 动词单三形式的变化规则 1 词尾直接加 s 2 以 s x ch sh o 结尾的词词尾加 es 3 以辅音字母 y 结尾的词 去 y 加 ies 四 一般现在时的几种句式 1 肯定句 主语 be am is are 表语 主语 v 原形 v 单三式 2 否定句 主语 be am is are not 表语 主语 don t doesn t 动词原形 3 一般疑问句 Be am is are 主语 表语 Do Does 主语 动词原形 4 特殊疑问句 疑问词 一般疑问句 主系表句型 例 The boys are in the room The boys are not in the room Are they in the room Yes they are No they aren t 主谓宾句型 例 He gets to school early every day He doesn t get to school early every day Does he get to school early every day Yes he does No he doesn t 五 基本用法 1 表示经常发生或习惯性的动作 常与 always often usually sometimes every day morning in the morning afternoon evening on Monday Saturday 等表示频度的时间状语 连用 always usually often 和 sometimes 这四个副词表示行动或动作的频率 频率最高的是 always 总是 其次是 usually 通常 总是 often 经常 时常 sometimes 有时 使用时要注意它们在句 中的位置 由于频率副词表示的是经常性的 一般性的动作或情况 不是具体指某一次 因此常常和一般现在时连用 常位于行为动词前面 其他动词 指 be 动词 情态动词和助 动词 的后面 本单元重点学习 usually 通常 如 When do you usually get up 你通常什么时候起床 I usually get up at six o clock 我通常六点起床 What time does your sister usually get up 你妹妹通常什么时候起床 She usually gets up at 6 30 她通常 6 30 起床 2 表示现在的状态 I m hungry She is very busy There are forty five students in this class My mother is at home 3 表示客观事实和普遍真理 The earth travels around the sun Winter comes after autumn 4 表示主语具备的性格 特征 能力等 My father speaks English very well All the students in Class Two study hard 5 在时间和条件状语从句中常用一般现在时表示将来的动作 I ll ring you up as soon as I get to Guangzhou We shall leave here if it rains 6 表示计划 规定 安排好将要发生的动作 但这仅限于 come go arrive leave start begin return 少数动词 The train leaves at six tomorrow morning When does the bus start It starts in ten minutes 7 有些表示状态和感觉 be love want have like hope need know understand remember feel think fit see look hear have 有 find suggest own prefer believe guess mean seem 等 表示现在发生的具体行为时 常用一般现在时 而不用进行时 Do you see that old man over there I feel a sharp pain in my hand 8 倒装句 表示动作正在进行 Here comes the bus The bus is coming There goes the bell The bell is ringing 9 表示格言或警句 例如 Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败 例题 1 变否定句 一般疑问句及肯定 否定回答 1 This is a new sweater 2 My parents are at home 3 They have music on Friday 4 Your friend likes playing football 5 He does his homework every day Key 1 This isn t a new sweater Is this a new sweater Yes it is No it isn t 2 My parents aren t at home Are my parents at home Yes they are No they aren t 3 They don t have music on Friday Do they have music on Friday Yes they have No they haven t 4 Your friend doesn t like playing football Does your friend like playing football Yes she does No she doesn t 5 He doesn t do his homework every day Does he do his homework every day Yes he does No he doesn t 例题 2 用动词的适当形式填空 1 He play basketball after class 2 Flight CA 982 fly to Sydney 3 We have history on Tuesday 4 Where be my jeans 5 When do the concert start 6 The bus leave at six o clock 7 do you have pears 8 Bob be on the football team 9 The girls have a basketball match 10 He not do his homework today Key 1 plays 2 flies 3 have 4 are 5 does 6 leaves 7 Do 8 is 9 have 10 doesn t 模拟试题 答题时间 90 分钟 一般现在时专项练习题 一 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 1 study 2 play 3 watch 4 wash 5 have 6 ride 7 take 8 worry 9 help 10 say 11 put 12 teach 13 fly 14 eat 15 go 16 guess 17 read 18 do 19 call 20 cry 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Please give this book to he 2 They are girls England 3 How many are there on the wall photo 4 The are reading in the library woman teacher 5 The bottle is empty Could I have a one empty 反义词 6 I don t have bread some 7 Would you like something drink 8 Please the words on the blackboard right 同音词 9 Your gloves are here Where are I 10 Are the boys good at model ships make 11 Jim sometimes fly a kite in the park 12 Oh it s ten thirty I have to go to bed 13 Mike often play football after school 14 The moon travel round the earth 15 It usually take me more than two hours to finish my homework 16 I will tell him the good news as soon as he come back 17 Miss Gao is very busy She sleep six hours a day 18 Look Susan dance in the garden She often dance there 19 I think he must know Japanese 20 The children will go to the Summer Palace if it not rain tomorrow 21 The children enjoy they at the party 22 Now I be a student But I want to be a doctor in future 在将来 23 Where be your teacher 24 December is the twelve month of the year 25 This story is as interest as that one 26 I hope it will be sun tomorrow 27 The box are too heavy for us to carry 28 He always does his homework careful 29 Jack have any bread No he 30 I any pears not have But Mary some have 31 Maria any not have eggs 32 Alice and Tina any fish No they have 33 Tome s cat milk No it like 34 There be a story book and two pens on my desk 35 you bananas like 36 This my pen pal Jim be 37 What language you speak 38 My brother to be a scientist not like 39 We Japanese at school not study 40 He playing football not like 三 根据句意 选用方框中所给的词语 并用其适当形式填空 A give rain enjoy sing return borrow keep 1 It often in my hometown in summer 2 Sometimes the birds in the tree 3 Joe usually books from school library but she never them on time 4 May I the dictionary for a week 5 The little boy himself in the garden on Saturdays 6 Mary is a good girl She often me a hand when I need some help B too but eat China with bread English in vegetable friend and come Jim is an English boy His father 1 to work in Beijing so Jim is in China 2 He likes China It is a big and beautiful country The Chinese people are 3 Jim has some friends here 4 he has problems with some of the 5 food and drink In 6 people 7 lots of coffee and eat bread and sandwiches 8 butter 9 China people eat rice and 10 and drink green tea Jim likes the school here but he misses some of the English food 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 四 选择填空 1 Don t in bed It s bad for your eyes A look B read C see D watch 2 Jack often TV at home in the evening A watch B watchs C watches D is watching 3 Tom his homework after supper A don t B doesn t C don t do D doesn t do 4 I think English more and more important for us A become B becomes C becoming D is become 5 Everyone here except Lin Tao A is B am C are D be 6 Mother worried because grandma ill A look is B looks is C look be D is look 7 Neither Mike nor I a good swimmer A am B is C are D be 8 Children in school A is taken good care of B take good care of C are taken good care of D must take good care of 9 Can you Chinese Mary Yes but not too much A speak B tell C say D talk 10 What do you like Fiona I like and A singing to dance B to sing dancing C singing dancing D sing dance 11 Oh you draw so well Can you draw a picture me Sure Please sit down A on B at C in D for 12 There is only milk in the bottle but I think it is enough 足够的 for your breakfast A little B a little C much D any 13 May I know your I want to call you later 随后 A address B parents C phone number D age 14 What do you usually do before you to bed I usually a shower A wash B do C take D make 15 What are you busy doing these days I am busy looking for a A work B job C rest D test 16 Mum I can t fall asleep 入睡 Can you me a story A speak B say C talk D tell 17 Of all my subjects I like English A good B better C best D well 18 My mother is always busy her work A on B in C for D with 19 Can you give me apples Sure Here you are A a little B some C any D little 20 When do you usually do your homework night A At B On the C In D At the 21 do you like science Because it is very interesting A How B Why C What D When 22 My little dog likes running with me A over B before C around D to 23 Tom is a worker He in a factory His sisters in a hospital A work work B works work C work works 24 Who English best in your class A speak B speaks C speaking 25 Mrs Brown the windows once a week A is cleaning B clean C cleans 26 We music and often to music A like listen B likes listen C like are listening 27 She up at six in the morning she A get do B gets is C gets doesn t 28 On Sunday he sometimes his clothes and sometimes some shopping A wash do B is washing is doing C washes does 29 The twins usually milk and bread for breakfast but Jim some porridge for it A have has B have have C has have 五 改错 下列句子中各有一处错误 请找出并改正 1 Wei Hua like singing very much 2 Sometimes they works on the farm 3 Sam and Li Lei often helps each other 4 His father is a teacher He teach math at school 5 We are getting up at six every morning 6 What are your brother s name 7 Listen The girl is sings an English song 8 My sister often washs some clothes on Sundays 六 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 This basket is full apples 2 Mike helps Li Lei his English on Sundays 3 They have many friends Some them are Japanese 4 What would you like supper 5 What s wrong your leg 6 Now it s 4 00 the afternoon School is over 7 Could you get something him 8 The children go to school Monday Friday 9 We should learn each other and help each other 10 Who is duty today 七 连词成句 1 have any does he milk his cup not in 2 borrow I you from may money some 3 have don t they I think one 4 dictionary back the give can you Monday on 5 is there wrong something my computer with 八 句型转换 1 School starts at 8 o clock in the morning 改为一般疑问句 school at 8 o clock in the morning 2 My grandpa does sports every day 改为否定句 My grandpa sports every day 3 How do you go to school 完成答句 I to school by bike 4 Lin Hai works hard 改为否定句 Lin Hai hard 5 My pen pal comes from Brazil 就划线部分提问 your pen pal 6 Maria can speak Chinese and French 就划线部分提问 Maria speak 7 Uncle Bob has a big apartment 改为一般疑问句 Uncle Bob a big apartment 8 My grandma likes rice and vegetables for dinner 就划线部分提问 your grandma like for dinner 9 What time does Tom usually go to school 完成答句 He usually to school 7 o clock 10 My cousin wants to be an actor 就划线部分提问 your cousin to be 九 完形填空 Dear Tracy I am very happy to get your letter And I am also very 1 to know that you will come to New York and spend 度过 some 2 here You can come to my house and we can talk with each other It s so great I can tell you 3 about my life and studies 4 New York and I can also learn something 5 the Chinese students life in Beijing Besides 另外 my parents plan to go to England next week so 6 you and me will be at home We can have a really good Eng

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