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小学英语语法毕业系统复习小学英语系统复习(句型转换) 1. That is a chair. (变一般疑问句)2. Thatsmy teacher.3. ThisisletterD.4. ImAlice.(变同义句)5. My name is Ben.6. Im fine.7. Tom is here.(变一般疑问句)8. ThisisBob.9. ImLi Lei. (变一般疑问句)10. Is this a book?(肯定回答)11. This is a pencil-case.(变否定句)12. Isthat her key?(做出否定回答)13. This is apenin English.14. It is an English book.15. This is my book.(复数).16. Is that a cat.(复数)17. Is that a cat?主(变复数)18. His baseball is under the table. (变一般疑问句)19. I go to school by bike.20. I often go hiking on the weekend. (变一般疑问句)21. She is drawinga picture now.22. Is the cat eating fish?(肯定回答)23. I went to guangzhou last week.24. Jim planted treesyeeterday.25. It wassunny yesterday.(变否定句)26. The apples are five yuan.27. There is aT-shirt in the box.(变复数句)28. My mem cleans theroom every day.(变否定句)29. Peter is going to fly a kite next Sunday.30. My bag is red.31. This shirt is very nice.(变为否定句)32. Whatsthe matter?(变同义句)33. Tom is tall,but denny is short.(改为比较句)34. He goes to work by bike.35. We are going to go hiking this Friday.36. I like white best.37. We are going to shanghai38. She is washing the clothes.39. The pens are in the pencil-case.40. Hes going to the Great Wall.(变否定句)41. It is an elephant.42. Miss Xu is a good teacher. (变一般疑问句,肯定回答)43. Its our flag.44. The young girl is my sister.45. My name is Alice.46. She didnt do homework yesterday.(变为肯定句)47. Im from China.48. Tom is cleaning the classroom. (变一般疑问句)49. She often washes the clothes. (变一般疑问句)50. These are maps.(变为单数)51. This is a beautiful bee.52. Is there a book in the deak?(变成复数句)53. There are four chairs in the dinning room.54. Can you play football?(否定回答)55. Xiao ming likes drawing. (变一般疑问句,否定回答)56. My mother works in a hospital.57. Ma Nasuncle live in beijing.58. They walk in the street every evening.59. I often go swimming on Sundays.60. Mark doesnt like playing the piano.61. Is your father going to see your uncle?(变肯定句)62. The children are going to the zoo next weekend.63. I did my homework yesterday evening.64. Miss Li saw the boy this morning.(变一般疑问句)65. Lily ang Lucy went ice_skating yesterday.66. Its seven oclock.67. I can see three pencils in the pencil-case.小学英语系统总复习(代词)一、 写出下列单词的正确形式: 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词I you he she it we they 二、 根据汉语提示,用人称代词的适当形式填空:1(我) am a teacher.2. (她) is eleven years old.3. (他)studiesinNO.1primarySchool.4. (我们)have English,mach,Chinesetoday.5._ (它)is amapof China.6MrBrownhelp_(我)wash thecar.7. I saw_ (你)inthebookstoreyesterday.8. Pleasegive_ (他)anEnglishbook.9.Thebluebikeis _(我的)。10._(她) is an American girl.三选择适当的形式填空1Isthisjacket_-_?(yours ,your, you)2._(Its, Its,Is)Mondaytoday.3.Let_(us, we ,our) havedinnertogether.4._(My, Mine, I )nameis Peter.5.Whats the matterwith _?(he,him)6.Itsabird. _(Its,It,Its)nameisPolly. 7.The pen onthedeskis _(he,him,his)8._(I,We)aminthe postoffice.9._(She,Her)rulerislong.10.Thisis_(you,your) teacher.11.Thatsnotapen._(It,They)isaduck.12.Tom,let _(we,us)gotoschool.13.Do_(you,your,yours)wantto goshoppingwithus?14.Amysfishis smallerthan_(me,my,mine)15.Is this chair_?(she,her, hers)16._(Thiss,Thisis ,That) abook.17Hisschool isbiggerthan_(we,us,our,ours)18.Lookatthecar ._(Its,Its) colour isblack.19_(What,Who,Whose)isonduty?Iam.20.Thatis_newbook.(me,I,mine,my)21.MissChenteaches _-English .(your,us,his )22.ThisisMrLi._(His,She , He,It)ismyteacher.23.Arethoseapples?No,_(they,these, their)arent.24._( I,my,mine) bedroomisclean.25.Myfatherand_(me,I,mine,my)gotothepark.26.Excuse_(I,me),areyouMr. Green?27.IsMike running?Yes,_is.(Mike,she,he)28Lookat_(me,I,my),please.29.Pleaselistento _(she,her,hers)30.Pleasepass_(I,me.my, mine)theknife.四、就划线部分提问:1.Theyare redapples._.2.Its nineoclock._.3.The dressis50yuan._.4.Theboy is inthepark._.5.The maninthecarisToms father._.6.MissLiisher teacher._.7.Heistwelveyearsold._.8.IamfromShanghai._.9.Thecoatisred._10.My nameisSam._.11.I gotoschoolby bus._.12.Aliceisdrawing pictures._.13.Icancleantheclassroom._.14.Myfatherworksinaschool._.15.She goestoCanadabyplane._.16.Thepostofficeis nexttothehospital._.17.Igetupat 7:00._.18.Helikesswimming._19.Ourclassmates doourhome workeveryevening._.20.Itisanelephant._-21.LiYanis164cm._22.Peterisgoingtoclimba mountainnextSunday._23.Shewentice_skatinglasttrip._24.Thepensareinthe pencil_case._25.Itisourclassroom._26.MyunclewenttoShanghaibytrain._27.ChenXiaodongwenttoXinjiang._28.I amgoingtobuyacomicbook._29.Sheisgoingtothebookstore._30.I usuallygetup at5:00everymorning._.五、请将下列各题做出肯定,否定回答:1.Isthisabox?Yes,_ _.No,_ _2.IsMikeyourbrother?Yes,_ _.No, _.3.IsPeterathome? Yes,_ _.No, _.4.Didyourunclereadbooks?Yes,_ _No, _5.Are theyducks? Yes,_ _.No, _.6.IsthisyourT_shirt? Yes,_ _.No, _.7.Isthatateacher s desk?Yes,_is.No,_ist.8.Doesyourbrotherlike playfootball?Yes,_ _.No, _.10.Canyouuseacomputer?Yes,_ _.No, _.11.Isthereaforestinthepark?Yes,_ _.No, _.12.Arethereanyfishintherivers?Yes,_ _.No, _.13.Isthetrash binbehind thedoor?Yes,_ _.No, _.小学英语系统总复习有错就改1 Hello! I is Amy.2 My name Cara.3 -Whats this- Thiss letter B4 This is an clock.5 Whats you name?6 Whos book is this?7 Sorry,Imlate-That all right.8 My sisters name Alice9 What this in English?10 Mom,thiss my frieng.11 Thanks you very much.12 Thats my brother.She is very happy.13 How are your friend?14 -What are you-Fine,thanks.15 This is pencil-case.16 How are you spell that? 17 Thats a book. Abookis on the desk.18 Li lei is a boy .her pen is here 19 He is in class 6,grade six.20 Are your bike black?21 Is the boy in red Tom?-Yes,the boy is.22 Is these your photos?23 Whats those in Chinese?24 Nice to meet your.25 These arent her watchs.26 Do you his friend?27 Where is your computer games?28 There are a book and two pens on the desk.29 I am need my ID card and my notebook.30 These are her pencils-cases31 This is a picture on my family.32 Is he have a baseball bat ? yes,he does.33 She only watches they on TV.34 My parents play sportat6 every day.35 Do you have many friends ? No,I am not.36 Many people like eggs of breakfast.37 Does she likes to eat carrots?-yes,she dses.38 I eat lot of food for lunch.39 Children like French fry very much.40 They doesnt like vegetables very much.41 Is these your books ?42 These are my baseball.43 -That areEnglish names.44 -How are you?- Im good.Thank you.45 Iwent buy some cocks.46 Is she you vew friend?47 Whos thats girl?48 Its name is Nime.49 I have three pencil.50 Thiss my English teacher ,Miss Zhang .51 What are these ?Those are books.52 Today is Monday.Its sunny.53 This is a new book .Itsfor your.54 This is Miss Li.She is a English teacher.55 This is my brother.He name is a English teacher.56 May Iuse yours bike?-Sure.57 How does you spell table?58 Is this he hat ?No,it isnt.59 Is this he hat ?No,it isnt.60 Glad to watch you!61 Glad to watch you!62 Id like three glass of juice.63 Let is play football now!-great.64 Whose books are they?They are Jack.65 This is No.3 bus.66 This is liu Fangs and Liu Jies bedroom.67 Mike is waiting you on the plqyground.68 This is a cups.69 Jack,is that li Leis bag?70 Whos ruler is that?71 Can you spell his name?Yes,hecan.72 My brother has a old cap.73 What colouris her father bike?74 Is you father an English teacher?75 What are this?76 Are these pigs?No,they are.77 Shes Dick mother.78 He name is donny .My name is Tom.79 We go to bed in eight oclock.80 I sister is Kate.81 Where are my shoe?Its over there.82 Is they my pen ?83 -where are you from? Hes from Japan84 Wang Li Li is a student.85 Whos that?-Its a bird.86 Whats coulour is the desk?87 Sorry,where is the cinema?88 Dont read on bed .89 Its time to play the football.90 Alice ,please look this book.91 My name is Ouyang Hai and his name is sun GuangMing92 Betty mother is a friver.93 Three and five are eight.94 Im a worker .I amnt a farmer.95 Today is teathers Day.96 How are you?Im right,and you ?97 This is we ball.98 Hou many birds is there in the tree?99 Im short than you.100 Whats matter with you?小学英语系统总复习(时态)一 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式,现在分词及过去式:play swim fly jump walk run climb eat have buy take live teach go study learn sing dance row watch read clean wash use set do get visit make answer cook write drink take collect put wait leave pass come tell show 二 用所给动词的正确时态填空1Iam (write)an E-mail to my sister now.2. Whats the weather like today? It (be)windy.3. My sister (be) at home yesterday evening.4.What (do) you do last night?5.I (do)my homework after school every day.6.Mingming (visit)her grandparents tomorrow.7.The cups on the table (be)very nice.8.Look !The bird (fly)in the sky.9.My brother (like)playing chess.10.Linda can (speak)Chinese very well.11.I (watch)TVlast night.12.I (be) ill yesterday.13.Peter (wait) for his friend now.14.He (do)his homework yesterday evening.15.The boys (play)football with us next week.16.My mother (wash)clothes every week.17.Lin ping and I often (go) to school by bike.18.He usually (play)computer games on Sundays.19.Did you (go)ice-skating last year?20.I (get)up at 6:00 every morning.21.The girl ( go)to school on foot.22.Lin Dong and Wang Peng (go)to schoolby bus.24.Alice isnt going to (write) a letter tomorrow.25.listen! Who (sing)in the classroom?26.Tom and I (be)swimming ,not running?27.Peter (get)up at 9:00 in the morning last Sunday.28.Alice can (wash)her clothes.29.Look! The cat is (eat)a fish.30.My father (read)newspaper every evening.三选择填空()1. you like this picture? Yes,I A does,does. B do,dont C Do,do()2. Tom singing.But John A:likes,does B:like,dont like C:likes,doesnt()3.I with my parents this year. A:be,going to B:am going to ()4. She isnt going to tomorrow A:swimming B:swim Cswims()5.They arent to go to the park. A:going B:goes C:went D:go()6.What is Miss Li going ?A:do B:doing C:to do()7 Kate and I going see a film tomorrow.A:Isto B:areto C: Areto()8.We have lunch at 12:00 every day. A:doesnt B:arent C:dont()9.My mother the clothes every week. A:wash B:washes C:washs()10.The boy TV every day. A:watch B:watching C:watches.()11.What you usually do after school? A:are B:does C:do()12. they visit the factory last month? A:Do B:Does C:Did()13 When did you home yesterday? A:come B:came C:coming()14 does his brother work? He works in a shop. A:What B:Where C:When()15.I to school on foot. A:go B:goes C:going()16. your classmates playing games? A:Am B:Are C:Is()17.Xiao Ling many pictures lasttrip. A:takes B:took C:taked ()18.Yesterday my birthday.My dad a present for me A:isbuy B:wasbuy C:was bought()19.We can different animals in the zoo. A:see B:saw C:seeing()20.Thedren always to school by bike. A:goes B:going C:went D go()21.They went to Shanghai and good food. A:eat B:eated C:ate()22.Look!Sack a bike. A:rides B:riding C:is riding()23.IS he going to buy a magazine?Yes,he

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