冀教版2020年英语中考模拟试题(一)(II )卷.doc

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冀教版2020年英语中考模拟试题(一)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)完形填空Its very important that we all recycle. In nature, everything can be1again. For example, when an animal dies, it becomes 2animals food. Nothing is wasted. But humans have created things like plastic bags 3cant be broken down by nature. Our rubbish kills animals and 4water and soil. 5we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. If nature cant reuse the rubbish, we must recycle6.We should clean up the rubbish weve made because nature cant.Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason. The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees,7these materials are not endless. We use up our natural materials much8than the earth is able to reproduce them. For example, each year we cut9more that 6,000 square miles of forest. But it takes about 25 years 10a new tree to grow.Recycling can help us save the earth, so lets take action right now.(1)A . eaten B . repaired C . used D . wasted (2)A . the other B . other C . others D . another (3)A . who B . which C . how D . where (4)A . pollutes B . destroyed C . enter D . kills (5)A . If B . Whether C . Why D . When (6)A . them B . their C . they D . it (7)A . but B . so C . and D . or (8)A . better B . slower C . faster D . worse (9)A . out B . down C . in D . up (10)A . to B . in C . for D . with 2. (10分)完形填空。My uncle is a farmer. He has ninety 1trees on his farm. My uncle and my2cant pick(采摘) all the apples in fall(秋天).3they ask my parents and me to 4them every year. Its Sunday. My parents dont go to5and I dont go to school. So well go to the6. We get up early(早) in the 7My mother is in 8old clothes. My father buys many kinds of food for my uncles 9in a shop. She likes them very much. My uncle and aunt 10us many apples, too. I like to work on the farm.(1)A . apple B . orange C . banana D . family (2)A . mother B . sister C . brother D . aunt (3)A . If B . So C . But D . And (4)A . look B . buy C . help D . take (5)A . work B . shop C . school D . home (6)A . office B . hospital C . home D . farm (7)A . evening B . afternoon C . morning D . Sunday (8)A . her B . his C . she D . hers (9)A . son B . daughter C . father D . parents (10)A . take B . bring C . get D . give 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)3. (8分)(1)If you lost your backpack, you may call_ .A . LindaB . KarenC . NickD . Tim(2)Who lost his school ID card ,A . TonyB . NickC . LindaD . Karen(3)If you want to find your set of keys, Please call_.A . KarenB . NickC . TimD . Tony(4)Tonys school ID card is lost, his telephone number is _.A . 8793568B . 8572360C . 8973658D . 89735684. (8分)阅读理解Her name is Mary. She comes from America. She is in China with her father and mother. She can speak a little Chinese. She studies in No. 80 Middle School in Tianjin. She is in the same school as her parents (father and mother). She is a good student. She goes to school six days a week. She likes getting up early. She doesnt like to be late. She often goes to school very early. But today she gets up late. So she gets to the classroom at 7 :30. But there arent any students in it. She is not late(迟到). She is still early. Its Sunday today. The students are all at home.(1)Mary is from_. A . AmericaB . ChinaC . No. 80 Middle SchoolD . Tianjin(2)Marys parents work in_. A . BeijingB . AmericaC . TianjinD . a factory(3)Mary doesnt like to_. A . go to schoolB . be lateC . get up earlyD . live in China(4)Nobody is in the classroom because_. A . its SundayB . Mary gets to the classroom too earlyC . the students are playing in the playgroundD . its 7:30 now5. (8分) You can buy chewing gum in nearly every country of the world. But it wasnt always like that.The American Indians were the first people to chew gum. This gum came from a special tree that grew on their land. In 1848, a sailor called John Curtis began selling it. He was the first person to sell chewing gum. The gum he sold cost just a few cents for two pieces. It became popular very quickly even though it was very hard to chew. Nowadays, other things are added to the gum to make it soft and sweet.By 1890, there were hundreds of different chewing gums. The most famous name in chewing gum, however, is probably William Wrigley. He spent a lot of money in advertising and even sent free pieces of gum to children on their birthdays. He also said that chewing gum helped people work better and that it stopped people from feeling tired.Although today many millions of people chew gum, not everyone thinks it is a good thing to do. Many people think it is dirty. The Singapore government does not allow people to buy chewing gum. One reason for this is that when some people have chewed all the taste out of their piece of gum, they take it out of their mouths and put it on to the backs of seats or other places. (1)请将处翻译成汉语(2)请根据处内容完成下面句子。People make chewing gum soft and sweet _something to it.(3)把处改为直接引语。He also said“, Chewing gum_ people work better and it _people from feeling tired.”6. (6分)阅读下面四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Nearly 20 million shared bikes were put on the streets in China in 2017, and they may lead to about 300,000 tons of waste metal, almost the total weight of steel used in five aircraft carriers.Many discarded bikes are piling up in big cities like Shanghai. Some of them are not completely broken but are still taken out of use. It is said the life span(使用期限) of a shared bike should not be more than three years.One size doesnt fit all. If a shared bike still works well after three years, it might be a big waste to throw it away, says Zhu Xiao, a professor at Renmin University.The huge number of shared bikes and their short life span raise the question of how to recycle the resulting waste metal, and some leading bike-sharing companies have already taken steps in bike recycling.Mobike signed a contract(合同;契约) with a resouree recycling company in May, 2017, to make full use of its bikes, while its competitor OFO also started a program for the recycling of spare bikes, which is not limited to its yellow bikes but open to all types of shared bikes.To solve the waste problem, local governments should make more rules on the management and recycling of shared bikes. Bike-sharing companies should also improve the quality of their bikes to reduce waste. The two sides need to work together to make cities more bike-friendly.(1)The waste metal from shared hikes is as much as the steel in five_ A . airplanesB . minibusesC . aircraft carriersD . spaceships(2)Mobike signed a contract with_in May, 2017, to make better use of its bikes. A . OFOB . Renmin UniversityC . local governmentsD . a resouree recycling company(3)According to the passage, which of the following statements is Not true? A . All waste shared bikes are completelyB . The recycling program of OFO is not limited to its yellow bikes.C . Nearly 20 million shared bikes were put on the street in China in 2017.D . Local governments should work together with bike-sharing companies.三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)阅读以下内容,并完成句子,每空词数不限。Do some colours make you feel calm while others give you energy? Scientists have studied the connection between colours and mood for a long time. Many believe that colour can influence our moods.Warm, bright colours such as yellow and red are positive colours. They can give people a pleasant feeling. Cool colours such as blue, purple, and green are relaxing colours. They help people experience calm feelings.Many public places are decorated with certain colours in order to create certain moods. Orange makes people feel hungry, and many restaurants are painted this colour.People use colour in their homes to create moods as well. Blue is a peaceful colour. It helps you rest, so it is a very good colour for a bedroom.Colours can create bad moods too. Some types of blue make people feel sad. Red can make people feel angry.What is your mood right now? Now look at the colour of the walls round you. Does it match your mood?(1)Cool colours are relaxing colours and they help people experience _.(2)Orange makes people_, and many restaurants are painted this colour.(3)People use colour in their homes to _ as well.(4)Some types of _ make people feel sad.(5)This passage mainly tells us how colour _.四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共14分)8. (1分)My parents got _(结婚) in 1996 . 9. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(1)When is he leaving for the_(机场)?(2)The headmaster n_to us with a smile(3)What made me worried is that my mothers hair has turned_(灰白的)(4)Though the boy was young,he_(表现)very well(5)Could you give me some_(建议)on how to learn English well?10. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(1)He was so busy that he had to order some t_(2)It is c_of the man to kill a fourmonthold baby(3)Do you think what he said_(可信的)?(4)I watched my daughter_(消失)in the distance,feeling very sad(5)The Greens live in a small w_house11. (1分)On _(星期二), we have two English lessons. 12. (1分)Its a secret between us, and dont tell it to a_else. 13. (1分)There is an old stone b_ over the river. 五、 完成句子 (共7题;共26分)14. (5分)我可以用遥控器打开那扇门。(remote control) 15. (5分)用英语翻译下列短语 灭绝_砍伐_以致_失去家园_为了而猎杀_16. (1分)最终,他们找到了那家旅馆。(in the end)_17. (2分)昨天在回家的路上我的汽车出故障了。My car_on my way home yesterday18. (3分)这是谁的玩具卡车? _ _ _ is this?19. (6分)短语(1)_入睡;睡着(2)_朝外面看去(3)_搭起 (4)_收拾干净(5)_制造噪音(6)_逃跑20. (4分)他真是太粗心了,把书落在教室里了。 It was _ _ him _ _ the book in the classroom.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)某英文报社正在举办以“An Unforgettable Experience(一次难忘的经历)”为题的征文活动。请你根据提示,写一篇英语短文,向该报社投稿。 提示:2017年8月8日夜晚9:20左右,一场突如其来的地震发生在九寨沟。假如你是Liu Mei,正和爸爸妈妈在九寨沟旅游。请根据下面的表格描述一下地震发生时的情况。要求:100120词左右。PersonDoingPlaceMother and Iwatching the showsat Jiuzhaigou Art & Culture Square Fathershoppingin a store near the squareAn Unforgettable Experience第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、6-1、6-2、6-3、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共14分)8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、12-1、13-1、五、 完成句子 (共7题;共26分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、20-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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