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鲁教版2019届九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) Whats that in English? Its _ orange.A . aB . theC . anD . /2. (2分) The more _ you listen to the tape, the _ you will find it to understand.A . carefully; more easilyB . careful; more easilyC . carefully; easierD . careful; easier3. (2分)When _ the telephone _?In 1876A . did:inventB . was;inventedC . did;is inventedD . was;invent4. (2分)It took me two hours _ my homework last night. A . to finishB . finishingC . finishD . for finishing5. (2分)When did your uncle _Shanghai? The day before yesterday. A . arrive inB . getC . reach toD . arrive at6. (2分)Its important for us to protect nature because we its rich resources to live.A . depend onB . leave forC . give upD . lead to7. (2分)My Chinese is very poor, but Lily always helps me.You should _ her.A . be popular withB . say thanks toC . be angry withD . listen to8. (2分)Without my permission, you cant give _ to my pet dog to eat. A . somethingB . nothingC . anythingD . everything9. (2分)Mr. Zhang left for America in 1998, and he didnt return home 2002.A . unlessB . whenC . untilD . since10. (2分)- Im afraid I cant mend the bike. Please go and have Mr. Li .- Thank you all the same.A . to do itB . do itC . done it11. (2分)Today I want to drive to work but my car doesnt _. A . workB . walkC . runD . go12. (2分)According to a survey, people _ are able to speak two languages can manage two things at the same time more easily. A . whichB . whomC . whoseD . who13. (2分)Do you know _? A . why she didnt come yesterdayB . when she has comeC . whether she comes next yearD . whom is she looking for14. (2分)After class, Lily _ review what she learned last week.A . continuedB . continueC . continued toD . continuing to15. (2分)During the Spring Festival, Li Lei got a red envelop with 500 yuan. He spent his lucky money on his hobbies. According to the following table, do you know how much he left?Watched a movie in Wanda Cinema with some friends50 yuan/eachBought 3 story books20 yuan/eachBought 2 money stamps50 yuan/eachNotes: one of his friends treated him when watching the movieA . 190B . 240C . 34016. (2分)There is a new movie Invisible guest(看不见的客人) on show. Li Hua and her parents will watch it. They can go there airy day. Please help her work out which is the lowest price for them.Invisible guestTuesday evening¥60 Sunday¥80If you have a student card, you can have a discount of 40% offIf there are three persons, you can have a family price 132 for three(except weekends)A . ¥144B . ¥123C . ¥13217. (2分)下列各组字母中含有相同读音的一组是 _。 A . A, SB . L, YC . M, X18. (2分)I got up late this Monday so I had to _ /rn/ to school. A . ringB . rideC . runD . rain19. (2分)I usually _/prktIs/ the piano after school.A . practiceB . popularC . problemD . person20. (2分)Good grades depend on good study habits. Good study habits are helpful to you throughout your education. As a successful student with good grades, you should _.ask your classmates for help as soon as you find a problempay attention to WHY but not the ANSWER during your studyreview your notes before doing your homeworkmake a plan for your studytry to study too much at one timeA . B . C . 二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)选择正确选项,使短文意思完整。(Whats the best thing to eat on a summer day? Many people would say ice cream. Yes, eating ice cream 1 some fruit on top is a great way to cool down. But think before you eat. If your body is hot from playing sports, its not the best time to eat ice cream.When your body is hot, a lot of ice cream may give your 2some problems, and you can get diarrhoea (腹泻). You can eat some ice cream after youve cooled down a bit and had some tea. Just try not to eat too much 3!After dinner is another time people shouldnt eat or drink anything cold. Drink something hot after you eat, and your stomach will digest (消化) your food better. If you love fruit, summer is a 4 time for you. Go to the market and pick out the best fruit of the season . If you want to stay cool, oranges, bananas, pears and watermelons can 5In summer, germs(细菌) grow very fast and make your food 6 bad quickly. Try hard to keep yourself and your home clean in summer. 7 eat clean, fresh food. When you feel like 8 a cold dish, put vinegar(醋) in it to disinfect (杀菌) it. If you cant 9your food and want to eat it again next day, make sure you heat it enough to 10the germs in it. And when you put food in the fridge, make sure to keep the cooked food away from the uncooked food.(1)A . of B . with C . between (2)A . teeth B . stomach C . eyes (3)A . on time B . in time C . at once (4)A . spare B . safe C . great (5)A . help B . grow C . choose (6)A . feel B . taste C . go (7)A . Never B . Sometimes C . Always (8)A . eating B . to eat C . drinking (9)A . finished B . finish C . eat (10)A . develop B . kill C . hurt 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Peter Owen has been making wigs (假发) since the 1980s. He has made wigs for the stars of more than seventy movies, including Tom Hanks in Philadelphia, Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow, and Nicole Kidman in The Others. One of his biggest jobs so far has been designing the hair and make-up(化妆) for the three Lord of the Rings movies. He had just six weeks to design and make more than a hundred wigs, each one a different style, colour, shape and length.The hair and make-up in a movie are just as important as the costumes(戏装) or the sets. Over the years, Peter has made actors look older, younger, healthy and sick. For one movie he even made a female actor look like a man!“What people dont realize about wigs is that we are not always making people more beautiful,” he says. “Often we are covering up beauty and making them look ordinary.”All Peters wigs are hand-made using human hair, so they look as real as possible. This also makes them very expensivebetween US$4,500 and US$12,500 each! He knows hes done a good job when people dont realize the star of the movie is wearing a wig. So he was pleased when one newspaper said that Nicole Kidman had dyed(染色) her hair dark brown for a movie. “It was a wig and no one knew that,” he says.(1)What is Peter Owens job?A . An actorB . A directorC . A wig makerD . A manager(2)How many wigs did Peter make for the three Lord of the Rings movies?A . More than one hundred.B . Seventy.C . Sixty.D . Three hundred.(3)What special feature(特点)about wigs does Peter mention?A . They can make people more beautiful.B . They can change peoples hair styles.C . They can cover up beauty and make people look ordinary.D . They can make people look younger.(4)Why are Peters wigs so expensive?A . They are made in foreign countries.B . Peter makes the best wigs.C . They are only made for rich film makers.D . They are hand-made using human hair.(5)Which statement is NOT TRUE about Peter?A . Peter Owen has made wigs for lots of movies.B . Designing and making the wigs for The Lord of the Rings was a huge job.C . If people know the star is wearing a wig, Peter will be happy.D . Peter can make actors look quite different from their real looks.23. (6分) Come and see the Indian elephants and tigers from America. The koalas are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from Thailand are waiting to throw things at you. The cute dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets(票)Time:Adult (成人): $ 6June 1 June 2Children: Free9:00 am. 7:00 pm.Keep the park clean!Do not touch (触摸), give food or go near the animals!(1)Mr. and Mrs. Brown will take their twins aged 6 to the park. How much will the tickets be together (总共)?A . $6B . $12C . $18D . $24(2)Visitors can do the following things EXCEPT (除了) _.A . giving some food to the tigersB . watching the elephants dancingC . laughing at the dogs from AustraliaD . taking some photos(3)From the passage we can know the animal “giraffe” is _.A . longB . fatC . tallD . strong24. (10分)阅读理解Student Science FairFor Students in Grades 7-9Dates: October 30-31Location: Sunshine Secondary School GymExplore Your World Think Like a ScientistThe Student Science Fair offers a great way for you to put your science knowledge to use!Science Fair EventsThere is plenty to do during the science fair. Of course, you will want to take a look at all of the students projects. There will be other exciting things too. These events will highlight(亮点)the wonderful world of science. The announcement of the winners will take place at the awards ceremony(典礼)on Friday afternoon. Several of the other events are listed below.Meet a Robot!Can people and robots work together? The answer is “Yes”. Scientists will be at the fair on Thursday October 30, with Modo. Modo is a robot helper being developed to help people with jobs they do. Lets learn how Modos large blue eyes are able to “see” things. Watch Modo take and hold objects and move them from side to side. Then see how Modo puts the objects on a shelf. Touch Modo on the arm. Watch what happens! It will respond to your touch. If you push it too hard, it will say, “Ouch”!Our Own !As is known to all, William Shakespeare is well-known to almost all writers while Thomas Edison is familiar to the inventors. Here comes our local Thomas Edison. Make sure youre in the gym at 10:00 a.m. on Friday. Thats when local genius Ray Allen will give a talk about his life as an inventor. He will also show what his inventions can do.SCIENCE FAIR SCHEDULE(日程表)Registration October 27 7:30 A.M.- 5:00 P.MSet-up of ProjectsOctober 28 - 29 10:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M.Science Fair ViewingOctober 30 - 31 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 PMAwards Presentation October 31 1:00 PM(1)When will the Sunshine Secondary School Science Fair be held? A . From October 27 to 28.B . From October 28 to 29.C . From October 29 to 30.D . From October 30 to 31.(2)Why will many students be in the gym at 1:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon? A . Modo will appear.B . Registration will take place.C . The winners will be announced.D . Ray Allen will give an interview.(3)What information can we tell from Meet a Robot! A . Scientists are still developing Modo.B . Modo falls over easily.C . Scientists will be at the fair on Friday.D . Modo robots will be for sale.(4)Which of the following can be put in the blank of “Our Own _” ? A . ModoB . RobotC . William ShakespeareD . Thomas Edison(5)Which of the following belongs to the empty box below? A . A School Science FairB . A Public AppearanceC . An Awards Ceremony.D . A Schedule of Events25. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项。 Like many people, I have no clear idea about heroes. At some point, we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics which give us courage and make us want to learn from them.A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a special story to tell and people think highly of it. But a hero is not just the person with great fame (声誉).A hero has powers larger than himself. Some people want to live like a hero, and they have to experience a life with new and further meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for? If the answer suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes.A hero has a vision from the mountaintop. He has the power to move people. He creates new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin Luther King Jr., Americans might take different buses, eat in different restaurants, go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colours of their skin.There might be changes in society (社会) without a hero, but the speed of change would be rather slow. Thanks to heroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.(1)According to this passage, a hero is a person who always _. A . gives us courageB . thinks highly of others.C . shares great fameD . stands on the mountaintop(2)If you want to live like a hero, you should _. A . experience a new and meaningful lifeB . listen to something worth talking aboutC . serve your own fame and try to be famousD . know where and how you want to live and die(3)The underlined word vision in Paragraph 5 means _ in Chinese. A . 风景B . 想象C . 远见D . 形象(4)Black people in America used to _ before Martin Luther King Jr. A . shop at the whites storesB . take buses with the whiteC . take walks in the whites parksD . eat in restaurants without the white(5)What can we learn from the passage? A . We dont need heroes anymore at some point now.B . Heroes are all the same though different in cultures.C . People get power from heroes to move to a new place.D . Our society has developed faster because of heroes in history.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)补全对话A: Hello, the basketball club._B: Yes. I want to join the basketball club.A: All right. _B: Yes, I can. But I cant play it very well.A: _B: Jennifer Smith.A: How old are you?B: Thirteen.A: OK. _B: 773-5566.A: _B: Yes. Its love126.com.A: Great. Welcome to our basketball club, Jennifer.B: Thank you. Im so happy.A. And whats your phone number, please?B. Whats your name, please?C. Can you play basketball?D. Can I help you?E.Doyouhaveane-mailaddress?五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)任务型阅读。Today a Ferris wheel is usually 40 to 60 feet tall That seems very high when you are on the top looking down But the first Ferris wheel was 264 feet high taller than a twenty-story building! Can you imagine the view from the top of that?The first Ferris wheel was built for the 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicago The people who planned the fair were looking for an attraction that would bring people to Chicago George Ferris handed a drawing of a giant wheel that people could ride on At first everyone laughed at his strange idea But Mr Ferris did not give up, and finally the idea was accepted The ride opened in June of 1893Todays Ferris wheels have 12 to 16 seats, which each carry 2 or 3 people But that first one had 36 enclosed cars, each holding 60 passengers When filled, it carried 2, 160 people During that summer in Chicago, about 15 million people rode the Ferris wheelAfter the fair the ride was moved to a nearby amusement park built especially to show off the wheel In 1904, it was moved again to St Louis for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition After the fair there, the wheel stood unused In 1906 it was finally sold to a company for scrap metal (废铁)Luckily a Chicago bridge builder, WE Sullivan, figured out how to make a smaller Ferris wheel that could easily be taken apart and put together In 1906 he started the company that still makes many of the Ferris wheels used todayBut, whenever you ride one, remember that it all began with George Ferriss strange idea!(1)How tall is a Ferris wheel today?_(2)What was the first Ferris wheel built for?_(3)What did people think of Ferriss idea at first?_(4)How many people rode the first Ferris wheel during the summer in 1893?_(5)Compared with todays Ferris wheels, what was the first Ferris wheel like?_六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)愉快的暑假结束了,在近一个月的紧张学习中,你还常记起你在假期是怎样度过的吗?请根据提示完成一篇名为“My Vacation”的短文。提示:Where did you go? Did you go with anyone?How was the weather? What did you do there?What food did you eat? What did you like best?Did you dislike anything? How did you like your vacation?要求:1).题目已给出。2).词数80词左右。3).文中不得出现真实学校或姓名。4).不要逐条回答问题,可以适当发挥。My Vacation第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、


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