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Vendor Equipment and Appliance Application Form 供应商设备及用品入场申请表Vendor profile:供应商资料: Dept./部门:_Co. Name/供应商名称(盖章): Buyer/采购员: _Address/地址: Tel No./采购员电话号码: _Contact Person/供应商联系人:Details of the event promotion/促销, 活动细则口In Store 场内口Out door 场外Store No. /适用商场(店号):_0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0109 0110 0111 0115 0117 0120 0123 0124 0125 _Theme/主题:_豆浆机演示_ Item/商品名称,性质(附商品清单):_Date, Timing/日期,时间段: 2010年 11 月 01 日(WM WK )至 2011年 3月 31日(WM WK )Objective/目的 : 口New Item Promotion新品促销 口Seasonal Item Promotion季节商品促销 口High-end/Import Item Promotion高单价/进口商品促销 口Item Inventory Reduction库存商品促销 口Environment Sustainability环保商品 口Others with remark其它: _Store Support / 商场提供:_演示位置支持_Vendors equipment & appliance 供应商提供所需设备及用品(包括:样机、样品、机器设备、以及不含有宣传文字及宣传画的各类设备及用品等):序 号Serial No.设备、用具及物料名称 Equipment & appliance list数 量 Qty.1演示台142塑料桶283垃圾桶144宣传单页20005试吃杯100006Suggest Location/Size / 建议位置/面积:_家店促销区域/2平方_Buyer DMM GMM / RGMM采购员: 商品经理: (区域)商品总经理: - Equipment Entering Store Advice:设备入场通知To: (vendor):致: (供应商)Please send the above mentioned equipment to Store#_ before _. Please take back the equipment and appliance in one week from _ if it is out of use. (Cosmetic dept. can send or take back the equipment and appliance for several times.)_广州市广新电器有限公司供应商, 请于_2010_ 年_11 月_01_日前将以上要求设备送至沃尔玛 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0109 0110 0111 0115 0117 0120 0123 0124 0125_店。设备使用完毕后,请于_2011_年_3_月_31_日起一周内将设备及用品取回。 (#46化妆品部门在_ 年_ 月_日至_年_月_日期间内可将该设备及用品多次送入店内或取回。)Vendors shall take back the Equipment and appliance within the specified period. Otherwise, Walmart store can dispose with vendors equipment and appliance without any compensation.供应商应在上述规定的时间内取回设备,未按时取回的,视为供应商放弃所有权,沃尔玛商场有权自行处理该设备及用品,而无需给予供应商任何补偿。The vendor should undertake all liabilities of their infringement to Walmart Company, associates, customers, or any third partys property, body, other interests which is resulted by the vendors Equipment.由于供应商提供的设备的原因所造成的对沃尔玛公司、员工、顾客或第三方的财产、人身和其他方面的侵害,责任应该由此提供设备的供应商承担。(Note: The entry of equipment with power consumption not exceed of 2000W (single phase) should be endorsed by store maintenance manager while equipment with power consumption in exceed of 2000W (single phase) should be approved by HO Maintenance.)( 注:入场的设备用电功率在2000瓦以下的(单相)设备可以由店内维修经理审批,功率等于或大于2000瓦以上的(单相)设备入场需由总部维修部审批。) Maintenance Dept.(In-store/H.O.)店内/总部维修部经理_Merchandising GMM / RGMM 采购部(区域)商品总经理_Vendor(Company Seal)供应商(盖公司章) _商品清单Item List商品号Item No.商品名称Item Description成本Cost原零售价Original Retail特别零售价Special Retail促销毛利Promotion MU%所属品类毛利预算Category MU% Budget备注Remark


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