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金城中学2013年春八年级英语单词竞赛(本套竞赛题每小题1分,满分为100分)一短语英汉互译1. fall in love with_2. come true _3. keep out_4. make progress_5. call sb. up_6. pay for_7. get on well with sb_8. fitinto _9. run away_10.hear about 1. 数以百计的,大量,许多 2.与 同样的 3. 尽可能 4. 各种各样的 5. (在)另一方面 6. 成绩单 7. 至少 8. 顺便一提,顺便说 9. 说本族语的人 10. 四分之三 二根据语境和首字母提示填空,补全单词。1. I want to write a letter, I have a pen, but I have no p_. Would you like to give me some?2. Do you think there will be r_ in peoples homes in the future? They are just like humans.3. The baby is only eleven months old, but he is a_ to walk. Look! Hes staggering along. How cool he is!4. A: Ive lost my job. Ive got another job i_ tomorrow. B: Good luck to you! May you succeed!5. A: I have a little cute white dog. Do you have a p_ at your home?B: Yes, it is a little cat. Look! Shes playing with a small ball in the corner.6. I a_ with my mother. My mother was angry. But I felt sorry for that now.7. I have two t_ to the concert. Lets go to the concert together, shall we?8. A: Whos not here, Grace? B: We all come here e_ Jim.9. A: He has no money. B: Neither he does. I dont have, e_.10. I thought I f_ my math test but I found out I passed. I really felt very happy.11.Teachers are usually c_ to candles by people.12. A: Wheres your mother? B: She is cooking dinner for us in the k_ now.13. I flew to Hong Kong from Nanchong by air last Saturday. It was my first e_ of taking a plane.14. The little boy likes to f_ her mother everywhere. Hes afraid of being lost.15. When I found him, he was having his hair cut in a b_ shop.16. Look! A cat is c_ a tree. It wants to catch the bird singing in the tree.17. “A UFO l_ on Culture Road last Sunday.” Uncle Wang says to everyone.18. There are many s_ flowers in the park. I dont know their names.19. Miss Yang isnt here right now. Can I take a m_.20. Dont be n_. Take it easy.21. This term Ive got good grades. I am going to work harder at English next s_.22. Our teacher was very angry when she saw our d_ marks(分数) in the exam.23. My sister likes dancing and singing. She was s_ to have dance class on Saturday afternoon.24. Its not right to c_ others homework. You should do it yourself.25. Yao Ming is 2.05 m_ tall. Do you know?26. John is going to o_ a party for me this weekend. Would you like to join us?27. She made a l_ by selling snacks last autumn.28. Everyone obeys the laws. If I become a l_, I will be able to help more people.29. Look! How beautiful the f_ are in the garden! Ill buy some for my teachers.30. In this accident, about 20 people were killed and 12 people got i_.31. Please save money! Im a_ spending so much money.32. A: Wow, you have such a good collection of books! B: I love collecting books, but now I feel worried, for I cant find enough room to s_ them.33. He has been dancing s_ he was nine years old.34. When you send a letter, usually you should put a s_ on the envelope.35. My parents bought me a p_ of shoes.36. Beijing is a great city in the world. It is the c_ of China. 37. A: Are you i_ in skating? B: Sure. I am a skating lover.38. Tom is a p_ boy. He always talk to people politely. We all like him.39. She works as a w_ in the restaurant. She is hard-working all the time.40. The parks have been open to the p_ for two weeks.41. Our English teacher often e_ us to study English well. He hardly ever criticize(批评) us.42. I bought my mom a necklace(项链) as her birthday p_. 43. Do you mind her going there i_ of you?44. Twenty-four young singers e_ a contest by singing popular English songs.45. The traffic lights c_ from red to green. You can go across.46. Columbus d_ America, but did not explore the new continent(大陆).47. The tour g_ showed us around the Great Wall last week.48. The t_ of Singapore is almost the same all year round because it is so close to the equator.49. A: My brother doesnt like snakes. B: Me n_.50. A: What do you think of your future? B: Its difficult to make a p_ _ about the future.51. Youd better look t_ the reports before the meeting.52. I wont leave here until the two guys come a_.53. We use the e_ to go up and down the building. It is convenient.54. At n_ , the sun is high in the sky. Its time for lunch.55. When the traffic lights are red, its dangerous to c_ the street.三根据语境、词汇释义或首字母提示补全单词。1. Each of us will have a p_(ones own) computer in the future.2. She arrived in London on a cold morning. Three days l_(at a time in the future), she found a job in a restaurant.3. Nobody is p_(complete and without faults). Everyone has faults(缺点).4. I was a_ (sleeping) when the UFO landed in front of my house.5. I was glad to r_(to get or to be given sth) a gift from my grandpa on Childrens Day.6. a_: permit, admit, let sb do sth, let sth be done. 7. b_: very young child. 8. c_: to pick out from a number of things. 9. d_: not safety. 10. e_: give the meaning of something, make something clear. 11. f_: from another country or belong to another county. 12. g_ : something we wear in front of our eyes to help us to see better. 13. h_ : man, woman and child, of man or mankind. 14. j_: to move the body off the ground. 15. l_: not high or tall. 四根据语境及同音词提示填空1. She something wrong with her . (/nuz/)2. Last he was too to go to work. (/wi:k/)3. Dont _the waster paper the window. (/ru:/)4. there are students, there are those who _ a uniform. (/w/)5. A: Glad to you. Where are you going? B: Im to buy some (/mi:t/)五快速反应题(在题后的横线上填出适合题意的英语单词)1. A word has three letters. Its first letter is in “cake” but not in “make”; the second letter is in “coat” but not in “cold”; the third letter is in “letter” but not in “let”. What is the word? _. 2. Which can we eat, sheep, cow, chicken or pig? _. 3. Im ten. My brother is twice as old as I am. How old will my brother be ten years later?_4. My first is in snow but not in ice, my second is in rose and also in ice, my third is not in pencil but in paper, my whole is in a place where there is a lot of water. What am I? _5. In the sports meeting Mingming, Yingying, Beibei, and Lingling took part in the 100-metre race. A reporter asked them who ran fastest. Lingling said, “I was not the last one.” Yingying said, “I was faster than Mingming.” Beibei said, “Mingming ran faster than Lingling.” Mingming said, “ Beibei was slowest.” Who got the first place? Can you guess? Now please fill in the blanks:_ got the first place.

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