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九年级Unit13月考试卷一单项选择(10分)( )1- How do you study _ a test? - I study _ working with a group.A: for by B: by in C: for from( )2My sister said she studied by _ English-language videos.A: watch B: watching C: watched( )3What about _ the textbook? A: reading B: read C: to read( )4It improves my _ skills A: spoken B: speak C: speaking( )5I have trouble _ the new words.A: memorize B: memorizing C: to memorize( )6I dont know how _ commas. A: use B: to use C: used( )7Miss Li regards all his students _ his children. A: as B: for C: to( )8If you dont know how to spell new words, look them _ in a dictionary.A: up B: for C: after( )9The small boys decided _to each other. A: not talk B: not talking C: not to talk( )10.Its fun lantern riddles during the Lantern Festival.A. guessB. guessesC. guessingD. to guess( ) 11. good picture! Who painted it? A. HowB. What C. How a D . What a( ) 12.I wonder on April 23, World Book Day. Did you find any interesting books to read? A. what did you do B. what you did C. what do you doD. what you do( ) 13.He was tired he could not go on walking.A. too; toB. such; thatC. so; that( ) 14. You really went to the park last weekend? Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.A. will B. would C. do D. did( ) 15. I dont know next. Lets ask our teacher for help.A. what to do B. what should I do C. how to do D. how I should do二完形填空 (10分) I like English very much. I think English is very important and 1 . Here are my opinions of 2 English well. I think there are many ways 3 learn English. For example, asking the teacher 4 help is very helpful. One of my good 5 said he had trouble 6 English. His 7 English is very poor. So he reads aloud every morning. Now he can speak English very well. Watching English shows on TV can also be helpful. You can learn many words 8 them. Remember “Where there is a 9 , there is a way.” Believe you can do it 10 .( )1A: useful B: use C: used( )2A: learn B: learns C: learning( )3A: to B: for C: of( )4A: to B: for C: of( )5A: friend B: a friend C: friends( )6A: learn B: learning C: to learn( )7A: speak B: spoken C: speaking( )8A: by B: in C: from( )9A: shall B: can C: will( )10A: well B: good C: bad三阅读理解 A Three students are talking about the New Year tradition of their own country. A. Christina from Spain On the last day of the year, December 31st, people wait till 12 p.m. Everybody must have 12 grapes to eat at midnight. At each sound of the clock, we must eat a grape. But we cant ever finish eating the grapes on time! Usually when people still have some grapes in their mouths, they look at each other and start to laugh. This tradition started in Spain long ago. One year, when there were a lot of grapes, the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Years Eve. B. Cordon from Britain On New Years Day in Britain, people have parties. At 12 oclock, the music stops, and we listen to the radio. On the radio we hear Big Ben, the famous clock in London. Then everybody sings a song about friendship and kisses their friends. We say Happy New Year! to each other. Its lucky if a tall man with dark hair is the first person to come to the house in the New Year. So I go and visit as many friends as I can. They all give me a drink. C. Angela from Brazil In all cities in Brazil, we have a big party on New Years Eve, especially in Rio de Janeiro. People in this city go to the beaches to watch fireworks(烟花). We put flowers in the sea and think about things we want for ourselves or others. We usually wear white clothes for good luck during the New Year.( )1. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Have 12 grapes to eat.B. Have parties.C. Give flowers to others.D. Watch fireworks.( )2. Who have parties during the New Year?A. People in Spain.B. People in Britain.C. People in Brazil.D. Both B and C.( )3. From the paragraph of Cordon from Britain, we know that .A. Cordon cant drink muchB. people hear Big Ben on the radioC. people sing a song about good luckD. everybody in Britain goes to watch fireworks( )4. On New Years Day, Brazilians usually wear white clothes because .A. they hope that can bring them good luckB. that reminds them of their happy lifeC. they think that they look beautiful in whiteD. thats what they have to do during the New Year( )5. This article mainly tells us .A. what people in Britain do on New Years DayB. when and where people have New Years partiesC. what people in different countries do on New Years DayD. why people around the world like the New YearBThis week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using English. Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying grammar, she said, “I never study grammar. Its too boring.” Wei Ming feels differently. Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have fun. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.阅读文章,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F”( )6. Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new words was by memorizing them.( )7Lilian Li never studied grammar. ( )8Wei Ming has learned English for seventy-two months. ( )9Joining the English club at school was Liu Changs best way to improve her English.( )10Liu Chang thought having conversations with friends was helpful.CJanuary for Rock Community CenterSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday12Mens lunch1-3 pm3Bin go7-9 pm4Exercise class10-11 pm5Chess Club Meeting2-4 pm6Fashion Show2-5 pm789Movie8 pm10Bin go7-9 pm11Shopping2-5 pm12Ladies lunch2-5 pm13Sing a song2-4 pm141516Family Swim7-9 pm17Bin go7-9 pm18Sewing Class19Travel Lecture2-5 pm20Dinner and Dancing7-11 pm212223Book club Meeting2-5 pm24Bin go7-9 pm25Movie8 pm26Dance Class4-6 pm27Shopping Trip2-5 pm28根据日历选择正确答案( )11. What activity does the Community Center have on Tuesday? A: Chess Club Meeting B: Bing go C: Movie( )12. When is the sewing class? A: on Monday B: On Friday C: On Wednesday( )13. What time does the movie start on January 9? A: 9 pm B: 8 pm C. 10-11 pm( )14. If you want to go to Shopping Trip, when can you go? A: On Jan 11 B: On Tuesday 7-9 pm C. On Jan 27( )15. What is happening on Jan 20? A: Dance Class B: Dinner and Dancing C: Shopping Trip四、词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。polite, exercise, rush, fail, reason, wait,happy, difference, direct, hate, correct, quickMy family moved to America last year from a small town in north China. I had a part-time job as a 1 in a Chinese restaurant. One day, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how I could bring their food so 2 . I told her I always respected the elderly. I found her 3 when she heard that. My manager heard my words. He took me aside and told me that Americans were sensitive (敏感的) and 4 the description (描述) of “old”. I then walked back to the table and 5 said sorry to the wife. After they learned about the 6 , they understood that the problem was caused by cultural 7 , so they laughed. In the USA, people think “growing old” is a problem. Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by 8 , like jogging or swimming. When I told the couple I respected the elderly, they got angry because this made them feel they 9 to stay young. They didnt want to hear that. Now I have changed the way I treated the elderly. I still respect them, but now in a different, less 10 way.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: What are you going to do after school, Alice?B: Ive no idea. (1) ?A: Im going to the supermarket.B: (2) ?A: Some fruit and vegetables.B: (3) ?A: No, my mother will. She doesnt allow me to cook dinner. It is one of my family rules. Are you allowed to cook dinner?B: Yes, Im good at cooking. (4) when she is cooking.A: Great! By the way, would you like to go to the supermarket with me?B: (5) . Lets go.六、书面表达(15分) (一) 以“How do I study English?”为题写一篇小短文。可以写你学习英语的困难以及学习方法。要求:不少于30单词;字迹工整;How do I study English?_(二)一家英语杂志社正在调查不同国家孩子母亲节给妈妈送礼物的情况。假如你是林超,请根据表中的信息并结合自身看法,给杂志社写一封信。CountryGiftsReasonsAnitaEnglandA nice scarf1. need one2. favorite colorJacobUSAA hand-made card1. mean a lot2. easy to makeZhang PengChina.1.2.注意: 1. 内容必须包括表格中的信息; 2. 词数:80个左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear editor, I am writing to tell you about how children from different countries choose gifts for their mothers on Mothers Day. _ Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Zhang Peng(三)假设你是Lucy,国庆节期间你将和父母去某城市旅游。你从网上获得了Sunshine Hotel的部分信息。请你写一封电子邮件给该宾馆的经理,介绍你的行程并咨询如下相关细节:1. How far is the hotel from the airport? 2. How can you get to the hotel? 3. Do they offer free breakfast? 4. Is there a discount (折扣) for a long stay?要求:1. 覆盖要点,请补充合理的细节;2. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir, My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail? Lucy答案一1-5 ABACB 6-10 BAACD 11-15 DBCCA二1-5 ACABC 6-10 BBCCA 三A . 1-5 CDBAC B . 6-10 FTTTFC . 11-15 BCBCB四1 waiter 2. quickly 3. unhappy 4. hated 5. politely6. reason 7. differences 8. exercising 9. failed 10. direct五 1. What about you 2. What would you like to buy 3. Will you cook dinner 4. And I always help my mom 5. Of course / Glad to 六(一)略 (二)Dear editor,I am writing to tell you about how children from different countries choose gifts for their mothers on Mothers Day. Anita is from England. Shed like to give a scarf as a gift to her mother. Anita thinks her mother really needs a nice scarf and its her favorite color. Jacob comes from the USA. Hed like to give his mother a hand-made card. Because its easy to make and it means a lot. Im from China. My mother is a worker. I want to give her a nice cup. Then she can use it to drink a cup of tea and have a good rest after work. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Zhang Peng (三)Dear Sir, My family is planning a holiday to your city. I got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions to ask. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?We are arriving in your city on October 1st. And we plan to stay in your hotel for 5 days. Would you tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And wed like to know how we can get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least, would you mind telling us whether there is a discount for a long stay? Thanks for your time. Im looking forward to your reply. Lucy

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