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2017高考英语北师大版一轮复习Unit 24夯实训练含答案高考题型提能练(二十四)Unit 24(2016广西桂林、崇左市高三4月联考)Our modern life is changing our eating habits.We are spending too much time in front of TV or computers and _1_(become) “couch potatoes” or “mouse potatoes”We also eat too much junk food and we dont get enough exercise.The foods we find in the supermarket are sometimes no _2_(benefit) to us,and it is difficult to know exactly _3_ we are eating when we buy readymade or preprepared dishes.Considering this situation,it is becoming _4_(much) important than ever _5_(make) sure that we keep a healthy diet.A healthy diet gives us the calories we need and dont contain too much fat.The number of calories we need _6_(change) depending on what kind of body we have (are we short,tall,heavy etc.)and how active we are.Quality food,or healthy food,gives us calories in the best way.Junk food,_7_ the other hand,gives us few calories and lots of fat and sugar.If we eat too much fat and sugar,we will put on _8_(weigh) easily,in order to live _9_ happy and long life,we should keep a _10_(balance) diet.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。不良的饮食习惯给人们带来了很多危害,因此作者呼吁大家要养成健康的饮食习惯。1becoming考查动词的用法。与前面的“are spending”构成并列谓语,故用ing形式。2beneficial考查固定搭配的用法。谓语动词为系动词be,故用形容词作表语。“be no beneficial to”意思是“对无益”。3what考查关系词的用法。句意:当我们购买了现成的或提前准备好的食物时,我们很难清楚地知道我们吃的到底是什么。know后面的宾语从句中缺少宾语,故填what。4more考查比较级的用法。根据后面的than这个词,可知要用形容词的比较级。5to make考查不定式的用法。由语境可知此处意为“为确保”,应当用不定式作目的状语。6changes考查动词时态的用法。the number of 意思是“的数目”。“The number of复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。7on考查固定搭配的用法。on the other hand 为固定搭配,意思是“另一方面”。8weight考查名词的用法。put on后面缺少宾语,应当变成名词。“put on weight”是“增肥”的意思。9a考查冠词的用法。live a happy life“过着幸福的生活”,这是固定词组。10balanced考查形容词的用法。修饰名词diet要用形容词,balanced意思是“均衡的”。.阅读理解ALike many people you may be dreaming of a career as a rock and roll star. There are two ways to go about getting one. First there is the traditional way. Find some friends and form a group. Learn to play the guitar or the drums. Write your own songs. Spend hours arguing about the band name. Then go on the road. The next step is to spend a year or two touring. If you are good, the crowds will get bigger. In the end an artist from a record company may come to a show. If he or she likes you,there may be a deal. This is the route traditionally followed by bands in the music industry. Success means fame and wealth. And failure gives you some interesting stories to tell your children.Over the last few years a different path to success has become known. Boy bands like Boyzone and girl bands like the Spice Girls dont come together on their own.They are created by managers and record companies.Their image is strictly controlled. Professional song writers usually write their music. This is a convenient arrangement and the public seems to love the result.Though boy and girl bands have become very popular recently,there is a long tradition of making music in this way. In the early 1960s an American businessman called Berry Gordy founded Motown Records. Motown is short for “motor town”. The record company was based in the city of Detroit, where thousands of AfricanAmericans had moved to work in the car industry. They brought with them a cultural tradition of writing and performing music. This style later became known as “soul music”. Berry Gordy was a diamond miner. He took raw talent from the street and polished it until it shone. Motown stars were not just given songs to sing. They were also taught how to dress well and speak properly. 1In the first paragraph the writer seems to tell us _. A. to form a band is very hardB. the name of the band is very importantC. newlybuilt bands can only perform by roadD. to form a band is very simple答案:D推断题。依据第一段中“First.”所在的句子可看出作者认为组成一个乐队非常简单。2If a newborn band wants to succeed, as the writer tells, it must have the chance_.A. to travel in big citiesB. to perform before an artistC. to make an agreement with a record companyD. to experience failure again and again答案:C细节题。根据第二段中“In the end an artist from a record company may come to a show. If he or she likes you, there may be a deal.”可知C项正确。 3From the fourth paragraph,we can conclude that _.A. Motown was only enjoyed by the workers in DetroitB. Motown showed the style of the black AmericansC. Detroit used to be famous for its music industryD. Detroit was founded by AfricanAmericans答案:B细节题。依据该段中“. where thousands of AfricanAmericans had moved to work in the car industry.”而确定选B项。4From the passage, we can learn that Motown stars_. A. used to be minersB. used to dress poorlyC. became perfect little by littleD. came from Berry Gordys hometown答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段中“He took raw talent from the street and polished it until it shone.”可知C项是最佳选项。 BPerhaps you think you could easily add to your happiness with more money.Strange as it may seem, if youre unsatisfied, the issue is not a lack of means to meet your desires but a lack of desires not that you cannot satisfy your tastes but that you dont have enough tastes.Real riches consist of welldeveloped and hearty capacities to enjoy life.Most people are already swamped (淹没) with things.They eat, wear, go and talk too much.They_live_in_too_big_a_house_with_too_many_rooms,_yet_their_house_of_life_is_a_hut.Your house of life ought to be a mansion (豪宅), a royal palace.Every new taste, every additional interest, every fresh enthusiasm adds a room.Here are several rooms your house of life should have.Art should be a desire for you to develop simply because the world is full of beautiful things.If you only understood how to enjoy them and feed your spirit on them, they would make you as happy as to find plenty of ham and eggs when youre hungry.Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, richly furnished room where you might find many an hour of rest and refreshment.To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person, for a rich person is not someone who has a library but who likes a library.Music like Mozarts and Bachs shouldnt be absent.Real riches are of the spirit.And when youve brought that spirit up to where classical music feeds it and makes you a little drunk, you have increased your thrills and bettered them.And life is a matter of thrills.Sports, without which you remain poor, mean a lot in life.No matter who you are, you would be more human, and your house of life would be better supported against the bad days, if you could, and did, play a bit.Whatever rooms you might add to your house of life, the secret of enjoying life is to keep adding.1.The author intends to tell us that_.A.true happiness lies in achieving wealth by fair meansB.big houses are peoples most valued possessionsC.big houses can in a sense bring richness of lifeD.true happiness comes from spiritual riches2.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably implies that_.A.however materially rich, they never seem to be satisfiedB.however materially rich, they remain spiritually poorC.though their house is big, they prefer a simple lifeD.though their house is big, it seems to be a cage3.It can be learned from the passage that_.A.more money brings more happinessB.art is needed to make your house beautifulC.literature can enrich your spiritual lifeD.sports contribute mainly to your physical fitness4.What would be the best title for the passage?A.House of LifeB.Secret of WealthC.Rest and RefreshmentD.Interest and Enthusiasm 1解析:选D写作意图题。本文通过把物质上房子的大小和精神上房子的大小进行对比,说明真正的幸福来自精神的富有而不是物质的富有,故选D。2解析:选B句意理解题。画线处的句子意思是:他们住在拥有太多房间的一所太大的房子里,然而他们精神生活的房子却是一个小屋。物质和精神上的对比说明无论物质生活是多么富有,他们的精神生活仍然是贫穷的,故选B。3解析:选C细节理解题。第五段把文学、古典文学比作一个房间,在那里你能得到休息,振奋精神,得到那份对文学的爱将会使你成为一个精神富有的人,故选C。4解析:选A标题归纳题。本文通过把物质生活的房子和精神生活的房子进行比较,得出物质生活富有并不代表精神生活富有,我们需要的是精神上的房子,故A项最能概括本文主旨。C(2016郑州质量预测) In all the worlds cultures, people sing, play instruments, and celebrate with music.It plays such an important role in our lives that all fields focus on its study, including one looking at the biology of music.Experts are finding that because of the way our brains process music, learning to play an instrument or just listening to music can have a wide range of benefits.Music education has received a lot of attention.Learning to play an instrument can help children improve math, science, and language skills.One study in Canada tracked childrens IQ scores for nine months, discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score improvements.The secret may lie in the way reading music and playing notes uses several areas of the brain, increasing our ability to learn school subjects.For example, reading notes improves spatial reasoning skills, which are helpful in solving math problems like fractions.Music is also used for medical purposes, such as the treatment of diseases which affect memory.The secret lies in the way the brain processes music.One area near the forehead, the medial prefrontal cortex, connects music with memories stored in two other areas:the amygdale and hippocampus.Thats why an old song can remind you of something that happened years ago.For patients suffering from diseases like Alzheimers, listening to music can help unlock buried memories by strengthening musical pathways to memories.With the evidence of musics benefits pouring in, its no wonder some countries make music study a part of their education systems.People are recognizing that more than just a form of entertainment, music is also great for the brain.1.Scientists are studying music because _.A.music can be used for medical treatmentsB.music plays a very important role in our livesC.our brains can process music in different waysD.music education has received a lot of attention2.According to the Canadian study, which children had increased IQ scores?A.Those who already had high IQs.B.Those who had always played music.C.Those who could not play any instrument.D.Those who studied music for a period of time.3.Which of the following is a kind of disease?A.Spatial reasoning.B.Alzheimers.C.The amygdale and hippocampus.D.The medial prefrontal cortex.4.What can be the best title for the text?A.Music and healthB.Music and the mindC.Music and education D.Music and instruments 1解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知音乐在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用,因此人们热衷于对它的作用进行研究。2解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段的“.discovering that children who studied music had the biggest test score improvements”可知加拿大的研究证明了学习音乐的孩子学习成绩会进步。3解析:选B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“For patients suffering from diseases like Alzheimers, listening to music can help unlock buried memories”可知B项是一种疾病,即老年痴呆症。4解析:选B标题归纳题。本文主要讨论了音乐对于人们思想的影响,涉足音乐可以促进我们智力的提高,以及改进我们的记忆等情况,因此B项符合题意。.任务型阅读Some Steps for Breaking Through Your Comfort ZoneA comfort zone is a selfimposed boundary where a person will refuse to push past. Doing so usually fills him or her with nervousness and anxiety. So lets talk about breaking out of this comfort zone. Get information. To break through your comfort zone you need to first educate yourself. Your goal here is to find out about whatever skill youre pursuing. Youll talk to people who have done the same thing. 1._ And youll check out articles on the Internet about this subject.Have a plan. After educating yourself its important to create a plan of action. With this step youre going to write down a stepbystep blueprint for how youre going to break through your comfort zone. 2._ Then you create a plan to get to each level. In this plan you need to create benchmarks. These are minigoals that put you one step close to pushing past your comfort zone.3._ This is an important step because the people in your life will keep you on track. You want them to give you that “push” as youre pushing your boundaries. They will make it hard for you to quit because you know youll look foolish if you did.Remain positive. There will be times when you experience a negative outcome, something that shakes your confidence and makes you feel scared. The trick is to not let anything prevent you from blasting past the point of comfort. Recognize that you will have negative outcomes. 4._Keep expanding your comfort zone. 5._ Find stuff that you never imagined you would do. Like teaching a class on the subject that once filled you with fear. Or you could work on a related skill.A.Look for new challenges.B.You cant become an overnight success.C.Its a natural part of the process.D.Youll read books on the subject.E.Have people around you know of your plan.F.You wont have time to think about your fear.G.You start with the easiest thing to do.完形填空 (2016山西适应性检测)When you are five years old, your mother is your everything. She is your _1_, friend, and nurse; the only person you rely on _2_ with your hopes, dreams, and wishes. But for me, this was not the case.My mother suffered from _3_ problems that would keep her in bed for days, leaving me to care for her and look after myself. This situation _4_ me to grow up much faster. While I knew my mother was sick, I felt deep down that we could _5_ it and everything would be okay. _6_, in 1997 everything went terribly wrong, and my life changed forever.Adoption is a _7_ word to a fiveyearold, but when I realized that my own mother had signed me over to _8_, I felt it was the worst betrayal (背叛). I suffered from shock, anger, and confusion as I attempted to adjust to my new family. No longer could I _9_ anyone since the person I had loved more than all else had abandoned me. Hearing people tell me that she did it in my best interest, I felt even more _10_. I could not forgive her and always _11_ how she could reject me like an old sofa. However, the more I got older, the more I began to understand how _12_ our situation had been. We had been _13_ on boxes of noodles, and at one point we _14_ lived in our car. I was once passed from drugaddicted cousins to mentally unstable neighbors as my mother _15_ to try and save me from what our lives were becoming _16_ each day passed.Only recently have I begun to understand _17_ my mother gave me to strangers. _18_ she really did save me. She loved me more than anything, so she wanted me to have a _19_ in life, one she could no longer offer me. I now know my life has been a special _20_ only because she was selfless enough to give me up.1.A.hostess B.competitorC.provider D.candidate2.A.mainly B.completelyC.gradually D.occasionally3.A.moral B.physicalC.social D.legal4.A.forced B.inspiredC.allowed D.convinced5.A.stick to B.escape fromC.decide on D.get through6.A.Otherwise B.MeanwhileC.However D.Therefore7.A.familiar B.negativeC.simple D.foreign8.A.strangers B.cousinsC.friends D.neighbors9.A.understand B.supportC.trust D.praise10.A.worried B.innocentC.scared D.bitter11.A.imagined B.wonderedC.remembered D.questioned12.A.ridiculous B.urgentC.desperate D.complex13.A.focusing B.working C.acting D.surviving14.A.also B.evenC.still D.yet15.A.fought B.learntC.hesitated D.tended 16.A.till B.beforeC.as D.once17.A.how B.whyC.that D.what18.A.In the long run B.Time and againC.For quite a while D.All at once19.A.challenge B.goalC.reward D.chance20.A.gift B.factC.test D.deal.短文改错(2016南昌二模)Harmony is very important to our society. All of us are looking forward to live in a harmonious society. As students, I thought we should first keep our dormitories with harmony. For one thing, it can create a good environment for my studies and life. For other, it can help us grow healthily. Unfortunately, there are some way to make our dormitories harmonious. Firstly, we should learn to understand each other and solve everything in the peace. Secondly, we should try to get rid our own bad habits. Lastly, we should share or get on with each other.高考题型提能练(二十四).15DGECA. 1解析:选C考查名词。hostess“女主人”;competitor“对手”;provider“提供者”;candidate“候选人”。根据前文“When you are five years old your mother is your everything.”当你五岁的时候,你的妈妈是你的一切。可知母亲在你的生命中扮演着各种角色来照顾你,故选C。2解析:选B考查副词。mainly“主要地,大体上”;completely“完全地,彻底地”;gradually“逐步地,渐渐地”;occasionally“偶尔,间或”。句意:她是唯一一个你可以带着希望、梦想和期望去完全依赖的人。根据句意,故选B。3解析:选B考查形容词。根据空后的“.that would keep her in bed for days, leaving me to care for her and look after myself.”可知“我”的母亲生病了,需要照顾,故选B。4解析:选A考查动词。句意:在这种情况下,我成长得很快。根据句意,故选A。5解析:选D考查动词词组。stick to“坚持,粘住”;escape from“逃脱”;decide on“决定,选定”;get through“通过,熬过”。句意:当我的母亲生病的时候我在心底觉得我会熬过这些艰难的时光,一切都会变得好起来。根据句意,故选D。6解析:选C考查副词。前文讲到“我”觉得一切经过“我”的努力都会好起来,但是根据后文“in 1997 everything went terribly wrong, and my life changed forever”可知事情不但没有好起来,还向坏的方向发展了。两个句子之间在意义上是转折关系,故选C。7解析:选D考查形容词。对于一个五岁的孩子来说,收养对他来说是不相关的、陌生的,故选D。8解析:选A考查名词。根据后文“I felt it was the worst betrayal (背叛)”可知作者的母亲要把他送给陌生人,相当于收养他,故选A。9解析:选C考查动词。前文提到因为“我”的母亲想把“我”送到陌生人家去让别人收养“我”,所以“我”感到了被背叛,“我”不再信任任何人,故选C。10解析:选D考查形容词。句意:从人们那里听说她这样做是为我好,我甚至感觉更痛苦。表明作者依旧很恨他母亲,尽管母亲是在为他好,故选D。11解析:选B考查动词。句意:我不能原谅她,我经常想她怎么能够随意丢弃我就像我是一个旧沙发一样。根据句意,故选B。12解析:选C考查形容词。ridiculous“可笑的,荒谬的”;urgent“紧急的,紧迫的”;desperate“令人绝望的”;complex“复杂的,合成的”。根据后文的“boxes of noodles”, “lived in our car”等可知作者和他母亲的生活在当时是多么地令人绝望,故选C。13解析:选D考查动词搭配。survive on“靠活下来”。句意:我们过去仅靠几盒面条活下来。故选D。14解析:选B考查副词。句意:曾经一度我们甚至是在车里度过的。根据句意,故选B。15解析:选A考查动词。由前文的“drugaddicted cousins”和“mentally unstable neighbors”可知“我”的母亲为了保护“我”不受环境的伤害而努力奋斗着,故选A。16解析:选C考查连词。句意:我曾经经过药物上瘾的堂兄家,经过精神不稳定的邻居家。我的母亲奋斗着,尽力保护我的安全,护着我安全地度过这些生活给予我艰难的日子。故选C。17解析:选B考查疑问词。句意:直到现在我才开始理解为什么我的母亲要将我送给陌生人。根据句意,故选B。18解析:选A考查固定用法。in the long run“从长远来看”;time and again“屡次,常常”;for quite a while“有一阵子”;all at once“突然,同时”。上一句说道作者开始理解他的母亲的苦衷,母亲是从长远打算想让他有一个好的生活,故选A。19解析:选D考查名词。句意:“我”的母亲为“我”长远打算,将我送给别人是希望“我”跟着别人有机会生活得更好,故选D。20解析:选A考查名词。句意:现在我知道我的生活是一份特殊的礼物仅仅是因为我的母亲无私地将我放弃。根据句意,故选A。.第二句:liveliving第三句:thoughtthink; within第四句:myour第五句:otheranother第六句:UnfortunatelyFortunately; wayways第七句:去掉the第八句:rid后加of第九句:orand

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