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Task:Unit One Cultural Relics NSEFC studentsbook 2 readingTeaching goals:1,Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2,Improve the students reading ability.3,Train the studentsability to grasp key information while listening.4,Train the students speaking ability.Teaching important and difficult points:1,Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2,Train students reading ability and comprehending.OrganizationT:Good afternoon,boys and girls.Ss:Good afternoon,teacher.Lead inT:Glad to see you again. We learned some cultural relics yesterday.Do you still remember them?Give me some examples,please.S1:The Great Wall S2:Mogao Caves S3:Taj MahalT:Good job.Today we are going to learn another cultural relic.Look at the two pictures on pages12;do you know what it is called?Ss:The Amber Room.T:Yes,you are right.I will show you some other pictures about the Amber Room. T:They are majestic and grand,right?Ss:Yes,they are amazing.T:Do you want to know about the Amber Room?Y:Yes,we are eager to .PresentationT:Ok,today I will take you to walk into the world of the Amber Room to feel its grandiosity and history.please read the paregraph first quickly and try to answer my questions.It tells the strange history of the Amber Room,a cultural relic of two countries:Germany and Russia.Why is it called the Amber Room?What happened to the Amber Room?T:Read the text quickly, trying to the main idea of each paragraph .Discuss in your group of four.T:Ok,stop here.Volunteer to tell me each paragraphs main idea.S1:The Amber Room has a strange history and something about its design and building.S2:The history of the Amber Room and its founctions in Russia.S3:Catherinethe Amber room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg and it became one of the great wonders.S4:The Nazi German army syole the Amber Room in 1941.After that what really happened to it remains a mystery.S5:The Russians and Germans have built a New Amber Room at the summer palace,following the old photos.T:Great,you have grasped the main idea.Next work in pair to estimate if it is true or false.1. The Amber Room was not easy to make.2. Catherinedid not like everything about the Amber Room when she first saw it,3. The Amber Room was taken to Kongigerg and hidden there in 1941.PracticeT:Please listen to the tape and follow it to read the text and answer the following questions1. What could the King of Prussia never think of his present to the Russian?He could never think of his present would have such a strange history.2. Why was the gift given the name the Amber Room?Because about seven thousnd of tons of amber were melt to make it.3. Was the Amber Room specially made to be a gift?No,it was not.4. Where was the the Amber Room first placed?In the Czars winter palace in St Petersburge.5. Where is it now?No one knows.It remains a mystery.T:Now read the passage again and finish the exercises.1. The King of Prussia who gave the Amber Room as a gift to Russia was-A Frederick the first B Frederick William the firstC Peter the Great D Catherine the second2.The King of Prussia gave the Amber Room to Russia because-A he wanted to marry Catherine the second B he was kindC he needed better soldiers D he wanted to make friends3.The Amber Room was stolen by-A Russia soldiers B German soldiersC people in Konigsberg D people in St Petersburg4.In 1941,the city of Konigsberg was in-A Germany B Russia C Sweden D France5.The Russias did not hide the Amber Room becauese-A they were at war B they could not find a placeC the German soldiers arrived too soon D no train take it awayHomeworkT:Today we have learned the history of the Amber Room.I think everyone has your own opinion about how to protect the cultural relics.Please write is down and turn in next week.Is there anything you do not understand?Ss:No.T:Ok,our class is over.Goodbye,boys and girlsSs:Goodbye,teacher.

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