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冀教版中考英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)When we read a piece of news online, wed better make sure its _ before sending it to others. If not, we may spread something bad. A . trueB . specialC . strange2. (2分)_ the party, we sang a song together. A . In the endB . At the endC . In the end ofD . At the end of3. (2分)-You look so worried, whats wrong?-More and more people like me begin to worry about the _ pollution after the haze (雾霾) appeared in Beijing and some other cities in China.A . waterB . airC . noiseD . Soil4. (2分)If you want jazz. Please go to the Fantastic House.A . listen toB . hearC . to listen toD . to listen5. (2分)There is a blackboard _ the classroom. A . in front ofB . nearC . in the front ofD . next to6. (2分)The maths problem was so difficult that none of us could _. A . try it outB . work it outC . look it upD . work on it7. (2分)Im worried about my brothers so I call him five times a week. A . dreamB . healthC . luckD . wish8. (2分)My grandma cant sleep well. She sleeps six hours a night. A . more thanB . less thanC . lessD . more9. (2分)They lost the match and they were _by us.A . wonB . hitC . beaten10. (2分)Will Monica go to the dancing party?Perhaps, but Im not sure.A . CertainlyB . MaybeC . Of course11. (2分)I promise you will receive a warm welcome if you come to England. Thanks a lot.A . getB . offerC . bring12. (2分)Class 3 will have a party the evening December 31st. A . in; ofB . on; ofC . in; inD . on; on13. (2分)A number of tourists _ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city. A . have been toB . has been toC . has gone toD . have gone to14. (2分)- What do you like doing after class?- I like not only reading painting.A . andB . but alsoC . orD . for15. (2分) I find it difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it. English is very important in our daily life. Never _.A . give up itB . give it upC . give away itD . give it away二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I first moved to Melbourne, my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. One day, I decided to go to Royal Melbourne Hospital for a 1check. On the way to the hospital, I was so 2that I might have got a serious illness.Not having a car, I had to get to the hospital 3bus. However, I got on a bus by mistake that was going in the opposite 4. Finding that, I 5the bus quickly, stood on the street and didnt know what to do. I looked into the eyes of a woman who was 6past me. Surprisingly, instead of moving on, she stopped to ask if I 7get help. What a kind woman! I started to 8my situation to her, and tears started running down my face. The woman pointed to a bus stop across the street and told me that a bus would be there 9and it would take me to hospital. I wanted to thank her, but 10left.A car stopped near me 11I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. It was the woman. She returned and offered to drive me to the hospital.Such unexpected kindness from a 12was a lovely gift for me. As I got out of the car at the hospital, I felt so grateful. There was a 13on her face. That was the most beautiful smile I have ever 14. She said some nice words and told me to think positively , for all the things are 15. There is always someone who is willing to help others.(1)A . local B . harmful C . simple D . medical (2)A . tired B . happy C . worried D . excited (3)A . by B . on C . in D . for (4)A . direction B . sign C . price D . situation (5)A . got away B . got off C . got up D . got back (6)A . walking B . speaking C . looking D . working (7)A . need B . must C . should D . will (8)A . compare B . explain C . talk D . wonder (9)A . already B . once C . soon D . yet (10)A . he B . they C . we D . she (11)A . so B . while C . but D . however (12)A . neighbor B . driver C . stranger D . doctor (13)A . tear B . pain C . joke D . smile (14)A . seen B . heard C . tasted D . taken (15)A . comfortable B . possible C . thankful D . pleasant 三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共40分)17. (10分)(2015福建厦门)Visiting London? Start planning your trip right here. This guide tells you the must-see events that take place in London throughout the year.Change the Guard at Buckingham PalaceBritish Summer Time Music Festival Changing the Guard or Guard Mounting includes an exchange of guard duties(换岗) at Buckingham Palace. Watch the ceremony as each set of guards dressed in traditional coats and hats takes over from their brothers-in-arms.Address: Buckingham Palace, London SWIA1AAPublic Transport: Green Park Tube StationOpening Hours: 11.30 am daily at Buckingham Palace, 11.00 am(10.00 am on Sundays) daily at Horse Guards Parade.Tickets: Free to enterInternet:www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/event-8725947-changing-the guard The Barclaycard British Summer Time Music Festival take place every year in Central Londons Hyde Park. The week-long event covers many musical tastes, from pop to rock to dance. The acts so far confirmed(确认) for 2015 include Taylor Swift, The Who, Paul Weller, Ellie Goulding, Kaiser Chiefs and John Newman.Address: Hyde Park, London, W2 2UHPublic Transport: Marble Arch, Hyde Park Corner, or Green ParkOpening Hours: 26-27 June 2015Internet:www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/whats-on/music/music-festivalTotally Thames FestivalNFL American Football In September, Londons Totally Thames Festival celebrates the citys famous river over 30 days, spreading 42 miles, and more than 100 separate arts and cultural events. In 2014 the festival was filled with walks, tours, rowing-boat races, theatre, cinema, the many other exciting ways to enjoy London, all taking place on or next to the River Thames.Address: Different locations along the riverOpening Hours: Throughout SeptemberInternet: totallythames.org Londons Wembley Stadium, seating 90,000, will host three games in the NFL International Series. In 2015 the teams that will be visiting London from the USA include the Buffalo Bills, the Jacksoville Jaguars, the Detroit Lions, the Kansas City Chiefs, the New Yorks Jets an the Miami Dolphins.Address: Wembley Stadium, Empire Way, Wembley, London, HA9 OWSPublic Transport: Wembley ParkOpening Hours: 4 Oct, 25 Oct and 1 Nov 2015Internet:www.visitlondon.com/tag/nfl-london(1)You can enjoy the ceremony of Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace at _.A . 11.30 am every dayB . 11.00 am every dayC . 10.00 am on Sundays(2)In the late June, a music fan would probably go to London to watch _.A . British Summer Time Music FestivalB . Londons Totally Thames FestivalC . NFL American Football(3)The opening hours for Totally Thames Festival is _ NFL American Football.A . as long as B . longer thanC . shorter than(4)The 2015 NFL American Football will be held in _.A . HydeB . Wembley ParkC . Wembley Stadium(5)The passage is probably taken from a _.A . diaryB . geography bookC . guidebook18. (6分) My five brothers, my sister and I lived in Toronto with our parents. My father worked in a factory, and my mother stayed at home. Each year my father would dress up as Santa Claus and go through the streets sharing joy and candies with the children there. He loved it as much as they did!But around Christmas in 1970, my father was out of work. In fact, there was no money for Christmas and my parents werent sure how theyd provide for us.That Christmas Eve, however, as usual, my father left the house dressed as Santa Claus. He knew that even though our Christmas would be hard, he could not make the other kids in the neighborhood disappointed.As my father left the house and went downstairs, another Santa Claus was walking up, with a great bag of gifts for us! He said nothing, only smiled a sweet smile at my father, and wished him a merry Christmas. The jolly man handed the bag and walked away down the block.We never knew who showed us great kindness on the snowy Christmas night. We do know, however, that without him we would have had nothing under the tree. His kindness gave my parents hope and showed us in a very real way the true meaning of Christmas.Our family has never forgotten this kind stranger and his generosity(慷慨). Each year we tell the story of the mysterious(神秘的) Santa Claus and try to repay his gifts by giving help to others in need.(1)According to the passage, the writers father is _on Christmas.A . braveB . lonelyC . seriousD . generous(2)The underlined word “jolly” in the passage probably means “_”.A . handsomeB . strongC . happyD . silly(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . The family showed thanks to the Santa Claus and helped others in need.B . The bag from the other Santa Claus was filled with gifts and moneyC . Santa Claus that helped the family lived a rich life in the same community.D . The writers father arranged another Santa Claus to take the place of him.19. (10分)阅读理解Here are some English study skills for beginners.ListeningListening is a great way to improve your pronunciation and intonation (语调)You can start by listening to short stories for children because they are usually easy.ReadingReading is a good way to help you learn new words. And it will also help you learn English grammar. Childrens books are great for beginners.VocabularyWhen you come across new words in the reading, write them down in your notebook. You can write down the translation in your na tive language to help you understand.SpeakingWhile doing your reading exercises, read them aloud. You can also look for some articles on the Internet to read.Learning any language needs practicelots of practice. You dont have to spend hours studying each day; just 30 minutes a day for four or five days a week will help you improve it.(1)How can we improve pronunciation? A . By listening.B . By watching TV.C . By writing.D . By learning grammar.(2)How do begi nners learn new words according to the passage? A . Remember the words in the dictionary.B . Write down the new words you meet in the reading.C . Look for new words on the Internet.D . Read the new words many times a day.(3)How much time should beginners spend studying English? A . They should spend two hours every day.B . They should spend an hour every week.C . They can spend just 30 minutes once, and four or five times a week.D . They can spend ten minutes once, and twice a week.(4)What does the underlined word translation”mean in Chinese? A . 翻译B . 发音C . 位置D . 次数(5)Whats the best title for the passage? A . How to improve English reading.B . Ways to study English grammar.C . English is important.D . Study skills for English learners.20. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CAre you feeling sleepy in class? I remember that I used to get up at eight when I was young. And we used not to do homework. But now, everything has changed.For 12-year-old Liu Xiangjian, the most difficult thing in life is getting up at 5:50 a.m. every school day.I dont want to get up so early, but I used to be afraid of being late, the six-grade Beijing primary school student said, I want more sleep.Liu has breakfast at 6:15 a.m., and after a 30-minute bus ride, arrives at school at 7 a.m. Like most of his 28 classmates, Liu arrives at school a full hour before lessons start at 8 a.m.In 2007, a survey of 2500 schoolchildren in six cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, it was found that about 77% students were short of sleep.In a recent survey made by the China Daily website, almost 70% of the 1,130 respondents(调查对象) said that they agreed with cutting school hours, while 20% disagreed and 10% had no comment.Although their children spend long hours at school, many parents arrange(安排) for them to take more studies.Lius mother, Wang Qunyu, who teaches at a high school in Beijing, thinks her son is still not doing enough to win a place at a good quality(质量) high school.Of course I want my son to have more sleep, more exercise and more fun, she said, but the common saying is that if you give your child a happy childhood in China, you give him failed future.Something must be done to change peoples traditional thought that a college diploma(毕业证)is a ticket to a good job.(1)Which of the following is true according to the passage? A . Liu Xiangjian likes to get up earlier.B . Lius mother thinks her son is working hard enough.C . Liu goes to school by bike.D . In Lius school, the first lesson starts at 8 a.m.(2)How many people in the survey had no comment? A . 1130.B . 149.C . 113.D . 991.(3)What is the writers opinion according to the passage? A . A college diploma doesnt mean a good job.B . The students should have less sleeping timeC . The writer agrees with Lius mothers idea.D . The author disagrees with cutting school hours.(4)The underlined expression if you give your child a happy childhood in China, you give him failed future. means _. A . If a child plays happily, he will fail the game.B . If a child doesnt spend more time on study, he will not have a good job in the future.C . If a child has more sleep, he will go to a good college in the future.D . If a child plays happily, he will get a college diploma.21. (6分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Sometimes it seems that time is flying. Perhaps it doesnt need to feel this way. Our experience of time can be possibly changed. By understanding the psychological (心理学的) processes behind our different experiences of time, we might be able to slow down time a little.One basic law of psychological time is that time seems to slow down when were exposed (接触) to new environments and experiences. The law is caused by the relationship between our experience of time and the amount of information our minds process. The more information our minds take in, the slower time seems to pass.It follows, then, that we have different experiences of time in different situations. In some situations, our life is full of new experiences. Our minds process a lot of information and time seems to slow down. In other situations, we have fewer new experiences and the world around us becomes more and more familiar (熟悉的). We become insensitive to our experience, which means we process less information, and time seems to speed up.How can we slow down time? Here are two suggestions.Firstly, since we know that familiarity makes time pass faster, we can expose ourselves to as many new experiences as possible. We can give ourselves new challenges, meet new people, and expose our minds to new information, hobbies and skills. This will increase the amount of information our minds process and expand (增加) our experience of time.Secondly, and perhaps most effectively, we can give our whole attention to an experience-to what we are seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling or hearing. This means living through our senses rather than through our thoughts. For example, on the way home, focus your attention outside of yourself, instead of thinking about the problems you have to deal with. Look at the sky, or at the buildings you pass, traveling among them. This open attitude to your experiences helps take in more information and also has a time-expanding effect.To a certain degree, we can understand and control our experience of time passing. Its possible for us to slow down time by expanding our experience of time.(1)According to the writer, we can expand our experience of time by _. A . going to bed on timeB . traveling to new placesC . having dinner as usualD . printing the same materials(2)What can we learn from the passage? A . Being familiar with the world around helps us get more information.B . Understanding psychological time makes life pass more quickly.C . We can take in more information by living through our senses.D . We should build a stronger relationship between time and us.(3)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A . Slow Down TimeB . Only Time Will TellC . Race Against TimeD . Time Will Not Come Twice四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个合适的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。Welcome to _(I) room. Look at the photo _the wall. You can _(see) my parents, my sister and me in the photo. Look! This is my jacket. It is _. My hat is blue, too. They _(be) on my bed. Oh, can you see the model plane?_looks very nice . You can see my books _pencils are on the desk. _is my baseball? Its _on the desk. Its under the chair. Do you want to make friends(交朋友) with me? You can call me _689-5265.五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据中文大意和英文提示词语,按要求写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文。所给的英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的真实姓名。假如你是李磊,你的笔友Tom想来北京旅游,请你给他提一些建议。如:时间、活动安排等,并给出原因。提示词语:the best time, warm, do some sightseeingDear Tom,Im happy to know that you want to visit Beijing.Yours,Li Lei第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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