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Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.第二部分 英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Tom must be at home because the light in his house is on. He _ be at home, because I saw him playing basketball on the playground. A. mustB. canC. mustntD. cant( )2. Youll find the bus stop _ the street. A. at the end ofB. by the end ofC. at the endD. in the end( )3. I feel really _ before making speeches. Take it easy. You are the best. A. nervousB. disappointedC. unpopularD. bitter( )4. Our headmaster told us how to _a good mood, so we can study in high spirits. A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. keeps( )5. It makes me so _ to see children being treated _. A. angrily; badlyB. angry; badC. angrily; badD. angry; badly( )6. Before you are going to hand in your test papers, you should _ again. A. think about themB. think them aboutC. think over themD. think them over( )7. Mr. Li is ill. Let Mr. Wang _ us instead of him. A. to teachB. teachC. teachesD. taught( )8. Do you think its important to _ your family?Yes, I think so. A. get along onB. get alongC. get along ofD. get along with( )9. I saw a snake lying across the road _. A. on the way to homeB. on the way homeC. in the way to homeD. in the way home( )10. Shall we _ a short play for Anns birthday party?Sounds great. A. put up B. put downC. put onD. put off. 情景交际。(5分)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. Are you feeling better?B. You should go to see the doctor. C. Im afraid of taking bitter medicine. D. Im afraid of catching SARS. E. I would like to go home. F. Follow the doctors advice and youll get well soon. G. You shouldnt see a doctor. Peter: Hello, John. This is Peter speaking. John: Hello. You sound sad. I heard you had a bad cold. 11 Peter: No. Im feeling much worse. 12 It makes me so tense. Do you think Im going to die?John: No, Peter. Calm down and take more exercise. You just had the flu. 13 Peter: But I hate to go to the hospital. 14 John: Dont be afraid! You are the bravest boy. 15 Peter: Thanks, John. 11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _. 完形填空。(10分)People usually talk about two types of colors: warm colors and 16 colors. Scientists think that there are also 17 kinds of people. Some people prefer warm colors and others prefer cool colors. The warm colors are red, 18 and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people 19 want to be active. People think red is exciting. The cool colors are green, white and 20 . Where there are cool colors, people are usually 21 . Red may be exciting, but one 22 says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. He says that a warm color, such as red or orange, is a good color for a 23 room or restaurant. When some people are resting or eating they dont want time 24 quickly. Cool colors are better for offices or factories. when some people are 25 there, they want time to pass quickly. ( )16. A. coolB. hotC. brightD. black( )17. A. allB. twoC. mostD. many( )18. A. orangeB. blueC. greenD. black( )19. A. sometimesB. seldomC. usuallyD. never( )20. A. pinkB. blueC. orangeD. red( )21. A. movingB. activeC. noisyD. quiet( )22. A. parentB. scientistC. teacherD. student( )23. A. workingB. livingC. readingD. waiting( )24. A. to passB. passC. passesD. passing( )25. A. playingB. workingC. seeing filmsD. singing. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)Mrs. Black is sixty-nine years old. She only has a daughter named Sandra. Mr. Black died twelve years ago. Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in her house alone. Two years ago her daughter had a baby. The young woman was busy all the time and had no time to look after her son James. She asked her mother to live with them.The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. She was strong and could do all the housework. And the family liked her.Last autumn Mrs. Black went to do some shopping. A car hit her and her leg was hurt. She had to be in hospital for three months. She couldnt do anything after she came back. At first her daughter was kind to her, but soon she began to be tired of(讨厌) her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. She didnt know what to do.One morning Mrs. Black broke a plate. It made her daughter angry. She told James to buy a wooden(木制的) plate for his grandma. That afternoon James came back with two wooden plates. She was surprised and asked, “Why did you buy two plates, son?”“One is for grandma,” answered the boy, “the other is for you! You will also have to use a wooden plate when youre old, I think.”The woman heard this and was sad. She cried for long. Now she is kind to her mother as she was before. ( )26. Sandra asked her mother to live with them because _. A. the old woman lived aloneB. she needed her helpC. the old woman couldnt look after herselfD. the old woman could give her much money( )27. The family liked Mrs. Black at first because _. A. she was very richB. she could watch their doorC. she could do all the housework for themD. she was friendly to them all( )28. Mrs. Black was afraid that _, so she couldnt leave her daughters house. A. she had no house to live inB. she couldnt look after herselfC. Sandra couldnt go to see her any moreD. A and B( )29. James bought a wooden plate for his mother because _. A. he didnt love herB. he liked itC. he hoped she would be kind to his grandmaD. she often broke the plates at home( )30. Sandra is friendly to her mother again because _. A. she knows she did wrongB. she was afraid of her sonC. the old woman is poorD. its her duty(B)I used to be an active girl. But two years ago, an English speaking competition held in my school changed me a lot.I stood on the stage(讲台) for the first time. I was so nervous that my brain(大脑) suddenly became empty. Not long after I began my speech, the hall turned noisy. It seemed that they were laughing at me. I knew I failed.From then on, I became quiet and always stayed alone. I didnt want to express my ideas in public, even in class. Every time I wanted to say something, I thought people would laugh at me. My friends couldnt understand me, and they left me, one by one.One day, my science teacher asked us why trees in forests were much taller than those in the wild. “Ha, what a silly question!” I thought.“Theres not enough space in the woods for trees to expand their branches. Of course they have to grow taller than others. The trees in the wild neednt do that since theres enough space. ” I said in a low voice.To my surprise, the teacher said, “Yes, youre right. It is a competition. ” My face turned red right now. I hadnt spoken for a long time, especially in public.Then the teacher explained how trees in forests had to grow taller to receive more sunlight. If not, they would die. This also happened in our society.Whats more, the tree that doesnt live in a crowd is just like a person who has no friends in life.I raised my head slowly and found the teacher was looking at me. His eyes were as warm as sunshine. I realized that I must stand up and face the truth. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )31. We can know there was an English speaking competition two years ago from the first paragraph. ( )32. The hall turned noisy because the weather was too hot. ( )33. After the competition, the writer lost her confidence. ( )34. The science teachers question was difficult. ( )35. From the story, we can guess the writer is likely to stand up from her seat after the science class. (C)If you think youre too shy and want to be a little braver, try the following. You can make it. 36 Theres no need to hide it. When they get to know youre a shy kid, theyll understand you better. This also helps you feel easier in talks. 37 When you smile, people think youre friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.Take one small step at a time. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make you want to keep talking to that person?Turn your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Dont waste(浪费) time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. 38 Each time after you say “hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say “I did it!” to yourself. Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.Keep trying and one day youll never be shy when you talk to others.(A)根据短文内容,从下面方框中的4个句子中,选出3个句子分别放入文中第36,37,38的空白处,使短文意思完整。A. Learn to be a good talker. B. Tell people youre shy. C. Dont lose heart. D. Try to smile more.36. _ 37. _ 38. _(B)按要求完成下面两小题。39. Most people will stay away from an angry-looking face. (改为同义句)People dont want to talk to the person who _.40. Dont waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. (请将此句翻译成汉语)_第三部分 写作(25分). 词汇部分。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。41. Carrie will give a s_ in front of all her classmates. 42. His aunt cant find her p_, so she wont go to England tomorrow morning. 43. When the sun shines brightly, we always have happy t_. 44. Dont make so much n_, the other students are preparing for the English exam. 45. If you are in a good mood, you can study in high s_. (B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。46. Mother lets Michael _ (not watch) TV all day because the final exam is coming. 47. I dont want to make a wrong _ (decide) so I have to think it over. 48. Its very difficult for her brother _ (learn) English well. 49. We hope _ (see) him be happy again. 50. I saw some boys _ (play) basketball when I passed the gym. . 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。(5分)51. _ (放松)! We still have a lot of time. 52. When we are in trouble, we should learn to _ (笑对生活). 53. I would like more time to _ this problem _ (仔细考虑). 54. Tom has no experience to give a speech. Lets _ (轮流) to help him. 55. Li Ming wants to improve his English, so he often uses his Renai English Machine to _(自学). . 书面表达。(10分)在日常生活中会出现一些让我们觉得烦恼的事情,然而每一件事情都有解决的办法。请写一篇短文谈谈令你烦恼的事情和你是怎样解决这些问题的。要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在6080之间。_参考答案Unit 5 Topic 3第一部分 听力. 1. A2. B3. A4. C5. B. 6. A7. B8. C9. B10. C. 11. A12. B13. B14. C15. A. 16. B17. A18. B19. C20. B第二部分 英语知识运用. 1. Dmust be表示肯定的推测;cant be表示否定的推测。由句意汤姆在打球可知他不可能在家。故选D。2. A考查at the end of . 在尽头/末尾,是固定短语。by the end of . 到末为止;in the end最后。在街道的尽头用at the end of。故选A。3. A考查形容词。nervous 紧张不安的;disappointed 失望的;unpopular不受欢迎的;bitter有苦味的,痛苦的。由答语Take it easy. 别紧张,可知应选A。4. Ahow引导动词不定式在这里作told的间接宾语。故选A。5. D考查固定句型make+定语+adj.。treat为行为动词,应该用副词修饰。故选D。6. Dthink over仔细考虑。代词只能放在中间。故选D。7. Blet sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,let后跟省略to的不定式。故选B。8. Dget along/on with sb. 与某人相处,属于固定搭配。故选D。9. Bon the way to sp. 在去某地的路上,如果地点是副词here, there, home等,则省去介词to。故选B。10. Cput on上演; put down放下; put up张贴; put off 推迟(某事),根据题意,选C。. 11. A12. D13. B14. C15. F. 16. A根据一般常识和下文得知,颜色分为两大类,即暖色和冷色。故选A。17. B根据下文,可知道根据人们对颜色的喜好,人也可分为两种。故选B。18. A根据第二段第一句把B、C排除,且根据第二段倒数第三行,可知orange是暖色。故选A。19. C一般说来,暖色使人主动,活泼。这里强调一般性。故选C。20. B从选项中得知只有blue是冷色,其余是暖色。故选B。21. D冷色令人放松,喜欢冷色的人文静。故选D。22. B研究色调对人的影响,一般来说是科学家的工作。故选B。23. B联系下文中的some people are resting。可推知选B。24. A固定搭配want to do sth. 意为“想要做什么”。故选A。25. B工厂和办公室应该是工作场所。故选B。. (A)26. B由The young woman was busy all the time and had no time to look after her son James. She asked her mother to live with them. 可知她是需要母亲帮助的。27. C由第二段的内容可知,因为Mrs. Black帮他们干了很多事,所以他们才喜欢她。28. DMrs. Black在去女儿那里之前,把房卖掉了,她要是回去的话,就没有地方住了。同时,她的腿受了伤,也没有人照顾她。29. C从James说的话可以看出,他是想让母亲对外婆好一些。30. A从最后一段可以看出,Sandra知道自己错了。(B)31. T由第一段But two years ago, an English speaking competition held in . 可知。32. F由I was so nervous . empty. 可推断是因为作者太紧张而没有演讲好,不是因为天气。33. T分析第三段可知,作者失去了自信心。34. F通过上下文得知,老师的问题意味深长,引人深思而不是难。35. F由最后一段可知作者又重新树立了自信心,而不是从座位上站起来了。(C)36. B由下文“没有必要隐瞒。当人们知道你是一个害羞的孩子时,他们会更好地理解你。”可知,要告诉人们你是害羞的。故选B。37. D本段主要讲述当你微笑的时候,人们认为你友好而且容易交谈。因此要尽量多微笑。故选D。38. C本段主要讲述了每次与别人首次交谈时,应该相信自己,不能灰心。故选C。39. looks angry40. 不要浪费时间来担心你的相貌或者担心人们是否喜欢你。第三部分 写作.(A)41. speech42. passport43. thoughts44. noise45. spirits(B)46. not watch 47. decision48. to learn49. to see50. playing. 51. Calm down52. smile at life53. think; over54. take turns 55. learn by himself. 参考范文:Not everything is interesting in life, but we still have to face them. Sometimes I feel worried when I make some silly mistakes in the exams. Sometimes I feel bored when my parents dont allow me to play. And sometimes I feel annoyed because I have so much homework to do. That kind of feeling is really bad. So I will do something different to relax myself or think about other things. For example, I can listen to the radio and some soft music. Besides, I often talk with my good friends. Then I become happy again. You can have a try!

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