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沪教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语教学质量检测(一)A卷一、 听小对话,请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)What will the weather be like this weekend? A . B . C . 2. (2分)听对话,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画( ) A . B . C . 3. (2分)How is Linda going to the cinema tonight? A . B . C . 4. (2分)When was Lucy born? A . B . C . 5. (2分)选出与所听句子意思相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 二、 听下面两段对话,每段对话后有两个或三个小题,请从题中所给的 (共2题;共10分)6. (6分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)Whats wrong with Tom? A . He cant find his schoolbag.B . He cant find his football.C . He cant find his math book.(2)What color is Toms schoolbag? A . Blue.B . Yellow.C . Black.(3)Whats in the schoolbag? A . An eraser. .B . An English book and some tennis balls.C . An English book and some ping pong balls.7. (4分)听第一段对话,回答问题 (1)How much is the girls T-shirt? A . About 14 dollars.B . About 40 dollars.C . About 44 dollars.D . About 4 dollars.(2)What are the speakers going to do? A . Go shopping.B . Have dinner.C . Watch a movie.D . Read books.三、 听一段独白,请根据内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)听短文,选择最佳答案 (1)What was Mr Lius story about? A . Ku Gong.B . Nu Wa.C . Hou Yi.(2)What did Lin Lin do after telling the story? A . She sang a song.B . She played the drums.C . She played the piano(3)What did Wu Lei do before the talk show? A . He drew a picture about the story.B . He danced to a piece of music.C . He dressed up as a magician.(4)What does Zhou Jie think of the story Little Women? A . Relaxing.B . Interesting.C . Educational.(5)What did Li Fang tell at the talk show? A . A history story.B . A love story.C . A science fiction story.四、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)9. (2分)Linda like _apples, and she has _apple every day. A . the; aB . /;aC . the; anD . /; an10. (2分)That is _ brother, _ name is Tom.A . my; hisB . his; herC . her; myD . his; my11. (2分)China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia. A . to; toB . in; toC . to; illD . ill; on12. (2分)My pants are . I want to buy a new pair. A . oldB . shortC . longD . small13. (2分)My mother planted lots of _ in the garden.They are yellow, white, red and pink. A . grassB . rosesC . trees14. (2分) Have you ever read the book Harry Potter? Yes, and I think its very . I want to read it again.A . boringB . boredC . excitingD . excited15. (2分)Lets have lunch at that new . The noodles there are delicious. A . hospitalB . restaurantC . theatreD . library16. (2分)Would you like to go shopping with me?Id love to, _I cant. I have a lot of homework to do.A . orB . butC . so17. (2分)Please keep it in that you must take the keys with you when you go out. A . bodyB . headC . mindD . mouth18. (2分)_ does Julie like giraffes?Because they are beautiful.A . WhenB . HowC . WhyD . Where五、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)19. (15分) If you are writing or studying, it makes much difference where the light comes from. People use1and pens every day. They have to be very careful about the way of the light because the light shines on their work.Every2 gets its light either from daylight3 the window4 from the lamps or electricity,5no matter what kind of light it is, the way it shines towards our books or work is very important to the eyes.Take a book and sit with your6 toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it7 for your eyes as if you were in a8 room.Now turn around and face the window. The page is9 shadow again, while the bright light is in your eyes.Try sitting with your10side toward the window. This is very good for11 , but if you were writing, the shadow12 fall across the page and bother you13.There is another way sit14 your left side to the window. Now everything is perfect for writing as well.Whatever kind of light is in the room, the rule about the right way to sit is15 the same.(1)A . eyes B . heads C . books D . hands (2)A . man B . woman C . house D . animals (3)A . from B . through C . into D . inside (4)A . and B . then C . as D . or (5)A . but B . until C . if D . when (6)A . side B . back C . body D . front (7)A . good B . bad C . useful D . clear (8)A . bright B . clean C . dirty D . dark (9)A . in B . into C . on D . to (10)A . front B . back C . left D . right (11)A . speaking B . reading C . writing D . studying (12)A . can B . may C . would D . will (13)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (14)A . by B . with C . against D . near (15)A . only B . never C . not often D . always 六、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)20. (10分) “I believe youre the right person to write an advice column (专栏) for the students called Dear Amy!Jenny, editor of the school newspaper, said to Andy, who finally agreed to accept the job if Jenny promised not to tell it to anyone else.At first it wasnt too bad. Most of the letters he received were interesting and quite easy to answer. Then came a letter from a person named Joe.“Dear Amy,” it began, “Im in real trouble. Ive wanted to be a songwriter all my life, but my parents dont even let me take music lessons. I have a guitar, but they both get angry if I play. Ive tried explaining, but they didnt listen. I feel sad. Should I run away from home? Maybe that will make my parents agree.” The letter signed “Joe”.Andy thought about this letter for a long time. Should he advise someone to run away from home? Probably not. But didnt Joe have a right to be a songwriter if he wanted to? Andy thought hard, but couldnt think out a good answer. Andy couldnt sleep. He just worried about poor Joe.At a bar a few days later, Eleanor, a girl in Andys maths class, sat down next to him and asked, “ Whats wrong with you? You look a little worried.”“I guess I do,” said Andy.“If you get a problem, why dont you try writing to Dear Amy about it?” asked Eleanor.Andy sighed. But Eleanor continued, “In fact, I guess Dear Amy is rather busy with other problems. She still hasnt answered the phony letter I wrote her last week. Youd better read it it may even make the most hard-hearted person cry! It was supposed to be from a songwriter named Joe.”(1)Andy might be _.A . an editor of the school newspaperB . a songwriterC . a maths teacherD . a doctor in the school(2)Its clear that Dear Amy _.A . helps students who want to run away from homeB . answers letters from the studentsC . writes songs for the studentsD . meets readers at a bar(3)It seemed to be easy for Andy to do the job until _.A . he changed his nameB . he received a letter signed “Joe”C . he met Eleanor at a barD . his name was well-known(4)In the letter Joe says that _.A . his parents dont know about musicB . his classmates dont understand himC . he would stay away from his parentsD . he would obey his parents(5)The underlined word “phony” means “_”.A . unrealB . boyishC . popularD . favourite21. (6分)I was in line waiting to pay. In line there were two people before me. A little boy was buying some rather strange clothes. He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that he was going to a kindergarten(幼儿园) party. He had done a great job of putting together interesting costumes.I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with change(零钱). It seemed that he had robbed his pig bank(猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was short after counting all the money. The boy thought for a moment and said, “Please keep the shirt and I will come back with more money. “It was clear that he had already used all the money he had and he was $ 8.00 short. The lady in front of me said, “Well, I could pay half of that. “I told the boy that I could pay the other half. We dug into our handbags. However, both of us only had ten-dollar bills(纸币) and we needed the cashier to get the change for us. Other shoppers began digging into their pockets to find some change. It was amazing and touching(令人感动的) as all these strangers seemed to react(反应) with the same mind. All wanted to be of help. Within minutes the cashier said, “I have too much money.” The cashier didnt need our ten-dollar bills. Then the lady in front of me, who had been the first to offer help, said, “Wait! I didnt even get a chance to give anything!”I smiled at her and said, “You did your share, because it was your idea and you started all this. “ The little boy smiled and thanked us. We wished him the best and he left. I was left with a good feeling. I had seen the love and goodness of others all around me. The woman in front of me smiled and said, “It sure feels good to give, doesnt it?” I smiled back and said, “Yes !”(1)What is this passage mainly about?A . Love and goodness.B . Culture and tradition.C . Friendship and honesty.D . Communication and understanding.(2)Why did the writer and the woman both feel glad?A . Because the boy had saved some money.B . Because they both didnt need to give anything.C . Because the cashier didnt look down on the boy.D . Because all the shoppers around were willing to help the boy.(3)Whats the correct order of the following events?a. The cashier got enough money for the boys shirt.b. The cashier counted the boys money.c. The shoppers looked for some change in their pockets.d. The boy went to the line to pay.A . b, a, c, dB . b, c, a, dC . d, b, c, aD . d, c, a, b七、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)情景对话,从下面方框中选出合适的选项补全对话A:_B:Because I have got the first prize in the English Competition.A: Congratulations. _And then we can have a party this Saturday.B: _Where shall we have this party?A: _B: When shall we start?A: _B: Ok. See you then.八、 连词成句 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)用所给的单词组成有逻辑的句子。 (1)are, and, tall, you, clever_.(2)at, those, look, yellow, rulers, thick_.(3)short, whose, pencils, are_?(4)exercise, me, your, show, book_.(5)egg, for, this, Liz, you, and, is_?九、 单词拼写 (共10题;共19分)24. (1分)Lu Xun, as a famous Chinese_(作家), is always remembered. 25. (1分)You look sad. Whats the m_? 26. (1分)Tomorrow is_(暖和的) 27. (1分)I have told you _ (not stay) up late. Its bad for your health. 28. (1分)The government will build a new_(桥)over the river. 29. (1分)Her uncle is_(三十) years old. 30. (1分)Rosa has a _(胃痛) and it hurts. 31. (10分)单词翻译。_n. 教科书 _n. 交谈 _adv.大声地 _n. 发音 _n. 句子 _ adj.&n.有耐心的,病人_n. 表情 _v. 发现 _n. 秘密 _n. 语法32. (1分)The_ (国王) ordered some people to build the tower. 33. (1分)You should take a _(照相机) for the trip. 十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)34. (5分)某英语教育网站正在开展主题为“What Should We Do When Strangers Ask Us to Provide Help?”的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据此用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点及理由。人数(百分比)是否帮助理 由超过 70%帮助助人为乐大约 30%不帮助害怕受骗我注意:短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;你的理由至少两条;词数:80 100;短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:欺骗 cheat短文首句: Recently our class has done a survey about what we should do when strangers ask us to provide help.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 听小对话,请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面两段对话,每段对话后有两个或三个小题,请从题中所给的 (共2题;共10分)6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、三、 听一段独白,请根据内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选 (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)19-1、六、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、七、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)22-1、八、 连词成句 (共1题;共5分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、九、 单词拼写 (共10题;共19分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)34-1、

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