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Unit8 单元测试题一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词 )( ) 1. A. than B. match C. maths D. grape( ) 2. A. worry B. kilo C. cold D. clothes( ) 3. A. fun B. run C. music D. just( ) 4. A. grow B. large C. change D. vegetable( ) 5. A. tables B. twins C. bikes D. bags( ) 6. A. christmas B. child C. much D. teach( ) 7. A. person B. father C. brother D. leather( ) 8. A. window B. flower C. now D. down( ) 9. A. ride B. write C. Friday D. ring( ) 10. A. what B. where C. which D. who二、根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空 1. The box of chocolate is ¥200. That is very _ (昂贵的)2. The Class 1,Grade 7 students are giving a _ (时装) show to raise money for Project Hope.3. The boots Sandy tries on are too small. They are not _ (舒适的).4. Look! My mother is wearing a pair of new _ (靴子).5. Id like to wear a _ (色彩亮丽的)swimsuit when Im swimming in the river.6. She dresses up herself _ (one) before she goes out.7. Millie tells us an _ (interest) story .8. How many pairs of _ (leather) shoes do you have?9. _ (final), I want to say something about your study.10. Simon is wearing a pair of _ (short)三、单项选择 1. I dont want to buy the same things. I want to buy _ things. A. only B. each C. another D. different2. Sorry, I dont have _ to do it. A. time enough B. enough time C. times enough D. enough times3. Dont make any noise , the students _ to music. A. are listening B. listen C. listening D. listens4. Oh, Kitty with her parents _ dinner there. A. is having B. are having C. is have D. are having 5. My cousin _ all day watching TV at home. A. takes B. costs C. pays D. spends 6. Id like _ some stationery _ the poor children in our school. A. buy; help B. to help; help C. buying ; helping D. to buy ; to help 7. She doesnt know _ A. what she can do it B. what to do it C. how to do D. how to do it 8. Daniel is _ his purse, but he cant _ it. A. seeing ; look for B. looking for ; find C. finding; look at D. looking at ; see 9. When you get on a bus , its polite to wait for _ turn. A. you B. yours C. your D. its 10. “ May I take this book out?” “No, you _ A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. arent 11. The white trainers are nice. Can I _? A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them 12. pocket money do you usually get every week? A. How many B. How long C. How D. How much 13. The tie matches the shirt _ , and they look _ together. A.well; well B. good; good C. well; good D. good; well 14. hundreds of people left their hometown for a new place. A. In 1860s B. In the 1860 C. In 1860s D. In the 1860s 15. He arrives _ 6:00 _ the morning of June 2nd. A. at; in B. at; on C. at; at D. in; on四、动词填空 1. My mother _ (look) for a new pair of shoes for me at the moment.2. Many people enjoy _ (watch) TV before they go to bed.3. What does she need _ (buy) for the party?4. I think you need a blue tie _ (match) your new shirt.5. Why dont you let him _ (stay) with us?6. We all hope _ (raise) enough money for the poor children.7. The girl, with her two brothers, dancing under the tree. (be)8. Thank you for _ (help) us find the restaurant.五、首字母填空 The students of Grade 7 at Sunshine School are having a fashion show in the Students Center. They hope to raise some money for the children in p_1_ areas. All of them are w_2_ clothes from different times (时期)。 Look! A tall boy is coming. Hes wearing a purple shirt and a pair of j_3_. They look c_4_ on him. Next comes my best f_5_, Simon. He is wearing white t_6_, a blue T-shirt and a pair of trainers. He looks smart and m_7_. I think he will be a great m_8_ when he grows up. After the show, Jenny is going to give a talk about r_9_ money for the poor children in the west. The students are going to c_10_ some stationery for them, too.六、阅读理解 A This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student seven things and asked their opinions(看法) about each thing. Some of their answers were interesting! Heres what the students in class 8 like: Jodie Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jordan says he cant stand(忍受) the scarf. “Its for old people!” he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Her best friend Ann Rice doesnt mind the watch, but she really likes the hair clip! Jerry Green likes the sunglasses. And the coolest thing was the belt! Everyone loved it!( ) 1. what does the writer do? A. A writer B. A teacher C. A student D. We dont know ( ) 2.How many things did the writer show to the students? A. Seven B. Eight C. Nine D. Six( ) 3. _ likes the key ring. A. Jodie Smith B. Jordan C. William Jones D. Ann Rice ( ) 4. Gina Taylor loves _ and her friend Ann Rice really likes_A. the wallet; the watch B. the watch; the hair clipC. the hair clip; the sunglasses D. the watch; the sunglasses( ) 5. What is the most popular thing to the students? A. The scarf B. The belt C. The watch D. The book B Now people are very busy. Children have lessons at school. Parents often work late. They dont have enough time to cook meals for their children. So fast food is very popular. Many people say they spend much money on fast food for themselves and for their children. We know some kinds of fast food, such as hamburgers and fried(油炸的) chicken. People usually buy fast food from restaurants like KFC and McDonalds. Eating fast food can save(节省) time, but it is not good for peoples health. American fast food companies(公司) now have restaurants all over the world. You can find KFC and McDonalds restaurants in China, Japan, Russia and many other countries. But when you eat fast food in a restaurant , please remember that besides(除了) time, you need health, too.( ) 1. Why do people often eat fast food?A. Because they are not good at cooking meals.B. Because their children have lessons at home.C. Because fast food is usually very nice.D. Because they dont have enough time to cook meals.( ) 2. Many people spend money on fast food for _A. their children B. themselves C. their friends D. A and B( ) 3. What is KFC?A. The name of a fast food restaurant. B. The name of hamburgersC. A mans name D. The name of chicken( ) 4. What can fast food help people do? A. It can help people keep healthy B. It can help people do more exercises C. it can help people save time D. It can help people save money( )5. What is the best title for the article (文章)? A. Fast food Restaurants B. KFC and McDonalds C. Fast Food D. How to Keep Healthy?七、完成句子 1. 她的衬衫与我的不一样。Her blouse _ the _ _ mine.2. 你的鞋子与你的牛仔裤很相配。Your clothes _ your jeans _ _.3. 这种食物儿童不宜吃。This kind of food _ _ _ children4. 桑迪的发型与我姐姐的不同。Sandys hair style _ _ _ my sisters.5. 这件T恤衫使他看上去很神气。This white T-shirt _ _ _ smart.6. 我不知道今天下午要做什么。I dont know _ _ _ this afternoon.7. 他认为我们的表演怎么样呢?_ does he _ _ our show?8. 我相信它们穿在任何人身上都很酷。Im sure they _ _ _ anyone.八、书面表达 根据提示,写一篇短文。字数60个左右。1. 在星期二,艾米的妈妈去一家新开的购物中心。2. 她想给艾米买一件衬衫和一双白色靴子。3. 衬衫是丝绸的,而靴子是皮革做成的。4. 艾米很喜欢穿这件衬衫,它看起来很漂亮。5. 她很感谢母亲。 参考答案一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词 1._D_ 2._A_ 3._C_4._A_ 5._C_ 6._A_ 7._A_ 8._A_ 9._D_10._D_二、根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空 1. expensive 2. fashion 3. comfortable 4. boots 5. colourful 6. first 7. interesting 8. leather 9. Finally 10. shors三、单项选择 1-5 DBAAD 6-10 DDBCA 11-15 CDCDB四、动词填空 1. is looking 2. wearing 3. to buy 4. to match 5. stay 6. to raise 7. is 8. helping五、首字母填空 1. poor 2. wearing 3. jeans 4. cool 5. friends 6. trousers 7. modern 8. model 9. raising 10. collect六、阅读理解 七、完成句子 1. isnt same as 2. match very well 3. isnt suitable for 4. is different from 5. makes him look 6. what to do 7. What think of 8. look cool on 八、书面表达 略资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647资料来源:英语教师俱乐部QQ:824560647

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