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Unit 1翻译技巧(一)翻译概述1. 把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。没有哪个政治体制是完美的;但是很多美国人都会告诉你,如果他们会嫉妒我们的一样东西的话,那就是我们英国传统的为期三周的大选,因为它的简洁就是一种仁慈-是对选民和政治家们双方的仁慈:他们拿它跟美国四年一度的总统选举中进行的那些耗时几个月的战争相比。2. 把下面的汉语段落翻译成英语。Someone has once prophesied that once cigarettes disappear from the surface of the earth, the whole world may be in chaos. This might be an exaggeration, but the danger of smoking should not be underestimated. Smoking is a curse affecting the whole globe. Lets put foreign countries aside. China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers often say that it would be more difficult for them to endure the suffering of two hours without smoking a cigarette than a day without having meals. Smoking pollutes the air and endangers the health, consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer greatly.Unit 2翻译技巧(二) 直译与意译1. 用直译法翻译下列的词语、惯用语和句子:(1)开胃酒(2)水果蛋糕 (3)童装(4)人工语言 (5)门铃(6)访问学者(7)走下坡路(8)扣帽子/加标签于某人(9)随大流(10)overtime pay(11)peanut oil(12)rice flour(13)academic journal (14)woman editor (15) evening paper (16)tear up by the roots (17)get in by the backdoor (18)paper tiger (19) 必须注意到,电流是与每次电阻减小成比例地增加的。(20) We will unswervingly implement the principle of “one country, two systems.2. 用意译法翻译下列的词语、惯用语和句子:(1)公共电话亭(2)公务员(3)社论(4)太平梯(5)消防站(6)妓女(7)耍花招(8)绕圈子/旁敲侧击(9)奉承某人/灌米汤(10)bell-bottom(11)waterproof(12)social butterfly (13)traffic light (14)pickings(15)poor-mouth(16)spout hot air (17)put on airs (18)overcharge(19)他决不会干这种事。(20)Rubber easily gives way to pressure.3. 把下列段落翻译成汉语。除此以外,女性还对当代男性存有一点点矛盾的期望强壮而又敏感,成功而又不那么物质化,会关心人而又很阳刚这种期待本身就是不可实现的。随着性别角色的转变,每件事情都充满了谈判,或者(如果愿意的话)是争执。Unit 3翻译技巧(三)增译与减译1. 翻译下列句子,注意对黑体词进行增译。(1)匪军所至之处,杀戳人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极。(2)马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(3)If winter comes,can spring be far behind?(4)ThreecobblerswiththeirwitscombinedequalZhugeLiang-themastermind.2. 翻译下列句子,注意对黑体词进行减译。(1)气压低,沸点就低。(2)他气得话都说不出来。(3)We dont retreat, and we never have and never will.(4)A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories and his conclusion.3. 翻译下列段落。山谷中,有一处村庄。傍晚时分,村庄很安静。村里的纳西人已经回家。牲畜被赶进了窝棚准备过夜。寂静村舍的山谷给人以和谐、共生的感觉,并不疏离。居住在山谷里的村民是惬意、满足的。他们不知道我在穿过山谷的几分钟前,坐在山顶,注视着他们的家园。从这幅画面,你能感受到居住在山谷里的满足感穿过傍晚绿色树林的层层树荫向上弥漫,等待着被橘黄色的落日遗忘。Unit 4翻译技巧(四)分译与合译1. 用分译法翻译下列句子。(1)母亲在谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可以理解的。(2)他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。(3)Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.(4)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their speedy economic development. 2. 用合译法翻译下列句子。(1)伤心旧事别重提。(2)某些金属具有导电和被磁化的能力。(3)Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle.(4)To me, my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king. 3. 翻译下列段落。恃强凌弱是古老的社会问题,始于学校的操场,通常会发展到公司会议室。它也许可以定义为“通过暴力或强迫对某人实施虐待”。这是长期不断重复的攻击性行为,是故意伤害并且是无缘无故就发生的,并不存在谁挑衅了谁。恃强凌弱也许是身体上的,包括诸如殴打、拳击和啐唾沫。或者,也可能是语言上的,如恫吓、谩骂、取笑、奚落、挖苦以及代人受过。它牵扯到至少两个人,一个是实施者,另一个是受害者。 Unit 5翻译技巧(五) 转译1. 对下列句子进行英汉互译,注意将黑体词进行词类转换。(1)她身体虚弱但思想健全。(2)在当时的美国,消除奴隶制是当务之急。(3)Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad(4)Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.2. 对下列句子进行英汉互译,注意将黑体部分的句子成分进行转换。(1)因为机械的缘故,工厂里出的产品比起以前价格便宜多了。 (2)雷达的工作原理和手电筒极为相同。 (3)He breaths smells of garlic. (4)Electrical productivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials.3. 对下列句子进行英汉互译,注意表达方式之间的转换。(1)有阳光就有阴影。(2)由于水灾,去年的收成减少了三成。(3)Is this your oldest / youngest child?(4)I have warned you a hundred times.4. 对下列句子进行英汉互译 ,注意语序之间的转换。(1)我们将来的家就是这个样子。(2)猎人们匆忙地走了。(3)Never have I heard of such a thing. (4)Rich as he is, he is not happy.5. 翻译下列段落。至少今天阳光明媚。我能看到从拉拢的窗帘的细小缝隙里透进的明亮的光线。到目前为止,还没有看到那只猫的踪影,那只欺软怕硬的猫,它威胁着我的生存。只要卧室的门打开一条缝,那只猫就想进来。它会靠近我的笼子,用爪子抓笼子的栅条。有时,我还庆幸有这讨厌的金属栅条。但现在,像那样的事情,我已经不在乎了。有时,我甚至希望那猫能把笼子的门抓开、用它邪恶的爪子一把抓住我,几口吞吃了,那样至少一切就可以结束了。Unit 6翻译技巧(六)词语的翻译(1) 指称意义与内涵意义1 在横线上填上适当的词:(1)water (2)mushrooms (3)sheet (4)sailor (5)cart (6)grass, oak (7)smoke,fire (8)thorn 2 汉译英:(1)heavy rain (2)strong tea (3) dutiful son (4) yinyuan (prefixed fate of marriage ) (5)fight a fire (6) Water-Splashing Day 7) iron rice bowl (8)Anti-Poverty Project (9) Economy Housing Project (10)a stick of sugar-coated haws 3 英译汉:(1) 中学 (2)爱管闲事的人 (3)竞选活动 (4)懒汉 (5)厕所 (6)愚弄人 (7)酒肉朋友 (8)苦果 (9)鸡皮疙瘩 (10)落地窗4 翻译下列段落。“罗德尼的储藏室里没有骷髅,算了吧。” “迪克没有什么改变吗,算了吧。” “让保罗驾机送我们到那去,算了吧。” 谁是罗德尼、迪克还有保罗?不用解释新西兰人就会知道。罗德尼是该国的一个政治人物。(书中的脚注说这个讽刺是针对议会最直言不讳的遏制津贴发放的人。)迪克是奥克兰市长。(这则广告发布于他当选后的六个月。)保罗是无线电广播节目名人,(他主持新西兰的一个名为新闻谈话的早间节目,)自己有架飞机坠毁过两次。每个国家都有和罗德尼、迪克还有保罗对等的人物。Unit 7翻译技巧(七)词语的翻译(2)词义的引申1. 英译汉,注意对划线词语进行词义的引申。(1)肯定是这种明显的无目的游逛使我倒了霉。(2)每个人都有自己的欢乐与悲哀。(3)说来话长啊,你问到我难以启齿的话题了。(4)人生有苦也有甜。(5)那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。2. 翻译下列段落。注意使用引申方法翻译划线部分。虽然破裂的婚姻各有其独特的情况,但我们还是能找到致使婚姻无法维持下去的共同因素,即常见的危险。凡婚姻都有其危机点,都要考验持久力,考验既能亲密相处又善应对变化的能力。外部压力,如失业、疾病、不育、抚育孩子、赡养年迈的父母,以及生活中其他种种烦恼,都会如飓风横扫海岸那样对婚姻带来打击。有些婚姻经受住了这些风暴,有些则不然。但婚姻失败并不是简单地由外部气候造成的,而是由于内部天气变得过热或过冷,变得过于狂暴或过于麻木造成的。 Unit 8翻译技巧(八)词语的翻译(3)专业术语的翻译1. 试用不同译法翻译以下术语。 (1)半导体(2)防火墙(3)经济仓(4)商务仓(5)往返票 (6)商务旅行(7)卡路里 (8)尼龙 (9)欧姆(10)凡士林 (11)黑客 (12)青霉素/ 盘尼西林(13)发动机/引擎 (14)话筒/麦克风 (15)夹板 (16)绳索 (17)轴承盖(18)底座(19)吊钩 (20)开度 2. 翻译下列段落,特别注意划线术语的翻译。(1) 根据来自美国计算机紧急预备队的数据,2008年针对美国政府计算机网络系统的网络攻击据报道增长了40%。去年哈特兰支付系统中1亿多信用卡账户的安全受损。11月,五角大楼遭受了全球电脑病毒或蠕虫病毒的网络攻击,病毒迅速蔓延到了许多军事网络系统,导致该机构禁止使用诸如闪存驱动和DVD这样的外部存储设备。(2) 与此同时,与过度使用化肥相关的环境问题已被大家所熟知,如地表和地下水的污染,土壤的酸化及氨的挥发。由于合成肥料是基于石油的产物,价格将会继续增高,它们的生产还将加大温室气体的排放。Unit 9翻译技巧(九)词语的翻译(4)习语的翻译1. 试用上述译法将下列英语习语翻译成汉语。 (1) 打个盹儿 (2)脖子疼(苦事) (3)反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) (4) 咬子弹(强忍痛苦)(5)破冰(打破僵局) (6)跨过线(做得太过分了) (7) 连体婴(死党) (8)勒住你的马(慢来) (9)踢水桶(翘辫子) (10) 玩得开心 (11)不进则退 (12)玉不琢,不成器(13)鱼与熊掌,不可兼得 (14) 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 (15)集思广益 (16)善有善报。2. 试用上述译法将下列汉语习语翻译成汉英语。 (1)as stubborn as a mule (2) beat around the bush (3)as poor as a Church mouse (4) like a bolt from the blue (5)to kill somebody by anothers hand (6)fan the flames; stir up trouble (7)draw cakes to allay hunger- feed on illusions (8)like a stone dropped into the sea-disappear forever; never to be seen or heard of again. (9)Put Zhangs hat on Lis head- attribute sth. to the wrong person or confuse one thing with another (10)to be crude and careless(11)Money makes the mare go.(12)Beauty lies in the lovers eyes(13)have a sharp tongue but a soft heart(14)not stop until one reaches ones goal; refuse to give up until all hope is gone (15)As you sow you shall mow. (16)Mind your own business.3. 翻译下列段落,特别注意划线术语的翻译。盎格鲁撒克逊白种新教徒的忠实捍卫者一弹未发就举起了白旗。一时间,各种门槛纷纷变低:曾经有限制的社区、之前精英人士专享的乡村城市俱乐部、原来精英白人开办的银行、律师事务所和投资公司,全没了门槛。一度势利的机构纷纷放宽条件、门户大开、销声匿迹。到今天,最接近于美国人过去所知道的贵族概念的,显然要数那位杂志广告中头发花白、个子矮小的犹太设计师拉尔夫劳伦。能与盎格鲁撒克逊白种新教徒自我去势的做法有得一比的莫过于英国人对帝国的放弃。二者可能都感觉到了此举的势在必行很可能的确如此但二者都因为放弃而遭削弱、不被喜欢、甚至被鄙夷。 在今天的美国,在政治正确的氛围里,盎格鲁撒克逊白种新教徒成了一个什么玩笑都可以拿它来开的群体,开了也不会怎么样。 Unit 10翻译技巧(十)词语的翻译(5) 国俗词语的翻译1. 翻译下列含有色彩的词。(1) 色情语言 (2) 出身高贵 (3) 亏损 (4) 险恶的谎言 (5) 卑鄙的人 (6) brown sugar (7) dirty look (8) dirty books (9) happy occasions of wedding or funerals (10)argot 2. 翻译下列含有数字的词语。(1) all corners of the land (2) talk nonsense (3) in two minds (4) a very ugly man(5) refuse to have anything to do with all ones relatives and friends(6) 处于狂喜状态中 (7) 打盹 (8) 最后一刻 (9) 高兴得飘飘然(10) 可能性很小3. 翻译下列含有动物的句子或习语。(1) 忍耐一下吧! (2) 来,别害怕! (3) 他是个智叟。 (4) 她丈夫脾气确实坏。 (5) 今天一点精神也没有。(6) being incongruous (7) Do not cast pearls before swine. (8) to wait for windfalls (9) beard the lion (10) to keep quite4. 英译汉。(1)比萨饼 (2)热狗 (3)不告而别 (4)唱诗班 (5)硅谷 (6)夏洛克(守财奴) (7)滑铁卢(惨痛的失败) (8)鳄鱼的眼泪 (9)疯牛病 (10)诺亚方舟5. 汉译英。(1) hot pot (2)double happiness (3)iron bowl(lifetime job) (4)playing mahjong(5)Ah Q (a soul winner) (6)to be besieged on all sides (7)deputy to the National Peoples Congress (8)IOUs (9)the other man or woman (10)personal nets6. 翻译下列段落。整个宇宙可以看作是阴阳的相互作用和变化。汉字“阴”最初是指月亮,“阳”是指太阳。阴阳的含义逐渐扩大延伸至夜晚为阴,白天为阳;冬为阴,夏为阳;女为阴,男为阳。实际上,没有什么事物不能从阴阳的角度来看待。Unit 11翻译技巧(十一)句子的翻译(1) 长句的翻译1. 用综合法翻译下列句子。(1) 在普林斯顿大学教学楼里,大理石壁炉上用德文刻着“上帝是难以捉摸的,但他绝无恶意”。这句话也可称作他(爱因斯坦)的科学信条。(2) 尽管警察已经接到命令,要做好准备以应付紧急情况,但人们不敢出门,因为警察也和其他人一样不知所措和无能为力。(3) In the first half of the 20th century, Shanghai was/ served as the industrial, trading, financial and commercial center of the country. It attracted many foreign investors as an Asian/Oriental/far east metropolis with mysterious history and thus became an adventures paradise. (4) The bone was broken and he had it in plaster, therefore, he couldnt even take the cart. He just had to sit in the village waiting for it to get better. I used to go to see him for a chat. Sometimes I would bring him some chicken or dog meat which Zhiqings stole from the peasants, cooked and give to me.2. 把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。1963年,克拉克科尔在哈佛大学戈德金讲座中做了系列讲座。他试图超越传统大学的概念,而提出了“多元巨型大学”这样一个术语。克拉克科尔说:十九世纪的大学是“一个有自己牧师的村庄”, 早期二十世纪的大学则是“知识寡头控制下的以一业为主的城镇。”Unit 12翻译技巧(十二)句子的翻译(2) 正反互译法1. 用正反互译法翻译下列句子。(1) They didnt stop talking until they fell asleep.(2) It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.(3) The fire left him no more than the clothes.(4) One cant convince anybody without adducing authoritative classics.2. 把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。我并不反对电视节目具有娱乐性,可问题是电视使得娱乐自身成为表现一切经验的自然方式。电视机虽然保持观众与世界之间不断进行交流,但观众看到的永远是张一成不变的笑脸。Unit 13翻译技巧(十三)句子的翻译(2) 虚实对译1. 用虚实对译翻译下列句子。(1) 偏爱一方,厚此薄彼(2) Publication of the draft plan touched off a lively discussion with everybody eager to put in a word.(3) 我简直是苦苦恳求,但他还是拒绝了。(4) He will get to the bottom of the matter.2. 把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。詹姆斯伯利是北卡罗来纳州杜克大学法学院的法律学者,他断言目前知识产权的增长完全就是第二次“圈地运动”。1819世纪英国的大量空地由大部分人使用,属于全体民众,不属于任何私人。在第一次圈地运动中,这些空地被圈了起来,几乎所有土地都成了私有财产。 Unit 14翻译技巧(十四)句子的翻译(4) 英语特殊句式的翻译1. 用there be 句型翻译下列句子。(1) Do you think there remains nothing to be done? (2) There came the angry voice of the manager from office. (3) There once occurred an earthquake in Shanghai. (4) There must be something wrong with this machine, for it doesnt work.2. 用独立主格翻译下列句子。 (1) In part of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.(2) The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back(3) She used to sleep with the windows open.(4) With Mr. Smith away, weve got more room3. 用强调句式翻译下列句子。(1) It will not be you who will have to take the blame for this.(2) It was Mary that Mr. Green gave a birthday present to.(3) Is it the end of 2001 that China joined WTO? (4) When was it that the tsunami struck the countries around the India Ocean? (5)4. 将下面的段落翻译成汉语。5. “哎呦,皮特!”太阳报上周悲哀地在它的头版而不是在尾页上一语双关。我们不但要容忍足球过早的回归,我们还得忍受足球双关语的过早回归。这些完全不得体的传统的双关语是怎么开始的?这仅仅是工人阶级的用语?难道我们真的相信工人阶级们会在哈姆雷特塔区的Dog & Whistle 酒吧里嘲笑“哎呦皮特”?Unit15翻译技巧(十五)句子的翻译(5) 汉语特殊句式的翻译翻译下列汉语特殊句式。(1) This was a viewpoint he would often talk about.(2) During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States, the kingdom of Chu occupied the largest territory and lasted over eight hundred years so that Chu Culture has become the most important component of Chinese Culture. (3) You had better have this machine repaired by the end of this month.(4) The heat of weather makes one unable to sit still.(5) The trip tired me out.(6) China is now implementing the policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy.(7) The two of them joined in making things difficult for me.Unit 16翻译技巧(十六)文本的翻译(1) 英语商贸信函的翻译请按照上述信函翻译要求试将下列几例翻译成汉语(1) 如蒙告知你们客户中你们认为可靠的进口商号的名称和地址,并附来他们的资信简报将 十分感谢。(2) 兹随函附上商品小册子和价目单各一份,以便你公司了解我公司可供出口棉布的概况。一接到贵公司的具体询价将立即航邮寄去我公司的报价单和样本。请迅速答复为谢。(3) 中国云南省昆明市北京路275号比尔盖茨(4) 兹向贵方作一介绍,本公司为出口商行,专门经营欧洲大陆商品销往东方市场的业务,迄今已45年有余,可谓精通远东贸易。本公司愿为贵方服务,提供贵方感兴趣的欧洲大陆商品。Unit 17翻译技巧(十七)文本的翻译(2) 简历的翻译把下面的表格式简历翻译成英语NamePaulaSexFemale Age 44Telephone numberxxxxxxxMobile phonexxxxxxxxxxxE-mailssss112126.comAddress118890, Beijing Road, KunmingEducational background1979 - 1983 had studied specialty of bio-chemistry at east china science university, obtained a bachelors degree.1992 - 1993 had studied Japanese language ataJapanese language school.1994 - 1996 had studied at pharmaceutical research institute of Beijing university of TCM, obtained a masters degree.Career experience1983 - 1992 had been the person-in-charge of a subject research project of gene engineering institute, shanghai xxx pharmaceutical factory.1993 - 1994 had been a visiting scholar at pharmaceutical research institute of Kobe Gakuin university, Japan1996 - 1999 had been a Chinese marketing manager of medicine and food additives division of a famous big-sized Japanese company.2000 - 2002 had acted as the general manager of shanghai technology co. ltd. (an individual-owned company)June 2002 - now has acted as a senior manager of medicine manufacturing division of a big-sized groupenterprise in “china xx group corp.”Language and computer abilitiesFluent in Japanese, quite good English and being a native speaker of mandarin and shanghai dialects.Skillful in using various office-running software and can use internet information resource at ease.Professional overviewEight years experience of engaging natural medicine projects from the stages of research and development to putting them into production in state-owned research institutions. Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines.Unit 18翻译技巧(十八)文本的翻译(3) 摘要的翻译请把下面两个中文摘要翻译成英语。1. On the Housing Development of the United States in the 20th CenturyAbstract: In this dissertation, an attempt is made to discuss how the Federal Government of the United States has endeavored in different ways at different stages during the 20th Century to fulfill its commitment to provide “a decent home as well as a comfortable living environment for every American family”. The study, from the perspective of housing industry, includes an analysis of the impact on the Americas housing policies and the related strategies brought about by the major events which happened in the past decades, such as wars, social riots, economic depressions and inflation. Some proposals are also made concerning the contemporary housing reforms in China for making use of Americas past experience in this aspect.Key words: social riots, economic depressions, inflation, development, housing policy2. The Body Design is of Great Importance in Bus DesignAbstract: On the basis of comparing traditional and modern design methods, the authors of this paper illustrate the research they have made on the integrated design method of bus body modeling, finite element analysis of parts, interior ornaments and color design which satisfies the requirements of the modern design method. This research helps to increase the relativity of different design phases for the realization of good cooperative design.Key words: modeling of bus body; finite element analysis; interior ornaments; color design

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