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译林版五下英语期中模拟考试 班级_ 姓名_得分_听力部分(30分)一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(听两遍,10分)( ) 1. A. term B. them C. time( ) 2. A. near B. need C. here( ) 3. A. sing B. swimming C. slide( ) 4. A. metro B. moon C. mouse( ) 5. A. take off B. take on C. take out( ) 6. A. try B. tree C. train( ) 7. A. before B. because C. beside( ) 8. A. bathrooms B. mushrooms C. bedrooms( ) 9. A. get on B. get to C. put on( ) 10. A. turn right B. traffic light C. on your right二、 根据所听问句,选择正确的答句。(听两遍,5分) ( ) 1. A.Because I feel hot. B. Because its my birthday today. C. Yes, I am.( ) 2.A.Its Cinderellas. B. Theyre Cinderella. C. Theyre Cinderellas.( ) 3. A.Yes, there is. B. Theres a playground in our school. C. There are two pianos in the music room( ) 4. A. He should go to bed early. B. She should go to bed early. C.They should go to bed early. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, you arent. C, Yes, we are.三、听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的答句。(听两遍,5分)( ) 1. How do they get to the bookshop? A.Take a metro. B.Take a train. C. Take a taxi. ( ) 2. Is there a cinema near Wang Bings house? A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, there is. C. No, there isnt. ( ) 3. How does the boy get to the library? A. Go along this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. B. Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights. C. Go along this street. Turn left at the traffic lights and then turn right.( ) 4. Why is Mike so sad?. A. He has no nice coat. B.He has to finish his homework. C. He has an old bike. ( ) 5. What does the woman do? A. Shes a nurse. B. Shes a policewoman. C. Shes a teacher. 四、听录音,补全对话。(听三遍,10分)1 dont you your jacket? Im not hot.2Does Mr Green our school? No, he lives far here.How does he come to work? On .3Whats with you? I have a .笔试部分(70分)五、单词辨音(5分)( ) 1. A. clothes B. off C. on( ) 2. A. station B. ask C. make( ) 3. A. stop B. sure C. shoes( ) 4. A. train B. trousers C. drink( ) 5. A. think B. there C. these 六、英汉互译(10分)新课 标 第 一 网1.沿着月亮街步行 2.到达医院 3. 看牙医 _ 4.感觉又冷又饿 5.下地铁 6.好好休息 7. point at his long neck 8.show her new dress to me 9.The bus is full. 10. turn left at the traffic lights _ 七、选择题。(15分)( ) 1. Its late, she _ go to work by taxi.A. wants to B. has to C. having to( ) 2.How _ your uncle _ to the park? A. does, goes B. do, going C. does, go( ) 3. I dont have _ nice clothes _ shoes.A. some, and B. any, and C. any, or( ) 4. The man _ young.A. look B. looks C. looking ( ) 5. Many girls _on the shoe, but it only _ Cinderella.A. try, fit B. tries, fits C. try, fits( ) 6.I usually have lunch at school, but my brother_. A. dont B. isnt C. doesnt( ) 7.-How do I _City Cinema? -You can_by metro. A.get to; take B.get; get C.get to;go( ) 8. Can you _your bike _me? A. show, for B. show, to C. showing, with ( ) 9. Let help .A. me, your B. him, them C. us , their( )10.Oh, your coat is wet. . A.Take off it b.Try it on c.Take it off( ) 11.Whats wrong _? A. with him B. with he C. with she ( ) 12.I cant eat _. A. anything B. something C. any ( ) 13.You should brush _ teeth. A. you B. me C. your ( ) 14. She _ see _ doctor. A. goes; the B. goes to; / C. goes to; the ( ) 15. Why _ he _ a toothache? A. is; has B. does; has C. does; have 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Su Yang likes _(help) her friends with their English.2. My sister is ill. She should_ (have) a rest at home.3. How _she _(come) to school?4. Helen has many bad _(tooth).5. Do you want_(take) a bus?6. Would you like_(show) me your new toy?7. Can you_(pick) mushrooms in the forest?8. Cinderella _(have) to go back home before twelve oclock.9. Hes happy _(drink) some warm water.九、根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。(10分) 1.对不起,我得走了。 Sorry, I go now.2.萨姆喜欢读故事和看电影。 Sam likes stories and films.3.大卫住在公园街,他坐地铁上学。 David_ _ Park Street. He goes to school_ _.4.-你为什么不和我们一起去看电影呢?-因为我今天应该在公交车站台等爷爷。- dont you _the cinema us? -Because I should _ my grandpa _the bus _today.5.在城市图书馆上地铁,然后在公园站下车。 _the metro at City Library Station,then _at Park Station.十、按要求改写句子,每空一词。(5分) 1. We go to school by bus. (改为同义句) We _ a bus _ school.2. She comes to school by taxi.(对划线部分提问) _ _she _ to school?3 .Andrew lives in a big city of London.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Andrew _ ?4. Go along this street.(改为否定句)_ _ along this street.十一、根据实际情况回答问题,要求回答完整。(5分)1,In Unit1, where is the party?_.2,In Unit2, does Su Hai come to school by bus?_.3,In Unit4,Whats wrong with Mike?_.4,How do I get to the zoo?(沿着这条街一直走,然后左转。)_.5,Are you late for school today?_.十二、阅读理解。(10分) (A)阅读文章,判断正误 (正确的用T错误的用F)(5分) Li Ming and his friends go to his uncles home. Li Mings uncle lives on a farm near Nanjing. Its a beautiful and big farm. Li Mings uncle shows them a lot of photos about his farm at first. There are many cows, chickens, ducks and fruit trees on the farm. Li Ming and his friends pick a lot of pears, apples and oranges. It is very hot. But the boys still have a good time on the farm.( ) 1.Li Ming and his parents go to his uncles home.( )2.Li Mings uncle lives in Nanjing.( )3.The farm is beautiful and big.( )4.There were many cows, chickens, ducks and fruit trees on the farm. ( )5.They are very happy.(B)阅读下列短文,选出正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分)Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same(相同的) way. This morning, when he is reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him says “Hello” to him and begins to talk to him. “Your life is not interesting, is it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr Smith says angrily(生气地).“Because I always sit in the same seat(座位) behind you,” the man answers.( ) 1. Mr Smith works _. A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country( ) 2. He comes back home from work _. A. by ship B. by bus C. on foot D. by train( ) 3. When he is on the train, Mr Smith often _. A. reads books B. reads a newspaper C. talks to others D. listens to others( ) 4. Mr Smith _. A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books C. doesnt like the man. D. has much money( ) 5. The man knows Mr Smith because _. A. he is Mr Smiths good friend B. they work in the same factory C. he sits behind Mr Smith on the same train every day D. they live in the same village

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